
[Pack Meeting!] Let's Get On That Dance-floor!



7 Years
02-22-2016, 02:54 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2016, 07:21 AM by Surreal.)
Deadline is March 1st, but please, do try to get everyone in before that! <3
Excused from Meeting:
Castiel due to player leaving site.
Ganja, in case Kat is unable to get her in here in time.

Surreal Adravendi

Despite the threat hagning from Yfir, Surreal had decided it was high time to hold that Festival. So, with Regulus by her side, she leapt to climb the meeting boulder, head tipping up to call for the Pack. She planned to hold the Festival in a few weeks' time, despite the growing heat in her loins that had begun as Summer rounded the seasonal bend.

She intended to meet with Mithras, and use the following days to get in touch with Leo, Glacier, Voltage, and Bass to let them know. She wasn't sure where she would stand with Imperium; she had heard rumors that Valentine had some odd connection to the land, and a talk with Arian in the past, after the late Adravendi had moved Sonticus, and been maimed, had given the impression that Valentine would be the real pack to keep an eye on for serious trouble. They had a lot of wolves, and most of them were clearly massively good fighters.

But for now, it was high time the packs Celebrated life and Summer; not just packs, either. Rogues would be welcome to join; perhaps it would open awareness that there were two packs who had room for members in their ranks. She wanted to get her pack's ideas on events to hold, and make it known that a hunt was to be held for sure in the festival, to feed the guests.

As for Pack business related decisions, she would save those for a later meeting, after the festival. This was just a meeting to discuss festival plans, though all were required to attend this call.

Her voice wasn't demanding, though it held the note of 'come here now, please' that was sure to draw everyone to her, with all hope. As her muzzle lowered, she cast a quick grin to her son and his companion, noting the excitement on his face. His last festival experience had been quite good, as had her own. She hoped for a repeat of that experience.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
02-22-2016, 10:34 PM

Creed was actually back in Celestial, his little adventures having ended a little while ago. He'd run into Locha and a new face, explored some new places, and had some fun along the way. Now he was back, relaxing in a den he'd carved out on his own. It wasn't very big, big enough to support his fluffy frame with a little room to spare, but it was comfortable and it was home. He'd managed to snag a spot under the shade of trees and the earth helped keep in the cold. It wasn't the same as the den he'd had in Glaciem with his family, but it was hardly fair to compare the plains to the north.

A howl cut into his relaxing time though and Creed's ears perked up at the sound of Surreal's voice. He hadn't been expecting another meeting so soon so naturally curiosity got the best of him. Not that he had a choice on whether or not to attend anyways, but even if he did he still would have gone. So the male quickly exited his den and headed towards the meeting place. To his surprise he was the first to arrive. Other than Surreal and Regulus (who always seemed to be close to his mother) no one else had gotten there yet. So he offered a warm smile to them both.

"Nice ta see both ah ye." He said before taking a seat close by.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



6 Years

02-22-2016, 10:59 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2016, 11:00 PM by Faite.)

Her absence had been a rather short one. She'd wandered off not too far from home, gotten stuck in a rain storm and made a friend, and then returned home. Everyone seemed to be a little quiet. It kind of bothered her that she hadn't really gotten to know any of the new faces in the pack. That and she felt like she really needed to interact more with her siblings. She'd been so disconnected from everyone it was still a bit hard socializing with everyone. She was up for the challenge though!

The girl was patrolling the borders when her mother's call rang out to the pack. She turned her head towards the call and was instantly confused. She couldn't recall hearing anything about a meeting. Oh well! She swiftly turned around and headed towards the spot and was surprised to see hardly no one was there yet. Was she early for once? It seemed so. She noted Creed was there as well as Regulus and her Mother. She padded up to them both and nuzzled each of them.

"Dia duit Máthair , Regulus ."
She greeted warmly before taking a seat to wait for others to arrive.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
02-22-2016, 11:37 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Excited? Ohhh, that was just the tippity-top of the tree. His mother was planning a festival! He'd loved the festival last time, when Novella and Frith had held one in the East. He was already looking forward to the spars - please, please let there be spars! - and getting to meet new faces. So as he took a seat on the boulder beside his mother, he was having a hard time keeping still, and his tail was having none of it. The vibrant, fluffy red appendage swept incessantly over the stone behind him. Cinder, while just as excited, was more stately. After all, a two year old Queen feline must hold herself with dignity. It was one of the few lessons she could remember from her true mother.

