
Take me somewhere new



6 Years

04-17-2016, 01:48 AM

Esarosa had spent most of the day wandering the empty lands that had once belonged to Argead, now completely abandoned. It feels so lonely, so dead, the melancholy words floated through her head, Did everyone leave on purpose? The sky was overcast, an ugly gray cover that blotted out the sun and let a light drizzle dampen the lands. Now the sun had set, yet no stars were to be seen this night. Despite the darkness, one could still make their way without tripping, as the willows were lit by fire flies. The sounds of pond creatures filled the air around her - frogs, crickets and buzzing insects made their presence known. She found her surroundings actually quite intriguing, and if she were in a better mood, it might have actually set a smile upon her face. However, loneliness had dulled her enjoyment of pretty much everything; she wasn't even interested in catching frogs right now, even though their croaking rang through the air.

As she meandered aimlessly, she pause as she looked through the draping willow tendrils. Was that just a shadow cast by the blinking insects and the trees, or was something moving through the night? Emerald eyes squinted slightly as she tried to determine exactly what she was seeing. A flash of red eyes made her realize there was another wolf parting its way through the willows. Somewhat hesitantly, Esa moved toward the figure, following the glowing fire flies as they lit the way. Having spent too much time around here without seeing anyone, she wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to possibly find someone she knew, even if she felt a little nervous. She doubted the being would have noticed her, as her ebony pelt cloaked her well as she stood in one place - her only option was to catch up and find out who it was.

She followed the tracks of the dark figure for a moment, before calling out. "Wait up!" her voice rang above the busy sounds of life near the pond. She trotted at a good pace until she had caught up with the shadowy figure, and only then did it strike her that she knew his scent. "Steel!" Esarosa exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't think I'd see you here. But I'm so glad..." Her words trailed off for a silent moment. Relief filled her, knowing that she'd found a friend - she wasn't alone anymore, and neither would he be. But that they didn't have a home anymore caused the woman great distress. Not knowing what to say or how to feel, or what to do next, she sought out his gaze in the blinking light, wondering how he had fared through this sudden change.
"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

04-18-2016, 04:51 PM

Steel was used to things being temporary. As far as he was concerned, nothing in this life was permanent. Whenever he had gotten comfortable with something, it was yanked away from him - first, the life he'd shared with his family in the Mangroves. Then the meager existence he'd shared with his parents in the southern continent. Finally, the life of a wanderer he has begun to grow accustomed to with Faria.

And now Argead, too, was gone.

He didn't know where they went, or who all went together. Their smells faded slowly, until even Mithras could not be scented here, and the scent markings that once claimed the lands as Argead's slowly faded. Though he ought to have expected it, he had slowly been growing used to the lands he inhabited, and used to the life he had made there - though it was still a life of relative solitude. And now it was all gone. A soft sigh left his lips as he walked through the night, silent as a ghost. Steel felt much more comfortable in the darkness than during any other time. He slunk beneath the low-hanging limbs of the willow trees, feeling weightless as he traversed the night. He didn't even notice that Esarosa was near until her voice called out, piercing and alarming in the silence of the night.

Briefly, he froze, his posture stiffening. Had she been looking for him? Or had she simply stumbled across his scent? "Hi," he'd say, somewhat breathlessly, feeling at a loss for words. He was grateful, too, that she had not disappeared entirely. He'd relax as she came closer, his head tilting slightly toward the ground as his stony gaze searched for her in the darkness. "I don't know where I'll go now," he mentioned with a gentle, slow shrug. He had no plan in mind. Did she?



6 Years

04-20-2016, 12:22 AM

Esarosa tried to search his expression as he greeted her, but it was as difficult for her as ever. Was he happy to see her? Had he been lingering here in hopes of finding someone, or being found? Maybe he was just as lost as she was, and didn't know what else to say. She couldn't blame him. Life was just starting to get comfortable, routine was setting in, and now it was suddenly gone. She perked up and stepped closer to him as he spoke, the uncertainty in his voice very clear. The fire flies seemed to have gathered closer, and she could see him better now as he shrugged. Esa nodded; she didn't know where she'd go, or if anything out there would suit her well enough that she could still just be herself. "I dunno either, but..." she murmured, glancing around into the dark, rainy night, "I don't want to be alone anymore." The dark, wet willows looked glum and uninviting, besides the fire flies that offered their glow. Still, her eyes turned back to Steel. "We should... stick together, right?" she asked quietly, hoping he wouldn't object to staying near her.

She wondered if he also tired of the lone life, or if he was content to return to that lifestyle. She certainly wasn't, and she hoped he would want to stay with her. Tilting her head as her eyes met his, she waved her tail slightly. "Whatever we do, we should probably find shelter," she suggested, feeling the drizzling rain dampen her coat, "Even if it's just for the night. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of this rain!" The flickering insects buzzed around them, the light coming and going. Relieved that she'd found Steel, Esa thought she might actually be able to enjoy the scenery. Hopeful, she continued to stare at him, waiting for him to say something.
"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

04-20-2016, 09:46 PM
Steel had never really been taught to show emotion. Most of his early life had been spent in relative solitude. He'd been born into a pack that his parents had fled from, for fear of forcing Steel to know the life of a slave - and he'd quickly learned the life of a rogue wasn't all fun and games. Survival was a priority, at all costs; leisure time was scarce, if it existed at all. Though his parents had always been warm and loving, he'd never exactly had a chance to learn to express his emotions. His meager life had put such things on the backburner for awhile.

