
My words are filling at the tub



6 Years
01-02-2016, 06:22 PM

So. Time had passed - and far as he was concerned he had dropped from wolves memories. Tired and hungry it had been too far within his own mind that he took a step back on his decisions. Broken hearts only spoke in so many few words, bodies and graves were all the living cared about it seemed. Liar's eyes didn't exactly show an easy emotion, the usually straight faced male had been thinking a majority of his time away. Only to come back with the realization the land had changed, his cousin lost among the dead. She was struck down by the leader who seemed foolish enough to believe he was the stronger of the few. In the short amount of time observing the blood tainted male, he wouldn't even keep him as a subordinate at best.

Liar stopped among the border, his sad expression letting a sigh leave his lips. These wolves were far different from himself - and with that note Surreal and he not entirely had the best of relationships. However a man of his words as it was he wanted to see if she was doing okay. If her mate himself was doing well and her children on top of that. It was the voice of a broken man entirely, after hoping and praying that his family was still around. Only to find carcasses strewn out on the side of a river from a bear attack. If only..... if only he had been there to defend what was his. Those things so preciously important to him - and this land was filled with harsh fighters much like his father was. She seemed to be doing well considering the scent here was of her own pack. She had reached a prime goal in her life, and while he was unsure of what he was going to do. He wasn't sure if she'd ever even consider accepting him even if that was a possibility.

For now until he decided what his next decision would be, perhaps he was looking for the rare amount of nobility he had within his blood. If Arian deemed her worthy enough to be part of the family - maybe it was that he had reminded her of someone. He sincerely hoped that she was enjoying her time with the gods. He dipped his head - respect for the dead no matter their actions in life. Finally raising his voice he called for Surreal.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
01-11-2016, 04:27 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Life was settling into a routine, by now, even if it wasn't very long since Celestial was begun. Beyond the memory of who all had chosen their ranks, and had chosen to stay, Surreal tried not to remember more than that. Because if she did, her heart would break even more. A howl broke her from her thoughts before they could turn fully to that painful track, and she readily attacked the new subject, whirling and breaking off into a lope. She came into sight within a few moments, and slowed as she saw the familiar form of Liar.

Her head and tail rose, ears pressing forward in a clear sign that she was the ruling power in these lands as she trotted forward and stopped a foot within the borders, mismatched eyes sweeping over his frame, expression reserved. Finally, she spoke, her voice nuetral, if slightly cool. "Liar." It was a simple greeting, but spoke volumes. Why are you here? What do you want? But the unspoken questions lurked within the greeting. Thus far, she was unaware of Arian's demise. When the suicidal challenge for Sin's life had been raised, Surreal had been ill, and sleeping, and none had come to tell her of her niece's death. None had told her that her little boy had been witness to the barbaricy. No one had told her that this was the reason behind her son's heartbreaking behavior. Or at least one of the reasons.

Her posture held confidence, and she had no doubt that she could handle Liar if he forgot his promises and caused trouble, whether from his own choices, or by some strange blip in his mind.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years
01-11-2016, 09:21 AM

Her single word gave note he still was held under suspicion. Which was good - distrust was the best of weapons. A few had gotten caught in his teeth that way and while he was an odd male he never went back on his word. His heart as a jumping frog when it came to what he was doing. Never having any freedom probably led to that bad habit. The ends of his tail twitched slightly, he couldn't help but to let out a relieved set of breath out. The subtle difference in his emotions from ice breaking, then again he was also in a vulnerable spot. Liar had to be careful, because perhaps she was not aware yet that Arian was dead.

"I see you are physically well." his monotoned voice would hit the air. "Pardon my intrusion, you must be busy with alpha duties. However I felt the need to see how you were doing..... and I was wondering if you were aware of recent events happening outside of your pack." While he was not there himself - if he had been. The male no doubt probably would have snapped at the previous king. Liar loved bloodshed - but he disliked seeing bodies and death. "Arian has passed - Sin killed her." what was important was that Surreal knew. Was aware of the situation and in which he knew nothing beyond that. "I had left previously to search for my wife and daughter - I apologize I wasn't there to stop him." his voice strained ever so slightly. Green eyes would carefully obverse her. He'd known those in the past to act out in anger to this information, after all they hat met on bad terms. Though his view on death was probably the same as his cousin.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
01-18-2016, 08:28 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Her cool expression didn't waver at his words, neither warming, nor hardening. Instead, she let him speak. She could sense the vulnerability; as any wolf could. It was part of the predator's nature, to sense the vulnerable and the weak. She could just hear his heart leaping in his breast, a sign of nerves, or some strong emotion repressed. Her stance remained guarded, paws squared, posture dominant.

