
Hole in the Wall



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-22-2016, 12:59 AM

Ironic, wasn't it? That the enemy of his blood lived so close to where he chose to settle with his sibling. It was as if the bastards were mocking them, and it caused his lip to curl in disgust. Had he not come across Xephyris, he would not have realized that this stench was that of the enemy. But now he knew. And they would regret this decision. The blood feud was not over. Not until he ended it, and if he had to draw out the bastard that killed his father bit by bit, then so be it. Of course, he didn't know if that man was even here or if he was still hiding. For now, he would watch the borders of this pack from a distance. Lifting his leg, the male marked a shrub a few yards away, taunting them. But what would they do? He was not trespassing, and was merely a rogue minding his own business as far as they knew. Heh...this would be fun.

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


07-22-2016, 07:36 PM

The man had not yet made peace with his family. He still had to look for ‘ponine, as well as Holly, who had disappeared. He was worried for all of them, but less so for his sons. He knew Rivaxorus had a pack to lead here in Myriad and, in the end, Cypress realized he didn’t belong there. He loved his children, he always would, but he knew his path had been chosen. He had chosen it the day that he killed Sin. Two wrongs didn’t make a right. Yet at the same time it hurt forcing himself to be away from his family. The man was not necessarily afraid of repercussions, he expected it, but in his heart he wished this would just end and his family could move on.

When he scented another rogue close to the borders of Myriad Cy went to investigate. He had lingered close to Myriad the past couple days despite not joining it. He was almost afraid to leave, as if sensing something might go wrong if he did. He recognized the scent... Maybe not directly, but he figured by how close it was to Sin’s...

“You’re Sin’s blood, correct?” Cypress had come to a stop, putting up no defenses as he remained off to the stranger’s right. He breathed in slowly, head cocked ever so slightly to the side. Would things continue today...? Was the war between their families only just getting started?


Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-25-2016, 01:05 PM

Ahhh his feelings were numb. Rivaxorus had stumbled across something interesting, a small man trying to mark across the borders in a teasing manner. It was Sin's son as he recalled, from the looks his father had already stepped into the fray. Of course if it had been any other day he probably would have live and let be considering he wasn't across the borders. However, with his mothers reputation he wouldn't let Myriad seem like a push over. They were ruthless when it came down to it, Cypress was probably going to try and talk him down. Yet no, something in Riv clicked. He burned.... he wanted Enigma to feel the wrath the adravendi had. Maybe it was foolish of him, but he did have a pack to back him up as well. They wouldn't have a mere.... boy trying to tantalize them. So Riv threw his head back in a call for the pack, but he already had plans.

He stepped forward between his father and Enigma, face stoic as his tail flicked back and forth. "You have one warning to leave Enigma. Otherwise you won't be for a very long time." his hackles raised and his toes splayed in the dirt. If Enigma decided to attack, Riv would be using his all - his height his weight and teeth. Then Enigma would be within his grasp. His lips curled back in a snarl as his tail flicked off to the side. Hoping that his pack would back him up even if not the alpha was determined.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-25-2016, 04:03 PM

He simply stood there minding his own business, the occasional glance cast towards the borders of the morons pack. It took a long while, but he wasn't expecting anyone to come anyway since he wasn't even that close to the borders. He was several yards away, well away from them feeling threatened about trespassing. But it seemed, someone had other ideas that he would discover soon enough. As he lifted his leg to take another piss on a bush farther away, he caught sight of the bastard who had killed his father. he was here after all? Perhaps it was his lucky day.

Enigma turned to face him, standing at a few feets distance from the smaller male. No doubt his brother would be along shortly, Forsaken loved to be where the action was after all. But whether or not there would be any action today would remain to be seen. "Ah, so the coward returns to the lands." He snickered, tail flicking across his hocks. Amber gaze stared at the man, but before he could say another word, the approach of another caught his attention. Of course, it was the man's wannabe macho kid.

Sure, the boy was taller. But enigma had more experience then this kid. He internally giggled at the way that the so called alpha had called for his pack as well. "What's the matter boy? Feeling threatened by a loner minding his own business?" He scoffed, a smirk pulling up his maw. "Or does your pack take pride in harassing and threatening loners minding their own business? Your mother would be very proud of you. You're tearing down her name even further, aren't you? Your threats don't scare me. Especially if you need your pack to back you up, kid."

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Forsaken I


5 Years
07-25-2016, 05:32 PM
I'm not a bad man even though I do bad things

Very bad things; Such horrible things

My my what was this? What was his dearest brother getting into now? Forsaken chuckled softly to himself as he padded along the path that Enigma had taken. The scent of his brother marking the territory outside of a pack met his nose and a wicked grin spread across ‘saken’s face. Seemed that Enigma had discovered something he wanted to mess with. Though when he heard the back up howl from the pathetic alpha of the pack he scowled. Honestly... Calling for a whole pack against one wolf? Now that was hardly fair, was it?

Forsaken strode up beside Enigma as he was speaking to Riv, gaze flicking from Cypress to the tall boy who stood there. Apparently there had been some threat made his brother from what he gathered. He let out a dark chuckle, shaking his head. “Rather sad... Can’t even take on one wolf by yourself? At your size too. Tsk tsk, we truly must be dealing with a child indeed, brother.” Golden eyes fixed on Rivaxorus, his grin spreading.

“From what I can see my brother has not passed your borders yet you’d call your whole pack on him? Are you that much of a coward? Paranoid perhaps?” Forsaken cooed. His gaze flicked to Cypress, golden gaze gleaming all the more. “If you’re going to pick on one loner then why not pick on that one there too?” Forsaken was pushing things farther, testing the young leader. Surely this young man couldn’t be serious in calling the whole pack on them?

"Talk," 'Think.'

But it's not quite what it seems...

