
I'm itching



9 Years
02-01-2016, 01:41 AM
Knowing what was happening within Fiori right now made Xeph;s blood boil for a little scrap. The pack he'd been trying to join was being challenged for; what were the chances? He wasn't sure what the outcome would be, so his future was on hold for now. The worst part was he couldn't even fight with them. All could hope to be was a spectator, so he hadn't bothered to go to the battlefield to watch - he'd rather be an active participant than someone on the sidelines. He knew he would hear news of it afterwards anyways. For now, he wanted his own fight.

So, despite avoiding the area of the challenge, he still found himself at the battlefield. His claws itched to test his skills. Had he improved at all? He wasn't sure, but he knew there was just one way to find out - he would pit himself against another. Taking a deep breath, he howled, calling out to an opponent in order to test himself. He wasn't sure who would come, but he hoped it would be more than worthwhile.



9 Years
02-02-2016, 03:48 PM

 The man had once again left Borealis lands and his new alpha so that he could better himself. Not just for his alpha and pack but for Akemi and their future pups. When he had wandered away, the plan had been to work on his hunting and tracking skills, it altered when he heard the call for an opponent.

For a momen Ravine wondered if he should just keep going about his business. Just act as though he hadn't heard anything. His reasons behind this thought process were than he had just been mad at Akemi not too long ago for fighting, or rather for letting her anger get the better of her. The other was because he wasn't any good at fighting and didn't like it much either. Not to mention he didn't want to be a hypocrite.

When he started toward the call it was because he had decided this would be mo more than a spar, a practice if you will. He merely hoped that Akemi would be proud of him for trying to learn how to better protect her and their future pups. He would definitely talk to her about it when he returned home.

As he drew close to the other man, Ravine would speak up. "If this is just a spar, Im willing to be your opponent. I need to use every opportunity I can to get better." and he was right. With Borealis being so small and their Alpha so young, Ravine couldnt pass up the opportunity to become a better warrior for his friends and family.




9 Years
02-04-2016, 12:46 AM
Finally someone would approach, responding to his call for a spar. And he just so happened to recognize the male from their short time in Sonticus, although he wasn't sure if the man would remember him. However, he wouldn't say anything of it, choosing to remain quiet as Ravine spoke up. He nodded to the brute. "Just a friendly spar," he confirmed in monotone, slowly shifting himself into a ready stance. He was eager to get started.

He prepared his defenses, feeling a little rusty as he did so. His paws shifted until they were equal distance apart, legs bending to bring him closer to the ground. Shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched up and head lowered to keep his throat protected. The hair along his neck, shoulders and spine rose to create a buffer against his opponent's teeth, tail straightening to align with the spine to afford him extra balance. His ears folded back, silver eyes narrowed and the skin of his muzzle wrinkled up to protect his face. He was ready.

He started forward at a careful pace, head on, picking up speed as he attempted to close the distance between himself and Ravine. When he was sure he was close enough (within 3 ft.), he veered drastically to his left, trying to line himself up to be head on with Ravine's right side. Shifting his weight to his hindquarters, Xeph lifted his right forepaw and tried to send it crashing down on the other man's right forepaw with the hope of spraining some toes. Then with the strength of his hind legs, he tried to spring forward, intending to collide with Ravine. Aiming the bony front part of his right shoulder toward the muscle of Ravine's shoulder, directly above the elbow joint, he hoped to leave a mild bruise.

Hoping he'd connected with his shoulder thrust, he would then turn his head to his right while tilting it just slightly left, parting his jaws wide. He intended to bite into the upper portion of Ravine's right shoulder, where the shoulder met with the scruff. His upper canines aimed to dig into the very top of the shoulder, just a few inches away from the spine, while the lower canines tried to close on a clump of scruff just along the bone-line where the scruff lined the edge of the shoulder. He hoped to leave moderate punctures and gain a solid grip, but he was prepared for the fact that the tables may turn and he'd have to adjust his strategy. That's why he was here, to practice the ever changing art and dance of real battle.

Xephyris vs Ravine || Spar || 1/2



9 Years
02-04-2016, 01:58 AM

 Ravine would give a small nod as Xephyris confirmed that this would just be a friendly spar. Good, he wouldnt get in any trouble with his wife over a friendly practice, would he? All he was worried about was upsetting Akemi. He could care less weather he won this spar or not, either way would be a lesson for him.

