
The Silence Is Deafening [Pack Meeting]



7 Years
04-29-2016, 08:12 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2016, 08:13 AM by Surreal.)
This Meeting is Mandatory for all Pack members (Those with Joining threads incomplete included, so Dagger, Acapella, and Crucible must attend as well. I'll be posting the acceptance posts for them soon [next in line].)

Deadline for First Round: May 14th

Those that do not attend, and have no Absence or Scarcity posted in the appropriate thread will be met with consequences.

Surreal Adravendi

She was feeling somewhat better now. Enough that Kavdaya had nodded grudgingly when she had noted that it was time to call a pack meeting and fill in the wolves that still called Celestial home on what was happening, and to usher them, again, to make an effort. So it was with great deliberation that she marched – waddled – out of the den, Kavdaya sticking closely to her side with some concern in those amethyst flecked sapphire eyes, and made the trek to the Boulder.

She stopped at the base and eyed the jump that she usually would have taken with such ease. “I suppose I’m too heavy to leap gracefully up there, eh?” she joked, then hopped her front paws up, stubbornly refusing to allow such a thing as illness and heavy pregnancy to sway her from her destination. She could feel Kavdaya rolling her eyes with affectionate exasperation before the snowy healer got a shoulder under her rump and heaved the Archangel onto the boulder.

Surreal coughed lightly, turning to stare out at the clear area, before tilting her muzzle to the sky and letting a howl roll free. It was every bit as demanding to obedience as it usually was, and it left no options to stay in the den, or ignore it. She had words for her pack, and news.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



12 Years
Extra large
04-29-2016, 08:21 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Finally. It was with some relief that Regulus padded into the main chamber ofthe den's cave. The muzziness in his head was clear, he could breathe, and - best of all - he wasn't sneezing, coughing, battling a runny nose or bleary eyes, and he was free of the den. Free to get back to work patrolling, seeking out prospective new members to fill out their ranks, and strecth his legs. Mother, however...

Regulus was finishing off a patrol when his mother’s voice rang out, a demanding howl to the pack. He was whirling on his hocks and launching toward her voice before he had a truly conscious thought beyond ‘Oh, hey, she’s out of the den’. When your mother yelled that way, you did not keep her waiting. So he was stretching out in great bounding leaps to double-time it to the meeting. He was… first! Except for his cousin Kavdaya, of course.

He nodded quickly to his mother, vaulting up beside her and taking his seat as the Heir, Cinder popping out of the bushes and hopping up to sit between his paws. As Kavdaya took her seat as the Master Healer, to the right at the base of the boulder, he looked out at the bare space ahead. Who was going to be first after him?

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



9 Years
04-29-2016, 08:31 AM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

To say the Master Healer of Celestial was pleased that her cousin and Archangel was out of the den, so close to birthing, and not at her full health, was to tell a lie. Kavdaya was silently disapproving as she hovered by Surreal's side all the way to the boulder. However, as the heavily pregnant alpha considered the boulder, the snowy pelted healer couldn't repress the little smile and the roll of her eyes as she relented and got her shoulder under her cousin's butt and heaved. She was taking her place when Regulus came streaking up, his mothers strident call clearly having an effect on the titan of a wolf.

She kept her eyes forward, but her nmind was on her stock, and the illnesses going around. She wasn't sure if Celestial had contracted the illness she was hearing of, but she hoped not. Her mind was also on Surreal, and the heavy belly. This was a larger litter, it seemed, and they all felt healthy, kicking and squirming with vigor. Hopefully, Surreal being ill wouldn't affect the health of the litter. The silence of the pack was unnerving as well. They would just have to see.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



8 Years
04-29-2016, 09:50 AM
The new, eager to explore, and eager to learn female wasn't to far from the call. Just recently accepted into the pack she had spend her first couple of days preparing her den. She was at her last and final step of gathering the bedding she had wanted and since it seemed the rain was holding off the past couple of days the moss and soft leaves she was gathering had seemed to dry. In and out and in and out, she made several trips to and from her den. She was sure her brother was doing fine with his den, but she would be sure to check to see if he was alright once she had finished.

