
It's caught up to me



3 Years
05-21-2016, 11:09 PM

Today, there was no questions to be asked. She was met with a new emotion today and she didn't know how to deal with that emotion. The young girl didn't feel like doing anything, she wasn't filled with energy. All her questions well, they were centered around why. Laying out in the mangrove, she rolled onto her back. Staring back at the blue sky above her, letting out a sigh that escaped from her lips. Mother was gone - and she tried to think of it in a happy sense. She was on an adventure, she went of to find bigger and better things. Better than them though? Did they do something wrong, did Dad somehow just make mom too upset to come home? No, he wouldn't do anything like that. Leo was a nice man, and she wouldn't think of her daddy in any other way. But she, had she annoyed her mother too much? She wondered these things, bringing her to have this strange feeling that she just didn't understand.

The ball of fluff felt... down. She didn't want to jump up and down she didn't want to go on an adventure. She just wanted to sit and wait or this feeling to go away. Her little paws outstretched towards the sun, looking at their color. They looked like her mother a bit, the gray on it and the white too. She tucked them back against her fuzzy body and flicked her tail back and forth. Making it feel funny against the grass. It was cool today as well, her first winter and it was mild. She didn't understand what winter meant either.

"Talk" "You" Think

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.


05-22-2016, 10:59 PM
It had been too long since he actually sat down with Heather and interacted with his sister. Part of that was his own fault; after going missing for some time on a journey to find their mother he hadn’t had enough time to interact with his siblings when he returned just yet. His father had punished him, grounding him to the den while they were allowed to go play. But of course Alfie didn’t blame Leo for that... No... He was just worried for Heather.

He had already played with Roza and Lionel again... But Heather was another story. He searched for her, following her scent until he found her within the grass. It was a cool day out, but Alfred didn’t mind it too much. He laid down beside his sister as his head cocked to the side. Something was troubling her... He could sense her negative emotions even if he couldn’t pinpoint them exactly. Was it because of their mother?

“Hey sis... You feeling okay?”




3 Years
06-19-2016, 02:37 PM

The girl switched herself to lay on her stomach. Looking up at her brother. It was Alfred! She hadn't seen Alfred in forever. This making her tail wag a little bit as she stood up and went to give her brother a hug. Wrapping her head around his neck. He would ask her what was wrong though, making the pup sit in front of him. Eyes wandering while she tried to explain to him what was going on. "I'm not... actually sure?" she said with a rough smile to her brother. She looked at her paws.

"I was laying down and just started to do a lot of thinking. I miss mom. I don't know why she left, and I don't know if she'll ever come back either." she mumbled for a moment. Struggling with this thought. Sure for a while she treated it as if her mom had gone on an adventure. Yet what it this adventure lasted a life time. She would never get to see her mom again.

"Talk" "You" Think

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.


06-22-2016, 10:39 PM
I have my mother's dreams,

I have father's eyes,

Alfie could at least smile as Heather embraced him. Feeling her warmth brought him happiness. But her words made that happiness waver. Alfred frowned, watching how she acted as she spoke. “I know it’s not the most comforting but... I don’t feel like mom is coming back.” The anxious boy looked away, giving a soft sigh. “I was looking for her Heather. There was no sign at all. I don’t know why she left but...” Alfred felt his heart sink.

“Something pulled her away from us. All we can do now is try to move on. We still have dad... Each other. We’ve got Fiori. Even if mom decided she didn’t want to be here, or couldn’t, or something... We need to try and carry on. Especially if she does come back. Think of how much stronger we could be by then. What she might be able to learn from us instead.” Alfred looked back to Heather, offering a small, sad smile.

“I know I’m not mom but... I’m here for you Heather. I’m not going anywhere anymore, okay? I’m here to stay! It’s a promise.” He gently nudged her shoulder. “Will you make that promise to me too?”

"Talk," 'Think.'

You can't take that from me;

Just Go ahead And try!



3 Years
07-06-2016, 01:14 AM

Heather was a little confused, was there something she wasn't getting? Alfred said all of these things, but it was things she wasn't really worried about. Was her mom not being here a bigger deal than anyone had let on. Did somehow Svetlana have a more important role in this world in their lives. After all, their mom left while they were just getting and reaching out of the den. She had practically fed them, and then left. So even if she wasn't coming back, Heather didn't think she minded too much.

"Alfred I think you're making a big deal about this. I'm still not sure what emotion I'm feeling but really I'm fine! Even if mom doesn't come back, I don't feel like it would make me feel any better or worse." she smiled towards him, flicking her tail slightly. "I'm not going anywhere, I don't know what you mean." her blue eyes searched over him as she chuckled. Nudging him slightly with her nose to his shoulder.

"You dummy, you need to explain yourself before saying these things. I'm not that smart you know - I look pretty but there's still a ton of questions I need to ask!" she told him. Her mood had already lightened a bit by seeing him. Perhaps the empty feeling was in the absence of her mother - but it would quickly fade she felt. After all she hated this feeling, a feeling she didn't understand.

"Talk" "You" Think

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.