She carried herself at a dignified pace, squirrel like fluffy tail held regally in the air, head just as high, and took a seat between Regulus' restless, huge paws. As Surreal's call rolled out, and wolves already began arriving, Regulus grinned at the sight of Creed and his sister, lifting a paw to drape over Faite's head and shoulder in a playful sort of noogie as she came to greet them, nuzzling each. "Dia duit, deirfiúr! Cloisim tú, agus go raibh a mháthair a sparra. Tá súil agam go bhfaigheann tú céim is mian leat." He grinned, baritone, accented voice fairly bubbling with excitement. "Fan go dtí go éisteacht leat cad mam a bhfuil i ndán dúinn!."

Hint dropped, he watched Faite take a seat and grinned at Creed. Ohhh, he was so excited.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



4 Years
02-24-2016, 04:06 AM

She was reluctant to go to the meeting. Thoughts of her previous fight still raged in her mind. Getting into a fight wasn't the main problem; keeping it a secret was. Some areas on her body still ached, though those bruises were invisible beneath her thick, alabaster coat. The bite marks weren't the same story. She had done her best to wash the blood off and disguise the scent, constantly rubbing her fur in an attempt to cover it up. Even if they did suspect something, she could always say she fell down a ravine or a badger bit her. Battle wounds weren't too distinguishable, were they?

At the sight of the crowd, sweat began to seep from her paws as her heart pounded against her chest. There were only a few wolves gathered, but that was enough to stress the Destruction woman. She felt so exposed, so bare; feeling their eyes burn her skin. Please don't notice, she silently prayed, taking a seat on the outskirts of the crowd, sending only a nod and weak smile to the Archangel. No matter how important this meeting was, she just wanted it to be over. She didn't want them to see her; not when she was injured. And then there was Miksa. Great. He was bound to notice something was up with her; he didn't have to see wounds for that.




9 Years
02-24-2016, 05:15 AM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

The snowy Master Healer pushed a plant into place in the drying spot she'd found in one of the back caves in the main den. Surreal had been speaking of offering some of the alcoves to those who hadn't yet claimed their own dens, especially since there were so many arranged around the main chamber that could use occupants. Their pack was smaller, and less room was needed for the injured an ill. Of course, with no one really getting hurt, or sick, yet, Kavdaya's workload was quite light.

It didn't stop her from building on her stock piles. It was a habit she had gotten into to stock up her alcove with a few of the plants so they would be withing grabbing range if she was called out on an emergency. These were each wrapped in pieces of a deer hide that had lost it's fur, and dried out, and contained such herbs as what was needed for birthings, setting breaks, working with serious illnesses, and tending serious wounds. The plants that were for the everyday things like cuts, bruises, and colds or chills were stored in the wall of holes in the main chamber; the one wall that didn't have an alcove.

She was just considering checking over the stores in her various places to make sure nothing was growing mold when she heard Surreal's polite, if still firm call for the pack. She'd noticed the excitement in Regulus, and the thoughtful expressions that crossed her cousin's mind, but she was in the dark as far as what was really going on. Oh, well, maybe she'd learn today.

She pulled herself to her paws and took off down the ravine with a bounding run, reveling in the dryness of the ground under her paws. Summer was here, and with it had left her heat. She could traverse Alacritia much further now without worry of accosting males. She slowed as she reached the group. Creed, Faite, Regulus, and Varda were already present, Regulus' friend between his paws. Kavdaya gave Surreal a bright grin and looked for a spot to settle, but her eyes, sharp as ever in their swift assessment of the gathered wolves, did indeed spot a difference. That of Varda's recently acquired wounds.

She averted her path instantly, coming to stop and give the wounds a look. Bite marks. Wolf, too. These weren't fresh, as in the last hour, either. A frown creased the mark between her brows as she caught Surreal's eye, head tipping minutely at the pack's sole hunter before taking a seat beside Varda with Surreal's nod of acknowledgement. The Destruction wouldn't be allowed to escape the Master Healer's attention or treatment, but would be allowed to listen to the news their leader had for them.