Her final trip she had made it to the entrance of her den before the older, wiser female's call rang out. It made her step and swing her head into the direction of the call, a wag of her tail as she smiled. Her first pack meeting! She contained herself and gently placed the remaining bedding on the ground before swinging around and moving at a fast pace towards the call. It hadn't taken her long at all before the meeting place had come into view with the heavily pregnant Surreal on a large stone, her son Regulus at her side, and a third wolf that she had not met yet. Tail wagging in a quiet, yet friendly greeting she moved towards the three and took a seat where she could easily see all three of them. The young female dipped her head in respect to Surreal, then to Regulus, and to the third wolf even though she had no clue what her rank was. Eagerly she waited until the pack would gather, curious as to what other strange faces she would see. How many of her distant family were actually in this pack? And where on earth was her younger brother?



4 Years
04-29-2016, 11:46 PM
A call rang out across the plains, one the Destruction lass hadn't heard in a while. Well, this was a surprise. The alphess herself hadn't shown up for the hunt, let alone the rest of the pack, and now she was calling a meeting? Anger and disappointment twinged in her heart as she made her way to the gathering, still feeling a little reluctant to show her face. Perhaps there was a legitimate reason behind the Archangel's absence, but everyone else except for two other wolves?

Upon her arrival her eyes first found the lack of wolves gathered around the leader. Where was Miksa? Where were the two she had hunted with - Creed and Faite? No, maybe she had arrived early and they were still making their way over. Her bicoloured eyes momentarily found the weakened form of Surreal, appearing sick and pregnant. Oh. Oh, okay. This changed everything. She gave the silver-furred woman a dip of her head, perhaps with a little uncertainty, and seated herself not too far away from the unfamiliar female.



9 Years
05-03-2016, 08:29 PM

Creed was not meant to be running late. Still he'd been a rather busy wolf lately. He'd only recently made it back from Donostrea's old lands and the news didn't bode well for anyone. Surreal wouldn't be happy to know that the pack had just upped and vanished. What was worse was that he had to tell Locha about it. He couldn't imagine the blue marked Elementas woman would be too pleased to hear about her family. Still he had decided that he would tell her once she showed signs of feeling better. He didn't want to overwhelm her with stress.

It seemed Surreal was feeling better as a call rang out, rather demanding, as she called for the rest of the pack. Most signs of her cold seemed to be gone and a smile tugged at his lips. He was glad she was feeling more up to things now. It never was any good when an Alpha was sick and then pregnant to top it all off.

He arrived not too long after Varda did. He slowed for a moment and in his pause he glanced around. Kavdaya was there, Regulus, Varda, Surreal, and then a strange female he hadn't seen before. She seemed to resemble the rest of Surreal's family in a way and he couldn't help but wonder if they were related. His gaze didn't linger on the rest of them for long as he briefly wondered where on earth was was supposed to be sitting. Rightfully he probably should have claimed a seat up by Surreal and Regulus, but it wasn't in his nature to be prideful. So instead he padded over to Varda and the unknown female and took a seat near their only hunter. He offered her a smile in greeting before returning his gaze towards the Archangel.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]


05-03-2016, 08:39 PM

A groan rumbled past his lips as he shifted in his den as something woke him up. What on earth? It had clearly been a howl. Slowly he rose to a sitting position and shook his head free of the fog of sleep that had claimed him earlier. An ear flicked towards where the summons had come from and he blinked sleepily for a moment. That had been Surreal. A yawn slipped free and he stretched out, much like a cat, as he tried to arouse himself.

He and Acapella hadn't been here for long but already the behemoth had found a den in the plains large enough for him to stretch out comfortably and have some room to spare. While finding a den was easy finding someone who could train him probably wouldn't be so simple. He wasn't terribly happy about being placed as an apprentice, but he knew there's wasn't much he could do to change it. A little grumbling about it here and there was probably all he'd do, but he meant well by it. He was more than eager to prove his worth.

He supposed to best way to start was not being late to a meeting. With one more stretch to wake himself up he trotted from his den towards the unfamiliar meeting place. Others were already there, most of them unfamiliar, but he offered a smile and a nod of his head towards Surreal, Regulus, and Kavdaya before he moved towards the opposite side of his sister and then shoulder bumped her with a grin. It seemed like he hadn't missed anything quite yet.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years

05-03-2016, 08:55 PM

Other than the hunt, Faite hadn't been up to much of anything lately. She'd met a new friend and had explored a bit but that had been short lived as she hadn't wanted to travel too far. She knew it would have been best for her to throw herself into another spar, but a part of her wanted to wait just in case she was needed at home. She itched to go prove herself on the battlefield and gain some experience but with Miksa gone as well as Castiel she was the only actual Legionary left. Sure there was Regulus and the others, but she didn't feel right leaving. If she really wanted a spar she was sure she could always ask someone else in the mean time.

