
Chasing Rainbows



9 Years
04-21-2016, 01:05 PM
ooc: Made it pack only just in case Bri wanted to throw Kavdaya in here or something later on.

It had been a rather long trip back to the lake. Longer than it had taken him to get to the oasis in the first place but Creed didn't mind. Had she been a stranger to him he never would have imagined bringing her anywhere past the borders. Their relationship was different though. He'd go as far as calling them friends and with the relationship Donostrea had with Celestial he was positive that Surreal wouldn't mind. There was no way Locha could make the trip home, she was too sick, so for him there was no other option than to bring her home with him. At least until she was well enough to return back to her own home.

Finally, after what felt like ages, he could see the lake glittering in the sunlight. Typically the days had been overcast lately but today seemed to be the exception. Their lake wasn't anything extravagant but it was bigger than a pond so they couldn't complain. He doubted she'd be up to swimming right now but it was there for when she was feeling up to it. He could even catch fish for her if that was what she wanted.

He finally came to a stop and looked over at his sick companion. He could easily find her a den later but for now she could sit and enjoy the sunlight while they had it. A cool breeze drifted across the lake rippling the still waters and ruffling his thick fur slightly. He wasn't familiar with illnesses or if she'd be cold or hot right now but he hoped she'd be comfortable here while he tried to see if Kavdaya was up to treating her. He knew their healer was sickly as well, not the same symptoms as Locha, but hopefully she'd be able to help. In the mean time all he could do was make her comfortable.

"Well here we are." He said softly. "Ah know it's no' a beach but it works fer us. Ye can stay in a den here if ye like?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



5 Years
04-25-2016, 01:29 PM

Locha's shoulder's were hunched and she had a raging headache. She was weary and she felt as if all the energy had been sucked from her. If it weren't for Creed's steady presence by her side, her will to keep moving would'nt have stayed intact for so long. Looking up she noticed his turquoise gaze on the horizon and looked up herself. A glittering lake was in the distance. Her eyes brightened considerably and despite her aching she looked to Creed and smiled. She could only assume this was the lake he had mentioned.

As they approached, her head stayed upright and she took in the beautiful lake. A small island sat in the middle and the sun sparkled off the gentle waves. It's earthy scent was a nice change from the saltiness of Donostrea's waters. As Creed stopped, she couldn't help but flop down beside him, facing the lake. Already she felt more calm and the breeze seemed to cool down the heat that rested against her eyes.

Creed announced their arrival with a low voice. "Ah know it's no' a beach but it works fer us. Ye can stay in a den here if ye like?"
"It's lovely. I'm sure it's great in the summer heat." she said, voice raspy yet stronger than it had been. "Thank you Creed, I'd love to. I hate to be such a burden." she tapered off into a murmur.


Art by Evelyn



9 Years
04-26-2016, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2016, 08:06 PM by Creed.)

Creed watched as she flopped down tiredly. He knew the journey had been a hard one for her. Just the trip back to Celestial had been hard enough. He couldn't imagine how hard it would have been for her to try and return to Donostrea. The breeze coming from the lake seemed to make her feel better, judging from her body language at least, and he couldn't imagine how she was taking all of this. Surreal had been sick but this seemed to be a different kind of illness.

"It's lovely. I'm sure it's great in the summer heat." His attention went back to his friend as she spoke in a hoarse voice. "Thank you Creed, I'd love to. I hate to be such a burden."

A frown curled at his lips as she spoke an he swiftly shook his head. She'd never be a burden, especially for a wolf like him, as he thoroughly enjoyed being as helpful as possible. If anyone needed him, especially those he was close to, he was always going to be there if he could. He genuinely felt bad that he couldn't be more helpful to her. He was no healer and he wouldn't pretend to be. The last thing he needed was to try and give her an herb and then end up accidentally poisoning her or making it worse by mistake. He'd have to wait for Zuriel or Kav to look at her instead.

"Ah promise, yer no' a burden. Yer my friend an Ah know ye'd do tha same fer me." He offered her a reassuring smile. All she needed to do was focus on resting and getting better. "Ye can stay here fer as long as ye need ta. Ah can go ta yer pack an let yer family know where ye are."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]