Her voice was gentle but firm as she spoke in an undertone to the Destruction woman. "I want to see you in the communal den after this meeting. Surreal does, too. Those need looked at to ensure they don't become infected." The healer's tone. No excuses would be accepted until the wounds were tended. And from the nerves visible to Kavdaya on Varda's posture, there was a story to be had.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



8 Years
Athena I
02-26-2016, 04:50 PM

Time for another meeting, hm? Falk pulled himself onto his paws and made his way out of the dens and out toward the meeting area. It was a path he knew well by this point so he didn't have to move as slowly as it might have normally. It felt like this was what his days consisted of now. Just waiting for the next meeting to be called or waiting for Surreal to need him. He wasn't completely unhappy with this. After all, at least he was needed and useful in some regard. He really needed to figure out something to do though... Zuriel had been wonderful teaching him things about healing, but it wasn't his passion like it was hers. He enjoyed it fine, but he could tell that every time he didn't get as excited over a new herb as she did it was wearing on her. She was growing up, she needed to get out in the world and make her own life, not just following her father around and making sure he was entertained.

He mused quietly to himself as he padded toward the rock that Surreal always made her perch during these meetings, coming to sit on the opposite side of her from Regulus as usual. His ears turned to catch a few snippets of the conversation his son was having with Faite, catching her scent to know who it was he was talking to. He couldn't really understand the most of it. He knew a few words of Surreal's language just from listening to her teach their children, but he wasn't nearly as fluent in it as they were. He was sure it was the kind of thing that you would have to learn from a young age and he had definitely missed that boat. It was so strange to think that he was already five years old... Where had the time gone? Their oldest were old enough to have their own children for goodness sakes. His ears flicked at the thought and he pushed his pensive musing away as he waited for everyone else to arrive.

Speech Thought Others



10 Years
Athena I
02-26-2016, 05:08 PM

Báine was very, very excited to come to the meeting when she heard her mother's call. She was always pretty excited to see everyone, but this time she was extra excited. She bounced along on excited pale paws, her new find bouncing around her neck. On a short adventure out of the pack lands she found this pretty thing and she couldn't wait to show her family! She had been doing more running and stuff since her training with Creed which had taken her out of the plains more often. She never went too far though, just far enough to see some new places and get more room for her to travel.

She trotted over to the meeting place and spotted her brother talking to... Faite, right? She knew she was her older sister, but she hadn't really gotten to talk to her much. But, none of the less, Báine hopped over to Regulus, a huge grin on her face. Deartháir! Féach! Mheaitseáil muid anois!" She turned her head up to look at her mother and beamed at her as well. See, mother? It's pink like me!" She giggled at her own joke and bounced over to her father to press her nose to his cheek before going over to sit beside Creed. "Hello again, Creed!" she said cheerfully. Nothing could ruin her mood today!

Speech Thought Others



7 Years
Athena I

02-26-2016, 05:20 PM

Zuriel lifted her head from the herbs she was sorting through as her mother's call reached her ears. It always seemed like she was in the middle of something when she called a pack meeting of some kind. She smiled a little and finished one last thing before stepping out of the little store she had made in one of the back corners of the caves that her family shared. It was off to the side, a alcove that was a bit to small to be a sleeping space. It was turning out to be quite nice as a place to store her extra herbs. She moved at a light trot toward the meeting and when she arrived she saw she certainly wasn't the first to arrive. She didn't think she was the last either though and she certainly wasn't late so she didn't feel badly. She walked up just as Báine was sitting down next to Creed.

She kissed her father's cheek as she walked past him, looking up to her mother to give her a warm smile. She looked to Regulus and Faite and gave them both the same smile, her tail wagging happily. It still made her so happy to see that their whole litter was back together again. She looked to Kavdaya, considering going to sit with her mentor, but she decided to come over and sit on the opposite side of Faite from Regulus. She smiled again settled in happily next to her litter mates.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-27-2016, 01:34 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Hurrying at a trot, Miksa headed out into the openness of the plains toward the gathering of Celestial wolves. Things in the pack were relatively quiet - he could say nothing too exciting about the patrols he had made either - so he did not quite understand yet the meaning for Surreal's call. He was curious though, interested in what she had to tell them, though of course his stomach twisted just slightly all the same. No matter how eager he was to hear whatever news his leader had to share there was always a worrying voice in the back of his mind that dreaded the worst. If only he could shut it up.

