
Curiousity Will Be The Death Of Me


02-04-2016, 10:46 AM

Bernadette would breathe in. The gorge was not an easy place to live, but that merely made the Yfir wolves strong. Bernie would yawn, shaking out her coat. Winter had come to an end, and with it came the floods of spring. Though she lived in the North even here the snow had become more like slush. But at least here in the gorge, perhaps due to the wind, there was less of it and more mud. It made hunting for herbs a pain -- not that Bernadette was particularly interested in the properties of the herbs herself. They were to be a gift... After all she had noticed that the Thrall, Hani was it? Seemed to like chewing on different plants.

Perhaps it was weak to do so but Bernadette decided she was going to be nice to the Thrall. At least for today. She was curious about her, how she’d come to be here. Bernadette had learned the best way to make someone talk was to show them kindness, perhaps even give them a gift. So that was what she had spent the better part of patrol the previous day doing. She would gather the herbs up now and start towards Hani’s den. She had carefully cleaned the herbs at the end of her patrol and now they were perfect for the gift she intended to give.

The female would stop before the den of the Thrall, setting the herbs down. “Hey. Got a gift for you.” She called in, hoping she hadn’t already missed the woman. What did a Thrall do during the day anyway? Seemed like a... Well, she certainly didn’t want to be one anyway.