
lost in the light



10 Years
Extra large
06-27-2016, 08:36 PM
Áki was tired. He'd spent much of the day traveling, with few breaks to rest in-between. The weather wasn't particularly brutal; in fact, the winter had been rather pleasant as of late, with plentiful prey and only moderate snowfall. The fresh snow beneath his paws made a soft, satisfying crunch with each step he took as he made his way across the frozen surface. It seemed to have been a body of water, once, but long ago. His gait was lazy as he moved across it, feeling his nails tap against the smooth surface as he pushed snow aside with wide paws.

His crimson gaze searched the horizon for awhile, briefly lifting to eye the evening sun. It had begun its descent below the horizon, though it was far from fully dark yet. A slight smile tipped the corners of his lips upwards, though it faltered when he noticed a slight flicker of something out of the corner of his eye. It looked.. like some kind of bug, but he knew there wouldn't be any insects here. His tusked skull tilted down as he eyed the thin layer of snow. Using his paw, he pushed some of it aside, eyeing the ice - parts of which were hazy, though some were crystal-clear. Below the ice, he saw strange, flitting lights. He narrowed his eyes as his paw pushed more of the snow aside, wondering what on earth he had found.



9 Years
06-29-2016, 09:20 PM

Crunch. . . Crunch. . . Crunch. . .

The former dictator was slowly being driven mad. Each crunch rang through her nearly hollow cranium with a roaring aftermath of brain deterioration. The cannibal did not do well with silence.. or more or less the lack of a social aspect. Hearing nothing but her paws crunching through the bed of perfectly untouched alabaster snow made the fae wish for her own demise. Nearly bursting out in a bellowing scream for the Valkyries to take her now, for she was at war with her own simple mind. The lanky woman let her frozen bodice fall into the height of snow, allowing it to form around her with a tiny splash. Once, the tri-colored fae stood tall, now she laid as a ripple within the ocean of white. As the Queen 'rested' she let her crimson eyes shut, as if to forget that she was truly laying completely alone in the middle of a snowstorm being covered by the white flakes. Her winter pelt did well to protect her from the elements, but soon she began to shiver. Being all alone in a snowy wasteland was an equation for disaster with such a Wolfess. The girl thrived on her social game and interactions, she thrived on others. Like a true Cannibal, yet when alone she was nothing but another Wolf being carried away by the Gods themselves. Not even a noble death, just a horribly dismal one.

That bleeding gaze flicked open as a scent filled her obsidian nose. It came down wind, it was stale but it was something. Male. Wolf. Her curiosity was peeked enough to cut her dramatic show to those above short. The woman shot forth from the snow, what had piled up on her pelt was shaken off. What was left behind was a sad impression of a Wolf, who was now crunching through the snow towards the direction in which the scent came from. Her ears flicked again, which each crunch, but if you give the insane a mission. They will surely complete the task at hand. The woman ignored the sounds of her lonesome steps, trekking quickly.

By the time the lanky babe reached her destination the snow had died down a bit and the sun was slowly slipping away from the skies grasp. Soon to be replaced by luna herself. Schon moved towards what was know as Kennocha Lake, the fae recognized the ice pillars instantly. But, the being wasted no time with the landscape. Her bleeding gaze soon feasted upon a creature of such.. oddity. Such.. beauty. The mongrel quickly began to salivate, her eyes taking in his body like a true predator. Yet, the lady would not prey on this one tonight. Her thin legs carried her snow speckled bodice towards the man himself. Her posture assured dominance, but she was overall relaxed due to him being off guard in the situation. As she neared him, she allowed her impressive vocals fill the chilled air. "I have not seen such divine.. beauty in such a devastatingly l o n g time." The empress allowed her thin tongue to roll from its cage, slipping across her, frozen, inky lips. She craned her neck a bit, forward, allowing her eyes to moved down to the luminous ice. "What a.. perfect setting as well." The woman shook her head, not in disappointment, but in awe. The fae stood still, observing the man who had his back to her, awaiting a response silently. Schon was practically itching to let her eyes feast upon his facial features. But, yet all great things come with time.

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.