Today seemed like it held other plans. A call rang out from her mother and dark ears flicked towards the sound eagerly. A meeting! Surreal seemed to be sounding better at least so that made the young woman happy. She tore off across the plains as fast as her feet would carry her and she didn't slow her pace until she came close to the rest of them. Not wanting to careen into anyone and cause a scene so eased down to a walk and then padded over to Regulus first and placed her front paws up on the boulder giving his crimson face a lick.

"Hello brother!" She said before giving her mother a lick as well. "Mother!" She said with a smile before greeting her with a lick as well. She then looked at the gray Alpha's belly with a glint in her eye. She was more than excited about the prospect of new siblings. They were going to be adorable! Having said her greetings she then looked around at the few new faces before she took a seat not too awfully far away from Creed.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



11 Years
05-04-2016, 02:37 PM
The call of his sister would not be ignored.

Castiel had been resting since returning to Celestial. What wounds had still needed tending were now healing as those that had scarred once did. Soon much of the evidence of his imprisonment would be gone, and Cas could find his place back in the ranks of Celestial... Or so he hoped. He was still picking up on what all had happened since he had disappeared. Most important, or at least it seemed, was the fact that Surreal was expecting her third litter of little ones. The thought of becoming an uncle again, and actually being there through the whole process, both excited and worried him.

Cas approached the meeting quietly, ears perked forward as he examined those present. Faces that he knew, and a couple he did not. But just because he did not know them yet didn’t mean he wouldn’t know them at all. He took a seat, golden hues flicking to Surreal as he waited for the meeting to begin. He didn’t doubt there would be talk of her pregnancy... But what else would be on the agenda?



8 Years
Athena I
05-05-2016, 01:43 PM

Falk carefully made his way through the territory, moving as quickly as he could to join his mate at the meeting. Ever since their spar he had been a little more adventurous, making himself get out more and test how well he could actually get around on his own. Celestial's lands were pretty familiar to him, but there were still spots that tripped him up from time to time. He had still been sticking close to their den of course. No matter how much tutoring Zuriel gave him on healing he was still not much help when it came to Surreal's pregnancy and sickness. He wouldn't leave her side if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want to be sick as well. He knew all of their children were old enough to care for themselves now, but he didn't want both of their parents to be out of commission at the same time. He padded over to his usual spot beside Surreal's perch, settling onto his haunches next to her. He could tell from the scents around him that quite a few wolves had already arrived, but there were still plenty to come.

Speech Thought Others



9 Years
Athena I
05-05-2016, 01:54 PM
Being in a pack after being on his own for so long was quite the change. Creed was quite busy most of the time it seemed so he had spent his time acquainting himself with his new home and settling into his new den. It was so strange to have wolves around him every time he turned around. It wasn't an unpleasant change, but it was a bit unsettling at times. He liked his quiet, alone time. He knew he wasn't chained to the territory and he knew he could leave for a short time to get away if he wanted, but he felt like he owed it to his brother to give this place a chance and make a real effort to be a part of this pack that Creed seemed to love so much.

Surreal's voice rang out, calling the pack to her. His ears perked and he lifted his head to listen to her call. He knew the basics of how a pack worked, but this would be his first pack meeting since he was young. A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest and he started to make his way toward where Surreal had called them, soon arriving to see what he thought was a huge gathering of wolves. He hesitated on the outskirts of the group for a moment before he spotted Creed. He took the long way around the edge of the group and made his way over to sit near his brother, quietly observing the wolves around him.



10 Years
Athena I
05-05-2016, 02:10 PM

Báine hummed quietly to herself as she trotted through the plains, making her way toward the usual meeting spot. She liked meetings. It meant she got to see everyone! It still made her sad that she didn't have her littermate to sit with like Faite and Regulus and Zuriel did, but she knew her siblings didn't mind her sitting with them as well. And Creed would be there! She hadn't seen him in a while either. The closer she got the more excited she got. She trotted into the clearing with her tail wagging and a grin on her face, her pale pink necklace bouncing around her neck. She went over to her mother first of course, hopping up to put her front paws on her rock so she could reach Surreal to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, mother!" she said cheerfully. She couldn't wait to see her new little siblings! She wouldn't be the youngest any more. She giggled at the thought before going over to her father to kiss him on the cheek as well. "Hi, father!" She'd go to do the same to each of her siblings as well, happy to see all of her family well once again. "Hi, Reg! Hi, Faite!" She'd look to Creed and give him a big smile as well before she plopped onto her haunches next to Faite and looking up to her mother to see what the meeting would be about this time.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Athena I

