
All That Glitters is Gold



4 Years

05-20-2016, 10:51 AM

Peregrine was very disappointed that the lake had not yet frozen. Maybe it was silly to hope for fun on the ice seeing as the season had been unseasonably mild, but she was disappointed all the same. The chocolate fae sat down on the lakeside with a 'Humpf' and a thud. Winter was such a terrible time of year, she reflected. Everything died and the world was cold and storms seemed to blow out of nowhere. Chasing down prey through deep snow was a pain too, unless she was hunting something large like a deer but she hadn't done much of that lately since wandering on her own.

She stood after only a moment's deliberation to lap at the surface of the water. It was bitterly cold, chilling her throat all the way down into her gut. Reinvigorated, she took a moment to scan the area for some form of entertainment. It had snowed last night, just enough to dust the ground, and much of it was already melting away. Her eye locked in on a squirrel darting through the branches to her right, and for a moment she wanted to chase it just to see if she could, but that was more energy than she was looking to expend. Perhaps a nap? Okay fine, so she was just plain bored. Pere huffed and starting flipping over rocks by the shore. You never knew what you might find, right?

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
05-20-2016, 07:50 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2016, 08:20 PM by Rœkia T.)
ooc: navigation marble wash

Winter was a piss poor time for herb hunting and it frustrated Rœkia to no end.  Her stores weren’t nearly up to par and now she was out of time.  Go figure…  Her gaze turned upward as she watched Wolf soar above her and she shuddered, wondering how the magpie could possibly enjoy the chill winter air and the dreary gray sky.  He soared down and landed in between her shoulder blades.   “It’s time to go south I take it Rœkia?” She nodded. “Yes, if we’re going to continue herb hunting we need to go where the plants are and that means heading all the way south.  Ugh… my paws are hurting already.”

Rœkia broke through the brush as a large lake came into view surrounded with the brown, dead forms of cattails and other reeds.  Sighing she moved toward the water, gently pushing her way through the reeds until she reached the edge, dipping her head for a cool drink.  As she lifted her head she noticed a young woman flipping rocks on the shore… a woman that looked very familar.  Crap.  Where had she seen this woman….  Her garnet eyes narrowed before Wolf leaned over to her ears.   “Look!  It’s Peregrine!”  Her eyes widened and she grinned.  

Slipping through the reeds she headed toward the woman.  “Peregrine darling, is that really you?  It’s me, Magpie.  How’s business?” She wasn’t sure if the other would remember her, they’d met awhile back and had a rather grand time but it was brief.  After all they both had their own plans to tend to.

"Talk" Wolf Think



4 Years

05-21-2016, 08:36 AM

Pere's head flew upward at the sound of a bird's caw. By the time she'd found him and figured out what the hell was going on, a mostly pale she wolf threaded herself through the reeds. Peregrine's eyes flew wide. Magpie! Yes, she recognized that face. A healer and herbalist if memory served, they'd exchanged goods once or twice in the past. It had been... gods, she didn't even know how many seasons had passed, but she remembered the older fae as sharp and entertaining to say the least. And her little bird, Wolf, too! Pere tossed back her head and laughed, skipping away from the shore and onto smoother ground. "Mags! Gods be damned, it's good to see you again!" Her tail a slight wag and she dipped into a bow so low it could only be mocking, one forepaw sweeping out before her. "What could I have done to earn the honor?" She popped back up with a grin, which quickly slid down into a grimace. "Sadly, business has slowed to a halt ever since losing my old sling in a flood earlier this spring. Now I have to work for my food." Pere scoffed and rolled her eyes. She'd won her beloved satchel in a race before she was even a year old, and now it was gone.

Peregrine looked around them. She'd heard this lake was supposed to be one of the most beautiful places in all of Boreas, but she was unimpressed. Perhaps she'd return in the summer, when there was something of use here other than a cold drink. She considered digging up the tubers of some of the cattails, knowing some healers liked to mix more astringent tinctures in with a mash of the starchy root for palatability, only because she'd never done it before. Then again, getting cold and dirty was hardly an appealing though, despite the fact that the temperature of the air still seemed to hover above freezing. In the end she discarded the thought, looking to Wolf instead. "No greeting for me, you blasted bird? I'm heartbroken!" She tucked her ears back, feigning a injured demeanor, but could only hold it for a moment before giggling.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
05-23-2016, 06:03 PM