He started at Esarosa for a long moment, unblinking as he gauged her expression. He was about as clueless as to reading emotions as he was to displaying them. Luckily for him, she was not so cryptic. It seemed as though she often wore her emotions for all to see, like a prey animal might wear an injury; painfully obvious no matter how hard they might try to hide it. She was grateful to see him, and he shared that feeling, even if he didn't show it. I don't want to be alone anymore, she said quietly. His gaze, slightly softer now, averted as he considered. "Me neither." He'd never really wanted to be alone, even if Argead hadn't been the perfect place for him. Despite being more comfortable alone.. that didnt mean he preferred it.

At her suggestion to stick together, he would pause, letting his crimson gaze fall back on her. Steel was tires of caring for others, only to be abandoned by them; but the thought of not seeing Esarosa again made his heart clench uncomfortable in his chest. "Sure," he'd echo a soft answer, making an effort to not sound so... empty.

Luckily, any real talk of what they would do in the future was cast aside, and Esarosa's energy seemed to lift as they found a task for the moment. Find shelter. "I don't want to sleep in the rain," Steel agreed, glad to follow her lead as they searched for someone to temporarily escape the rain.



6 Years

04-20-2016, 11:05 PM

Once more, relief flooded her as he spoke - in just a couple words, he confirmed his agreement with her, also no wanting to be alone. As always, his words were short, but they were to the point, forcing her to realize he wasn't hiding anything. He wouldn't. Steel was one to say exactly what he meant, in as few words as possible. There were never double meanings to his words. She had to come to terms with that, as difficult as it could be for her to decipher. She was used to wolves that had a lot to say, expressing their thoughts and feelings in many words, in such a way that one had to wonder and make guesses at what they really meant. Normally, wolves that said so few words were trying to hide something. But not in this case.

Yet again, hesitation would wash over her as he paused after her suggestion that they stick together - was he going to refuse after all? When he finally spoke, she let out a deep breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, and her coat seemed to droop, though she didn't realize her coat had been standing on end. Then it clicked in her mind. He'd agreed to stick around with her? A true smile lit her face, something that hadn't happened in some time, ever since the pack had disbanded. "This is great!" she exclaimed, unable to contain herself as her paws shifted in excitement, "We won't have to spend the winter alone! We can hunt for each other, and, and...!" She tried to clench her jaws to stop herself from carrying on, although it was clear that she was prancing around on her toes. She'd spent every winter season alone, and it would just be so nice to have someone alongside her to weather out the storms and the cold.

As Steel agreed that he didn't want to stay out in the rain, that they would find shelter together, she nearly paraded around. But instead, she stood in place nodding enthusiastically, before looking around her, wondering where they would get away from the rain. The willows, unfortunately, didn't do much to guard from the rain. But Esarosa knew where to go. She'd been through this way enough times to know of a large, ancient tree situated upon a hill, with gnarled roots that would shelter them better than any of the thin willow tendrils and undergrowth would. "I have an idea of where to go, so follow me," she said, smiling at Steel before whisking away into the darkness. She was a little bit giddy realizing she might actually be sharing a resting place with someone; actually, she hadn't spent a single night with anyone since she'd left home, years ago. The prospect of this new experience excited her, yet she didn't find herself wanting to arrive at the shelter too soon.

The path she chose would take them by the pond, and as they grew closer, Esa could see the fire flies buzzing around the reeds and the lily pads. She was glad it wasn't raining any harder, otherwise the glowing bugs might be hiding, and the night would have been truly dark and gloomy. But this was alright. In fact, the dull glow was quite entrancing, and it made the landscape look different than it did in the daylight. "The fire flies are pretty neat, aren't they?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder to where Steel would be, "Even with the rain, they make everything seem warmer." She knew her friend might not have an opinion on them, but she couldn't help voicing her own as they passed the busy water pool. The singing of small creatures would last long into the night, and it was quite a peaceful sound.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

04-23-2016, 05:16 PM

If it was possibly for him to properly express himself, if he had any clue where to begin, he'd likely had a lot more to say. Steel wasn't necessarily hiding anything, but saying what he wanted to in much fewer words instead. If he could... he'd tell Esarosa that he was terrified of reuniting with her, because he was certain she would abandon him eventually. He would tell her about the aching loneliness in his chest, where his fondness for Fiori had sat for quite some time. And how he wondered if he'd ever see her again. He was tired of losing those that he cared for - and he wondered. honestly, if he should ever bother caring for anyone again.

But all he could get out was a meager 'me neither'. A simply two words to affirm her worries, and nothing more. A sigh hitched in his throat at his own frustrating silence; sometimes he swore he had more to say, but the words simply would not move past his own mind. But words were not always needed around her - Esarosa was eager to talk when he could not, and his words brought an excited reaction to her face, and instantly she started to go on about the things they could do together. A slight smile of his own would tug at the corners of his lips. Spending the winter with someone else sounded like a good idea. Even with the possibility of eventually losing Esarosa. The thought of companionship - even if temporary - was deeply soothing, even if it was not something he would admit. "Yeah," he'd echo, letting out a barely-audible chuckle in response to her exuberance.

He made no move to argue or resist when she told him to follow her. Steel was content to let her take the lead, and he moved to follow at her side as they moved through the night. Spending the night with a friend sounded much better than sleeping alone. His posture relaxed as they moved together, his eyes cast to the distance as he searched for whatever she wanted to show him.

It didn't take long for the scent of water to touch his nose, and then he saw something - maybe not the end goal of the night, but it was definitely.. neat, as she said. "They are," Steel would agree somberly, quietly. He'd seen them before, when he'd first arrived in Auster with his parents. "Is this what you wanted to show me?"



6 Years

04-24-2016, 11:13 PM

Esarosa felt her heart skip when she saw that rare, tiny smile start to form on his lips in response to her going on about what they could do together. Maybe he actually liked her suggestion after all! It could be so difficult to make Steel smile, or show anything at all, that it felt like an accomplishment when he finally smiled. Actually, it felt like much more than that, causing that giddy feeling to rise within her chest. He'd agree with her suggestions with a simple "Yeah", and the quietest, barely audible chuckle. That was enough for her. She smiled widely, glad he was willing to follow her around and put up with her shenanigans for some time to come. She hoped they wouldn't ever lose track of each other.

