
A Family That Fights Together Can Never Be Defeated



12 Years
Extra large
05-23-2016, 07:43 PM

He was itching to get this show on the road. He needed to stretch his muscles and get some fighting out of the way. So, he had set off, calling Faite to his side to accompany him to the Battlefield as his witness. Maybe she could find a sparring partner once he was through, win or lose. While he liked winning, he didn’t mind losing, either. It was all a chance to pick up new techniques, or form new ones of his own. Plus, the trip to the Field was a chance to talk to her about some of his ideas regarding the high ranks of fighters. He already liked his mother’s original set up of testing those wishing for a rank, whether it was for hunting, fighting, or healing.

But what about those wishing to gain a higher rank in fighting? Hunting and healing were two simple things. You worked hard, expanded your skill, and if you worked harder than the rest to hunt for the pack, you would be qualified for a promotion. If your skill was better than the rest of the healers, and you stuck to all your studies and truly dedicated yourself to the pack’s health and wellbeing, you were eligible to become a Master Healer. But fighters… He needed to see real proof that his fighters, few as they had, would be suitable for high ranks; because with as few as they had right now, it was likely that the Shields would be two of those already present, and the Master Legionaries would likewise be wolves already present.

As he met with Faite and they crossed the border, he grinned at his sister. She was the only one of his siblings that resembled their father in any way; earthen tones mixing with silver and black. She was also the only official Legionary. “So, I’ve been thinking, sis. We really, really need high ranking fighters who are capable of the ranks needing filled. But I was thinking that if someone wanted a high rank like Shield, or Master, that they need to prove themselves far more than to be just a Legionary…” He kept the pace at a trot, one eye and one ear attentively on his sister, waiting to hear what she had to say about it.

They wouldn’t reach the Field for at least three hours; plenty of time to chat with her, get her views.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

07-01-2016, 10:26 PM

Faite was more than ready to spend some quality time with her brother. He'd called her with him to come watch his spar, should an opponent come to his call, and she eagerly agreed. It would take them a few hours to get there and she wasp leased that they'd get to catch up. Ever since she'd been home she felt like she hadn't done enough to reconnect with the rest of her siblings. Of course there were so many of them it would surely take her a while, but she would relish the time she spent with her giant crimson one. It would also give her an opportunity to watch him battle and pick up on a few techniques and learn from both Regulus and whomever he sparred. It would be a good learning curve for her.

Despite her own rank being a legionary, she realized she also needed to get onto the battlefield at some point. She needed to stay fit and ready and improve in her field considering she was the only ranked legionary at the moment. She'd spent most of her time trying to scout out past Celestial to bring in new wolves that Regulus might deem worthy of joining, but so far every wolf she'd come across had been a bust. Many of them had seemed like a good fit but one thing led to another and she came home empty pawed anyways.

Since she wasn't having any luck there she would have to work at her actual duty. Plus it meant she could stay at home and be near her family. Their parents weren't getting any younger and with their newest set of siblings she was eager to form a bond with them as well.

Her thoughts soon pushed away thoughts of the future as she met with her larger sibling at the border. She grinned eagerly at them ready to get their journey underway and she settled into an easy pace beside him. He happily brought up conversation and one ear remained in his direction while the other swiveled about to listen to the rest of their surroundings. She listened to his musings and she remained silent for a minute as she thought about what he had said. He did have a point. It was easy for healers and hunters to prove their worth. Hunting was a skill all learned and; while some proved to be more proficient at it than others, it was still a skill everyone had since a young age. Healing also took a bit of patience and study but it was still easier to master than fighting (or so she assumed.) Fighting took a mixture of skill, instinct, and a lot of practice and dedication so it seemed a bit more unobtainable.

"You have a point." She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts before she continued. "I think for a master it's fair to earn the rank by proving you're a good fighter but brute force certainly isn't everything. You can be a great fighter and have no tactical logic whatsoever. I think the Shields should definitely show that they not only can be formidable opponents in battle, but have a sharp mind and a calm head to go with it. You can't lead anyone if you have no skill for it"

Of course those were only her thoughts on the matter. She believed leadership was a mix between natural born skill, tact, and the ability to think properly. Of course they'd also have to be loyal and put the pack first before themselves. They'd have to be proficient in at least fighting and hunting. She was sure her mother would agree on it too that basic healing would at least be preferred. She understood not everyone was made to be good at the skill, so she was positive it wouldn't be required, but it would earn a wolf more brownie points if they were at least semi-decent at it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
07-10-2016, 05:49 PM

The crimson Archangel listened to her answer with interest, and nodded. “My thoughts exactly. Also, Creed’s surely going to retire soon. I’ll need a new Right Wing when he does. Any thoughts on who would be best for the job?” He kept his face a mask of interested innocence as they traveled, fathomless sapphires scanning the surroundings as he listened, interested in who she thought would fit best in the role.

He, of course, already had an idea of who he wanted there at his side. But what might she think of it? Would she even consider herself as a possibility? His eyes slid a sidelong glance at her in speculation, though his head remained faced forward, tail held at an easy level above his hips.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

07-10-2016, 08:31 PM

Faite was pleased when Regulus agreed with her thought process. It seemed they had similar views about the hierarchy of Celestial and how each position should be earned. An ear remained trained on him as he told her that Creed was going to retire soon. If she remembered correctly he was as old as their mother. She honestly was surprised that he hadn't retired already, but she was glad he felt up to helping Regulus. Alpha duties between the two seemed to be working out much better than if it was just Regulus on his own.