Rœkia grinned at the nickname. “What could I have done to earn the honor?”  Rœkia lauched and winked at the other woman. “Nothing good I’m sure!”  It seemed business was doing poorly and that was a real shame.  Especially to loose her supplies like that!  Rœkia had worried that some of her storage dens might have flooded but she hadn’t been able to check them all yet. “I’m sorry to hear that.  Perhaps I can help in the herb department or help you find a new sling?  Granted I’m low myself on plants and I have little idea where to find bags.  My winter stocks aren’t near what they should be.  I’m heading south to gather more if you’d like to accompany me.  I was hoping to see if I could find some Hellebore.”  She grinned at the thought of the lovely little winter poison.  While it could be used to tend to coughs she preferred it’s more dangrous affects on the heart and mind.  Much like Foxglove.  Her thoughts drifted lightly to the little Finch she’d met a few seasons back.  That had been fun… she was honestly tempted to try it again though she knew it would be risky.  Having one victim wandering the east was enough she didn’t need to piss off every pack in Boreas.  She let her thoughts continue to bubble along as Peregrine spoke to Wolf.

Wolf balked and fluttered down off of Rœkia’s shoulders, hopping toward Peregrine.  “Ah forgive me Peregrine!  I was so struck by the sudden appearance of your beautiful form that my words failed me!  It is deeply wonderful to see you again.”  He gave a little bow and Rœkia snorted, rolling her eyes before suddenly she grinned, an idea sparking in her brain.  “Oh!  Here’s a thought.  As we head south we can hit the Deadman’s Scrap!  I’ve been meaning to pick up some Jimson Weed if it’s still hot enough down that way.  We’ll have see what damage winter has done but there’s bound to be a fantastic assortment of things you can look through.”

"Talk" Wolf You



4 Years

05-27-2016, 11:36 PM

Mags was just as eloquent as Peregrine remembered her, a refreshing personality who the earthen fae had always appreciated in others. Magpie offered to help her find a new sling but she waved it off, thinking of a field of cairns she'd found this past autumn. She would return their shortly and root around, most likely. Of course, when Mags mentioned herbs her ears perked. Magpie was brilliant with plants, and there was always some new tidbit to absorb. "I'd love to tag along," she said. She knew the plant better as Hell's Bells, mostly thanks to an old gypsy man who liked to trade a bit to eat for the flower because he believed it let him see into the underworld. "Jimson Weed is hard to find, do you know of a patch?" She'd hate to step on the other woman's paws but a good spot was a good spot, right? And she knew plenty of buyers who would give much for rare herbs, too. She wondered if Magpie had ever considered taking up the business...

She turned her attention to Wolf, and laughed at the bird's antics. She had grown quite fond of the little creature since their first meeting, and it sometimes made her wish for a travel companion of her own. Maybe some day... She shook herself, forcing focus back into the task at hand. "Well then, lead on I suppose!" Peregrine wouldn't admit it out loud, but she was glad of the company. Perhaps she might even be able to convince Mags to help her catch a bite to eat!

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
05-30-2016, 07:18 PM

Ah, the prospect of company was surprisingly pleasing. It had been to long since she’d had a worthy equal to root around with, well apart from Wolf of course. She couldn’t imagine life without her feathered companion. And goodness Peregrine was a sight for sore eyes in more ways than one. She watched with delight as the other woman’s ears perked at the mention of herb gathering. She nodded as Peregrine asked about the Jimson Weed. “I did indeed, in the deadman’s scrap…. of course finding it again in all that mess…” She shrugged lightly. While she wasn’t terribly keen to share her findings Peregrine was one of the few women, if not the only one she would willingly share with. Granted they could barter these things around but there was something deeply pleasing about having the other woman bound to her by a favor… even if the other never intended to collect.

Pere bid her lead on and she grinned. “I suppose so, hang on one moment though. I think I should like to finish exploring this land first. It looks like it will bear fine herbs in the spring.” She continued on her way, beckoning lightly for Peregrine to join her as she moved through the dried reeds, eyeing the chill lake. “Tell me, I’m curious to know, what brings you to Boreas? Please tell me that caravans will follow, this land has been a bit dull of late in opportunity for the wittier of folk.”

"Talk" Wolf Think



4 Years

06-01-2016, 09:05 PM

Magpie spoke of the Deadman's Scrap, and Pere let out a scoff. That hellhole? Well, you do what you gotta do, right? She had a tough time swallowing that unpleasant nugget of knowledge. "Brilliant," she purred out, voice dripping with her obvious exasperation. Still, she capped it off with a chuckle. After all, it wasn't Magpie's fault and her company would likely make the trek more than worth the struggle. When she proposed lingering a bit longer in on the perfectly comfortable lake shore, Pere couldn't agree fast enough. "The cattails alone are as good as gold to me," she said with a dry laugh. "That fluff at the top is damn warm to line your den with. All the same, I'm certain you're right." The soil here was rich and she could see all the dead growth which remained from last year. It would certainly be a wealth of herbs and other useful materials.