As he followed alongside her, she felt herself drawn to slow her pace, her paws moving her closer to him as they wandered, so that she would bump into him occasionally. When they had reached the pond together and she commented on the fire flies, she directed her gaze upon him as he agreed that the glowing insects were neat, making everything look different. When he then asked if this was what she wanted to show him, she grinned and shook her head. "Nope, I thought we'd just walk by here on our way," she told him, tail waving. Her ears would flick then, head nudging in the direction she wanted to go, beckoning him to follow. She took off again, passing by the water's edge and hearing the 'sploosh' of frogs leaping into the water. Tempted, she paused, looking to the reeds just ahead of her, lit dimly by the fire flies. There was a big, fat frog sitting there carelessly, oblivious to its brethren leaping away for safety.

Esa licked her lips and crouched down. "Just wait," she whispered to Steel, barely audible. She crept forward slowly, waiting for the insects to light her way. When she was ready, she sprang, jaws wide open and ready to close on the frog. Her teeth snapped around the wet body just as her paws hit water - alarm coursed through her, though she refused to lose her grip on the frog. What had merely looked like mucky ground was actually a tricky piece of water lined with tall reeds. She went crashing into the pond, feeling the cold water seep through her coat. As quickly as she could, she righted herself in the water and clambered back onto land. She looked at herself, completely drenched - oh great! This was not what she'd expected.

Looking sheepishly at Steel, she shook out her coat, trying to get rid of the water, but it was futile with the rain. "Well, that's not really what I meant to do," she murmured, frog still dangling from her jaws, "Maybe I should stop dawdling and just get us to shelter. But, at least we have a snack, now!" She knew he hated these weird things she was always trying to get him to eat, but at least they wouldn't have to go to sleep hungry, if he'd give it a try. She just hoped she wouldn't be too cold, now that she was soaked. She tried to shake out her coat again, leaving her black fur all spiked out. Then she set off again, heading toward the old, gnarled tree she knew of.

Minutes passed, and at last she found the tree. It was so old, situated on a small rise, and some of the earth had crumbled away beneath its roots. It was a perfect place to take cover from the rain, and quite dry within. There were fewer fire flies here; it was darker and quieter than directly beside the pond. "This's the perfect place to get out of the rain," she stated, dashing toward the tree roots and entering the small cavern below, "There're more than enough room for both of us. Come on!" She hoped he would be convinced, considering her earlier blunder into the pond.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

04-25-2016, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2016, 09:15 PM by Steel.)
Steel's heart wasn't totally cold - just mostly. Keeping to himself, keeping his emotions locked deeply inside, was far safer than sharing them with anyone else. At her open eagerness, the pure joy she emanated in his presence, he couldn't help but smile. He hated to admit it, but it was quite contagious. He was content to follow her lead, since she seemed to have an idea where they should go tonight and he had no idea at all.

His gaze was solemn as he watched the fireflies, their lights disappearing and reappearing in a different location a moment later. They were entrancing, and he felt his focus sway as he watched them dance in what seemed like a unified rhythm. His focused continued to dance from one light to the next, though he followed Esarosa closer the the pond.

Steel should've known, if she heard frogs, she'd go after them. They did need to eat eventually, after all, but frogs were not really.. a priority. For him, at least. His head bowed as he watched her through the darkness, watched as she crouched down and peered through the reeds as though ready to snatch the thing. She did move, too.. and what had seemed like solid ground was actually mostly water, and she went splashing into the pond with little grace. The man couldn't help himself, and a loud snort emitted from his muzzle. His friend was quite the character, and it was difficult to not enjoy himself around her, even if he rarely showed it. That fleeting smile appeared again as she climbed back to solid ground, this time lingering a moment longer as his tail flicked idly where it lay limply at his hocks.

"Maybe you should take a break from frogs," he'd comment lightly, a teasing note audible on his voice. "They seem to be more trouble than they're worth." Steel's voice was hoarse from the silence he had grown accustomed to, and he hardly realized that those were the longest few sentences he'd spoken in ages, even to her.  He took a few steps back, letting her shake out her coat to attempt to dry it before setting off again.

It didn't take long for her to find the spot she'd been searching for. The tree, old and slightly dilapidated, had strong, wide roots that gave them plenty of room to sleep beneath. He was unused to sleeping so close to others - he hadn't shared a den since he'd traveled with Faria, and those times seemed to far in the past now. "Looks fine," he'd agree, slinking beneath the roots to join her. The area was... snug, to say the least, but it was not meant as a permanent shelter, and at least it would get the two of them out of the rain for the evening.  He shuffled down to his belly, trying not to stretch too much and take up more room than necessary, though it was difficult to truly find room to rest without being pressed up against Esarosa. Hopefully she didn't mind.



6 Years

04-30-2016, 08:45 PM

She could hear her friend snickering as she'd returned to solid ground, and looked to his face to realize he was smiling again. His tail almost wagged. He was having a laugh at her expense, but it only made her grin, amused herself. As he spoke lightly, advising her to take a break from frogs, she could hear the teasing in his voice and giggled light-heartedly in response. The look in her emerald gaze said there was no chance of her giving up on frogs. She didn't mind getting a little dirty - catching frogs was too much fun! Although... Brrrr! she thought with a shudder, as a cold shiver ran down her spine, Maybe frogs aren't the best prey to chase at night... in the rain. But she couldn't admit out loud that he was right about that.

