
I condemn Thee[May]


06-06-2013, 02:42 PM
(Scuse me for the lack of table qvq)

The winter here wasn't very cold, not that the male would have felt it anyway. He was glad to be back where he belonged by the one he loved side. Well, almost anyway, as for he really had no care for rank unless he gained it, being beta once before it was a rank he longed for to serve Nnoitra until a new master was passed onto him. Though his eyes still were for the very lord and king he had fallen for. This match would be a good warm up and welcoming party as well, even if he lost. Tavros did not know who he was going up against, there were many new faces, and most of them were probably very capable of taking the rank as second in command. Many would be seeking it for blood lust, but he had seen that before. He simply condemned to what his skills could make. The male stood at the edges of the dirt his golden eyes watching silently like a viper. He was a small male, not very intimidating if you didn't count the large scar along his chest and shoulder. The desert orientated male loved a good fight and loved to torture, so whoever he was sighting he would treat with respect as he always did.

"So the one I am up against goes by the name May, what a lovely attraction." He spoke aloud to himself in a polite monotone. The red wolf lowered his head for a moment and raised it again. He concealed the smile arising at his lips, as he thought of how he was hardly rusty when it came to fighting having been chased around by assassin's until Vriska helped him. Tavros was excited to say in the least. So, he waited happily and patiently.

Defense: N/a
Offense: N/a
Injuries: N/a
Tavros is standing by for the fight.

I'd say we should do around four rounds, but it's up to you ^w^ I look forward to fighting with your character.


06-08-2013, 04:13 PM
The winter season did not affect the snowy white fact she blended in quite well when it snowed. Winter was also the woman's birth season, making her six years old. The woman had experience and size on her side, but her opponent could still be better. There was no way in hell she was going to underestimate someone she had never met.

From a distance she could hear a man talking to himself, so she stood and listened for a moment.So the one I am up against goes by the name May, what a lovely attraction So this was the man her alpha had placed her against. Interesting.

Silently the woman watched from a distance examining her opponent. Icy blue eyes taking in every detail they could from where she stood. The necklace that usually hung from her neck had been left in her den, hidden, so that it would not be broken during the tournament. Finally May decided she could take in all she could from the red coated man and stepped into view. "Yes, the name of your opponent is May." paused for a moment to take in everything she could of him at a closer distance. He looked to be a year or two older, and much smaller than herself. Still she wouldn't think any less of him as she had never before fought or met him.

"You must be Tavros then." a polite smile crossed her features as she watched the older, yet smaller male.

Defense: N/a
Offense: N/a
Injuries: N/a

4 rounds sounds good to me...and i wasn't sure if i was suppose to go ahead and start the fight/ So if i am just pm me and ill start it asap


06-08-2013, 06:28 PM
The female did not take him by surprise, it wasn't often he was taken by surprise these days. Yet, he was slightly happy he'd be fighting someone older then what he would consider a youngster. Being seven years old himself, sometimes the younger ones were more difficult to handle, not to mention the most cocky. The wolf by the name of Rin came to mind when he thought about that, the stupid omega. He was probably off dead somewhere now since Nnoitra ran him out. Yet, that flew out of his mind as May gave her greeting and Tavros gave a nod to confirm his identity. In blind battles, it would be safe not to underestimate or overestimate your opponent. She probably knew this as well as he knew it himself. The smaller male stepped off to the side a bit, scanning over her body while he could. Though it was vital that he knew what sort of fighting style she used.

"I look forward to the fight, let us both do our best." Tavros said respectfully as he looked her in the eye. Well it'd be exciting he had to admit, fighting had to be one of his favorite things to do despite his appearance he was good not only at using his surroundings but his size against bigger opponents. He had learned this from fighting with other Tortugans before.

Tavros went for an easy start, light on his feet as he headed straight towards the female. He wasn't set on getting in damage, he just wanted to see how she would react to his amount of speed. Tavros usual technique was snake movements that of a viper. Strike, run back, and then strike again. His head ready to snap at her left shoulder, as he made sure not to put too much effort in it to avoid injury for a quick get away if needed.



Offense: Aiming for her left shoulder for a quick strike then a run back, but only at half speed.
Defense: Simply not going at full speed in hopes of a quick get away if there is a counterattack.
Injury: N/a


06-10-2013, 01:52 PM
It didn't come as a shock when she didn't surprise the man. He was another Tortugan, wolves of their kind didn't typically surprise or scare easily. May couldn't help but wonder about his battle tactics. Is he stronger than what he looks. Maybe, by luck, he is slower than what he looks. All her questions about the man's fighting would soon be answered.