Magpie went on, inquiring as to her presence. Sure, where she went mischief and uproar usually followed, but as to the arrival of caravans she could not say. "I certainly hope so," she began. "I spoke to a few of my contacts in the east across the sea before traveling here, who knows where they might choose to go next?" The caravans weren't much better than dandelion seeds drifting wherever the wind takes them. They flit about on a whim, wherever trade is strongest, wherever business is promising. So far this land seemed painfully void of exchange of any sort, and frankly Pere wasn't certain how they'd managed to survive as long as they did. "Perhaps we'll just have to give things a push in the right direction, eh?" She tossed the other woman a wink. She certainly had the aptitude for it, a quick mind and a strong sense of others. Not to mention Mags could take a fair amount of shit, which was an important trait in any profession, but Peregrine would give her points for it all the same.

"Talk" "You" Think

Rœkia T


4 Years
06-16-2016, 09:06 PM

Rœkia could only grin at Peregrine’s disdain for the Deadman’s Scrap. It was truly awful and she leaned over toward the other woman, attempting to playfully bump her right shoulder into Pere’s left. “Whats this? My darling Pere doesn’t want to get her paws dirty?” Rœkia winked. “For a rare plant like that it is well worth the venture, trust me. It has been some time though since I’ve needed to use the herb myself but I find there are many who will be happy to trade a meal for some.” Her ears flicked forward as the breeze picked up slightly though the air didn’t smell of a storm, not yet anyway.

She gazed at her companion. “Oh? Cattails? My that would take quite a few wouldn’t it? I’ve always preferred rabbit pelts but of course there’s always the ants before they’re good and dried.” She shuddered. Keeping the carcasses free of scavengers was also quite a bit of work.

Her tail started to wag lazily at Peregrine’s news of her contacts. “Oh I do hope so!” She smiled coyly. “Well… I’ll see what I can do though my forte is plants and with winter around the corner I’m afraid I don’t have much in the way of wares. Maybe I can trade Wolf?”

The magpie squawked. “Hey! I will not be traded! I only hang with you because I owe you my life… well, and I may like you a tiny tiny bit.”

"Talk" Wolf Think



4 Years

06-24-2016, 10:25 PM
Mags ribbed her, but Peregrine could only chuckle. Alright, she'd deserved it. It was just that it had been so long since she'd had the acquaintance of anyone with the knowledge or skill sets to get real goods, luxury things. she supposed she was more lucky than she originally thought to have bumped into her old friend again. Peregrine smiled, a toothy thing with glimmering eyes. "You have a point, I beg you forgive my delicate sensibilities," she faked in a ladies' accent, sweet and delicate and fragile in it's saccharine nature. She fluttered her eyelashes to ensure that Mags would pick up her humor. She mentioned a meal, the magic word, and Peregrine barked out a laugh. Even after the months between their last meeting she hadn't forgotten that which Peregrine prized over all else. Food.

She commented that the cattails were difficult to gather in bulk, but Peregrine just shrugged. She'd onced collected them, reed stalk and all, and laid them down as thatch to insulate her den. After some time the fiber fell in among the reeds and all in all most moisture was held at bay, but that didn't mean Magpie wasn't right. It was a massive pain in the ass. Still she raised an eyebrow and cast the other woman a dubious look. "Have you ever seen me try to catch a rabbit?" It wasn't pretty. She was a dismal hunter at best. Pelts were out of the question for her unless she had the wealth to spare for them and she was rarely in one den long enough to splurge on them. Instead she sighed. She too hoped trade would soon flow into this rich, if stagnant, realm. It was ripe to make a fortune from, if only she could light the spark. She laughed at her friend's banter, while she considered what they might be able to do to get things moving.

Rœkia T


4 Years
06-28-2016, 05:56 PM

Rœkia playfully swatted at the magpie. That had been a trip, rescuing the injured bird from a pair of hungry coyotes. She’d only really done it due to her own distaste for the vermin. A hungry coyote made for a happy Rœ. Well, that and she’d christened herself as Magpie quite young and so felt a particular affinity for the birds. Wolf had proven himself quite useful and despite her initial irritation they’d some how bonded. “Everything is forgiven! But only for you dearest Peregrine. I extend this offer to no one else.” Wolf cleared his throat and she chuckled. “Ok, maybe you too. Goodness, look at how the world takes advantage of my generosity.”

Wolf took to the air and perched on top of her head as she chuckled at Pere’s mention of trying to catch a rabbit. “Ok, fair enough!” She glanced around and nodded her head lightly. “Alright, well, I’ve seen enough of this place. Let’s checkout the Deadman’s Scrap and see if we can find any treasure among the trash.”

"Talk" Wolf Think