It quieted enough when he finally got close enough to see his pack mates. His bright yellow eyes immediately went to his grey-coated leader, reading the calm excitement etched across her face, mirrored with greater energy on the face of her red-furred son. Something good, Miksa concluded, and sighed aloud. At least he could relax a little now. His gaze shifted from Surreal and instantly began scanning the crowd until it landed upon Varda, and smiling now he ventured toward her side. He was surprised to see Kavdaya already there beside her - did they know each other? - but thinking nothing of it he offered both white-coated wolves a smile as he sat himself on Varda's other side.

"Hey," he greeted to her softly, a whispered hello just for her, but as he looked at her more closely he could practically feel the uneasiness radiating off of her. Not yet aware of her injuries, lacking the critical eye of a fully trained healer, Miksa only noticed her apparent nervousness, and even as he smiled at her the worry he felt became visible within his concerned gaze. He wanted to ask if she was okay, wanted to question why Varda looked so out of sorts, but he bit back the words, unsure if he should. Was it really any of his business?



7 Years
02-29-2016, 03:40 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Creed and Faite were the first to arrive. Surreal smiled and nodded happily to Creed as Regulus and Faite interacted, returning her daughter's nuzzle with a chuckle. The grin widened slightly as Varda arrived, but faded slightly as she noted the Destruction's palpable anxiety and nerves, and the injuries. Kavdaya was shortly to follow, and with her sharp Healer's eyes, zeroed in on Varda, taking a seat as Sureal nodded her assent, the silently converyed messages left to body language alone made clear. Varda would be required to speak to Surreal, and get those wounds properly treated. Surreal was a warrior; she knew what those wounds were.

Her attention was diverted as Falk, her other two daughters, and Miksa arrived, and she grinned at Baine's excited flaunting of her find. "Oh, Baine, it's gorgeous! Falk, feel! Baine's found her necklace. That's three of our children now." Where was Tornach now? Was he safe? Her heart panged fiercely in her chest at the thought of her wayward son. He'd been well at the challenge, full of fire at the injustice.

She waited for several more minutes, mismatched eyes scanning expectantly for Ganja and Castiel... But they didn't come. Another glance was given to Kavdaya, the two names mouthed silently, brow points lifting slightly. The silent message was obvious 'Have you seen either of them?' The answer was just as clear as the Healer gave a minute shake of her head. Another minute went by, before Surreal sighed softly, then straightened her spine and addressed the pack.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming so quickly! Now that we've settled in, and most of us have had a chance to find dens, and fall into a regular routine, I thought it was time we had some fun." She tipped her head toward Zuriel, eyes sparkling as she went on. " Zuriel, your idea for a celebration or festival of sorts when we had our first meeting was perfect. I've been thinking of ideas for one, and plan to hold a festival this Summer, in a few weeks time. It will be an interpack and loners welcomed affair, and I'd like to hear what ideas for events you have. Any ideas for locations, for instance? I had thought that the Dancefloor Of The Gods would be a good place."

She swept her gaze around the gathered faces with a smile as she added. "As for pack business, I will be holding another meeting later on to announce who has gained their desired ranks in the Legionary tests, and should we encounter any new members, I will formally introduce them at that time. This meeting is solely to discuss the upcoming events."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



4 Years
03-05-2016, 04:05 AM

Her heart began to race when the head healer began to approach her. Of course, she should've known. Healers always noticed wounds, no matter how unnoticeable they were. She wanted to run away, escape the impending consequences but she didn't. As much as she felt sick in her gut, she had to face this. Whilst the woman whispered into her ear, requesting to see her afterwards with the Archangel, she didn't dare meet the healer's eyes. She was slightly shaking on her haunches, overwhelmed with fear and guilt.

Then she receded and left the Destruction to wallow in her stress. It didn't help when her friend arrived, greeting her softly and sitting beside her. She only offered a weak smile, trying to appear calm and "normal". Maybe he wouldn't notice. Even if he did, would he bring it up? He was usually quiet, anyway. Would it impact their friendship? Would he leave her for that Argead bitch - the one who had started this mess in the first place?

