
Fall Into Me {Pack Meeting}



3 Years
04-08-2016, 10:58 PM
Drama, drama, drama. It was as thick as the humidity. Long before he caught sight of those gathered Pipit heard – and felt – the tension that surrounded the meeting place. He cared little for the petty wars raged between his packmates; instead of making him angry too it just made him tired. The brute found the constant hurt feelings and pouting tiresome, and the mechanics of the constant – in his opinion – overreactions were a mystery to him. He understood none of it and therein lay his problem or, perhaps, his salvation because he himself had yet to get so offended by something that he felt the need to (intentionally) offer disrespect to one of his packmates or flounce off in a huff.

Out of necessity he'd braced himself for many things as he entered the meeting place, but none of his preparations equipped him for the surprise that sat at the heart of the conflict: his mother. Her presence gave him pause and with one final, internal screech his gears ground to a halt as he tried to process what he was seeing. Slowly and with minimal thought his big body plodded on and sought out a place to sit, but inside he'd momentarily withdrawn as he tried to process what all had happened since he'd last seen her and from there sort out exactly how he should feel about her sudden appearance and her equally sudden disappearance.

Very quickly he decided that regardless of how he felt – and that would take time to sort out – now was not the time to dwell on or demonstrate those feelings. His father had summoned the pack for a reason and while he couldn't rule out the possibility that it was about Wren's reappearance he also couldn't rule out any alternatives. The brute adopted a 'wait and see' attitude, set his sights on a spot close to Harmony and the welcoming calmness she exuded, and began to make the strides necessary to take him there.

Merlin I


3 Years
04-09-2016, 09:28 AM
Today wasn't a day to be lazing around in the sun, not with the steady cold drizzle just waiting to soak your fur. But Merlin wasn't one to hang around in his den sleeping all day either - less than a quarter of an hour after he'd woken up this morning to discover the rain he'd gotten restless and fidgety and had to go for a run. Annnnd then roll in some mud puddles, because who wouldn't?! So when his father's summoning howl rang through the rain, Merlin's gray and white fur was an equally brown color and plastered down to his sides. He took the time to shake some of the mud off his coat, flinging it everywhere, before racing towards the meeting place. Although, he found a really great new puddle just before he got there and had to test it out too...

Unlike the elder sibling who proceeded him into the meeting, Merlin was entirely oblivious to the tension and discomfort between his pack members. The liberally mud-coated youth frolicked into the midst of the pack with complete cluelessness. "Hi Dad! Hi Mom! Hi guys!" he chirped, and proceeded to attempt to tackle Pipet's tail as the elder sought a seat near their aunt.



7 Years

04-13-2016, 10:37 AM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2016, 11:53 AM by Evelyn.)

Bass Destruction

When he said that he wanted more activity in Abaven, this was certainly not what he was talking about.

It started off like normal, but Bass was still holding his breath. It would seem that there couldn't be a meeting without some sort of drama. His pack seemed to strive off of it, perhaps that was because of the fact that Abaven was mostly teenagers at this point. He sighed softly, smiling at Tinaro when he entered first. Piper came in next, and he smiled at his youngest daughter. The entrance of the next wolf sent everything tumbling to a halt. He smelled her first, but he was often tempted by her perfume in his dreams. But a whine followed, as she removed herself from the shadows. His whole body froze, yellow eyes flying open wide as he had just stared at her. He had just accepted that she was gone, and yet again she showed back up when he was about to give up faith. He didn't know what to do with himself, even as Vali flew in and yelled at her like she was an intruder. It wasn't until Finch came in and started to yell at Wren that he snapped out of it. "Finch! Enough!" He roared, calling attention away from Wren. His daughter went off to pout, and Lillie soon appeared at her side. Bass' breath were coming out in ragged gasps as he fought to control the swirl of emotions that tormented him. He couldn't even look at Wren, looking everywhere besides her. He didn't say anything to Vali, he hadn't even heard her words. He had been in too much shock.

He remained in a sort of daze as the rest of the pack started to show up, Lark sitting on Finch's other side. He came to at Sparrow's words, begging Bass to make her leave. His heart shattered into a million pieces, his head hanging as he started to feel helpless. Finally, he steeled over his features, locking his emotions away for now. He had a pack meeting to deal with. "As you have renounced your pack rank by leaving, this meeting does not concern you. Please remove yourself from the area, and we can talk after," he said, his voice cracking at the end. He didn't want to talk to her right after, but there was no use in trying to push it off. It was going to happen sooner or later, he might as well get it taken care of then and there. Everyone else entered the meeting then, but it was all a blur. He could feel the eyes of his pack boring into him, waiting for him to get things under way. He forgot why he had called a meeting here in the first place. Letting out a shuttering sigh, he lifted his head high. He was thankful for Merlin when he trotted in, his cheerful attitude making a spark of a smile touch his lips. Ah, just what he needed to get on with everything. He had heard Harmony's words as well, and he gave his sister a thankful smile.

"Harmony is right. It seems like Abaven cannot have a meeting without some sort of drama coming to the surface. Is one normal meeting too much to ask for?" he asked, yellow gaze scanning the area. He made a note of those who did not show, mentally filling out a check list. "Those who have not come to the meeting today have made their position known, and are no longer a part of Abaven. I called everyone here today to see who came, as well as to assign mentors and apprentices," The more he spoke, the steadier his vocals came. He refused to look over to where Wren had been, not caring to see her leave. His heart was a patchwork of bandaids for the moment, his pack came first. "Quake will study under Starling," he said, fixing the young boy with a firm stare. This would be a test for him, on where his loyalties were. If he could not keep up with her training, he would quickly reassign the young girl. "Sandpiper will train under Finch, and Merlin will study under Tinaro." The young man had done more than enough to show that he was ready to train the young. He glanced over at Qualm then, taking a moment to think over that one. "Qualm will study under (insert wolf here when I figure out what rank Qualm wants)." Now that that was all said and done, he let out a sigh and turned to look at Harmony. "Before you leave Harmony, could I speak to you?" He needed the advice of his sister now more than ever.

ooc;// Another post is not needed, but you may reply if you wish. No deadline. Thank you for being patient with me.