As Xeph dropped his stance and set uo his defences so to would Ravine. He would lower his stance bend his knees, splay his toes and hold his tail even with his spine for balance. His ears would lay flat and his eyes narrowed to help protect his eyes. He would lower his head and scrunch tthe scruff on the back of his neck to make both the top and under side of his neck a harder target.

The dark man watched carefully as the other male drew closer, first at a slow pace and then faster. As Xephyris moved to his right (Xeph's left) Ravine would attempted to move with him just in time to pick up his front right paw. Instead of getting his paw crushed all he would get was a few welts from the other mans claws on his right front ankle. The moment his paw hit the grownd was the same moment that their shoulders would collide and give Ravine a bruise and causing him to take a step back. Seconds after the collision, Xephyris teath would sink into flesh leaving punctures boththe peak of his right shoulder and in the fatty roles of his scruff. The other male had gotten more scruff than shoulder.

Ravine would wince in pain just before making his own attack. Quickly he would bend his neck to his right, open his jaws wide and tilt his head sidways to attempt to bite down pn Xephyris right front foreleg just below his elbow. He hoped to make it very difficult for Xeph to use (stand on) his front right leg for this spar.

Round 1 of 2 for spar

Defence: lowered his stance bend his knees, splay his toes and hold his tail even with his spine for balance. His ears would lay flat and his eyes narrowed to help protect his eyes. He would lower his head and scrunch tthe scruff on the back of his neck to make both the top and under side of his neck a harder target.

Attack: Bent his neck to the right, tilted his head, opened his jaws and attempted to bite down of Xephyris front right leg just below the elbow in an attempt to make it hard for Xephyris to use (stand on)

Injuries: minor welts to his right front ankle,  a minor bruise to his right shoulder and minor punctures to the very top of his shoulder and the lower part of his scruff.




9 Years
02-05-2016, 01:26 AM
He'd only leave a few small welts on the front of Ravine's right ankle as the male lifted the target paw out of the way. No matter, for he managed to connect with his shoulder thrust, leaving a mild bruise on Ravine's shoulder. Next his jaws would close on the other man's scruff, right near the shoulder where he'd aimed for. His canines left moderate punctures. Success! But seconds later he would feel Ravine's jaws clamping onto his right foreleg, leaving moderate punctures just below the elbow. He felt the nerves in his legs go temporarily numb from the pressure, and the toes of his forepaw began to tingle.

Unable to hold weight on the foreleg, he shifted his weight to his hind legs again. He was going to have to adjust to try to get Ravine to let go and gain a better advantage over the man. Xephyris released his hold on the man's scruff and began to reset his defenses; bending the joints in his legs to better distribute his weight, splaying his toes for balance and tucking his tail defensively. His ears remained folded, eyes stayed narrowed and muzzle wrinkled to protect his face and expose his teeth. His scruff was bunched up around his neck, hackles bristling and chin tucking to cover his throat.

Using his hind legs again, he tried to thrust himself forward, this time aiming to ram the front of his chest, the wide part between his forelegs, into Ravine's right shoulder. He aimed for the same part he'd struck with his shoulder earlier, the meaty part of the shoulder, hoping to widen that bruise into something more severe. Simultaneously, he would try to thrust his right foreleg swiftly further into Ravine's jaws, hoping to sprain the man's lower jaw. If successful, then Ravine's teeth would also leave moderate lacerations, but it would be worth it if he could get him to let go.

He would then crane his neck to his right and tilt his chin down, parting his jaws once more to attempt a final attack. His upper jaw would try to reach around to the left side of Ravine's neck behind the left ear, directly behind the man's head, the lower jaw aiming for the right side behind Ravine's right ear. He was attempting to grab a mouthful of Ravine's scruff, intending to leave moderate punctures and gain the upper hand by limiting the other wolf's movement.

Xephyris vs Ravine || Spar || 2/2



9 Years
02-06-2016, 05:34 PM

  Xephyris' shift in weight was all Ravine needed to know that he had temporarily made it hard for the other man to put weight on his right foreleg. Instantly Ravine would move to reset all of his defenses. His ears layed flat, his eyes narrowed and his shoulders rolled forward. His base would re-widen as his knees bent and his toes splayed for balance while his tail was held out to aid in said balance.

In the same moment Ravine had opened his mouth to go after another part of Xephyris, the other man had rammed his chest into Ravine's already bruised shoulder causing tge bruise to darken and get bigger while also forcing him to take a step to his left. Simultaneously, Xephyris right foreleg was shoved back into Ravine's mouth. His upper and lower lips would split open on impact. His lower jaw, though not dislocated, would still make chewing and bitting quite painful for a while. Seconds after Xephyris would bight down on the top left side of his neck, once again getting mostly scruff because of how Ravine had his neck bent and head tilted.