"As do I, and lets." she spoke as they looked one another in the eyes. She herself wasn't terrible at fact she rather enjoyed it. She was rather fast for her large size, surprisingly so. But her favorite was to use her bruit force against others, to hear them scream, to hear them was only part of why Tortuga was the only place for her. So far, no one has been able to make it past her powerful jaws to make her see the downfall of her large, muscular frame.

Icy blue eyes watched as the man moved to bite down on her shoulder. She didn't move, aside from widening her stance to keep her balance, until the last second. The moment May felt Tavros's teeth move the fur on her shoulder her jaw opened and her head snapped down. Her teeth aimed at his face. Before she tasted blood she felt the pain that came as the male's teeth punctured her flesh.

Defense: widened her stance to keep her balance
Offense: opens her jaws and aims to clamp her jaws down on Tavros's face.
Injuries: puncture wounds in May's left shoulder...amount of damage depends on what Travro's does next


06-11-2013, 01:08 PM
She definitely was smart, any younger dumber wolf would have been a bit surprised. In a fight you had to act fast, didn't matter what your size was. You couldn't just think you had to act and have the instincts to do so. Tavros had prepared himself though which was why he had not been going at full speed. He did not latch, never did he hold on. As soon as his teeth felt blood he was off on a running start. A smile stretching on his face as the girl was complying. Her teeth were heading towards his face as the man pulled his front paws into the dirt to make a quick run out. Her teeth dug into the right side of his cheek drawing a small amount of blood as he managed to escape the grasp just barely. So he wouldn't be able to easily predict her moves as he braced for future attacks by her.

His muscles clenched as a growl rose in his throat from actually having a chance to fight like this. It was also a little bonding time with a member he had never met before. She was well equipped for fighting that was for sure. Tavros was ready for her next attack as he had already pulled back from his last. Feeling the blood pooling at his fur slightly on his cheek. Blood was the best thing there was, that was for sure.



Offense: Quickly pulled back his head like a snake would to attempt at ripping or causing pain.
Defense: Ducked and swerved to try and avoid fully being hit on the face.
Injury: Gauche in his right cheek, stinging slightly from his attempt to get away quicker.


06-13-2013, 06:25 PM
The woman could feel the skin on her shoulder tear. Imeidiatly she knew that the wound wasn't very deep but that his testy had torn some skin away. From a distance it would have looked like a scrape, but up close and personal she knew that the four places his canines had dug there was skin and fur still attatched but hanging. She didn't bother looking at it though as the damage was done and there was nothing she could to to undo it.

Two of her questions had been answered though. He was just as fast as he looked and just as she suspected he was a hit and run expert. Though fast he hadn't been fast enough to escape her jaws. Blood covered the tip of her snout and front teeth. The moment Tavros pulled away May's tongue went over her front teeth. The warmth and copery taste on her tongue was always the favorite part of any battle her second favorite was to hear the other begging and pleading for their life.

As the white fur on her left shoulder stained red icy blue eyes stayed trained on the male. Her head lowered to make it harder for Tavros to get at her throat as her ears lay flat against her head. She seemed to get closer to the ground as her legs moved her to the perfect angle for getting at the right side of the mans throat.

The moment she was in posistiin for her attack, May used all four of her powerful legs to launch her into him, giving her that surprising amount of speed. She opened her maw aiming her teeth at his throat. When and if her purchase was mares front paws would hit him in both sides of her jaws in hopes of forcing him to the ground.

Defense: lowed her head to make it harder to get to her throat ears lay against her head to make them harder targets Offense: she intends to get a deadly grip on his throat and hopefully force him to the ground. Injuries: punctures in left shoulder are now tears with small amounts of skin hanging from her.


06-18-2013, 05:36 PM
Tavros was glad he didn't have an easy opponent, that was for sure. He was hoping she was enjoying the spar as well, blood and injury was half the fun as the scarred male's gold eyes watched her movements. He was already prepared for attacks considering he had ducked before, his throat was pretty well protected. Her speed gave her the advantage though, at least until Tavros opened his jaws, stepping back so that his timing would be better. He snapped his head forward to the front of her face, he honestly didn't care what he grabbed as long as he got some sort of grab on it even her eyeballs would be fair game to him.

