
Only a Test



3 Years
03-25-2016, 12:16 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the words of his alpha still ringing in his ears, and his promotion still stalling the complete use of his mind, Miksa distanced himself from the rest of the pack. He was a Legionary now, a full-fledged Legionary of Celestial, and he could not for the life of him believe it. It was amazing and humbling all at once, and only strengthened his resolve that he was going to follow this path of the fighter wherever it would take him. Which presently was out into a secluded section of the Plains alongside Zuriel to spar.

He glanced at his companion uncertainly, knowing nothing about her except that she was Surreal's daughter. Was she a fighter by nature? Did she have any experience to her name? He worried about how this would go, whether he could match his skill to her own so that they both benefited from the fight, and found the nature of the spar more intimidating than the fight he had participated in to defend Threar in the raid. At least during the raid there had been no time to think, no reason to doubt that the wolf who had initiated his fight knew what he was doing. I hope this goes well.

Taking up a stance within the grasses and waiting for Zuriel to do the same, Miksa looked her way through a somber, sober expression and asked with concern, "Are you ready?"



7 Years
Athena I

03-27-2016, 12:01 AM

Zuriel glanced at the pale wolf that she had been paired with as they walked away from the group for their spar. Her stomach churned nervously while she tried desperately to run through all the defenses she had been taught in her head. In all of her two years of life she still hadn't had a real spar. She was such a different wolf from her mother and littermates and even her father. She found some similarities to her younger sister, but the rest of her family seemed much more skilled and inclined to fighting than she was. Of course her mother would pair her with one of their newest Legionaries... Her tail flicked nervously as she turned to face him. To her relief he seemed to be as anxious as she was, but she was sure it was for much different reasons than her own. She got into her defenses carefully, settling into the stance her mother and father had drilled into her head when she was young. It took her longer than it would take Miksa she was sure since he was much more practiced than she was. His voice pulled her voice back to his face and she'd give an uneasy chuckle in response. "As ready as I'll ever be," she replied. Her ears fell back against her skull and her neck evened out with her spine, her shoulders rolling forward as her legs fell into an even stance. Her scruff bunched up around her neck and her chin tucked down against her throat while her toes spread out and her claws dug into the dirt. Her tail evened out with her spine as well and her eyes narrowed while she waited for Miksa to make the first move of their spar. She knew much more about defense than she did offense so she figured that would be a good place to start.

"Talk" "You" Think