
On the Long Way Down



9 Years
Athena I
02-08-2016, 04:34 PM

After she spent a little time with her sister and her niece she still couldn't make herself stay with them at her sister's pack. At least she knew how to find them if she needed them, that was enough for her. Something about the fact that her sister was more or less settled down still bothered her... She didn't know why. She wasn't sure if it was the fact that the one wolf she felt would for sure be a wanderer for the rest of her life now had a did or if it was just that Neith had a home and a little family of her own and she still didn't know what to do with her life. Or maybe it was a combination of both.

She padded forward, her paws feeling the way out in front of her. She was grateful to at least be free of a forest of any kind for the time being. She kept finding what felt like pillars of rock from time to time, but those were fairly easy to avoid once she found them. The ground wasn't quite even, but it was easy enough to navigate. "Would be nice to find some water though... or some food," she grumbled under her breath. Why couldn't she have both? Either she found somewhere she could get around easily or she found somewhere with a supply of food and water. It seemed like the flattest places were also the most barren.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
02-11-2016, 05:56 PM

Creed had set off away from Celestial for a little bit. It was supposed to be a short trip to scout around a bit more and see what adventures he could find. Ever since he was a little kid he'd always had an adventuring spirit. He was more than happy with his choice of rank as it allowed to to satisfy his lust to explore and get out and do things. It felt good to keep moving, but it was even better knowing he had a home to return to once he was done. It wasn't like Glaciem, his old home in the north, but it was good enough for him and he was happy.

Well, almost happy.

He found himself a bit envious of Surreal and her family. She'd settled down with a mate and already had two litters of her own. Had he and his family stuck around in Alacritia when everything had gone to hell he might have done the same. Instead he focused most of his efforts helping his siblings and his aging parents when they'd moved away. After their parents had past it'd just been him, Cross, and Crucible. Now it was just him and for once in his life he actually realized he wanted his own family. Now his problem was he knew nobody except for his pack mates. He needed to get out and meet new faces, get to know them, and maybe go from there. Course he realized he also turned seven this coming summer. He finally felt like he was getting old and that bothered him. Even if he had the long lifespan of his mother (she'd lived far past what anyone had expected her to) he still only had a short span of time to have kids of his own.

He shoved the thoughts of his impending mid-life crisis out of his head as he walked. This place wasn't green or beautiful by the standards of other places. It lacked that certain charm that most areas held during the spring, but by right it held its own kind of beauty. It was lined with all sorts of different shades of red, brown, and tan and the smoothness of the place astounded him. It was hardly livable as he didn't smell any water around and the prey was obviously scarce, but it was an interesting territory regardless. Even if it was a little hot, especially with his bushy coat.

He was nosing around for a water source when the scent of a female caught his attention. Creed had always been the curious type so naturally he followed it. It took only a few minutes to wind past some pillars and walls before he turned a corner and spotted the girl. His approach had been anything but quiet as his intentions hadn't been to sneak up on her. Regardless he let out a soft woof to alert her of his presence and accompanied it with a soft smile and a wag of his tail.

"Hello!" Perhaps he was too friendly, but he couldn't help himself.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



9 Years
Athena I
02-11-2016, 09:03 PM
His woof and hello were far beyond what was necessary to make his presence known to a wolf like her with her heightened hearing. She heard him behind her for a while now, the sound of his paws against the dry ground getting increasingly loud as he got closer. She wasn't necessarily nervous about the sudden appearance of a stranger, but there was a bit of caution that came as a needed response for someone who couldn't see and wasn't the best at defense. He obviously wasn't trying to sneak up on her either and his greeting was friendly in the most cheerful sense of the word.

Her ears perked at his woof and she turned around to face him just as he called out a cheerful hello. She subconsciously turned herself to face him by following his voice. It was a self correction she rarely thought about any more. She chuckled softly and replied, "Well, you're awfully chipper, aren't you?" Kalli smirked as she settled on her haunches. She kept her guard in place just in case, but she didn't feel like he'd be any kind of threat, at least not from his initial greetings. "What's gotten you so chipper today?" she asked, her voice holding its usual teasing tone even though she was actually a little bit curious. What was it that made other wolves so happy and where did she have to go to find some?



9 Years
02-15-2016, 05:20 PM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2016, 05:21 PM by Creed.)

A chuckle was the first sound to greet him as he approached her. "Well, you're awfully chipper, aren't you?" He grinned sheepishly at that thought. He'd always been quite friendly, never really having any reason not to be. It was very rare that the fluffy beast found himself in an irritable or angry mood, though if he was it certainly was for a good reason. "What's gotten you so chipper today?" It was his turn to chuckle as he mimicked her and settled on his own haunches.

"There's no reason no' ta be. Tis' beau'iful ou'side, Tis' spring, there's adventures ta be had, an' Ah even have some company."

Creed certainly wasn't one for flirting, he was quite awkward at it, but he was quite pleased with his current company. She seemed pleasant enough and was quite nice to look at. He couldn't recall having run into too many wolves with her particular coloring, and the peachy cream color really accented her light coat nicely. So there definitely was a good reason to be happy when he had such pretty company.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Aaaaannnddd crappy post from Shrap lol
[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



9 Years
Athena I
02-15-2016, 07:20 PM

Her ears perked a bit as she listened to him speak, taking in his interesting accent. She liked when wolves had distinctive voices or accents. When all she had to go on was voices and sounds and scents it was interesting to her to have someone with an accent or tone she hadn't heard before. The cadence of his words made her listen more closely as she learned how to decipher them. He wasn't hard to understand, it was just a way of speaking she wasn't used to. It distracted her from her slight thirst and hunger for a bit anyways.