As they approached the tree, and she dived within the cavern, she would watch Steel's expression as her eyes adjusted to the gloom. He seemed to glance it over, examining the tree and the shelter she had proposed. "Looks fine," was all he would say before making his way into the hollow below the tree roots. Esarosa tried to shuffled over to make more room as he entered, and soon realized there wasn't much she could do - they'd have to settle with the close quarters. As he lay down, she felt his coat brushing hers, his tail overlapping hers. A nervous flutter erupted in her belly, though she wasn't sure why; it must have been because she hadn't shared a den with anyone since before leaving home. She'd last shared a den with her sister, but this was quite different, indeed.

She was silent for several moments, staring at him as she tried to understand her flustered internal state, but it was to no avail. So instead, she burst into a fit of giggles at their predicament, as she placed the frog she'd caught between them, in what little space there was. "It's pretty snug, hope you don't mind," she said with a laugh bubbling in her tone; her tail thumped against the ground although it was slightly trapped beneath Steel's own tail, "Hungry?" Esa leaned toward the frog and carefully removed a leg; with her incisors clamped onto the funny webbed foot, she offered the thigh to Steel, hoping he'd take it. "You better eat it, I got drenched catching this thing!" she said teasingly, still laughing, "And the legs are like the best part." Her eyes glimmered mischievously as she leaned forward to offer him the yummy little morsel, wondering how he'd respond.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

05-01-2016, 12:42 AM
Everything about Esarosa was so... different. She was always in good spirits; he didn't think he'd ever once seen her look upset, or even bored. Even when she had fallen into the muck just now, he watched as she regained herself quickly and laughed it away. He wished he could be like her. He tried, for a moment - and the brief second that they shared, teasing her about the frogs, made him feel a brief rush of euphoria. I'm okay, he thought to himself silently as they moved together. Maybe focusing on the present would make things more bearable.

As they slid into the den, one after another, he wondered if she felt as uncomfortable as he did. It wasn't that it was necessarily because Esarosa was here, just because someone was here. He was unused to sleeping so close to anyone, and he didn't want his own presence to bother her. Who knew if he snored or talked in his sleep? His gaze fixed on her for awhile, oblivious to her own giddy feeling, wondering if it was ridiculous he felt worried at all.

And then she started to giggle. What was so funny? He felt heat rise to his face as she offered him the frog she'd so elegantly caught, and he'd avoid his slightly frantic thoughts by leaning to snatch it up. He chewed it quickly, offering her another faint smile. "Thanks," he'd offer softly, his voice lighter than usual. As he laid there, part of him felt guilty for actually being grateful for her presence - perhaps he might sleep more easily with the warmth of another at his side. "Tomorrow I thibk we should go after something our own size," he'd suggest teasingly, his own tail batting against the earth, and thus hrs in unison.



6 Years

05-01-2016, 02:00 AM

Fairly quickly, she was adapting to their close proximity - Esarosa was one to get used to new things quickly, particularly when she had no choice. In her mind, there was no sense resisting or resenting something you couldn't change. And in all reality, sharing this space with Steel wasn't all so bad; in fact, she was starting to quite enjoy herself. Of course, she hoped that she wouldn't annoy him, but if he hadn't left yet, then things looked pretty promising to her. She shivered slightly from the cold, her pelt still quite damp, although she was able to ignore it for now. Smirking to herself, she was glad when Steel finally accepted her offering, and ate the frog without a complaint. Actually, she was a little bit surprised that he hadn't refused, but she was thrilled that he'd eaten without a fuss. He offered his thanks in a tone lighter than usual, to which she would smile. "No worries," she said in response, glad that her friend wouldn't go to sleep hungry.

As he suggested that tomorrow they ought to go after something their own size, obviously to get a better meal out of the effort of hunting, Esa snickered. "Oh I see, a little frog's just not good enough," she teased back in response, one of her forepaws lifting to land upon one of his in good humor. Again she would fall silent for a moment, her eyes meeting his, amusement clear upon her face with a wide grin. She could feel his tail moving, thudding repeatedly against her own tail as it revealed his own feelings for the situation. It was a rare expression, and it only made Esa feel more giddy - was he actually enjoying his time with her? Her cheeks flushed with warmth at the thought, feeling yet another flutter somewhere within her ribcage. She held her breath for a moment, wondering if this was normal - weren't they just supposed to go to sleep now?

Yet, she wasn't feeling sleepy at all, even though they'd eaten and found shelter. How was she expected to just close her eyes and drift off to sleep when she'd never had company in a den before? She felt squirmy, and an inexplicable desire to shift her position caused her to move so that her shoulder pressed into his. Her eyelids drooped for a moment, comfortable, before her eyes perked open again. "If I'm taking up too much space, just tell me," she said in a friendly tone, before her voice shifted just slightly, "But... it's much warmer when I'm close to you. I'm still soaked from earlier..." Oh, she hoped he wouldn't mind if she shuffled closer to him - somehow he was so warm, and being close to him made her shivers dissolve. Not only that, but she felt like she could just stay here forever. At this rate, it felt like tomorrow would never come, and that was okay with her.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

05-03-2016, 09:59 PM
Steel had not lived a life totally deprived of affection. Although his father was known for his stoic demeanor, he had been quite warm toward his children, and his mother had never been scarce in her affections. For some reason, though, Steel found himself struggling with it even now. The closeness he and Esarosa shared was foreign to him, in the sort of way he'd craved for so long; and though it felt right, something felt strange still.

It wasn't that he was afraid. Steel wasn't necessarily a fearful man. A doubtful one, perhaps, but he certainly wasn't ruled by fear. Even as he sat at Esarosa's side, he could only feel one thing - aching, crippling doubt. Why did he let himself grow fond of anyone in his life, when they were apt to leave him? He enjoyed her company, but it was difficult to live in the moment when he felt the moment could be fleeting.