Quickly Ravine would try to reclamp his jaws down on Xephyris' right foreleg, though it took eveything he had not to wimper at himself for opening and closing his mouth. If he managed to regain his purchase on the other man's leg then Ravine would shake as hard as he could to cause more damage, even though he knew he would just cause himself a bit more pain.

Round 2 of 2 for spar

Defence: His ears layed flat, his eyes narrowed and his shoulders rolled forward. His base would re-widen as his knees bent and his toes splayed for balance while his tail was held out to aid in said balance.

Attack: Quickly Ravine would try to reclamp his jaws down on Xephyris' right foreleg, though it took eveything he had not to wimper at himself for opening and closing his mouth. If he managed to regain his purchase on the other man's leg then Ravine would shake as hard as he could to cause more damage

Injuries: minor welts to his right front ankle,  a larger more severe bruise to his right shoulder and minor punctures to the very top of his right shoulder and the lower part of his scruff. More minor punctures to the upper left side of his scruff


The Judge


03-30-2016, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2016, 07:19 PM by The Judge.)

Xephyris vs Ravine for SPAR



- “Shifting his weight to his hindquarters, Xeph lifted his right forepaw and tried to send it crashing down on the other man's right forepaw with the hope of spraining some toes. Then with the strength of his hind legs, he tried to spring forward, intending to collide with Ravine.” I am a little confused with this one. I think it would have been better if he tried to collide first before he slammed his paw, otherwise he is stopping his momentum to slam his paw first. That would stop his collision from having much of an impact. -2
Total: 8

- “When he was sure he was close enough (within 3 ft.),” Must be attempted. -2
Total: 8

Legs equal distance apart, legs bent, shoulders rolled, head aligned with spine, hackles raised, tail aligned with spine, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, snarling lips.
Total: 9

+ 2 paw slam + severity
+ 1 shoulder slam
+ 3 bite to upper shoulder
Total: 6

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 41/50


- “Ravine would attempted to move with him just in time to pick up his front right paw. Instead of getting his paw crushed all he would get was a few welts from the other mans claws on his right front ankle.” How did Ravine move with him? Did he side step? Jump? And how did Xeph manage to miss slamming on his paw but end up scratching his ankle? -4
- “...and give Ravine a bruise...” How severe? -2
- “...teath would sink into flesh leaving punctures boththe peak of his right shoulder...” Again, how severe?
Total: 2

- None seen
Total: 10

Legs bent, toes spread, tail aligned with spine, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, head aligned with spine.
Total: 6

+ 3 bite to right leg
Total: 3

- First round!
- (Moderate puncture wounds to right shoulder/scruff)
- (Mild bruise on shoulder)
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 31/50



- All clear.
Total: 10

- None seen
Total: 10

Legs bent, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, tail tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, face snarling, hackles raising, chin tucked.
Total: 9

+ 2 shoulder slam + worsening old damage
+ 1 jaw sprain
+ 3 bite to neck
Total: 6

- 3 Moderate punctures to right foreleg
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 42/50


- “Ravine's already bruised shoulder causing tge bruise to darken and get bigger...” Once again, how severe is it? What was it in the first place? -2
- “His lower jaw, though not dislocated, would still make chewing and bitting quite painful for a while.” So what is it? Bruised? Sprained? -2
- “would bight down on the top left side of his neck, once again getting mostly scruff...” How much damage did this do? -2
Total: 4

- “f he managed to regain his purchase on the other man's leg then Ravine would shake as hard as he could to cause more damage...” This is a conditional, you have to give your opponent enough time to react to the first bite. -2
Total: 8

Ears flat, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled, legs bent, toes spread, tail aligned with spine.
Total: 6

+ 2 bite to leg – points for powerplay issue
Total: 2

- 2 Moderate bruise on right shoulder
- 2 split lip
- 3 sprained jaw
Total: 3

Total for Round Two: 23/50


41/50 + 42/50 = 83/100

31/50 + 23/50 = 54/100

And the winner is...

Ravine must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- All healed by now

- All healed by now


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Good fight! Like I said in your last one, just watch attempting all movement that has something to do with your opponent's positioning.

You need to state all damage done to your character. It cannot just be assumed. You also need to be really specific about where you are attacking.

- By [Evelyn]