She chuckled slightly at his response. It was very glass half full of him to think that way. Much different than the gloom that had clung to her for a while now. "That's a very cheery way to think of it. I guess it does feel pretty nice out today. I'd appreciate some water though. I haven't been able to find a single drop around here. Although it's very possible I've been walking past rain puddles and just not noticed them. That's happened before. Still water is a lot harder to find than rivers and streams and the like. At least they make noise." Even as she was speaking she could tell her words had a more negative tone to them and she wondered where in her life the sudden switch from positive optimism to negative gloom happened. She didn't notice it usually until she heard someone like him that did still hold some hope in the world.

"Anyway, I'm Kalliope, but I usually go by Kalli. Who might you be?"

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
02-25-2016, 07:54 PM

He would notice the subtle flick of her ears as she trained in on his voice. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever heard an accent quite like his. It seemed to surprise most, Surreal certainly had, since it hadn't been an accent he'd been born with. He'd picked up certain traits when he'd moved with his family. He supposed it had been just him adapting, though at this point he was quite fond of it. He wouldn't trade it for the world.

"That's a very cheery way to think of it. I guess it does feel pretty nice out today. I'd appreciate some water though. I haven't been able to find a single drop around here. Although it's very possible I've been walking past rain puddles and just not noticed them. That's happened before. Still water is a lot harder to find than rivers and streams and the like. At least they make noise."

His mind repeated her words over and over in his head and it finally dawned on him. She was blind. He felt like such an idiot for not realizing it sooner. He'd seen the way she looked at him, though it almost looked like she didn't focus directly at him, just looked in his direction. Now her comments about walking past rain puddles and then saying rivers and streams at least made noise... it made sense now!

It also made him feel guilty for her plight though. This was probably one of the worst places to get stuck in for a blind wolf. The lack of any real water sources must have been frustrating. Even for him he'd had a rough go at it so far. He hadn't found any water sources, but he was hoping he could find one soon. He was a bit thirsty himself.

"Anyway, I'm Kalliope, but I usually go by Kalli. Who might you be?"

"Ah'm Creed. 'Tis a pleasure ta mee' ye Kalli." He paused for a moment before deciding to offer his help. "Care ta join me ta see if we can find some water?" If so he'd at least get the chance to ask her some more questions. He was feeling quite nosy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



9 Years
Athena I
03-02-2016, 10:44 PM

Creed. She tucked the name away in her memories for later while he continued on with the usual pleasantries. "Nice to meet you too." She was about to say her goodbyes and go on her way so she could search for some water again, but he spoke again first, offering to join her on her hunt. Normally she hated the idea of getting help from someone else, but she had to admit she liked how he worded it. It made her feel much more like they had an equal part in this hunt and much less like he was helping the blind wolf not die of dehydration. Besides, she wouldn't mind hearing him talk a while longer. "Yeah... Sure, that'd be nice."

She got to her paws again let him take the lead, waiting for him to begin moving and then following the sound of his paws to know which way to turn. She padded along beside him, her ears flicking to catch the sounds around her and her paws feeling out the way ahead of her even though she was sure he wouldn't just let her go walking off a cliff or something. "What brought you out here? Surely there's more habitable places for you to be," she asked, her tone more humorous than serious. She wasn't the best at small talk, but she figured she should probably try if they were going to be searching like this for a while.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
03-09-2016, 11:17 PM

She seemed to be considering his offer to go help him search for water and he waited patiently. He certainly wouldn't have been offended if she said no but he was silently hoping for the company. She finally agreed to accompany him and he smiled softly. He mimicked her and rose swiftly to his paws. He was content to let her lead until she realized she was going to follow him. He shrugged. He wouldn't let Kalli walk into anything; but, he didn't want to make her think he found her incapable of taking care of herself. She obviously could or she wouldn't have made it this far.

He walked at a decent pace with his head even with his spine as he sniffed around for water. It was silent for a moment until she asked him a question. He flicked an ear in her direction and thought about it for a moment. He really didn't have a good reason to be out here except for just pure curiosity. That wasn't very entertaining but he wasn't exactly the best story teller either. Oh well.

"Ah jus' like explorin. Curiosity brings me ta places tha' aren' always in mah best interests." He said with a chuckle. "Wha' abou' yerself?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



9 Years
Athena I
03-17-2016, 11:31 PM

Kalliope listened to his answer while she followed along beside him and did her part to help them search for water. She chuckled softly as well, an easy grin touching her lips. "I can understand that," she commented, her memories flashing back to the time she had been exploring and nearly walked over the edge of a cliff. She had caught herself luckily and Aki had been there to ensure she navigated away from it, but it had taught her very quickly that the lands here were much different that the place she had lived before. She had known the area around where her father and adopted siblings lived like the back of her paw, but coming here had presented a whole new set of challenges.

He turned the question back on her and she chuckled at herself as well as she thought of an answer. "Well, as with most places I end up, I didn't know where I was going till I got here. I can't say this would have been my first choice if I had known I'd end up somewhere so baren." Her ears turned this way and that while she listened for any little sounds of water splashing or bubbling. She let him work on sniffing some out and she listened, figuring their sense of smell was probably pretty close to even but she knew from experience that her sense of hearing was much sharper than most.

Her paws brushed against the ground as they walked, feeling over the smooth ground to ensure each step was a good one. She didn't really have to concentrate on it though, it was a natural movement for her now. "Do you live near here?" she asked just to have something to keep the conversation going on. She could smell a pack's scent on his fur, but it wasn't one she could recognize. She didn't know too many of the pack scents, but it wasn't one of the ones that had been around the one she had been a part of anyway.

"Talk" "You" Think