
ain't no rest for the wicked



7 Years
Dire wolf
04-21-2016, 05:27 PM

Her brother's hopes and dreams had come crashing down. Part of her wasn't surprised- a dark, bitter part of her. She had allowed it to happen, of course. It was a peaceful, uneventful group of wolves who seemed more keen to wander than anything else. That was alright, some people weren't cut out for it. Where had Mith gone, though? She worried, as always, but she knew he would turn up. Like a bad penny, that one.

The celestial titan haunted the south, hoping for a glimpse of her brother before she started to wander. It would be easier to know what was going on with him, and be aware of what he was doing, even if she wouldn't be there. The shrine reminded her of home, oddly enough. She came her every now and again, revelling in the familiar strangeness. Today, the sky was nearly black, water-heavy clouds just waiting to spill their rage onto the hungry earth. It would be nice, to watch the wind try and pull the branches from the trees, and the rain try to hammer away the earth to reveal the fires below.

She chewed absently at a pale stick she'd picked up in the woods. It was smooth and pale as bone, but had a much nicer give to her. Holding it between her paws, she gnawed fiercely at the tip. The air was charged with electricity, and it made her fur itch. The rumble of thunder went unheard, so far. It would begin soon, and she would find cover eventually.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf
04-21-2016, 09:46 PM

For the time being the beast was in the south. It would he a bad idea to hound Avalon, after all she was still a part of Imperium. Until the time came - she would be alone. Her tail flicked a bit as her paws spread across the terrain. The shrine seemed to be a little dusted over, not many wolves either visit it. After all it was a strange structure to begin with. As Amachi walked though, the familiar face of an old friend made her stop in her tracks.

A simple wag started at the base of the beasts tail. Walking forward she would give Caia her space - it had been a while since they had seen each other. Even then, her friend had trouble communicating with her when they had first met. Her gray eyes looked over her, she hoped things were well. No one could tell what happened to a wolf within their time, and it wasn't her to tell what was going on in the galaxy wolf's head.

"Caia Hello!" Amachi greeted, testing the waters to see if Caia had learned any English while she had been here. The lingering scent of a pack covered the female, but it was faded. It meant that it had recently disbanded. Well she now did worry a little for Caia's mental state. However she kept calm and smiled at Caia. Just happy to see her again.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-07-2016, 11:54 PM

A voice called out to her, somewhere out of her range of vision. She'd heard footsteps approaching, but it was difficult to care when she had the advantage of immense size over most of those on this continent. She regretfully relinquished her grip on the stick, and directed her gaze over her shoulder. It was a fellow giant, and one she recognized. Thumping her tail against the terra a few times, she let her tongue loll from her mouth in a friendly expression. "Amachi, welcome!" It was an awkward greeting, but she had trouble remembering which greeting worked for patrols but not daily life. English was weird.

She stretched a paw out, gesturing for her friend to join her. Absently, she resumed her chewing of the stick as she waited for Amachi to settle. They had parted amiably, and she couldn't imagine why they would have any reason to mistrust each other. When last they spoke, it had been while investigating abandoned ruins, messing around with some of the strange objects within. There was a mingling scent of many wolves upon her pelt, and where her friend had been recently was clear. She'd found a pack, which was fantastic for her! It must be wondrous for the other female to be in a connected family such as that, she could only benefit from it. She had enjoyed the camaraderie that came from being part of her brother's kingdom, but she was lucky enough to be able to live with both systems.

Besides, she could adventure freely now. The abused branch tipped towards the ground as she ceased her assault on it. "You've been well?" She questioned roughly, husky vocals still unused to the unfamiliar tongue. She was probably better than when she'd first landed, but still far from being even passably fluent. Her eyebrow rose inquisitively, and she glanced over her friend's form. She wasn't injured, and looked well. So the question was probably pointless in regards to her physical form, but perhaps her mental state was not so at ease.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf
05-22-2016, 11:27 PM

She was glad Caia would welcome her company. The beast would come to settle beside her. As she relaxed herself, the gray eyes she had made note of the stick she was chewing on. While it was not a habit she had herself, it was a curious note she took of her friend. Which was a funny word all on it's own. Amachi didn't have many friends. Perhaps Caia and Avalon were the only ones she could say such things with. Even then, there was much mystery surrounding Caia. Even herself perhaps. As she spoke Amachi nodded her head a little.

"As well as I can be... I... 'm in a pack now." Amachi told her with a soft smile. "Your pack scent is faded.... did you lose your home." she looked a bit sadly at her friend. In a heart beat she'd offer to take her to Ivalice. However she wasn't sure if Caia would want to. Not even sure if Avalon would welcome such an invitation. While Amachi was glad to live where she did - it was only fit for her of all places. A mystery indeed.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-22-2016, 11:54 PM

Amachi took the invitation without hesitation, settling down right beside the starlit woman. She nodded affirmatively, indicating that she had been well. This was good, Caia thought to herself. Her friend seemed hesitant to speak of her current whereabouts, for whatever reason. "As well as I can be..." The ashen toned giant replied, which momentarily worried Caia. Was there a reason for her not to be well? Or was this simply a phrase that translated poorly in her head? "I... 'm in a pack now." She finished, which confirmed the celestial dame's suspicions. She beamed over at Amachi, leaning over to bump her hip against that of her friend. Based on her expression, the other female was somewhat bashful of this fact. "This is good, my friend!" She boomed, laughing heartily. "You do well there!"

