
Where's The Symphony Of Destruction?

Forsaken I


5 Years
06-01-2016, 11:35 PM
I'm not a bad man even though I do bad things

Very bad things; Such horrible things

He had returned.

Forsaken moved like a wraith across the lands, his gaze ever seeking signs of his family. Enigma and Paradox were the main two he scoured for... For their mother, their sweet mother... Forsaken shook his head at the thought. The death of Sin had damaged her badly. She went off the deep and, in the end, killed herself. It was a shame, but at the same time Forsaken had sort of expected it. The woman was clingy with Sin... Desperately so. Without him she had lost her purpose. It was... Kind of disgusting really. Not that Forsaken was really one to talk.

Forsaken had vowed that he would never get tied down by another wolf like that. No male or female could ever worm their way into his heart in such a way. He thought of the black and red woman marked with a cross. The woman had claimed to be a great warrior, but when it came down to it Forsaken had been stronger. But alas what had become of that?

Useless children. One of which who had even been so damaged from birth that Forsaken had thought to kill it. Instead he thought of a crueler fate and abandoned the little brat upon his arrival to Boreas. Let the little shit fend for itself and let nature take care of things.

A smirk appeared on Forsaken’s face as he caught the scent of his littermate, ears perking upwards. Ahh... So Enigma still lurked in these lands, huh?

Did he still pine after that girl he lost in the war?

Forsaken came to a halt, tilting his head skyward as he loosed a howl for his brother.

It was time to pick up the broken pieces.

"Talk," 'Think.'

But it's not quite what it seems...

Not quite what I seem...

Aw, Hell... It's exactly what it seems!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-22-2016, 12:40 AM

He was sharing a meal with Obscuro, the smaller boy now learning how to fend for himself somewhat. Enigma had plans, and if he had to keep caring for a blind wolf then he would be hindered from carrying them out. But when he heard a voice so familiar, he would immediately rise to find him. So, his brother was back, hm? Where the hell had he been? Both his brother and sister had not turned up to help them fight off the enemies, and as such they had lost due to lack of numbers. And he himself had lost the ability to reproduce because of it.

A snarl ripped free, teeth bared the second he laid eyes on his counterpart. Tail lashed, fur bristling as he eyed the male. How dare he decide to show up now! "So, you finally decide to show your face after abandoning us when we needed you?! He stopped mere inches from him, yellowed teeth snapping shut just in front of his brothers nose. "Who the fuck do you think you are!"

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Forsaken I


5 Years
07-30-2016, 12:56 PM
I'm not a bad man even though I do bad things

Very bad things; Such horrible things

Forsaken raised a brow as his brother snapped at him. Yet ‘saken did not show anger, his words cool and collected as he answered. “I was trying to find Paradox, Enigma. She’d gone missing before the fight, or do you not remember? Maybe the fact that Squirrel kidnapped one of our siblings is lost on you as well... Or even the fact that mother is dead now too.” The brown brute gave a small shrug, not flinching as his brother’s fangs snapped shut in front of his nose.

“I’ve not seen hide nor hair of Paradox since then. By the time I’d arrived to the battlefield our pack had already lost. Tell me, brother, do you honestly think one more wolf could have made a difference? Mother told me what happened... before she took her life.” Forsaken’s golden eyes softened. Enigma was one of the rare few he’d show sympathy towards.

“You lost a lot that day, Enigma. But blaming me for it is not the path to go. Would you not rather get revenge for it? For all the trespasses against you?” Forsaken did not move, his words his only tool, his only defense from his brother’s wrath. “I am here now, Enigma... yet words mean little. Allow me to prove to you that I am here to stay, or will you not give one of the last of your blood the chance?”

"Talk," 'Think.'

But it's not quite what it seems...

Not quite what I seem...

Aw, Hell... It's exactly what it seems!