05-05-2016, 02:44 PM

Zuriel cursed her luck. It seemed that every time her mother called a meeting she was always on the outskirts of the pack lands or just outside of them on her constant hunt for herbs. The herb stores had been constantly low as of late with how often her mother and brother had been sick. Not to mention that they'd need herbs for her mother's birth soon as well. Even so, it never failed that she was the furthest she could possibly be from the meeting place when her mother wanted to meet with them. Not that she was super concerned with being first to the meeting, but she had been working so hard lately to prove that she could be helpful to the pack so maybe she could have an important place like Regulus did and being late to meetings didn't help.

She sighed and tucked away the bundle of herbs she had been collecting in a nook of a tree so she could come back for them later. Trying to run with a mouthful of herbs wasn't fun. She took off at a light run then, hurrying toward the meeting. She was still one of the last to arrive it seemed all the same. She gave a quick shake of her fur before she came over to sit near her siblings, her eyes glancing over the wolves she didn't recognize. She settled on her haunches quietly as she watched her surroundings curiously and waited to see what her mother had called them for.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
05-14-2016, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2016, 09:45 PM by Surreal.)
I may have forgotten to include some stuff; I'm sleeeepy, and work is fun but tiring <3
On to a new Era!

The next Round is semi-mandatory (Depending on if your woof has something to say, wither to what Surreal said or what Regulus will say) If your wolf has nothing to say, have them exit after hearing Regulus out. Let's actually have a completed meeting thread for once :P

After Regulus, posting order need not follow the previous order.

Surreal Adravendi

She waited patiently as the pack gathered, and as they all settled, Castiel among them, as well as Crucible, Dagger, and Acapella, she smiled. Sharp eyes failed to miss the disgruntled look on Varda's face before it dropped as the Destruction found her, taking in her conditions. The Archangel nodded to her. There would be news for Varda as well. Finally, when she was certain all that were coming had arrived, she straightened her shoulders and let her voice be heard.

"Celestians. Thank you for coming. I know it's been a little while since the last meeting; my apologies for that. However; that is no reason for the silence I've been hearing about. But more on that in a moment. First, I have a few promotions to announce, and new arrivals to introduce, and one last announcement to make.

"Firstly, I am promoting Varda Destruction to the role of Master Hunter. With as few hunters as we have, and her attempt at calling a pack hunt recently, however poorly attended it was.." she cast a sharp glare at the gathered wolves, skipping over Creed and Faite, the only two wolves who had deigned to show their faces to the hunt, according to Creed, before continuing. "The choice is clear. Congratulations Varda. Your efforts have been noted."

The Archangel dipped her head to the pale Destruction before she cast a look around to the pack, eyes landing on Baine. "Baine has reached her second year, and can no longer be counted among the Apprentices. Due to her chosen path, she is to be an Emissary. I have no doubt you will make Celestial proud." She added, speaking directly to her daughter with a grin, before she turned to Creed. "A few days ago, I made the decision to promote Creed Ancora to the position of Secondary Alpha; my Right Wing. He now pulls the same weight, and he has the same power I have. Respect him, obey him, work with him." She nodded to Creed, shifting her seat to the side a foot to indicate his new spot on the boulder, and that he should sit there, before continuing.

"New to Celestial are Crucible, Creed's brother, and Dagger and Acapella, two cousins in my family. Dagger, as a yearling, will be an Apprentice until his second year, upon which time we'll see what he wants to become. Acapella, you are a Unit member. When you have decided what you wish to become, or have decided already, tell myself, or rather, tell Creed or Regulus." Her eyes shifted to Castiel. "My brother, Castiel, has returned to us. He was attacked on an outing, and taken away, and it has only been recently that he managed to get free and return home to us. Castiel, you will be a Unit until we can retake your test for Legionary."

A brief smile brushed across her muzzle as her unborn brood kicked and wriggled within her belly. "Ah, yes, and speaking of arrivals; Falk and I are expecting a litter, very soon." A broader grin parted her jaws, before she turned to darker matters.

"Celestial has been too quiet. I have heard not one single call for practice spars, And Varda's first pack hunt was only attended by Faite and Creed. This is not acceptable. And if it continues, I will have no choice but to remove you from the pack." A sweeping look encompassed all of the pack, allowing her family to know that they were expected to up their game as much as the unrelated wolves.

