
Wrong turn


06-15-2013, 05:29 PM

Awaken was on yet another daily sprint. He ran as far as he could every day and came back to glaciem... But this particular day he'd taken a wrong turn and wound up near Vahalla! Completely oblivious the mistake, he just continued to run. A seldom snort escaped his flared nostrils as he realized the climate change. How had he gone from ice to grass?

?Awaken slid to a stop looking around, smelling the air. He didn't recongize the scent but he decided to lay low for a while. Then it hit him... He was in a pack territory! He cursed under his breath. How far had he run? Was this an enemy pack? Was he being watched. ?Luckily for him he wasn't quite in the territory yet, just on the outskirts and dangerously close to the boarder.

? The scent of Glaciem reeked off his coat as his mouth hung open panting. His black lips were moist sith saliva trying to cool himself off. He then heard a snap of a twig and jumped, spinning around. No... We can't fight yet... Im not done with training. She can't be here yet! His mind raced as the thoughts of death in cat form fillex his head. He'd put on loads of muscle since he was informed of the impending fight, the space between his shoulderblades was atleast a foot. But was a shame it'd be to die so far from home.

?? ?He let out a loud snarl as he thought he saw the black and white striped beast. He backed up but his paw his air. There was nothing behind him. He attempted to jerk it back onto solid land but loose soil gave out draging his lower half down as he held himself up with his front legs. What ever was stalking him had left. He worked to pull himself back up but the dirt gave way and sent him tumbling into the dry creekbed. He pulled himself up, still on edge. He'd entered a pack's territory and he quite possibly had that beast stalking him.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)



06-17-2013, 02:12 PM
An intruder? The alpha bristled as she stepped closer to the male that wasn't a part of their pack lands. If he had ill intent, she would send him running back the way he came. The intruder's snarl put her on edge, and she was prepared to tackle them to the ground and demand they explain themselves. Yet as she closed in on the male, she realized that he had a familiar scent about him. Not only had she seen him before, he was a part of a sister pack. He smelled faintly of ice and snow, of family, of Glaciem. And then she realized just where she had seen him before - the battlefield. This was one of the males that she had ended up fighting, their fight wasn't very long, but she remembered his forest green eyes and dark pelt immediately. "Awaken, what are you doing here?" She barked, sounding harsh because he had wandered in without howling first, but not angry enough to attack him.

He was something of an acquaintance to her.

And he looked to be quite frazzled at first glance. He had just pulled himself up from the empty creek bed, and seemed to be looking for something. "Is something wrong?" She asked, her own eyes flicking out to glance over the area. There didn't seem to be anything off at first glance, but if he was snarling only moments before it had to be at something.


06-17-2013, 02:49 PM

Awaken shook bis head as he got up. "ooww...." he jumped about sky high when he realized he'd been confronted by another wolf. ?Immidiately put on edge! His fur rose lightly but the flattened as he reLize it was someone he was aquainted with. Thank god! His releif was evidant all over his body. "Sorry... You just scared the hell out of me! Im just alittle on edge is all." He didn't want to tell her of his predicament. He didnt want to involve any other packs exept for Glaciem.?

He looked up at the ledge he'd fallen from. The walls were too steep to climb up , not to mention the mud would just shove him back into the gully. The crevace went on for as far as he could see with no visable way out. He was stuck. "Oh, nothings wrong... Is there a way out of this gulley?i didnt mean to tresspass. I just got lost and fell. Ive been running daily to try to get bigger for-" ?He stopped short. He didn't want to alarm any other packs of an impending tiger! It was his fight and he wanted to keep it that way! He crouched low tward one of the walls to try to jump out. He lept hard but fell about three feet short of his goal, striking the wall hard and fallibg on his back. He kicked out and rolled over harshly, yelping. "Okay... Bad idea!" ?



06-24-2013, 11:56 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2013, 11:56 PM by Chrysanthe.)
He was startled at first, and honestly that was enough to bring out a bit of the alpha's more friendly side. She was tempted to smile when he released that visible sigh, apologizing for his rude reaction. Yet she kept a straight face, watching him as closely as she could from where she was. There seemed to be something that was bothering him, but he wasn't telling so she would for now, let it slide. As for getting after him for trespassing, it seemed that he had gotten himself into enough trouble - stuck in a muddy gully with no real way up. "The ice makes everything slick this time of year, climbing out isn't going to work." She explained after he tried to throw himself at one of the walls and crawl out that way. Shaking her head she sighed, trying her damndest to keep the mirth out of her eyes. There was a hint of sadism to the young alpha's sense of humor, but she preferred to keep it to herself. "Running daily for what?" She called back to him, instead of telling him the way out. Of course, a bit of common sense would probably get him out of there as quickly as she could... but he seemed to be waiting for an answer from her, so she would keep him hanging. Just long enough to know why he was so on edge, why he had trespassed and what he was training for.

She was a nosy thing really. Being alpha only gave her a good excuse to know what was going on at all hours. "Yes it was a bad idea. There are a couple of better ones though. But first - I need to know why you're here. You're smart enough not to trespass for no reason. Were you looking for help, perhaps?"