



6 Years
05-27-2016, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2016, 07:03 PM by Avalon.)

Yes, I have been waiting for this moment. Cute, fluffy and adorable AVALUX BABIES. I'm sorry I'm excited xD but let you all share the joy. Dragon and I have agreed we can go the full 5 pups with this litter. That being me and Dragon will be taking 1 each leaving 3 pups to be adopted out. Keep in mind I can't afford pup passes for others so should we not get enough free slots you'll have to pay for your own or ask Dragon about it  ^^ (Though since they're cheap if I can afford it and I really like an app I might just help out.)

-We have a few designs for you to choose from. You aren't required to use them BUT please let us know if we are allowed to readopt out the design. It makes them easier to readopt out ^^.

-Vereux and Avalon are of lighter allignments. So starting out do not make your pup anywhere around the evil spectrum. Character development is a yes, but we'd rather not have an evil kid for no reason in its younger years.

-Should the pups not be posted for a month, I and Dragon reserve the right to take them back and readopt them out.

-We're going with themed names, war, Strength, Mythical creatures, and finally Foreign names will be allowed. As Vereux's name is foreign(something that isn't in english) that is why that's there.

- Height up to 39" is 25% off because of Avalon. Vereux is 36" so keep that in mind when making pups - though I have no problem with cute little runts!

- These pups will most definitely be growing up in Ivalice with two loving, married parents. They will be taking the last name Ancora as Vereux will be adopting this name.

-And anything else Dragon wants to say if I haven't already said it she can reply to this thread ^^

If you wanna know about my pup, it's gonna be a girl ^^.

As for Designs! You can refer back to the old adoption thread with Newol Avalon pups for some designs. HERE keep in mind #3, #5 and #6 are taken(And it you wanna fix the brown shades go ahead - Vereux is an armada most of their blood line is slate blue and albino - along with his mother being gray.)! Here are the designs I made Click feel free to change eye colors if you wish.

<b>Name</b>: -- Ancora
<b>Gender </b>:
<b>Appearance Description</b>: Site minimum
<b>Personality</b>: At least site minimum
<b>RP Sample:</b>
“Vereux” “Avalon”

Marina I


7 Years
05-27-2016, 11:45 AM
Keep in mind number 8 {middle of last row} of the first post Riv linked {the pups designed by me / Esper} is also taken. :3

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



5 Years
05-27-2016, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2016, 10:05 AM by Jackson.)
Withdrawing even though I really hate too!!! Running low on funds and gems so may not be able to afford this pup
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



8 Years
05-27-2016, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2016, 01:52 PM by Solveiga.)
— sorry, but things are getting busy for me so I'm going to have to withdraw my application, good luck with the adorable puppies, though!



9 Years
Athena I
05-28-2016, 04:30 AM

Name: Chimera Ancora, nickname Era

Gender : Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Design: -points up-

Appearance Description: The base color that covers most of Era's body is a medium hue of gray, making the perfect background for all of her markings. The deep slate-blue that she inherited from her father comes into play in markings that cover the ankles of her forelegs and up to the middle of each hind leg before outlining the front of each of her legs, coming up to trace the edge of her shoulder blades and thighs. This same color also runs from between her shoulders, down her spine, over the top of her tail, and along the back of each thigh. Bright white coats the lower half of her muzzle and cheeks, running down her throat and along her chest, stomach, and bottom of her tail. The same white also covers the toes of each paw. A light tan color marks each of her brows and underlines each eye. Her eyes are a vibrant, light green, the same color of fresh, budding leaves in the spring. She stands at thirty-six inches tall and has a strong, sturdy build. She is still feminine and lovely, but still obviously built to be a warrior. Her fur is thick and fluffy, perfect for the northern climate she was raised in.

Personality: Chimera never takes anything for granted. She sees everything in life as something that must be earned and never believes that things will be handed to her. Because of that she always strives to work as hard as she can so she can achieve all the things she aspires to do. She never wants to have a rank or get some sort of recognition for work that she didn't do. Era isn't the most outgoing individual. She's not shy, but she doesn't feel the need to be everyone's friend or get torn up if someone doesn't love her. She is a firm believer in the fact that it's impossible to get somewhere without stepping on a few toes. She's honest, sometimes too much so. Her filter can be fairly thin at times, making her say things that should probably be kept to herself. Although she does tend to be more serious than most, she still has a strong sense of humor and loves to joke around or play little pranks on her siblings. She is very mature for her age and has a very dry sense of humor. Chimera is generous with her time and skills, wanting to make sure that everyone around her is taken care of. She thinks it is selfish if she is able to help someone and doesn't.

RP Sample: Era's head tipped to the side as she watched one of her pack-mates pass by through the territory a short distance away. Curiosity got to her and after a quick glance behind her to make sure her mother wasn't watching she got up and quietly slipped away, making her way through the Pines. She followed along behind the older wolf that had caught her attention before, keeping a good bit of distance between them so she wouldn't be found out and sent back to the den. She used the wolf's pawprints as her gateway through the snow, hopping from one paw print to another.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something that looked much more interesting than some kind of stranger. She stopped dead in her tracks, looking over at the huge, dark hole that seemed to lead into the side of a hill of some kind. Her light green gaze blinked with surprise and she cautiously made her way over toward it, struggling through the snow a bit since she didn't have the stranger's paw prints to make a path for her. She stopped at the edge of the entrance of the Mines, squinting her eyes to look deeper inside. There was something there... it looked kind of shiny and she was immediately intrigued.