The small male used her weight against her, and pulled his back paws into the ground and lifted his front paws a bit ways upwards. Tavros was experienced in fighting, his body had learned how to keep thinking even when he didn't need it. He had also recently escaped three killers after him. Yet, the odds were all up to the events he caused. He kept his balance, her teeth had snapped at his chest but he was hopping to keep a firm hold on whatever he had grabbed on her face and if he had done so.


Offense: Trying to attack her face
Defense: Back paws firmly in the ground, front paws trying to press against may
Injury: Gash in cheek, injury in his chest.


06-20-2013, 07:25 PM
The ivory woman was most definitely enjoying herself, and the man seemed to be enjoying himself just as much. With the flavor of blood still on her tongue and the sting of the wound on her shoulder, the only thing that would make it better would be to hear the man cry out and beg for his life...but she knew that wasn't likely.

May wasn't exactly happy about the fact that Tavros had made her miss his throat, but the blood from his chest tasted just as good. She could feel the warmth of it on her muzzle and she couldn't remember the last time she had berried her teeth into another wolf. Almost instantly the man had snapped down at her face, keeping her from enjoying her purchase to much.

The moment she realized he was after her face she pulled her head back in an attempt to avoid his sharp teeth. She had been slightly too slow though and a growl escaped her as his canines connected with her muzzle and scraped leaving thin bloody lines from the middle of her snout down to her nose.

As soon as her nose was free of the man's grasp her jaws opened. In turn for the scars on her face, she intended to return the favor...even though the scars on her face wouldn't be very noticeable after they were fully healed and the fur grew back.

Offense: Opened her jaws and went for Tavros' face
Defense: Pulled her head back in an attempt to escape injury, and her ears still lay flat against her head.
Injury: Round 1 - Puncture wounds in left shoulder
Round 2 - Puncture wounds in her left shoulder are worsened and small bits of her skin are hanging
Round 3 - Four thin cuts are on her snout starting in the middle of her muzzle and ending at her nose


06-21-2013, 08:29 PM
There was a difficult way to get out of May's attack. Really he was stuck and that was alright since he could make something of it. Instinctively he would be able to snap at her, but what he really needed was to get her onto the ground. Tavros' paws were still on the girl as he turned his face letting the fangs dig into the side of his muzzle before pulling back a bit. With that he pressed his weight onto her. Trying with his front legs to also get her to tip over on her side. His jaws forward he snapped at her face again or even the side of her shoulder.

Tavros was not sure if this would work or not, she was a sturdy female. Yet, it was his best choice if he were to want to get away. If he had ducked away she could have easily over powered him so he was standing his ground. Though the pain in his face burning and his chest, would easily go away after they healed. They wouldn't turn into a scar like the one already across his chest and shoulder from a large black bear he had killed.



Offense: Trying to pull her over on the ground to her side while snapping at her shoulder.
Defense: Head down to avoid getting hit in the throat.
- Teeth in his muzzle scraped across, rather deep and burning sensation with the bleeding. Close to his eye.
-Cheek gash
-Bite wounds on his chest


06-24-2013, 09:46 AM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2013, 11:05 AM by May.)
(OOC: the edit was to put in my post...before edit the only thing in it was work in progress)

Her teeth had made contact with the man's face once more, only this time she was mere centimeters from blinding him. In a way she was mad at herself for missing, but glad she hadn't permanently damaged her pack mate. The taste of blood fresh on her tongue and red staining white fur and dripping from her maw made her look rather evil as icy blue eyes looked over her options quickly.

She could feel his paws on her and moments later a purchase on her shoulder only an inch or two from the first. Renewed pain shot through her left shoulder and she could feel the man push on her side. Immediately she knew what he was trying to do and in result she widened her stance and through her shoulder into him. He was strong, she had to admit that, but not quite strong enough to put her on her side...she was a large girl after all.

His head was too low to get at any part of his face or neck...not the tender parts anyway. At a bit of an angle her jaws were wide and she forced them down at him. She was hopping for the back of his neck which would make for a good purchase as he hadn't crunched up his neck yet...or the top of his head, her mouth was big enough to get a hold of either and she was strong enough to keep that hold and shake him like a rag doll. The question was...would she find the purchase.