She went on, tone grave. "There has been word of an illness spreading through the continent. Keep your eyes open for any wolves that seem particularly ill. Any of you who feel sick should come to the communal den for treatment." Her eyes swept the pack's faces a last time before she turned to her final announcement. " With my pregnancy, and imminent birthing, I have made the decision to retire. Regulus, as the Future, will step up into my place as Archangel, starting now. I leave you to his paws. Trust him." She dipped her head, lowering herself to slip from the boulder to sit by Falk and lean on him, leaving the floor to her son.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



12 Years
Extra large
05-22-2016, 01:18 PM

Regulus settled himself more comfortably as the pack gathered in front of the boulder. There were new faces; Dagger and Acapella he already knew, and of course Uncle Castiel, but who was the older male, with tear like markings like… His fathomless sapphire eyes found Creed, and it clicked. This must be a sibling of his. Regulus cast the as yet unnamed male a bright grin of welcome before his eyes roved through the growing crowd.

Where was Ganja? He hadn’t seen her in ages. Last he had known, she was sick; but when he’d gone to see her at her den, she hadn’t been there. He hadn’t been able to find the little green and obsidian wolf since, but he’d done his best to tend the little garden she’d left behind. He knew she’d cherished the smelly plants she’d planted there, so he didn’t want her to come back to see them dead and wilted; if indeed she ever did return.

His carmine ears drooped, before his mother straightened beside him, drawing his full attention as he cast a swift glance around the gathered wolves. Miksa was notably absent, still, and his stomach sank, but he listened to his mother. He grinned widely at Varda as she gained the rank of Master Hunter, and his eyes sparkled with pride as Baine was awarded the rank of Emissary. Creed he already knew about, having been able to hear his mother and Creed talking from his own alcove; voices carried well enough in a cave that one didn’t have to strain their ears to overhear a conversation.

At last, he was to learn the name of Creed’s sibling; Crucible. The male looked kind, and he hoped he would be a valuable asset to the pack for a while to come. He tossed a wide smile to his young cousins as they were introduced, and a warm smile was offered to his Uncle as Castiel was officially re-accepted into the fold. And, at last, the announcement of his soon to be born newest siblings made his head lift a bit higher. He was gonna be a big brother, twice over! How many would there be this time? Two again? Ten?!

His thoughts were eclipsed by his mother’s somber tones as she announced the illness winding its malignant tendrils through the lands. He was glad that he and she seemed to be getting over theirs.  He nodded slowly to himself, making a note to keep an eye out for particularly sick wolves.

And then, it was time. His head turned briefly as he gazed at his mother, fathomless sapphires widening briefly as his heart went all a flutter. And were there butterflies flittering in his belly? But there was little time to stay shocked. His mother was slipping from the boulder, leaving him in the spotlight; and for a moment, his mind went a bit blank. Like the most cloudless of skies in summer. And then a cloud appeared. He grasped onto that cloud of thought, forming it into words, and straightened his shoulders, thinking Here goes…

Regulus cleared his throat, and greeted the pack with a smile. Finally, his rich, warm, deep baritone voice, accented in a unique mixture of his mother and grandmother - two of the most cherished wolves in his life - rolled out over the crowd like soft thunder. Like his grandmother, he needn’t raise his voice very far to be well heard.

“Firstly, I want to offer my congratulations to the newly promoted among us. Baine, I’m proud of you. Varda, I know you’ll do your best. Creed,” He turned to the monochromatic Right Wing and smiled. “I hope you’ll be an able partner for a while longer. I value your input, and you have shown yourself trustworthy among the pack.” He grinned briefly and turned back to the pack at large, casting a warm smile to them.

“I promise to you all, that I will do my utmost to serve you well as your leader, and I hope that you will see it in yourselves to allow me to be your friend as well. If ever you need me, do not hesitate to come to me, or call for me. A king that is feared by his subjects is no king at all, but a tyrant. I don’t want that, but I do wish to be respected.” He grinned at them, sapphire eyes twinkling. But, finally, it was time to turn to a serious subject.

“My mother is correct that the silence in the pack is unacceptable. To flourish, we must work together; form bonds of friendship and camaraderie that will survive the tests of time. I will admit that I have been remiss on activity lately, but with help from all of you, I hope to turn that around.” He dipped his head to the crowd, before his eyes swept the gathered figures, a quick count running through his mind. Finally, he went on.