However, as soon as she lifted one of her pale forepaws to go get a closer look she heard her father's voice calling her name and she ducked a little from the trouble she was sure she was going to get into. She pouted and looked back at him over her shoulder before turning and trudging back toward the way she had came. Ah well, the shiny thing would have to wait till another day.


06-02-2016, 12:48 AM
I'll Go Down With This Ship

Because necessary table is necessary for necessary things.


Name: Enlil Ancora
Gender : Male
Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance Description:

Enlil, while not a runt, is on the smaller side considering the larger height of his family. He rests at thirty inches tall with a thin, willowy frame. His face will hold softer features, and his eyes certainly more rounded and doe-like. His coat, for a child born in the north, will naturally be thicker and heavier. He almost seems feminine at first, were it not for the more masculine voice he’ll hold as he ages. Enlil will be a creature built more for speed and stamina rather than strength and endurance.

A base coat of slate, inherited from his father, coats Enlil’s frame. Black coats the dorsal half of Enlil’s body, from his ears, down his neck, back, and top of his tail. On the other hand white coats his cheeks, running along his lower jaws and undersides. Two white dots rest upon his brows and white coats his legs in socks. Brilliant golden eyes rest upon his face, shining with a sweet innocence. While he bears a relatively natural design it can still be said that Enlil is a handsome creature.


The child is a youth who will need to do some growing up fast. Innocence will be a dominant trait in Enlil at the start, a sweet and kind nature. He will be the type of wolf to believe anything said to him and have a hunger for rumors. These rumors will spread easily from his lips, whether they are true or not, as they young man tests the power of words and what they can do for him. He will be talkative, energetic, and free spirited.

A major thing to note about Enlil is he will be the sort to keep his family close. Particularly his littermates. It will be shown that he is a good listener with an open mind and even bigger heart. He loves to interact with others and have fun! While he has a strong sense of duty he will also be a firm believer that all work and no play makes a dull boy!

As Enlil grows he will have a strong sense of justice. He will absolutely despise bullies and those who treat others cruel or think they are better than others. While Enlil knows there are different senses of right and wrong he’ll work to make sure his sense of right is upheld. He is not afraid to say what is on his mind and heart though he tries to speak in a more delicate way to avoid hurting others.

If you're concerned you probably should be.

RP Sample:

The child rose with the sun. It had officially been three days since his first outing with his mother and siblings yet the little boy hungered for more. The outside world intrigued him, though Enlil was not the sort to sneak out just because he was curious. He loved his family dearly, and besides, mother had specifically asked them NOT to go out without her! How could he ignore such a straight forward request? Though he was curious. Oh the temptation to be naughty!

The child glanced towards his sleeping mother. Had he not been excited to go out again that day he probably would have still been sleeping too! Enlil loved to sleep... Loved to dream. He had so many neat ones! One of his favorite things to do was discuss his dreams with his mother when he awoke. Did his siblings have interesting dreams? He’d have to ask them! Wearing a playful grin Enlil padded over to one of his sisters and nudged her with a paw.

“H-hey!” He called to her. “Are you dreaming?” His innocence shown through clearly as he gazed at his sister curiously, wondering if she’d ignore him and try to keep sleeping or wake up and discuss her dream.

I Ship It



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-07-2016, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2016, 09:44 AM by Avalon.)
So with pups due on the 25th, apps will be selected the week prior, probably on the 16th/17th because I'll be busy getting ready for school on the 20th among other things.

Also you might have to pay for your own pup passes, but if you need help I'll try to help you out.
Get those apps done guys!

ALSO! keep in mind some designs that are similar to avalon's may need to be paid for as regular shaped marking. Check with staff just in case, and height is discounted 25% up to 39".


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
06-16-2016, 05:21 PM

Name: Xerxes Perseus Ancora Great warrior, destroyer, solider.
Gender : Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: Above! <3
Appearance Description: Xerxes holds a dark complexity, one that seems to of come more from his father than his mother. His frame rises to thirty-six inches, his weight coming forth at one-hundred and fifty pounds. The underside of his figure is a shade of grey, one leaning more on the lighter side. The grey flows from his chest to his tail, coating along the undersides. Within his ears the shade of grey can be seen again, giving him a bit of a mixture from light to dark. The rest of figure is darker, the base of his pelt a darker grey that sets the true balance for his coat. Dark, black markings take hold of his paws- his spine matching the color while a darker mask rests upon his face and traces to his ears. His eyes are a yellow, the color coming from his mother- but he lacks the fiery aspect and they remain rather.. dull. Yet in the bright summer and with joy flowing through his veins- people swear they brighten up.
Personality: Like most pups, Xerxes is quite curious. Everything is new to him, and therefore, he believes he needs to see and conquer it all. He is not a power-driven pup, and does not wish to be the 'boss' in the litter, but he does want to protect his siblings, and family. Xerxes is a quick learner, he will be able to pick up on fighting moves and skills early on in his life, ones that may be beneficial to his future when survival is placed as his own responsibility. He's mostly independent, he likes to explore on his own and learn on his own- but he's also a family boy. His loyalty will always be to the Ancora bloodline, to his parents and to his siblings. So long as he lives, he will stop at nothing to try and make sure everyone is okay and safe, otherwise he will strive at his best to make it happen.
Other: Xerxes likes swimming, summer, spars and hunting. He often enjoys staying out late or waking up early to explore lands and learn more of nature.
RP Sample:

