
It wasn't enough



9 Years
03-05-2016, 12:47 AM

Xephyris wandered the mangroves restlessly, even though the moon was high and the sky pitch black. He should have been sleeping, but he hadn't found anywhere suitable for himself, so instead of resting, he paced anxiously. He wasn't sure if he belonged in this place yet, and it bothered him. He was supposed to find the Knight, Athena, but all he knew was her name. Maybe he'd seen her at the meeting, but he was one to only half pay attention to the 'who' of things - he was more interested in the 'what'. He needed to know the news of things happening, but he paid much less attention to who was involved in things, and therefore he didn't pick up on faces and names very well.

Yet on this night, he couldn't help but to feel restless. He needed to find his place amongst the ranks here, and soon. His efforts within the last pack he'd been a part of had not been enough... he had still failed them. He didn't want failure. He wanted to succeed. He needed to succeed. It was required of his existence to make a difference, to make an imprint wherever he went, but he couldn't do that just sitting around enjoying life. Where was this woman named Athena? How could he find her? It seemed unlikely to him that he would find her on a night like this, but perhaps for some reason she would be up and about as well, if he was lucky. So, he continued to march along the borders of the mangroves, hoping to come across something or someone of interest.

"Talk" "You" Think

Athena I


9 Years
03-05-2016, 09:03 PM

Athena lifted her head from her paws and looked at her daughters and wife who were sleeping beside her. Normally she was able to fall asleep fairly easily once she get settled with them, but tonight her mind wouldn't let her sleep. She carefully stood and slipped out of the den as quietly as she could. Once she was several feet from the den she shook out her fur, her bracelets shaking around her forelegs before settling back down on her ankles. She glanced down at them with a sigh. She had taken them off that night with Ama only to put them back on a few days later. She felt naked without them. She hated what they stood for and didn't like the reminder of the wolf she used to be, but they felt like a part of her now.

She sighed and looked around the dark mangroves, the moonlight giving her a little light to walk by. She didn't really have a reason to be out and about other than a lack of any thing else to do. She supposed it was better than laying in the den staring at the walls. Athena started wandering through the mangroves, stepping around the pools of water and over the prominent roots. For a while that's all there was, just the sounds of bugs and wildlife and her own paw steps. Then she caught someone's scent moments before hearing pawsteps. She glanced up, watching with interest for whoever it might belong to. Soon enough a gray wolf came into view and for a moment she watched him making his way along the border. She recognized him from the last meeting, but she wasn't positive on his name. She knew Leo had mentioned it, but she had so much on her mind recently that it hadn't stuck. She made her way toward him, giving a soft bark to get his attention.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
03-06-2016, 01:01 AM

Xephyris turned as the sound of someone's voice caught his attention. There he saw a woman with oddly colored eyes, and gold bands on her wrists. He remembered seeing her at the meeting, but wasn't sure who she was. Perhaps she could point him in the direction of the wolf he sought; well, maybe not right this second, as most of the pack was probably sleeping, but if he had just a hint, he could begin his search for Athena in the morning... Surprised to see anyone out at this time of the night, he padded toward her, closing the remaining gap between them to a comfortable, conversational distance.

"Greetings," he spoke in his low, gravelly voice, dipping his head as he did so, "I'm Xephyris. Didn't think I'd see anybody else up and about at this time. Watching for danger in the night?" He wondered if she was on patrol, or if she was simply having a hard time sleeping. He himself wasn't sure why he was still awake, or how. He should have been exhausted and sleeping soundly by now. But he was much too eager to make a change in his life, and sleep felt simply like a waste of time. He would bother resting when he was sure he couldn't put one paw in front of the other - until then, he would not rest.

"Talk" "You" Think

Athena I


9 Years
03-15-2016, 01:46 AM

The gray hued male turned toward her and she'd slow to a stop as he came to meet her halfway. She'd keep a pleasant smile on her face, suddenly feeling very much like she had when she would meet strangers at the border of Bevroren back in the day. She realized it had been a long, long time since she had really met anyone new. She hardly left the Fiori lands these days after all so unless someone new joined there was little chance for her to socialize with anyone out of the ordinary. She'd follow his lead and dip her head as well, settling on her haunches soon after while he spoke and introduced himself. She chuckled softly at his question and gave a little shake of her head. "Not quite. It's nice to meet you, Xephyris. I'm Athena. No, I'm afraid sleep is just avoiding me tonight. I hoped maybe a walk would help me clear my mind so I could finally go to sleep. How about you?"

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
04-03-2016, 08:56 PM

As she greeted him in return and settled into a seated position, he would sigh tiredly and recline onto his rump as well, allowing himself the small luxury. As she began to speak, he soon learned that this woman before him was Athena, the very wolf he'd been hoping to find eventually. Now was not the time for pack business, but at least it was good to know who she was. He listened intently, nodding his head as she spoke, although it was clear in his bloodshot eyes that he was ready to doze off. A mighty yawn would stretch his jaws, and although he turned his head away from his acquaintance, it was much too obvious to be missed. He looked back at her, a sheepish grin upon his maw. "Glad to meet you, Athena," he said with a nod of his head, "When I first arrived in Fiori, Leo told me I would need to meet you. But I think that's business for some other time."

Another yawn would cause his jaws to part, and he'd shake his head, trying to rid himself of the sleepiness. Clenching his jaws, trying to ward off any further shows of fatigue, he'd offer an apologetic look to the woman. "Don't worry, it's not that you're boring me, I simply haven't slept since... well I don't know when," he admitted with a tired blink of itchy, irritated eyes, "Tired as I am, I haven't settled well. I just haven't found the right place to set a den, and I can't stop pacing. Perhaps I'm being a little picky... but I'm wary about where I choose to close my eyes." He supposed he didn't need to retain such caution, but it couldn't be helped. It was in his nature to stay awake as long as possible, before sleep dragged him into the dark abyss, and by that time he didn't care where he was, as long as his back was tucked against something sturdy. He didn't like the idea of anything sneaking up from behind.

Digging his claws into the ground to settle himself, Xephyris perked with sudden interest to a thought in his mind; Athena must have lived here quite some time. She would know the lands. So tired was the man, that he was willing to take suggestions as to where he might rest. "Perhaps you have a suggestion for me?" he would query suddenly, "Is there a place unoccupied that might do well as a resting spot?" He wasn't even sure what he was looking for. It had been so long since he'd made himself a permanent resting place, he didn't even know what to look for or expect. Maybe this woman had a better idea than he did.

"Talk" "You" Think