He attempted to relax as best he could in the tight quarters - finding it easier than he expected. Another smile was given at her teasing tone. “I’m not exactly watching my figure,” he'd quip back,.knowing that while frogs were not the absolute worse thing in the world, they were not the most filling either. The thought of not being alone in the morning, of having someone to find food with, was comforting and he nearly sighed in relief as he thought of what tomorrow might bring.

He was acutely aware of Esarosa's proximity to him. She didn't seem opposed to it at all.. in fact, she even moved closer, expressing he could tell her if she was taking up room. Perhaps a bit too quickly, he would shake his head, feeling a similar sort of giddiness well up inside his chest. “No, no, it's good,” he mumbled quietly, before hastily correcting himself, “I mean, you're good. I have plenty of room.” He didn't mind the closeness. It was relaxing, and he felt his eyes briefly shutter closed as he leaned gratefully into her touch. He didn't know quite what else to say, or if he should say anything at all, so he fell silent. The sound of the drizzling rain outside made the sound of their breathing seem hushed, and without thinking much - knowing if he considered it too long, he'd never do it at all - he'd shift to press his nose to her cheek, briefly, his eyes never opening. “Thank you,” he whispered softly, his voice hardly audible, before letting his head lower to rest on his forepaws beside her own.



6 Years

05-05-2016, 01:17 AM

Why had she spent so much of her time alone? She had craved this sort of closeness with someone for so long. And now she realized she had wasted so much time chasing those who hadn't wanted her close in the same way. She'd left her home in search of her childhood friend, Ajax, who had left her behind without a word. She had never seen any trace of him. Hadn't he cared about her? And then she'd met Miksa - she'd been so certain he'd be the friend of a lifetime. But he'd always forgotten her as he moved across the lands. He'd never looked for her. Had their friendship truly been one-sided? Now he was gone without a word. Why had she spent so much time waiting for something that was never meant to be?

With Steel beside her, she felt like she was exactly where she was supposed to be. And he was right where he was meant to be. Or so she thought, and hoped, as her heart seemed to beat a little faster. The giddy feeling that tightened her chest was balanced with the nervous flutter in her belly. What if she was just annoying him? Would he want to leave, or make her shove over? Doubt left her though as he continued their teasing banter about the frogs. She laughed at his comment, sticking out her tongue at him. Okay, they'd definitely have to get something more than a frog tomorrow. Her smile grew at the thought of the next morning - she wouldn't wake up alone, something completely new to her. They could start their day together, and oh what a different day it would be!

When he said that she was good where she was, that he had plenty of room, she let out a contented sigh of relief. She was surprised and so glad that he didn't mind her leaning into his shoulder - in fact, he soon leaned back into her touch. She blinked slowly, letting the silence overtake her. The only sound to be heard was the rain, which seemed to be coming down harder now, and she was glad they'd made it to shelter in time. Suddenly she felt Steel's nose press lightly into her cheek, for such a brief and fleeting moment that she wasn't sure it had been on purpose. Did he just touch my cheek? she wondered in shock, her cheeks burning fiercely now. He'd been so stoic, so quiet, she'd have never expected the gesture from him. It spoke volumes over any words they could share. Then he'd whisper, ever so softly, yet she heard him clearly. "Thank you." She didn't know what to say in return. Should she say anything at all?

As he lowered his head to rest them upon his forepaws, she lay for several moments in stunned silence. She couldn't stay quiet after that, but in a rare instance of bashfulness, no words would form on her lips. So instead, she'd reach forward to press her nose gently to his neck, running her muzzle affectionately up behind his ear, and then down until she reached his cheek, returning his soft gesture. Then she would turn over just slightly, so that her back leaned against him and her head lay upon the ground near his forepaws. She looked up at him, a sleepy smile upon her face. If there was bliss to be had, this was it, and with heart still thrumming, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep at all.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

05-05-2016, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2016, 08:45 PM by Steel.)
This was.. nice. Okay, maybe that was an understatement. Steel didn't realize until now, suddenly, how much he cared about Esarosa. It was a painful realization for him. She had been a constant in his life for some time now, and even when everything else crumbled, it seemed that she was still there. It was comforting and unsettling at the same time. The last woman he'd care for this much had all but ditched him the moment she reunited with Mithras. At the mere thought, he almost frowned, feeling an knot in the pit of his stomach. All those nights they spent together, traveling the world, existing as though each other were all they had. And she had dropped that life quickly, instead chosen to have Mithras’s children, before disappearing. Presumably with him. It hurt like hell, and he wasn't stupid enough to let it happen again.

Strangely, he didn't care to think about the future too much right now. He knew he needed to protect himself, and to ensure he didn't get hurt again. But lying here with Esarosa was soothing and he felt a warmth spread over him - not only because of her close physical proximity, but that didn't hurt things.

Though he felt relaxed as he lay there, eyes closed, he felt a similar sort of panic rising in his belly. The feeling was both pleasant and uncomfortable at the same time, and he swore he heard the pounding of his heart quicken, the sound echoing inside his head. Not wanting to shift too much and disturb her, he'd flick his tail from where it lay behind him, finally curling it up tight against his hindquarters. She shifted too, quietly against the backdrop of rain that had worsened outside, and he felt her nose behind his ear. Steel flinched, involuntarily, as he didn't expect her touch, but quickly he would relax. It'd been a long time since he'd been touched by anyone, and he felt almost euphoric at the gentle pressure;  he felt like he could lie here with her forever, and everything might be okay.

And he did for awhile, his eyes briefly opening, and a smile resting on his own lips. A genuine one, too, one that painted his features a shade of happy that he was so unused to. But it drifted away slowly as he laid his head on his paws, his head tilting slightly as he turned to watch her. "Why?" he asked, quietly, after a long moment of thought. His deep voice held a touch of sadness, and confusion - he couldn't help himself. "Why are you so nice to me, I mean? I don't deserve it."



