
A Relic Among Relics



7 Years
Extra large
06-18-2016, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2016, 11:12 PM by Basileus.)

The trail he'd been following had long since gone cold. With no sightings and no whispers to go off Basileus had come to the conclusion that his man had continued fleeing and was now far beyond the mafioso's reach. Discouraged and out of ideas, Basileus had found himself drifting further and further from the pursuit until one day he realized it had been weeks since he'd made any real effort to track his man. Upon finally understanding that the game was up the now defunct man of honor had fallen into a slump. He found himself taking solace in the intoxicating wares of wandering traders and losing himself in the company of easy women; both vices he'd sneered at back home. For one once so proud he'd fallen so far, but what was his purpose now? What good was he, a soldier on his own? He had nothing and no one to return to. Some days he wondered if it would have been better to die with his brethren.

With a yawn and a stretch Basileus extricated himself from his makeshift den beneath the twisted metal human relic. He stretched again and then let his gaze rove over his surroundings in search of last night's companion. She was nowhere to be found and honestly that was alright with him. It saved him from having to bullshit his way through parting amicably.

After turning his attention back to his den Basileus eyed the widest, flattest portion of the metal beast. It jutted out from the rest of the body like a ledge and looked like a decent place to stretch out and warm up in the rising sun. With a lazy leap the man was atop it and staring skeptically down at the metal underfoot that groaned under his weight. When it didn't buckle under him Basileus slowly spun three times and then flopped down with his face pointed towards the sunrise. He'd wait out the morning and then, because nothing mattered anymore and there was no point in planning, do whatever the hell he wanted.

Hover speech for translation



3 Years
06-19-2016, 01:29 AM


This place had to be one of the oddest she had been upon. Never in her life had she seen such... unique objects. Some were silver, some were covered in a red, unstable form. It confused her, but she was curious and there was no way she'd be turning back now.

Her small and agile body weaved through the silver-debris. Sometimes she halted to examine a piece closer, only to huff at herself and shake her head. She had no clue what they were, nor even why they were here. She had never seen human, interacted with a human, or even knew what a human was. She was born wild, and had always been that way. Doe-brown eyes scanned the area, and soon enough she took in a deep breath- only to halt. She was not alone. Slowly she took even more attention to the area around her, and began to steadily move forth to the scent.

It didn't take long for a figure to meet her gaze, but boy was he as odd as the silver-debris on the land. His pelt was what stood out at her, but she didn't miss how large he seemed. She had gotten quite used to others outmatching her in size, therefore it wasn't a huge shock to her. He was resting on one of the silver objects, and Lourdes approached carefully. "Do you know what it is?" Soft-spoken words left from her gentle lungs, warm gaze watching him while a small smile edged at her maw. Her head nodded to the object he was upon, before looking back to his own optics with a curious gaze.



7 Years
Extra large
06-19-2016, 03:09 PM

It was far too early in the morning for the metal beneath him to have warmed and so as he lay there the chill that had seeped into the contraption that night slowly began to work its way into the brute's fur. Very quickly he became chilled himself, but instead of getting up and finding a warmer place to lay Basileus stubbornly remained where he was.

He gazed unblinkingly into the rising sun; his expression bland as he let his thoughts consume him. Vaguely he was aware of a dry, grittiness to his eyes but that feeling wasn't enough to bring him back to reality. However, the approach of another was and as Basileus became aware of the approaching woman he slowly drifted back to the present. Not sure if she was going to simply go around him he watched her progress out of the corner of his eye.

After arching his neck in a lazy stretch Basileus then turned to face the woman as it became clear she was going to approach him. She was quite possibly the most petite creature he'd ever seen; her slight build and and slender features giving her an almost childlike quality. If not for the way she carried herself and an intangible, mature air that came with age he might have mistaken her for a yearling. Her expression was warm and open as she gazed up at him with a question on her lips, and her friendliness was catching; it was impossible to take in that sweet expression and be disagreeable. A friendly smile on his lips, Basileus shrugged and with a heavy accent said, "I do not know." He glanced down at the contraption briefly. The man had an idea of where it came from, but its exact purpose had been lost when the humans had died off. "Humans made it. It had," he uncurled himself and slid closer to the edge so he could point down at what remained of a tire as he spoke, "four round "feet" at one point, but that is all I know."

Hover speech for translation