Round - 4/4

Offense: Forces her open jaws down aiming for the back of Tavros's neck or the top of his head
Defense: Strengthens her stance and forces her left shoulder into him to keep him from forcing her anywhere.
Injuries: Round 1 - Puncture wounds in left shoulder
Round 2 - Puncture wounds in her left shoulder are worsened and small bits of her skin are hanging
Round 3 - Four thin cuts are on her snout starting in the middle of her muzzle and ending at her nose
Round 4 - Another bite mark(punctures) in her left shoulder right next to the first wound and only two or three inches away

The Judge


07-01-2013, 02:43 PM

May v Tavros for Tortugan Sparring

Round 1

9 for clarity- would?ve liked a little more description of his position/movement to start the fight off

10 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses. while doing in slower might make dodging easier, it shouldn?t be the only defense mentioned, and multiple defenses are needed

5 for attack. If the attack isn?t being given at full speed, it can?t do as much damage< br>
10 for injuries.First round

Round one TAVROS Total: 38/50


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses. stabilizing isn?t much of a defense, but with her size, realistically it works, however, multiple defenses are needed

10 for attack. < br>
10 for injuries.First round

Round one MAY Total: 44/50

Round 2


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses. obviously, his defense didn?t work all the way, but was still a good dodge, however multiple defenses are needed

8 for attack. not entirely sure if this attack counts as separate and new for this round or just finishing off the one from the last round.

9 for injuries. none serious scratches

Round two TAVROS Total: 41/50


9 for clarity- a few typos made it a bit difficult to read, the attack was alittle unclear

10 for powerplaying.

8 for defenses.

9 for attack. though a tad unclear, still a powerful attack

8 for injuries. counting for her wound to the shoulder

Round two MAY Total: 44/50

Round 3

10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

6 for defenses. have to give a low score here, his ?defense? is putting himself right in the target zone and, with the size difference, it probably wasn?t the smartest move

8 for attack. not sure how possible the attack is, but it certainly would be powerful if landed

6 for injuries. it?s a pretty serious attack landing on his chest and not much is said about it

Round three TAVROS Total: 40/50


9 for clarity- would?ve liked more description in places

10 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses. not much is given (also, with regards to the ?ears? part, any defense or attack that isn?t described in the main body of the post can?t be put into the sum-up at the bottom)

6 for attack. though the attack will be powerful if landed, it lacks detail, exact target and intent

9 for injuries. superficial scrapes, nothing serious

Round three MAY Total: 38/50

Round 4

8 for clarity- probably had something to do with punctuation, but clarity dropped a lot here

10 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses. no defenses can be listed that aren?t in the main body of the post,

10 for attack. he?s making a good call in a tight spot

8 for injuries. non serious but painful cuts, could?ve easily been serious though, if just slightly deeper/moved

Round four TAVROS Total: 40/50


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses. not really using defenses, other than keeping herself planted, she?s letting him keep wounding her shoulder, but at her size and in her position, it works

10 for attack. excellent attack, very dangerous and easily executed from her position

5 for injuries. Tavros is still being allowed to bite into her shoulder, and though it?s a non vital area, should the fight continue it would hamper her movement and strength considerably

Round four NAME Total: 40/50


TAVROS: 159/200

MAY: 166/200

And the winner is...

MAY! Tavros must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.
(Advice: that last move was an endgame, unless Tavros wants to take extra damage from it, he should submit there and then)


TAVROS - the gash in his cheek and the wounds near his eye will be rather painful, but will start scabbing and healing within the week (so long as he keeps them clean) The wounds to his chest are little more severe and will hamper his movement for a couple days at least, and perhaps take a month to heal completely.

MAY- Though the scratches on her nose will heal quickly and cause her no problem, that shoulder is going to keep her laid up for a couple weeks. It?ll be quite painful, and unless attended to a healer could become easily infected. Even if well healed, May will probably walk with a slight limp for the next month or so. (She might get a cool scar out of it though)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Tavros
I advise that you remember to use your size as your advantage. You?re obviously strong for a wolf of stature, and you inflicted some serious damage, but against a wolf like May it would?ve been wiser to use your speed and agility against her.

For May
While standing tall and taking punishment worked out alright in this fight, if the brawl had kept going, that shoulder might?ve given you some serious trouble. Be careful how much you let the other oppoeant get to you.

For the Players
Both of you did very well, and I tried to judge this based off of your own writing level/style and not off of what I might think as the ?perfect rp fighter? or some other such ideal. You two were closely matched and responded very well to eachother?s attacks. I heavily advise trying multiple attacks and defenses in your next matches, as each defense is only worth a few points each. You can always read other people?s spars/fights/challenges to get ideas. Well done to both of you! It was a privilege to judge this match.

- By [CLASH]