6 Years

05-10-2016, 10:10 PM

Though her heart raced, her breath came easily as she relaxed so close to Steel, their dark coats mixing together. She was sure she could feel him tensing, especially when her nose touched him. However, he would relax again quickly, melting into her touch. Perhaps he was just as unaccustomed to this as she was, but the feeling of exhilaration far outweighed any negativity. Reason and uncertainty begged them not to get closer, but instinct led the way without hesitation. Esarosa, an impulsive creature by nature, could not resist, would not resist, even if her mind urged her to keep distance. Why keep any distance? What could it hurt? She'd been alone for so long though, surviving the wilds on her own, that she feared something like this couldn't last. She'd had friends, and they'd come and gone; could life actually feel like this for any extended amount of time? The warming sensation she felt all over her body, particularly where their bodies met, was enough to hold her steady, by-passing any worries or doubts.

Laying peacefully, her eyelids fluttered closed, and briefly open again when his tail shifted. She looked up at him, seeing his true smile. She'd never seen him smile quite like that before. Could he really be feeling just as happy and intoxicated as she was? Her breath quietly caught in her throat, elated as her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Then his smile began to fade away, causing Esa's brow to furrow in worry. How could his smile disappear at a time like this? When he spoke, her eyes widened just slightly, ears perking forward. His voice... why did he sound so sad, so uncertain? His question struck her deeply. Why did he seem to think that he didn't deserve this niceness that they shared? ""What do you mean?"  she would ask in return, tilting her head to the side as she rolled over again to lay on her belly, so that she could face him properly, ""Don't we all deserve a little kindness?"  Her eyes searched his face, seeking out his gaze.

She found herself wondering what she could do or say to cheer him up, and help him feel like this was meant for him. She didn't like that Steel was doubting whether he deserved this. ""Since I first met you, I can't find a single reason why I shouldn't be nice to you,"  she said rather matter-of-factly, ""Besides that, I believe in karma. If I'm nice to you, one day you'll return it."  She grinned somewhat and winked at him, wagging her tail. He had already been kind enough, agreeing to join her and share this small cavern with her; he was even letting her steal his warmth! And that unexpected touch to her cheek that had helped to spark the affection glowing between them... her claws dug into the ground as she recalled how it felt, the blush returning to her face all over again. However, falling into a more serious tone, she would continue to seek his eyes. ""Steel, you've been a really cool friend,"  she murmured to him, ""You're always here for me. I feel so happy beside you, right here, right now. I kinda don't want tomorrow to come... I mean, it'd kinda be nicer to just stay here; like if time just stopped, that would be perfect..."

Her thoughts came out without hesitation as she began to express her internal state. Was she really saying this all out loud, like nothing could go wrong? It felt like nothing could go wrong, though. Her smile returned as she stared at him, realizing how much she cared about him, and his happiness. He wasn't just a friend that she'd hope to see again. He was a friend that she didn't want to part with, now that she'd found him. She was sure now that she never wanted to wonder where he was again. She wanted him to always be near. If everything else crumbled around them, as it had with Argead, at least she'd feel secure with him by her side. At that moment she realized words may not be enough to truly get her message across; she was no good with words when she was nervous like this, anyways. So she reached out with her muzzle toward his face, pressing her lips against the side of his muzzle to plant a tender kiss, heart beating wildly in her chest as she refused to pull away from him. She'd never imagined that meeting Steel here on this rainy night would turn out like this. The rush of emotions that surged through her was overwhelming, terrifying indeed, but she wouldn't want it any other way.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

05-11-2016, 09:35 AM
Steel had a fair amount of happy memories from his life thus far, but along with that came quite a few awful ones, too. None of his good memories were when he was alone - he recognized that he was happiest when around others, even if they often caused him harm in the end. That was why he preferred being alone; it was easier when he didn't have to worry about abandonment and being hurt. This moment, though.. he almost wondered if it might be worth the chance of being hurt again. It felt good. Too good to be true. It'd been a long time since he'd been so close to someone, and he felt a panicky feeling well up inside him, a feeling of wanting more.

The smile he'd wore briefly came naturally, brightening his dark features even in the gloomy den they shared, though it disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. His question had not been one meant to provoke a reaction, or to elicit some sort of pity; he genuinely wondered why she was always so nice to him when he'd done nothing to deserve it. Steel was well-aware that his presence was not always terribly cheery, and if he was being honest with himself he knew he was downright impossible at times. But.. she had stuck around, multiple times, and he had no idea why.

"I don't think I deserve it,"  he'd counter pointedly, seriously, not arguing but simply offering his perspective. He had done nothing in his life to deserve even a sliver of compassion. Esarosa definitely deserved it; she'd given him food and had always made a point to be cheerful in his presence.  He watched as she rolled over to face him better, noting that her expression had grown more serious.

Her explanation made sense, and he was silent as she spoke. Though he wouldn't argue with her, Steel couldn't help but wonder why still. Nobody had ever been so nice to him, outside of his family; even Faria, who had stolen his heart without ever knowing it, had left him in the end. It was only after she'd had children with Mithras that he'd realized the extend of his feelings - and by then it had been too late. A soft sigh fell from his lips as he demeanor brightened again. She seemed to cheer up so easily, with so little effort.. he envied that about her, though he returned the expression with a half-hearted smile of his own.  "I want to be a better friend," he'd admit gently, earnestly. "I know I'm not always fun and sometimes I don't say much." He didn't know how else to say it; he found it difficult to relate to others sometimes and to express himself, but it seemed like Esarosa knew that already, and it didn't bother her.