Sweating in her seat, she tried to listen to what the alphess had to say. The words only came out as blurred mumbles. The first topic was about an upcoming festival, if she heard correctly. Maybe a pleasant subject would take her mind off of this mess; not for long but it was worth a shot. By contributing to the meeting she might be able be able to scrape herself away from a consequence. Highly unlikely, she supposed. "I think a feast, practice spars, healing competition and scavenger hunt are good additions to a festival," she spoke up after summoning enough courage to face the leader, throat dry and hoarse.




7 Years
Athena I

03-05-2016, 04:45 PM

Zuriel's attention was pulled back to her other as she began to speak, but when she heard her name spoken her ears perked up. She grinned happily when she heard that her idea was going to get to be played out in earnest. She wasn't really one to be excited to be in big crowds, but it was still very exciting to know that she came up with the idea and they were actually going to use it. She began to ponder some ideas for them to do while Surreal mentioned the next meeting they would have.

Varda was the first to speak up, listing some ideas for events they could hold during the festival. It was a good list and Zuriel couldn't think of anything to add there even after mulling it over for several moments. She really liked the idea of some kind of healing competition. The last time she had attended some kind of gathering there really hadn't been much she had wanted to partake in since she wasn't much of a hunter and she wasn't a fan of fighting. A scavenger hunt would be fun as well. She focused on the location then. She agreed that the dancefloor of the gods would be a good place to hold it since it was so wide open and lush this time of year. She couldn't help but wonder about how the other packs might get there though. It seemed pretty out of the way for anyone in the east, which if she wasn't mistaken was where some of their family was, and possibly the north. She couldn't really think of another suggestion though... Although, if she remembered correctly, she thought there was a pack over that direction now. Would they be bothered by them having a festival so close to their lands? Though maybe her mother had already spoken with them... Her brow furrowed with thought while all the possibilities went through her head. She decided not to speak since she didn't have an alternate solution to offer, but she kept thinking about it in case she might.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
03-05-2016, 04:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Whether she noticed his concern or not, Varda only smiled back as he looked her way, and Miksa tried to take comfort from it. He was less than successful - something truly did seem off about her, and he was worried what it might be - but neither did he feel right prodding and poking to see if she would divulge the cause of her visible unrest. This was not the right place for it, with pack members surrounding them and a leader watching them all very closely. He had already warned himself that it was none of his business too, that she was her own wolf and could keep things to herself if she wanted...but it did nothing to stop his concern. He cared, he wanted to know, and so he set himself to thinking of ways to bring the subject up later that would cause her no further distress.

It left his thoughts a bit scattered and inattentive when Surreal finally began their meeting, but he listened to the best of his ability. Celebratory festival. This season. Dancefloor of the Gods. It sounded like a fun idea, reminding him very much of the one Threar had thrown once upon a time before he joined them, and it helped to reassure his decision in coming here, with Varda no less, had been a good decision for them both. It might not have been the most seamless transition between their old life and their new one, but the similarities in both mindset and temperament of the pack overall made things that much easier.

The brief mention of the Legionary spars drew the full of his attention upon Surreal, and Miksa's tan ears perked atop his head. Bright eyes rimmed in black stared intently, his whole being tensing slightly with the renewed sense of anticipation and dread the news brought about in him. He wanted - possibly needed - to know those results, to hear Surreal's own opinion on his skill and where he needed to go with it. He had his own ideas, sure, and he intended to focus on what he had picked out himself, but becoming a Legionary was a big step in fulfilling the goal he had set out to achieve almost two years ago. He was desperate to make progress.

Varda's voice surprised him given her uneasiness, but what she had to offer sounded fair. There was something there for everyone, ways in which all different sorts could participate no matter what specialty they considered theirs. As much as the idea of spars intimidated him, Miksa knew he would participate, and it only made him that much more eager to get back into his training. He had prolonged it far enough. With nothing new to add, he remained quiet and waited to see if anyone else would offer suggestions or comments.



10 Years
Athena I
03-06-2016, 12:10 AM

Baine immediately got excited when her mother began to speak about them hosting a big festival celebration thing. There would be so many wolves there! Or at least she hoped there would be! Oh that would be amazing! She wiggled in place from all her excitement, her necklace following the movement and swaying against her chest. She only got more excited when ideas for what they could do got put into the mix as well. A scavenger hunt! Oh and a feast, she loved to eat, that would be great. "Hide and seek would be fun! Or a race! Oh or some kind of talent show! Or like a scavenger hunt but instead of a certain list it's whoever can find the coolest thing!!" By this point she was practically bouncing with excitement. She giggled happily, her tail going a mile a minute behind her. "I wonder if we could go tell the other packs about it! Do you think Momma would let us?" she whispered to Creed with another giggle. She didn't think anyone else was as excited as she was, but that was okay. She could be excited for everyone!