The dark ball was curled up into his mother's side, her warmth seeping into his own and brimming him with comfort and protection. Morning rose above them, and once the slightest heat from the sun beckoned on his pelt, he felt his body begin to stir. Slowly his eyes opened, the dull yellow becoming visible as they gazed over his siblings and parents. Today was a new day, and Xerxes could only wonder what adventures it would bring to him. Excitement began to course through his veins, but he very carefully removed himself from his mother's side- not wanting to wake her nor his siblings that had been sleeping nearby. With silent steps, his growing figure left their resting spot and made way to the surrounding area.

Feeling the soft breeze at his fur was enough to keep him relaxed, and the dark pup happily barked his enjoyment. He had been prancing and playing by himself at the edge of their resting place, maw having gathered sticks and throwing them up in the air- only to catch them again.It was a joyous game, but soon something fluttered in his face. "What.." His yellow eyes narrowed on the blue butterfly, watching as it rose higher in the air and took off, flying in the opposite direction. His tail thumped behind him, determination flashing through his eyes before he lurched over- taking chase after the blue insect. Game on!



2 Years
06-17-2016, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2016, 08:38 PM by Raizen.)
Name: Kelpie Ancora

Gender : Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Design: 9 from here, only with bright green eyes, if that's okay

Appearance Description: Kelpie is tiny compared to both of her parents, only about 30 inches in height. She doesn't find anything wrong with her height, mind you, but she's still small. She's slender, although she isn't one that seems proportioned with her height. She's stocky as well, but her more feminine frame doesn't really show it.

Kelpie is likely the palest of her siblings. While they hold dark grays and browns, her base fur color is much lighter. A little lighter than medium gray, she holds no strange markings, but they match her perfectly. All four paws are coated in ebony, reaching up her legs slightly. Both ears are also covered in ebony, with the fur inside still being her light gray color. Two ebony markings are above each eye, standing out against the pale fur. White also covers her jaws and throat. It stretches down her stomach and the back of her tail.

Kelpie's eyes are what stand out the most. While her colors are more monochrome, her eyes are a bright green, shocking against her fur. Flecks of golden and other colors can be found here and there, as a part of the pattern along her pupil.

Personality: Kelpie is literally nothing but a ball of fluff. She's brave, an explorer in her own eyes. Nothing will deter her from exploring, even her siblings won't deter her from it. She wants to be the best explorer that ever was, and uncover a new land. Sure, she may have big dreams, but she doesn't think of it as hard to do.

Towards her siblings and even strangers, Kelpie will greet them with open arms. She's trusting, almost too trusting, really. If they allow her to talk to them for a while. Talking is one of her favorite things to do, besides explore. She's loud, never stopping to take a breath. She's full of questions, and they'll be answered somehow.

Kelpie is happy, almost all the time. It's not really forced, and just the child just loving her life. It would take a lot to drag her down, and she wouldn't get upset without a fight. It would take something unthinkably terrible for it to upset her and keep her down.

Kelpie has all the innocence of a pup, even as she grows older. She's curious about almost everything, and nothing will keep her from finding it out. She's always going to be a greet big puppy, really. Nothing she does will ever be with bad intentions. She wants to be a friend of everyone, but she does know that not everyone will like her. Her thoughts on that is that she'll just have to make them somehow.

On that note, Kelpie can be kind of forceful at times. If her siblings don't want to do something, she'll refuse to leave them alone until they do. She can come off as a bit bossy, but she doesn't want to. She just wants to do everything, and not be alone when she does it. To her, being alone and exploring is probably the worst thing she can do.

Really, Kelpie has her fears and all that. She's afraid, no, terrified, of being alone. She has a big imagination, and it gets the best of her whenever she is. She's terrified of the dark as well, these two usually going hand in hand. Her fear gets worse if she's alone, but it's not as bad as if someone were with her.

Kelpie, despite her fear, loves to sit outside when it's not quite dark and watch the fireflies, or go stargazing. It's a hobby of hers, really; the two are shiny, and interesting to the pup, so they catch her interest. It hardly fails; it would only take her being in a bad mood for her to ignore both of these.

Other: -Coughs loudly cause angst plots later on-

RP Sample:



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-19-2016, 11:08 PM


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-20-2016, 03:11 PM
Alright so it's been decided!

Shelby, Catcher, and Keno have been selected to play their pups!

Catcher will receive the free pup pass we got, and the rest of us are gonna have to buy em. Their born on the 25th, so you have a little while to get them up and ready~


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!