It was weird to be complimented.. and she admitted she was happy. Somehow, he'd achieved that by just spending time with her, and being himself. He didn't know what to say in response. If she said she was happy, he figured she must be happy, regardless. 'It'd kinda be nicer to just stay here,' she'd whisper, and he'd nod in agreement. "Just please don't leave me," he'd utter, after a moment of silence as he felt her place a kiss on his muzzle. His voice held a fair bit of uncertainty - he felt painfully vulnerable, and for the first time in his life, he couldn't keep it to himself. "Please," he continued, pleadingly, his head falling as he pressed his nose into her neck. Her scent was wildly comforting and intoxicating at the same time and the thought of waking up tomorrow without her at his side was alarmingly painful. "Tell me if you ever want to leave, don't just go."  Not that she owed him anything - and he couldn't even think farther into the future than tomorrow. All he knew was that he couldn't handle waking up without her. Even though he couldn't internalize his feelings, he knew this felt more right than anything ever had, and he'd shift to curl tighter against her with little hesitation.



6 Years

05-12-2016, 12:14 AM

The downpour outside their shelter never lightened as the night went on. Streams of water fell outside the den's entrance, pouring off of the tree's roots and descending the hill that they were fortunate enough to be upon. It was a sobering sound, despite the emotions that whirled within the small cavern. As she listened to him, trying desperately to understand his perspective, he would still try to insist that he didn't think he deserved this niceness. She couldn't wrap her mind around why he thought so lowly of his worth and deserving. Perhaps she was too optimistic in this way; was it possible that he was right? All she could do was place her forepaw upon his, looking to his eyes as she tried to understand him. Still to her, he didn't seem undeserving. She couldn't bring herself to agree that Steel didn't deserve this affection. "But I think you do," she'd say in return, "You never hurt anyone, or stole milk from a pup. No one has to do some great, memorable deed just to earn a little kindness." Would he believe her? Would he be convinced?

She may not have known his full history, but Esarosa was certain that Steel hadn't done anything terrible to deserve only loneliness and a cold shoulder from other wolves. Even if in his past he had done something wrong, she only knew him as he was today. He was difficult to read, distant at times, but still he was gentle, and cooperative, and as she was learning tonight, he was sensitive and softly affectionate as well. He'd never been mean, and she could find no reason to deny him. As he spoke, she perked toward him. He wanted to be a better friend? His tone was genuine, and went on to explain how he could be better, or at least what he thought he wasn't good at. "You might not always say a lot," she said, countering his self-doubt, "But you don't need to. I've always had fun with you, and you've always put up with me. Even when I won't stop blabbing your ear off, and I won't stop making you try weird things or getting you covered in muck. You still always hung around, even when you could just leave." Would he realize it yet? Neither of them were perfect, but they'd been drawn to each other time and again despite their imperfections; in fact, they had quite enjoyed each other's company despite their many differences.

Again, his voice would come forth in the darkness of their shelter against the backdrop of steady rain. He sounded painfully uncertain, and Esarosa wanted desperately to comfort him, assure him that his doubts were unfounded. Before she could say anything, his nose pressed into her neck, and a contented sigh escaped her. She was afraid as well, but it could not dampen her spirits. So she pressed back into him, getting as close as she could to him as she nuzzled into the thick fur of his neck. "I don't ever want to leave," she assured him, though she feared he may still doubt, "I've survived alone for so long... I never thought I'd need anyone. But I've realized that I don't want to live this life just for me. I want a life that I can share with someone. And I really just want... to share it with you." She pulled back from him only so that she could look directly into his ruby red gaze. Did he feel the same way? The nervous pit in her stomach threatened to devour her happiness as she expressed feelings that had come from deep inside; but at the same time, she embraced the thrill of this new revelation, and waited eagerly to hear his voice again.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

05-13-2016, 09:43 PM
Steel had always liked the rain. It was somber weather and it often matched his own dreary state. It felt especially fitting now, as he and Esarosa lay together. Not only was it a perfect excuse for their closeness, if things got weird, but it also calmed the anxious fluttering he felt growing in his stomach. Why he felt nervous, he wasn't totally certain but the feeling was undeniable. As they fell silent for a moment, his ears swiveled as he listened to the sound of the steady rain pattering down on the ground and the gentle thrumming off the wind on the grass.

He didn't really want to argue about why he didn't deserve to be lying here with her. Steel was convinced he'd done nothing to deserve an ounce of kindness from her, and certainly no more; but she seemed to think he did. No, he'd never done anything particular bad, he could agree with her there - but he hadn't done anything good, either. A quiet, but content sigh fell from his lips as he leaned into her. "At least you don't think I've ever stolen milk from a pup,"  he'd tease, a rare glimpse of humor from the normally stoic man, and a sly smile fluttered across his lips in the near-darkness.

The thing was, though, that she really didn't know him well at all. His story was not a terribly long one. He'd kept to himself for most of his life; he was generally content to survive on his own and avoid others. But what didn't he know about her? He wondered this for a moment as she spoke up again, doing him far more justice than he felt he ever deserved. "I was joking about not hunting frogs tomorrow,"  he admitted quietly, as if it mattered at all. "We can hunt them if you want."  He didn't really care, and he felt a sudden, aching desire to not lose her. Even if it meant hunting frogs on the mud, it was worth it for this. Not that he'd ever denied her silly ideas before.

Her next statement was painfully honest. 'I don't ever want to leave.' He didn't know if she meant she didn't want to leave tonight, or this week, or this year.. he wasn't capable of thinking much further ahead than tomorrow. Another quiet sigh fell from his lips as he considered what she was saying aloud. Was being alone really all that great? It had never been great. Just easier. Safer, with no chance of being hurt by anyone. Esarosa's words seemed far more poetic than anything he could come up with, so instead he would let his head lift and drape over the back of her neck. He had no idea why she wanted to spend time with him rather than someone else, but he felt the anxious fluttering in his belly calm slightly as he let his eyes close once again. He'd never been good with words, but he supposed silence was rude after what she'd said.

