
Fiori Activity



9 Years
Athena I
02-17-2016, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2016, 07:48 PM by Leo.)
Hello Fiori friends! This is where I will keep track of Fiori character activity. I know I've been very lax on pack activity lately, but we all need to kick it up a notch!

- If you have a character that is rank three or lower (basically everyone except Leo, Svetlana, and the betas) you are required to make four posts every OOC month.
- If you have a character that is rank two or higher (the betas, Leo, and Svetlana) you are required to make six posts every OOC month.

How it works:
- These counts will be taken on the last day of every month. For example, I'll be doing the first check on February 29th. Every check will start over on the first of the next month.
- I'm not going to require you to post anywhere with your count for the month, I'll check for you. This page is simply for me to have somewhere to keep track of it and so you can see where you're at!
- Everyone starts out with two chances. If you fail to make your four posts (or six) you will lose a chance.
- If you fail to post in a required pack meeting you will also lose a chance.
- When you get down to zero, your character will be removed from the pack.
- If you lose a chance and then make your posts the next month you will go back to two chances so don't worry! (Think like how the alpha activity check works. You'll have to fail twice in a row to be removed from the pack.)
- If you have posted an absence I will make a note of that below as well and you will not be penalized for that month.

- All of the love from me (and Leo) and the opportunity to be offered higher ranks and more privileges!
- Aaaaaaaaand if you have the highest post count for the month I will make your character a piece of art! (If you make the highest post count two months in a row I'll let you pick a different character for me to do if you want lol)

List of members and their chances:
Amalia (Eve): 2
Arivae (Salmon): 1
Ashelia (Dragon): 2
Athena (Shelby): 2
Bright Moon (Shadowed): 2
Diana (Millie): 2
Epiphron (Nyx): 1
Heather (Riv): 1
Jayne (Shelby): 2
Nalamimi (Nakaiya): 1
Razor (Riv): 2
Roza (Shelby): 2
Tiburtius (Shelby): 1
Valefor (Dragon): 1

On absence:

Art winners:
February - Riv (Rivaxorus II)! Finished prize
March - Millie (Zephyra)!