She was slightly surprised when he asked her who she'd recommend for the position next. Wrapped up in thought she missed the feigned innocence and the curious gaze he shot at her. Her mind sifted through all the wolves of the pack. Uncle Cas seemed to be getting old as well so he'd be out. Not that he was necessarily old of course, but she couldn't imagine him wanting to up his duties. He seemed to need the relaxation for the time being. There was Baine and Zuriel as well, but as much as she tried to picture it she couldn't see either of them as an Alpha. Baine, their soft spoken little sister, surely had a good head on her shoulders, but she didn't seem quite right. She was also sure that Zuriel was being prepped for the Master Healer position so that wouldn't work either. Their younger siblings were too young, Tornach had left, and then there was Dagger and Acapella but Dagger also seemed to young and she hadn't seen too much of Acapella. That left Solveiga and Varda. Solveiga was still new to the pack, but there was still Varda. She seemed to be trying her best, though something definitely seemed off about her lately.

"I dunno." She'd finally speak. "There's Varda. She seemed to be really happy about the Master Hunter position. She even held that hunt, though I feel bad only Creed and me showed up. After her though everyone else is either getting ready to retire, or too young, or just not quite right for it." She'd offer. He was smart though. She was sure whoever he chose would be a good Right Wing for him.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
07-11-2016, 04:19 AM

If it was one thing to say of Faite, she was a deep thinker. He could tell she had missed his innocent expression, and hid a grin. But he listened earnestly to her thoughts as she gave her nominees. “Varda would be good, but I’d like to see if she can remain as the Master hunter, since we need someone who can train new hunters..” He had the same thoughts, unknowingly, as she did, regarding the rest of the pack. Dagger was too young, Acapella was.. well, he would have liked to see her around more often. She hadn’t yet come to him to tell him of her choice in path.

Too young, too old, and not quite right. But he’d noticed that she hadn’t even said one thing about herself. So he grinned, leaning toward her, tail wagging above his hips. “But what about you?” There we go, he’d dropped the rock. Now what would be her reaction? Shock? Probably. Surprise, definitely.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

07-21-2016, 05:09 AM

Regulus took in her opinions like a sponge and she wasn't surprised to hear that Varda wouldn't be a good choice. He was right, after all, she did need to remain as Master Hunter for a while so she could train the new wolves. Her youngest siblings definitely came to mind. Would any of them take an affinity to hunting like Varda? Or would they take after their mother and be healers and/or fighters?

Wait a minute. She was getting off track. Unfortunately she had no one to suggest to her brightly colored sibling. Even if he wasn't able to find a replacement for Creed she was sure Regulus could do it on his own. He was smart, wise, and a natural at this. He wouldn't have become Archangel if Surreal hadn't thought him ready. Besides if he ever needed help with anything all he had to do was ask.

“But what about you?”

She couldn't keep herself from stopping in her tracks at that question. Bi-colored gaze would shift towards to Regulus in confusion as she stared at him for a good moment. She honestly hadn't considered herself, never even thought about it, but why would he? Surely he had better choices in mind.

"What? Why me?" She'd ask him, more than curious to hear his reasoning. Maybe he'd just hit his head lately and was a little loopy.

Walk, "Talk"

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
07-26-2016, 10:19 PM

Regulus grinned down at his sister, stopping with her as she questioned him, staring up at him as though he’d gone mad. It was the exact reaction he’d been looking for. Often the best leaders weren’t the ones who wanted it with a passion, but those who had never imagined being anything other than a follower, but had all the right traits. ”Weeeellll…” He drawled, a grin plastering onto his features.

“You’re smart, level-headed, and think first before acting. You try your best to be at every meeting. You have an interest in fighting, and you’ll be formidable if you keep training and sparring to hone your skills. And you’re of a good age. You’re my sister, and I think we’d work well together. I also trust you.” He added. Yes, he trusted her implicitly. She’d been making efforts to bring new blood to the pack; he’d smelled the strange scents on her coat when she passed sometimes, but had a disappointed air.

Out of all the pack, he felt she was the best suited to lead at his side as his Right Wing.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

08-04-2016, 08:07 PM

Regulus just seemed to think the entire thing was funny with the grin plastered to his face as he stared at him. She was still pretty certain he'd gone crazy as his voice drew out as he spoke. He'd go into detail explaining why he thought she was a good fit. She felt heat rising to her cheeks at his words. Faite hadn't been aware Regulus thought so highly of what she'd been up to. Admittedly half the time she'd left pack borders it'd been for her own enjoyment as well as to see if she could find new recruits for the pack. She'd known the pack needed them, but so far she'd been unsuccessful. She didn't understand how any of her actions had been anything worth such a promotion, but she wouldn't argue with him either.

"Well if you think I'll be good at it then I accept. You'll have to teach me some stuff so we can spar together. I know I need to improve." She'd say with a grin. She'd certainly do her best to be a good Alpha with Regulus when Creed stepped down. She had some big shoes to fill, but she was determined.

Walk, "Talk"

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
08-07-2016, 03:15 AM

He grinned widely at her reactions. Modesty was a strong point for her; arrogance wouldn’t overcome her in her new status, he was sure. As she answered, he smiled, tail waving generously behind him in delight. “I’ll let Creed know, and announce it in the meeting. There are plenty of things to announce, to be sure.” He added with a chuckle before heading on.

“And I definitely do not mind sparring you, especially if it helps you hone your skills, but do try and get out on the Field and get some outside experience in; take a pack member along to witness it.” He grinned easily, glad to have tied one loose end off. Creed would have a capable replacement.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]