When Amachi next spoke, Caia was the one to become hesitant. "Your pack scent is faded... Did you lose your home." It wasn't that she was ashamed, more that she was still tender over the subject. Her brother had tried so hard, and it had all fallen to pieces. Argead had been somewhere she'd felt mostly at peace, despite having to look after a large group, which wasn't something she necessarily enjoyed. "I did." She sighed succinctly, glancing down at the shredded end of the stick in her paws. "My brother started it, Argead. He hoped for his children a better home." She murmured, shrugging her shoulders heavily. A breeze stirred in the forest, and she watched a bird take to the sky. "It is no matter, the world spins on."

She resumed her chewing, it was doing a good job of getting to the little bits of meat that were stuck between some of her teeth. Silence reigned for a moment or two, but failed to bother her. The world did, indeed, spin on. Opting to leave the gloominess of the conversation behind, she released the stick yet again. "How does pack life treat you, my friend?" The cosmic femme enquired, redirecting her attention to Amachi.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2016, 12:03 AM

It was nice. To be able to speak like this. Before the language barrier had made it difficult to communicate. As broken as Caia's english was, it didn't bother Amachi a single bit. However she was filled with a bit of sadness hearing about Caia's pack. She didn't know how it felt to lose a home so she couldn't even imagine how her friend felt. Somehow she did want to offer her comfort in one way or another. Caia would ask about her pack though.

"Ivalice, it's in the north. It's okay so far - I've never really been in a pack like it. My friend actually invited me, it's not very old but it's comfy and Avalon treats us all well." Amachi looked off to the side and smiled a bit. The bump was welcome, as Amachi leaned her nose into Caia's shoulder for a moment. Her gray eyes sparkled as she shifted a little bit. "You could come with me if you'd like. To Ivalice?" she asked her. Wondering if it was out of bounds. "Of course it's okay if not, I wouldn't ever force you to do anything. "

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2016, 12:26 AM

Hearing of her friend's new home was refreshing, rather than the awkward small talk she'd been making with those she'd met since her brother's pack was disbanded. There was familiarity between them as they conversed. "Ivalice, it's in the north." Her friend began, the air between them warming again. Ivalice was an interesting name. What tongue could be the origin of that? She wondered to herself as she listened on. "It's okay so far- I've never really been in a pack like it. My friend actually invited me, it's not very old but it's comfy and Avalon treats us all well." Hearing the description of Amachi's new family was intriguing, and the cosmic woman wondered if she should check it out, see what it was like. After all, it wouldn't do to have her friend being unknowingly part of a pack that treated her poorly. Not that it appeared that way, Amachi was well fed and without any recent wounds.

Caia could not help but frown at one part of the speech. "What is comfy?" She questioned, brows knitted together in confusion. She had never heard this word before, that she could recall. Was it good? Or did it allude to something negative in Ivalice? Amachi nosed gently at her shoulder, an affectionate gesture Caia hadn't received outside of her family. It was strange, but she didn't flinch from the contact. This was her friend, and this was how friends behaved with one another. "You could come with me if you'd like. To Ivalice?" The volcanic clad female offered gently. Caia stilled, watching the other woman's expression. She wasn't sure what to make of it. Quickly, Amachi tried for some damage control.

"Of course it's okay if not, I wouldn't ever force you to do anything." She assured the celestial beast, who could only frown deeply. She hummed, low in her throat, pondering this offer. It wasn't an offer to live there, was it? Perhaps only to see what it was like, in the north. Should she seek clarification? Would doing so insult her friend? After all, she spoke the common tongue poorly, and was already quite insensitive to begin with. Shit.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2016, 03:19 AM

Caia asked what comfy meant. Amachi searched for some simple words to give to the woman. "Comfy - it means you feel nice there." she said hoping that would give enough. Caia seemed confused after that. Amachi hoped what she said about Ivalice hadn't frightened her. The worst thing would be to ruin their relationship. As her tail flicked mildly, she really couldn't expect any less though. It was too soon, and Caia's pack had been family after all. Something Amachi didn't quiet understand fully because of herself being a rejected child.

"You don't have to live there." Amachi told her. "But I hate the thought of you being alone. So living there... consider it. For your own sake." The beast didn't know if Caia would understand that. The galaxy would could always ask her to explain and she would the best she could. Though her expression was a bit pained. All she wanted was for Caia to be okay. That wasn't too selfish to ask was it?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 11ludc3.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-28-2016, 07:20 PM

Her friend kindly explained the meaning of the foreign word, and everything made a lot more sense. She hummed softly in understanding, bobbing her head a little. Her friend was quick to try and explain what she meant by her previous statement, that Caia didn't actually have to move into the pack. It was nice, and she was quite thankful that her friend was thinking of her. However, Caia didn't really need a pack, she was perfectly fine on her own. She grunted in response, rather than open her mouth. She'd probably say something really rude, since her pride was feeling a bit of a sting. She glanced down at the stick in her paws, and bent down to chew at it again. She could easily take her friend up on her offer, and just check the pack out. However, what if they pushed her to join? It would be a disaster, honestly.

She sighed, grinding the stick between her teeth a little more harshly. It took a few moments for her to mull the offer over, go over the possibilities of paying this Ivalice a visit. It might be worthwhile to see what Amachi had claimed for a home, give it the old 'Caia Seal of Approval'. Her lips peeled away from the bark of the stick, and she looked back over to her friend. "I guess that going would not harm." She murmured, shrugging her shoulders lightly.

"Talk" "You" Think