
White as snow- black as shadows


04-15-2013, 09:55 PM

Awaken yawned, he wanted to make a good impression. He couldn't look weak and be deadweight. He forced himself up from a nap in the snow, shaking his fur off. He then realized what had happened to his once fit and athletic body. He'd been careless and gave away all his kills. Not even eating any for himself. He'd forgoten to eat at all and amaciated himself... Crud! Oh well. He forced on for something to do now that hed finaly goten some sleep to settle his whacked out mind. Why hed slept in the snow? No idea, he didnt even remember going to sleep. He sniffed the ground, searching for small game, finding a series of rabit tunnels. He began digging, opening tunnels and ?sending rabits scattering, he was able to swat down three and the others escaped him. ?

?? The ebony brute ate one and carried the other two back to where Cifer told him the den was. He thought itd be rude to eat all he'd caught. He laid them down at the door and turned to walk away. He was too nervous to go in. What if Cifer hadn't told Gargoyle of his presance... He really didnt want to get jumped by the pack he wanted to join.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



04-22-2013, 04:53 PM

The scent of food caught the male's attention. Shifi had left earlier that morning to go hunt for himself so Cifer hadn't seen a single feather from him since then. Curiosity drove him forward as he approached the den. The newest addition to the pack stood there. He seemed kind of nervous but Cifer couldn't seem to figure out why. He was a part of the pack. Why wouldn't he enter?

He approached the boy on silent paws. Thoughts drifted idly to Crusade. Their pups were due soon. His stomach clenched nervously at the thought. He had no idea what it was like to be a father. This would be a learning experience for him. Hopefully Crusade would teach him and he'd learn along the way. Emerald gaze rested upon the dark brute. He'd done a good job with the rabbits at least but he looked like he hadn't been feeding himself.

"Morning. Nice catch." He noted, pointing his snout in the direction of his kill.



04-22-2013, 05:52 PM

Awaken gave a nice smile to the other male. His smile wasnt as stressed as it was when they first met. His body however, begged to differ. He came to glaciem in decent shape and health and from then it declined. Hed never been in the den, nor had he eaten anything big enough for a wolf since hed arived exept for what they did last time they hunted. His long coat hid most the severity of his amaciation. ? "thanks. And good morning." Awaken yawned looking back as the rabbits that had scattered back in their holes. ?" Wanna help me dig up some more? When they scatter its kinda difficult to catch as many as you hope."

(dang its hard to keep up with two threads at once w/ the same charries. Im just gonna assume they catch something)

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)

Gargoyle I


04-28-2013, 02:40 PM


(ooc: I?m going on the assumption that Cifer has already discussed things with Gargie, cuz they be tight brother-in-laws and all that ;) If either of you would prefer to play it a different way, just lemme know and I?ll edit the post)

?Mind if I come along?? a voice rumbled from within the cave.

Out into the cold daylight stepped a wolf with the dimensions of a young bear. Gargoyle stretched himself like a cat before coming to his full height and stepping off the lip of stone and onto the forest floor. His yellow dragon eyes roved about his kingdom before settling on the stranger. ?You must be Awaken.? Gargoyle said with a nod of greeting. ?Cifer told me of you.? He sent a yellow glance in his Lead Brave?s direction. This was the crazy, sleep deprived lost one? Well he didn?t seem so lost now. In fact he?d found himself a rabbit.

Gargoyle would leave the morsel for someone else ? perhaps one of the expecting females. He had other things on his mind.

?I?d been meaning to speak with you, Cifer,? Gargoyle said, lowering his voice. ?The warm weather has brought unwanted visitors. I found boar tracks in the southeasten fringe of our forest.? Nasty things. They tore up woods, chased off prey and the males were always happy to kill any small thing that got in their path. With pups on the way ? Gargoyle didn?t need to explain how imperative it was that the monsters be eradicated.

And he was perfectly ready to get started. Cifer might be old, but he was Gargoyle?s Lead Brave and had proved himself a dozen times over, with him at his side, Gargoyle was ready to take on the world. Plus it?d be interesting to see how the rookie handled himself.

?You in the mood for big game hunting, Cifer?? Gargoyle?s voice, usually so unaffected, adopted an almost jovial air to it. ?And about you stranger? Care to see some tusks as big as your head??


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-28-2013, 07:54 PM

Awaken jumped as the other male spoke. He hadn't expected him at all. His emerald gaze settled on Gargoyle rather timidly, but then he remembered he had no reason to feel fear him. He sat up straighter, streching his back out. His ebony fur rising lightly as his back popped like dominos.

?His mind was still rembling on things. His past, his memories that made no sence... Kin-slayer. ? He couldn't kill anyone. Awaken was not the kind of wolf to slaughter anyone, even more-so a wolf he was related to. ?

His ears snapped forward as the other, bigger, male metioned boars. He'd never killed any before, but they sounded like fun. "Sounds like its time to bring home the bacon. " He chuckled "pig killing sounds like fun. Let's go!" He said, somewhat exited. Maybe a good hunt would get things off his mind. ?He jumped from his stance on the small rock, not expecting the resistance of the melting snow. The avoid face-planting he turned his head to the side and rolling across his back, focusing his weight to roll from shoulder to hip, to avoid pain to his spine.Once he rolled back onto his feet he shook the wetness from his fur and looked back to the other two to see if they were coming.

In the meantime, while his body seemed peppy and cheery, his mind was at war. Kin-slayer... Crowned kin-slayer, Nexium. These empty words rang through his head repeatedly. Why? Why did the aspects of his past torture him so much? What happened if the horrible flashbacks were true? What if his packmates found out and wanted him dead... The only one who knew was Mercianne and that strange wolf who claimed to be his Brother ?

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)