“Our numbers are low, even with those returned, and those who have joined, and those expected to be born. Part of the effort for activity should go toward seeking out new members. If you find likely wolves on your outings, or run across strong fighters on the battlefield, and they seem to be in search of a home, point them here. Try to give as positive of a description of our pack as you can, but be honest with them about our laws and what we require of them.” He would be among those that would be on the lookout for likely wolves to bring home. He hoped he would run across Ganja and Miksa in that time, as well. One could always hope.

“Winter will be rolling in before we know it. Even if you aren’t a healer yourself, I’d like you to help the healers in their search for herbs. The more they can gather and store, the better chance we have to make it through winter without running out of herbs. Like with my mother before me, I expect you to all learn at least the rudimentary basics of healing.” He paused to think for a few beats before he moved on.

“Our Laws and our ranks will remain mostly the same. Though, be warned; I retain the right to make changes. Regarding Trespassers, whomever encounters a stranger within the borders of the pack, is to meet them at first with a firm command to leave, and if they do so willingly, not to harass them further. However, should they prove troublesome, you are free to use whatever force you deem necessary to remove them from the territory, and call for a high ranked wolf. Should this include maiming, you are welcome to do it if pressed. If they still refuse to leave, they face force claiming.” He felt that this particular law needed clarification, thus gave it readily.

“Calls to spar have been, as noted by my mother, nonexistent. This needs to change, starting tomorrow. Those who wish to move up in the ranks of the fighters need to be honing their skills, and bettering them. We need reliable Betas, and reliable Master Legionaries. I cannot reward you for activity I cannot see or hear. When you go to spar with strangers on the Battlefield, someone from Celestial is to go with you to witness the spar. Challenges for high ranks against those already high ranked must first be run by me to make your intentions clear, and then I must be present to oversee the challenge. Be very sure it is the Pack’s best interest you have in mind when you aim for a fight.” A long, stern look was cast to the pack as a whole, but his eyes focused just a little longer on those he knew held interest in fighting.

Faite held potential, that he knew. Dagger had ‘Fighter’ painted all over him in bright red, from his stature, to his build, to his very personality. Castiel was his Uncle, and he knew he had experience in fighting. Three likely candidates to keep an eye on in the following seasons. Faite was, as of now, their only present Legionary. He, personally, wouldn’t have minded having her in a high rank, but maybe that was the brother talking. Crucible, he wasn’t sure of, yet, and Acapella felt like she might be suited to a different path in the Pack. “I will compile a list of pairings for sparring partners in the pack, and share it with you in a later meeting. Thus far, none of you have kept up with your last pairing. I hope from now on, we can do far better.”

He smiled at them, before moving on to the next subject. “We are also painfully short on hunters, and healers. Again, keep your eyes peeled for likely wolves looking for a home.”  He gazed hard at the pack as he went on, branching from the subject of the hunters.   “Which leads me to the subject of Varda’s first pack hunt. Surely, not all of us were sick at that time? So I want to make one thing absolutely clear; when Varda calls for the pack to come together for a hunt, unless you are too ill, injured, or already doing something very important, you are expected to answer that call until we have enough hunters to assist her in a hunt. We need every paw working to keep the pack afloat and fed.”

A long look took in the faces of those gathered before he went on. “Dagger, you will apprentice under Castiel for fighting, Zuriel for healing, and Varda for hunting. I hope you will work hard on your studies, and I will be checking to ensure you are.” A grin flashed over his jaws, fathomless sapphire eyes twinkling. “Acapella, I look forward to hearing of what path you want to pursue in Celestial. Crucible, I’m interested to hear what you have in mind for your own path.” A smile rested on his maw almost perpetually by now as he addressed the pack at large once more.

“While I would be happy to meet with all of you quite often, I will call an official meeting at the beginning of each season, to introduce new members, announce any mothers’ expecting, and announce promotions or demotions – much as I hope never to have to demote someone – and so on.” He cast a quick glance over the heads of the wolves gathered. He needed more time to think over things. So, he straightened his shoulders and smiled warmly at them, sapphire pendent glittering against his vibrant crimson breast.