Speech Thought Others



6 Years

03-08-2016, 06:00 PM

As she greeted her mother and Regulus she let out a soft yip of surprise as her larger brother's arm draped over her. The next thing she knew he was ruffling up the short fur on her head and she grinned before yanking her head free from his grasp. She hadn't ignored his words though and her grin widened as she shook her head trying to rid herself of the feeling of the noogie he'd given her.

"I'm sure whatever she has planned will be awesome!" She said excitedly. Her mother never failed to have good ideas.

Faite sat quietly watching as others trickled in. There was Varda and Kavdaya (she only watched that for a few seconds before looking elsewhere) and then her father arrived. Her wagging tail thumped harder at her seat but she resisted the urge to go over and say hello. Instead her focus drifted to her other two sisters. Baine, well she didn't know her well, and Zuriel who came over to sit by her. She offered her sister a giant grin, happy to see her litter mate, before turning her attention to the rest of the crowd. Her grin faded as she realized their Uncle Castiel wasn't there. Where was he? His scent was stale and she hadn't seen him at all. She frowned this time as she fretted over it. She hoped he was okay.

Surreal soon overtook the meeting though and her attention remained solely on her mother. She was a bit surprised to find they were all here for the festival idea. She bumped her sister softly with her shoulder, the grin returned, in a silent congratulations for such a good idea. It was nice to know what Regulus was so excited about. She really couldn't wait to hear if the spar against her Mother would be fruitful or not, but she was prepared to wait a little longer for that.

She tried mulling over some ideas in her head. She liked Varda's ideas and she almost opened her mouth before Baine took over speaking what she had already been thinking. A race. Now that was something she could definitely participate in! She had to admit she was pretty fast and it sounded pretty fun. After everything suggested though she couldn't think of anything to add so she remained silent.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
03-08-2016, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2016, 06:14 PM by Creed.)

Creed nodded back at Surreal and offered her a soft smile before turning his gaze as everyone else arrived. He was a bit surprised when Baine came over to sit beside him but he smiled nonetheless happy that she'd decided to join him. "Hello Baine." He spoke softly. "Yer necklace is very pretty." He eyed the rose coloring and the pretty jewel on the end. He had no idea where she found it but it suited her very well.

Creed listened silently as Surreal began speaking. He noticed a few others were missing from the meeting, the green girl and Castiel, but they couldn't wait on them forever. He was pleased to hear that the idea of a festival was going to be implemented. It would be good for them to get together and all have a bit of fun and relax. While she asked for suggestions Creed could think of none that hadn't already been said so he remained silent until he heard Baine whisper to him excitedly. He chuckled softly. It was nice to see someone so enthused.

"Ah'm not sure bu' if tha's wha' ye wanna do Ah can ask yer Ma bou' it." He said in a hushed tone. If Surreal was willing to get other packs in on it he and Baine could go talk to them and could even throw in that it'd be good for her Emissary training. It wouldn't be a lie after all. Going to different packs to be diplomatic, as well as crossing all types of terrain, would be good for teaching her.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



8 Years
Athena I
03-15-2016, 02:37 AM

The pack filed in and his ears would perk up as he listened to Baine going on about something she had found and at his mate's insistence he'd wait for Baine to come to him for him to lift a paw and feel her new necklace. He'd grin happily at his pale daughter and chuckle. "Good job, sweetheart. I'm sure it's beautiful," he'd rumble, feeling her move away to go sit down for the meeting. Surreal would begin soon after, speaking of the gathering and festival she had been planning. He listened curiously to all of the suggestions as they were put out into the air, a grin and a chuckle getting pulled from him as his excitable daughter went off on a rant of all the fun things she could think of. Oh how he wished he had a fraction of her energy sometimes. He didn't have anything else to contribute really and he knew any ideas for this he had would have gotten bounced off Sureal in their talks already so he remained silent. He was interested to see how this festival played out though. He hoped everyone was excited for it as Baine was. If they were he was sure there would be a great turnout.

Speech Thought Others