However his next words caused a crack in the cold mask. Arian? Dead? And by Sin's paws, no less? What had happened? When had this happened? The racing thoughts whirled in her mind, a dizzying blur of confusion, anger, pain, and a sense of rising grief. Would it be different if she had taken action sooner? Her posture never wavered, but the flash of emotion across her face, quickly buried under the cold mask once more, was enough to tell that the news had struck hard.

"What will you do now?" She forced her voice to remain level, keeping a steel leash firmly in paw on her emotions. She wouldn't lash out in anger, not unless he gave her a good reason. "Will you avenge her?" Someone had damned well better kill that bastard before she got her paws on him, because she wouldn't be showing mercy if she ever met the bloodstained piece of carrion in the flesh.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years
01-19-2016, 01:18 PM

A solemn sigh would leave his lips, thank the heavens she was not one of those wolves. He could assume that she wasn't run on such things anyway. Surreal had her own path and her own way of doing things just as he did. Even if they couldn't connect on that level, it almost felt as if there was chipping away at the ice. His green eyes looked at her carefully, and when she spoke Liar would be quick to shake his head in response. "It wouldn't mean much if I did it, she was only a little over a stranger." family or not he hardly knew the woman. He didn't have the right to self proclaim he was avenging her. Aside from that, he was certain many were after sin's head.

"I'm not sure what I'm doing yet. I discovered my wife and daughter slaughtered by a bear. Fault on my part for not being where I was supposed to be. So... I'm mourning and wandering around until I find my bearings again." his tail flicked slightly. "If it were you fighting Sin - I know for certain that you would win." there was no telling the fate of a fight. However to place his bets on the woman was the only way he knew how. This world was eat or be eaten, but at least even he had a small sense of morality even though his father was a cruel man.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
01-25-2016, 08:51 PM
Surreal Adravendi

His answer brought a soft hiss from the Archangel. "Familiar or not, she was family." But she listened to his retoric about finding his family slaughtered. If it were anyone else, she might have offered him a place in the pack. But she didn't trust Liar. For one, he'd run with Sin, the very wolf they were discussing. The very wolf that had killed her niece. What must Epiphron be going through?

His suggestion that if she were the one to fight Sin there would be little doubt of her success brought a raised brow point from the Archangel. "I am no fool. However, if he ever crosses my path, I will not let him escape without at least a missing body part. I have a pack to lead and protect. For now, lost family or no, I have them to think about." But if Sin wasn't dealt with by another by the time she was ready to leave the world, she and he would dance on the field of battle, unless he crossed her path sooner in life.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years
01-27-2016, 01:25 PM

Surreal didn't seem to understand, if he went to seek revenge for Sin. Many of the adravendi's would tell him he had no right. No doubt Arian's children would loath him for even considering to force himself into their lives. His lime green eyes would look at her - she was smart, but still on another spectrum of the personality wise. It never meant that they would not get along - even if he had stepped on her toes. He had kept a promise towards her and that promise still stood even if she chose to never use it. Even if she had offered her home to him, it was far too luxurious for him. He simply would be floating along in a kingdom where he did not feel he belonged.

"He's likely not to leave my sight with a few scars as well." he let a smile crack through his exterior. Dipping his head towards the woman. "I'll be remaining in alacritis, should you need me I am a call away. I do not break promises." he tail flicked mildly. As he went to turn away, he would seek more information out elsewhere. Unless she stopped him which he highly doubted that she would take the time to waste on a man like him.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
02-01-2016, 10:11 PM
Surreal Adravendi

The Archangel nodded at his statement, and took note of his information. He;d be around, within calling distance. It was unlikely that she'd need him for anything, but she did make a note of it in the unlikely event that she would need to call. As he turned, she stood, watching his form. "Walk safely."

She turned away from the border, padding into her territory, working over what she had learned in her mind. Arian, dead. By Sin. She needed to see Pip, check on the rest of the family, but she also needed to ensure Celestial was fully rooted and training to fight off raids and possible sieges. There was the matter of her possibly Legionaries needing to be tested. With no other high ranking wolves other than herself, Kavdaya, Falk, and Regulus, she was the one that would be doing these spars, it seemed.

Because you never knew when the world would come crashing down, she needed them to be strong and ready.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.