“Now, I’m sure you’re ready to mingle, or get back to patrols or herb gathering, so I’ll release you for the day. Again, if you wish to speak with me about anything, please, do not hesitate to come to me, or call. Thank you.” He flashed a wide grin at the pack, dipped his head, and rose, leaping from the boulder, though he stuck around to see if anyone needed him. He felt good about today. Hopefully all would be wonderful in the following years.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



8 Years
05-22-2016, 03:43 PM
Soon after she had settled, the hulking form of her brother came up beside her. She grinned as he sat down beside her then playfully bumped her shoulder. She returned the playful gesture her tail wagging in happiness. She then straightened herself out and prepared herself as Surreal began to speak. As names were mentioned she tried to fallow where Surreal would cast her gaze to. She wanted to try and put a name to faces. She still hadn't met everyone, but she would need to. Bonding with others in the pack was vary important, they were her family now even if some were not by blood. She announced several things along with introducing the pack to her and Dagger. One of the announcements was that Surreal and Falk were expecting and that brought a bright smile to Acapella's face. She enjoyed with her youngest siblings were born, pups were a joy to have around and she was excited to be around pups again. Her last announcement was that she was stepping down as alpha and her bright red son Regulus would be taking her place. Attention was then turned to Regulus as he took over the meeting and intently she listened to him. She needed to kick it up a notch and get her butt into gear. Perhaps she would start with looking for herbs to get their stock up. It would give herself a chance to travel and hopefully get some new members for the pack. When dismissed she stood from her spot and looked to her brother a smile on her face.

"Looks like we both have a lot of work to do better get started," she said with a grin gently nudging him before turning and leaving the meeting.

-Exit Acapella-



9 Years
05-23-2016, 04:44 PM

Creed sat patiently observing everyone else that seemed to slowly trickle in. Crucible's appearance was the least noticeable at first and he didn't know the male had arrived until he heard his sibling come up right beside him. A soft grin graced his muzzle at the approach of the other male and his tail waved gently. It was a strange yet welcoming thing having his brother around once more. Cross had disappeared again, but at least him and Cru had each other for the time being. He knew he hadn't been very good at spending time with him, but he was going to do his best to change that.

He managed to catch Baine's eye before Surreal started speaking and he gave her a welcoming smile back. She was another he'd been neglecting lately and with his trips outside of the territory mostly out of the way he wanted to focus on his apprentice as well. The first order of business was to promote Varda to Master Hunter and he grinned softly. As their sole hunter she definitely deserved the position. He'd caught the glare that she gave everyone except himself and Faite and while he felt bad about it, it was also unacceptable for no one else except him and Faite to show up.

She then went on to promote Baine to the rank of Emissary and he grinned broadly at this. He felt a twinge of guilt of not training her more than he had. He knew she'd gotten her rank today, but he was positive he could still make an effort to take her somewhere and further her training. He'd have to talk with her about it later to see if it was something she was interested in. It wouldn't fix the past but perhaps he could make up for it.

Surreal's attention then turned to him and, had he been a younger wolf, his blood probably would have turned hot at the attention he was receiving. He'd dully accepted his position as Right Wing and rather enjoyed being able to help Surreal out where she needed it. She shifted her position over where she sat and he slowly rose to his paws and climbed up next to the pregnant Alpha.

She then went on to introduce some of the newer members to the pack. Of course there was his brother, and then his eyes slid slowly over Dagger and Acapella as she introduced them. Acapella was smaller but clearly older and he was curious to see what rank she'd decide to take on. Perhaps a hunter to help Varda out? They certainly needed them. He then examined Dagger and it was easy to realize what he'd excel in. The male was easily as big as Regulus and built like a tank. If he didn't choose a role as a Legionary later on then he'd be fully surprised. Castiel had also returned to him and at this he found relief. Miksa was still gone, but it was good that Surreal's sibling had returned to them.

The rest of chastisement about the hunt and no practice spars. He made a mental note to head to the battlefield. He had felt uncomfortable fighting Baine so if he fought someone other than a pack member perhaps he'd have a better go at it. Surreal then spoke of her upcoming litter, the sickness that had been going around, and then lastly she then spoke of stepping down and letting Regulus take over. He'd known that she'd be stepping down soon but he was a bit surprised that she was choosing to do so now. Regardless he knew Regulus would be a good leader and he was still pleased to get to help the male out. He'd never had any experience leading but he was older so naturally he was going to be there for the younger male.

Surreal then slipped from the boulder and Creed shifted from where he sat as Regulus took the proverbial floor. Naturally Regulus' speech was as elegant and as beautiful as his mother's. He had a sense of power and maturity most wolves didn't gain until their later years of life, some not at all, and Creed listened with an encouraging smile. He had no doubt Regulus would prove to be a very able Alpha.