"I like the sound of that," Steel would breathe softly. "Just don't change your mind in the morning. That would really bum me out." Perhaps the self-deprecating jokes weren't the best for the mood, but he couldn't help it. "I like the idea of spending more time with you," he'd admit finally after awhile, a bit hesitantly, unused to sharing his feelings in words. "I'm just.." his voice faltered for a moment, his eyes still shut as he spoke. "..afraid. That you'll leave, like everyone does."



6 Years

05-17-2016, 09:49 PM

An amused grin would cross her face as he teased. Of course she believed he hadn't stolen milk from a pup. Quiet and solitary as he was, she would never see as the type to go out of his way to hurt or take advantage of others. She couldn't help but to giggle when he spoke, enjoying this humorous side of him that she had discovered. She didn't expect that he would always be like this, but to discover the mysteries he held was exciting. And the fact that he felt comfortable enough to open up around her, of all people, warmed her insides.

For a small period of time, silence was between them. It wasn't awkward though, it was merely a thoughtful quiet. Then he would speak again, mentioning that they could hunt frogs tomorrow if she wanted. To her that would be delightful, especially if he'd join her. But hopefully neither of them would be going into the pond - it was difficult to dry off and warm up with all this rain. "You can pretty much guarantee that I will always want to hunt for frogs," she said with another giggle, "But don't worry, tomorrow we'll really be stuffing ourselves on something worthwhile." She hoped he realized frog hunting wasn't the only thing she was interested in; and his participation with her wasn't the only reason she enjoyed his company so much. He didn't have to hunt frogs with her if he didn't want to. Although she would certainly have to admit that she'd loved his company during her silly hunting games, and she wouldn't try to convince him not to join her.

When she finally confessed that she wanted to stay with him, to share all of her time with him, he would say nothing. But Esa was not left wondering as he draped his head over the back of her neck. She closed her eyes comfortably and leaned into him, realizing how close they'd become, their bodies entangled with one another. It seemed that only moments ago they'd been awkwardly trying to give each other space, and now neither of them desired any distance at all. It was truly magical. Then his voice would come again, and she felt a thrill ripple down her body as his deep tone resonated within the small cavern, even though the whisper of his voice seemed only to reach her ears. "I like the sound of that. Just don't change your mind in the morning. That would really bum me out." She'd smile at first, and then felt a light frown pull at her lips. His statement had been made as a joke but it seemed to really expose his internal feelings. Still, she'd remain silent as she allowed him the opportunity to say more, to really express what was on his mind and in his heart, and he indeed would let the words flow from his maw.

It would seem that he was truly afraid. He'd been abandoned before, and he expected nothing less from her. She wanted to assure him that she had no intention of leaving. But how could she prove it? She knew from experience as well that others could appear to be your friend, and it could seem as though the good times would never end. But then it could all be over in a heartbeat; you woke up one morning and you were left alone, without a soul to relate to. It was an awful feeling. She didn't want to do that to Steel, and she couldn't see him ever doing that to her. Did she trust him that much? In her heart, the answer was a definite "yes". From her position next to him with his neck draped over her neck, Esarosa would roll onto her back so that she could gaze up at him, her forepaws gently, slowly lifting until they reached up over the back of his neck in a soft embrace.

"Steel... I swear, I'll never disappear on you," she'd begin with some uncertainty, her voice soft and somewhat shaky, "Please... promise me the same. I want to stay together with you. Not just tonight, but for as many seasons as we're alive. Wherever life takes us... I don't want to go if you're not with me." There, she said it. She'd exposed her heart, and left him in charge of the rest. She had wanted to comfort him, but at the same time, she realized she wanted reassurance as well. Deep within her heart, she felt that Steel would not betray her; something was different about him. He was here with her now in a way that no other wolf had shared with her, and she felt a closeness and attachment to him that she hadn't experienced before. She felt anxiety claw at her belly, but at the same time, she felt like she needn't worry at all as she waited once more for him to speak, or act.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

05-31-2016, 04:27 PM
All of these feelings, suddenly coming to fruition in the center of his belly, were very new to him. He wasn't used to feeling.. wanted. Was that what this feeling was? He had often felt cared for, though perhaps not as much as he cared for others, but feeling truly needed and appreciated was a bit strange for him, given the fact that most wolves he cared for had ultimately abandoned him in the end. His brows furrowed as she tried to convince him of this. It would take more than a moment for him to truly believe it - maybe even weeks or months to truly, honestly believe her. But he would try. She had never been dishonest with him, and he had no reason to believe she was being dishonest now.

Steel watched unblinkingly as she shifted, rolling onto her back and lifting her paws to grasp around his neck. His gaze softened as he thought about what she said. The promises seemed far too large to be certain of. How did she know she might not grow tired of him after many seasons passed? Or even after years? It seemed easy to say she promised to stay with him, but wasn't reality something entirely different than words? They had much yet to learn about one another. It was difficult to contain the slightly confused expression that crept over his features as he thought about what to say.  "Okay," was the only thing he could say at first. It felt oddly difficult to assure her that he, too, would never leave, and that he wanted to stay with her for as long as he lived.

"I want to be with you," he finally told her, firmly and with fervor, though his voice was hushed in the darkness as he pressed closer against her.  Her words comforted him, though he didn't return the same promises quite as openly - he meant what he had said.  "No one else." Steel didn't know exactly what he meant; he really had no one else in his life but her, right now, and he'd be largely okay if that didn't change.  With that, he'd shift to a more comfortable position at her side, his head pressed against her chest and his eyes slowly closing, hoping sleep might come soon - though certain it would be a bigger struggle than usual with the feeling of a thousand nervous butterflies clambering around in his chest.