



2 Years
06-26-2016, 07:28 AM

From the frightfully humid swath of jungle came yet another - more appreciated - breath of fresh. Ootat had plowed through the suffocating thickness after her unexpected discovery of the pup, Kaitlyn, in an attempt to flee should she run into another wolf. Would she return to that place? Most probably, but not while knowing a scared yearling wandered its midst. To be fair it had not been an entirely unpleasant experience, the child had been yielding, if not a tad headstrong. The she-wolf could only avoid the stinging in her pads for so long though, the powerful desire to simply turn and flee was like an iron fist at the back of her mind, pounding at the walls she so thoughtfully strove to keep. She was a coward, it was the only respectable term to a wolf as she. A creature hell-bent on ostracizing herself from society in lieu of a life where safety was determined by the next nightfall.

Ootat kept going despite all of this, the inner turmoil to, was becoming normal. It did not mean she liked it. Here in the open the sunlight could better get at the ground, grass grew abundantly, green with just a touch of blue at the tips. The hard dirt was turning soft, changing from that typical earthy brown to a lighter, sandier tone the further she ran. The she-wolf slowed her pace enough to take better stock of these new surroundings, glancing over her shoulder at the slowly diminishing trees of the jungle. No more than a mile from that treeline did the earth change so greatly, the properties of this place worked in ways that Ootat was not sure counted as 'normal' anymore. The boundaries were short yet the places they held plentiful, full of life or struggling to survive - with excess space to do it in. It was a feature she had noticed upon first entering the valley that evening, noting then the many ponds and vastly changing land-masses throughout her sight. Now that she traversed them it was rearing its head as a reality and she was unsure of how to handle it, if she should pay it any mind at all. Very much like the ever-present hum she had begun to realize was not, in fact, a figment of her imagination... she stopped. Spraying sand, for it was sand now, every which way before stumbling to her shoulder. Darn that! Her mind screeched and Ootat squeezed dark eyes closed against the onslaught of dust.

Not several feet away was the largest body of water she had ever set eyes on. Her body did no better than her mind at a proper response, therefore it lied in the sand as an alternative. Other than a brief stinging of the muscle there she was untouched by anything other than shock and awe. It was just so... huge! She did not know... what did she do? Something so big could surely swallow her whole and yet, she wanted nothing more than to dip her toes into the shallows. No! her mind insisted, a sure way to suicide you foolish girl! And it was right. Probably. Still, Ootat got back to her feet with a groan, claws scrabbling at the sand, shaking her scruff until it fluffed out. Sand everywhere! Sand so white it might have come from the heavens themselves.

{honestly this is trash and I'm sorry =3= it's been a heck weekend}

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-04-2016, 12:49 AM

Rivaxorus somehow always ended up exploring on an island. His paws scraped across the sand as he walked. The large male giving off a heavy sigh from the emotions that weighed around his mind just as of late. That was when he spotted a lady off the shore. She seemed to be having some trouble with the sand. A small smile came to his face, trying to forget his previous thoughts as he stayed a few feet away. Lifting his head though as he let out a bark to let her know that he was here.

"Are you having trouble with the sand Ma'm?" he asked softly. Making sure he lowered his head after, so that he wasn't threatening. While larger though he kept his guard up just in case. He could never be too careful, and didn't want to end up leaving with a massive wound or otherwise.