The rest was merely things that had been touched on. There would be new sparring partners and everyone was encouraged to help the healers gather herbs to prepare for Winter. Of course the subject of the semi-failed pack hunt was brought up again and he listened quietly as he mused over what had kept anyone else from showing up. With Winter on it's way they'd need to help each other out more than ever. It wasn't as harsh as the North, but Winter was still Winter. Next Dagger was given his apprentices and Acapella and Cru were encouraged to choose their own paths. He was extremely curious to see what his sibling wished to pursue.

Regulus finally dismissed them and Creed decided to remain upon the rock in case anyone decided to stick around for questions or concerns. He noted Acapella was the first to leave, and then Creed turned his gaze to Regulus and beamed at him.

"Yer very mature fer yer age, Regulus. Ah have no doub' ye'll make a grea' Archangel. If ye ever need anything Ah'm always aroun'."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



11 Years
05-23-2016, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2016, 08:53 PM by Castiel.)

There was much to discuss, and Castiel sat listening quietly listening to his sister. Promotions were given, changes in rank for those who deserved them. It made Cas feel guilty about having been taken. The pale man would give a firm nod as he was mentioned, his golden gaze shining. He was silent; he had already told Surreal he would take at least part of the remaining and Winter season to get back into shape before he called for his Legionary test spar once more. He was not eager to fight again, though he knew it was necessary. He wanted to be ready.

He would call for a practice spar perhaps before he took on the task of his test spar. He was also going to make sure that he popped into any event that he could so that he could make up for lost time... If it was even possible to do so. There was mention of an illness, and Cas thought back to a pair of loners he had passed on the way back to Celestial. They would need to keep up patrols to make sure that things stayed safe here within the pack, especially with his sister’s little ones on the way.

It seemed that Regulus was to take the place of Arch Angel however. Castiel gave an approving nod; Reg was mature for his age, as Creed himself would soon state. The younger wolf would surely make a good leader for Celestial. His sister must have been proud.

The man listened to Regulus’ speech next, giving a nod here and there to show that the giant red wolf that he was listening. Then he would rise, glancing around at the others before turning to leave the meeting quietly. Perhaps he’d go on a patrol and see if he could spy any useful herbs along the way. Couldn’t hurt to hit two birds with one stone, right?

-Exit Cas-




8 Years
Athena I
05-24-2016, 01:15 PM

Falk smiled when he heard his youngest daughter came over to greet Surreal and himself, his tail brushing against the ground when she came to kiss his cheek. He waited patiently, sniffing the air to pick out the scents of everyone that had arrived and was arriving. There were so many that he couldn't name, but he honestly wasn't surprised. He didn't venture far from the den these days so if anyone new joined the pack it was possible he would never actually speak with them. Moments later his mate began to speak, addressing everyone in attendance. A proud smile touched his lips when she mentioned Baine and her new rank. When Surreal got around to announcing her retirement he was surprised at how relieved he was. The both of them had been through so much and he had seen Surreal go through so much stress and put so much work into this pack. He was sure they both deserved a bit of time to enjoy the rest of their lives and their newest additions to the family. He smiled when she came to lean into him, his head leaning down to nuzzle the top of her head and neck. He listened proudly as his son got up to give his own speech. He was glad that Regulus had stepped up for this role. He was confident their son was going to do great things with Celestial. He'd wait for Regulus to finish and for Surreal to get ready to go back to the den, getting up and following his mate back to their alcove whenever she got up as well.

Speech Thought Others



10 Years
Athena I
05-24-2016, 01:43 PM

Baine listened to her mother intently as she spoke. She blinked with surprise when her new rank was announced. She smiled because she was happy to finally have a real rank, but at the same time a wave of uncertainty hit her. She hid it well, her tail wagging behind her as she returned her mother's glance, but inside she worried if she was really ready. She glanced toward Creed, her ears flicking. She didn't even really know what she needed to do to be an Emissary yet. She looked back toward her mother with a quiet sigh to listen to the rest of the meeting. When she talked about them not sparring her stomach sank even more. She had wanted to spar and had tried to spar with Creed, but he didn't want to... Was she still in trouble? Her shoulders pulled in on themselves in her uncertainty. She didn't like being in trouble or not doing everything she could to make her mother happy. She really was trying. When Regulus began to speak, her head snapped back up, not realizing that she had gotten so caught up in her thoughts that she had missed the rest of her mother's speech. She forced herself to pay attention to the rest of her older brother's speech as he addressed the group for the first time as an alpha. She put a smile back on her muzzle and the moment he was finished she quickly stood and trotted back out into the plains, her expression drooping and her ears flattening against her skull as soon as she was out of sight.

-exit Baine-

"Talk" "You" Think