
The Return



5 Years
05-03-2016, 11:50 AM

How long has it been? Season after season firey orbs had not laid sight to these lands. But though it had changed slightly, new growth to plant life, new scents lingered around; the land itself had not changed. And even if it had, the heart of the beast would still know it was home. The north would forever be home. No longer did the beast fret over ill family ties, they had all seemed to have disappeared just as the beast had. For better or worse who knew. For the creature that stood there now, it had been for the better.

She stood there, proudly with her tail curled over her back. She stood there taller than life, though she had not change in height. It was something more, something inside her that made her seem larger than life. Her orange red eyes glowed with a bright burning passion, her body language said she feared nothing. Why should she? This was her home, made not exactly where she was born, but she had spent her younger days here. Her coat gleamed in the weak afternoon sunlight, of ashen blue and burnt orange. If any knew of her from the past and saw her now, they might think her fur had grown more intense in color; more vibrant.

She was long over due for her return home. She had left these lands, heartbroken, lost, and inexperienced. Her eyes closed as she thought over the last events spent in these lands. Isardis challenging for her from Abaven, her return to Quelt's side and running a pack with him, the storm that took her away from him leaving a permanent scar across her shoulder, then finding her way back to Quelt to find she was to longer be his mate. And then she left in anger and heartbreak. But she had over come that. She lived alone, wondering and living the life she dreamed of. She had always loved the freedom of being a loner. Seeing all she could, learning everything possible. But as she got older she missed a few faces she loved and held dear. Vereux, Rin, Kyung; she missed her brothers. Would they still be here? Her eyes opened slowly as cast a glance around her. There would be only one answer to that question. Throwing her head back she let forth a call to her brothers, if they still roamed these lands.



7 Years
Extra large
05-03-2016, 03:35 PM

Normally you wouldn't find a male like himself wandering these lands. Aimlessly as he usually did, the skinny male searching for his next meal. The best he would with only one working eye after all. His thoughts had been centered around possibly joining a pack, but somehow he felt that it would never be right. Painfully he growled a bit as he walked forward, hungry. The winter months were coming closer, and despite his large size his state of mind made it all the more harder to get food for himself. Let alone would he be able to be part of a pack when his distrust ran so deep. However, the sound of a howl so close to him, made him freeze. Raising his head he could see about fifteen feet away. A woman he hadn't seen in years, a woman who he had hurt so badly. He was in the wrong. Quelt's mind didn't process it at first, single eye searching over her as his muscles tensed so badly. Breathing become a little more rapid. Irune... Irune Armada.

She had been his first love in these lands, and he destroyed it by feelings of cold feet. Now what had he been faced with. His second mate vanished with his unborn children. His third.... bore two of his children then kidnapped him ravaged him and ruined him. Quelt felt his teeth clench, the scarred man taking a few more steps forward. A shrill whine leaving his throat, audible enough to notify the woman that he was here. She had grown into a fine young thing, and he half expected her to lash out on him. He begged for that though, any sense of pain reminded him he was painfully alive. He didn't even deserve the grip of death. He abandoned everything he loved, and then he got attached to the wrong wolves. He couldn't see what was right in front of him. When he was within word earshot, he stopped his legs shivering. All he could mutter was three words. "I'm so sorry."




5 Years
05-03-2016, 04:26 PM

She would not have to wait long for an answer but it would not be one she expected. Eyes turned sharply at a side off to the side and widen in surprise. She stood there stiffly as she looked him over. She had not thought she would ever see him again. And through all the scars he still looked the same to her. For a moment she warred with her own emotions. At first she wanted to snarl and chase him off, to sink her teeth and leave him another scar, one that could match the one on her heart. And then she just saw no point in it. It was in the past, they had both been young trying to take on the world, trying to take a bigger bite than what they could chew.

His words seemed to tremble out of his mouth, her ears twitching. Why was he apologizing? She shook her head and took a few steps towards him. She blinked up at him, "The past is the past. We cant change what has been done." She stated softly. She had not completely forgiven him, she never might when it comes to matters of her heart. But the experience had made her stronger and more guarded.



7 Years
Extra large
05-03-2016, 05:10 PM

Quelt quickly went to look at the ground, the past was the past huh? Yeah but scars never did heal. He knew that much, growing up naive. Believing everything would just fall into place as it should. He took things for granted, his love, his friends, everything. There was no going back though, there was no... doing it over was there? He swallowed, he lost his children, and his brother had taken responsibility for them. Nothing could be done. Quelt didn't even realize it, but he had started crying. Tears streaming down his face as he blinked, ears pinning to the back of his head. Choking on his own words. He didn't know what to say to her.

"Don't ever forgive me Irune." he muttered. "It hurts, so don't do it." he shook his head. He had a hard enough time living with himself as it was. Nevermind anything else, he couldn't fix anything. It made him so angry and the pain was almost indescribable. As if it was far beyond his reach and understanding. Quelt pulled himself onto his stomach, just don't move and don't think he thought to himself. His heart pounded against his chest. How long had his world actually been this fallen apart.




5 Years
05-04-2016, 09:38 PM

She stood there unsure what to do or react. She watched as tears ran down his face and took a step back. Quelt had always been soft, tender. She sighed inwardly. Part of her felt sorry for him, the other part was disgusted. The lip side of her lip curled up, tail arching over her back. It was his words that caused the reaction. "I never said I would forgive you. But I learned that dwelling on it and the past would do me no good. Just as it is doing to you. Now pull yourself together, get up on your paws and be a man!" She said rather tartly. She didn't think being kind and sweet would get much out of him. Plus she knew it was in him to quiet being like this.

"Look I don't know what happened to you once I was gone. Don't you think it was rough for me? Hell I left this whole place. I was alone till now. I battled with myself but I pulled through and found my inner strength. Now its time you've done the same. Now stop being a pup who's sorry for himself. You will not live if you keep this up!" She barked at him. Moving towards his side she gave him a rather hard shove with her shoulder. Honestly she couldn't stand someone she knew acting like this. It was just too pitiful and she couldn't bring herself to walk away from someone in this kind of state.