Not quite what I seem...

Aw, Hell... It's exactly what it seems!



6 Years
07-26-2016, 12:17 AM

The woman would never have expected to get called to the boarder of Myraid while she was already so close to it. She figured, based on her own luck, she would have been on the other end of the territory when her alpha would call. Soleil instantly picked up the pace in an attempt to waist no time. She needed to be reliable, she needed to be useful and damn it that is exactly what she aimed to do as she trotted up behind Rivaxorus and looked between the four males before her.

All of them seemed to have something to say, but none of them had anything to say she could understand. Teal orbs would dart from each of the loners and then to her alpha. The only words they spoke that she had learned were child and loner, the only other thing that told her they were being rude was the tone of voice they were using. She couldn't be positive, but she was sure they were taunting her alpha but for what she may never know. A glare would be given to the last one to speak before looking at Riv questioningly. He had called the pack to him and, though she didn't like at least two of these loners already, they were all on the other side of the boarder. Had they crossed or did he have another problem with them in general? Again questions she wouldn't get answers to unless the Kosetsu had learned French in the time between now and the last time she saw him. In the long run she didn't really care what they did, if her Kosetsu were to give her a command, Soleil would do everything within her power to obey said command. For now she would stand silently at his side.



9 Years
07-28-2016, 03:20 PM

When Xephyris heard his Alpha's commanding howl, he was immediately alerted. It didn't sound like Riv was howling to summon the pack to a meeting, nor for a hunt, or any kind of training session. It sounded more like there was trouble, and Xephyris was going to be there with his teeth ready to get involved. He wasted no time, sprinting to the border where Riv had called. He was surprised to see Soleil already there, and as he looked around, there was Cypress... well that was a face he hadn't seen in a long time. But his silver eyes didn't miss the fact that there were two equally familiar faces just across the border, but perhaps much less welcome. With a thundering snarl, Xephyris joined the wolves of Myriad, first brushing his shoulder against Soleil's, then coming to his leader's side.

His angry gaze snapped to Enigma first. "You again!" he barked, his lips already raised in fury, feeling the sting of the wounds from their recent fight, "Standing beside your brother again? Not sour about what you lost in the siege? Things could have been different, if your siblings weren't such cowards!" He was ready for another round with this arrogant bastard, he didn't care how much bigger this guy was. Now his cold silver glare would whip over to Forsaken. How could Enigma stand beside someone who had ditched them in the siege, hadn't even bothered to show his face? Hypocrite. At least they got points for their strong family bonds, seemed like that couldn't be broken even with a little betrayal in the mix. "What's wrong, tough guy?" he taunted, trying to lock eyes with Forsaken, "Feeling a little insecure? Watch where your paws tread, and be careful who you make into enemies. I guess if things get heated, you could always run away again, while we turn your brother into a pin cushion!"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



5 Years
07-28-2016, 05:52 PM

The call had surprised Jackson and it summoned the pack to his larger brother. Looking back to the deer herd the young male quietly backed out from his observation spot. It took him longer then he had expected to quietly get far enough from the herd. Somewhat frazzled by the surprise call he had forgotten that there had been a few stragglers behind him and almost spooked the whole herd. When he finally did get away the young male broke into a run, his streamline body moving in agile motions. Jumping over logs and zipping around trees his agile hunter body moved with complete ease. Like a large buck his weight didn't hinder his movements and his speed was decent.

It took a long run, even with the shortest route, to reach the location of his brother. The scene he arrived upon was rather confusing, but the tension from both sides was choking when he arrived. The two males across their border he did not recognize, but their eyes seemed to taunt and glimmer in an odd spark. Things did not feel right and his eyes shifted to his brother as he approached Soleil. His brother looked aggressive, like he could easily rip out the throats of the two males on the other side of the borders.

He had not been here for all the exchange of words, in fact he came after Xeph threw around his words. He also noted the presence of his father, but the boy had no clue what was going on. He stopped beside Soleil ready to find out what the summons was for and in case things got ugly he would be close to the lady to be sure no ill harm came to her.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]


07-28-2016, 08:21 PM

So much aggression. It became clear to Cypress, despite Engima not answering his question directly that he was indeed of Sin’s blood. The bi-colored eye wolf let out a soft sigh, listening as insults were hurled back and forth and members of the pack began to show up. His gaze shifted from the two loners, Sin’s sons, to the pack of Myriad. It seemed that there was going to be blood whether he liked it or not, judging by the tension in everyone’s voice. But why? Why did it have to be this way? Would it truly never end?

“I think that’s quite enough insults.” The man stepped forward, crossing between Forsaken, Enigma, and the Myriadians. “These wolves have not crossed Myriadian borders, and it seems if their words of... Enigma was it? Are any indication his beef seems to be with this coward.” He referred to himself, bi-colored gaze shifting to the two loners.

“...If that is indeed the case let us go to the battlefield and settle this dispute.” Cypress did not want his children involved, if he could help it. Cy kept his gaze focused on the two brothers, offering a slow, morbid smile. “It’s never going to end though, is it? A life for a life for a life... Until all of us are dead.” He’d come to the realization that killing Sin... Had been for nothing.


Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-04-2016, 06:43 PM

He remained cool, looking at the two wolves smaller than him of course. A sense of authority about him as his paws stretched into the terrain. "I couldn't give a damn about all of your petty words. At least my wolves are loyal enough to come to my calls. Sad really your family fell apart all due to a mental insane woman. " Rivaxorus hummed. His father spoke and Riv shook his head, it also looked like Xephyris had run into these two before. "You may not be near the borders but you sure are pushing it with your history. Consider this a warning, a pack stands strong strength in numbers. Lone wolves like you two don't stand a chance if you so much as think of crossing our borders. I'm not as kind as you'd like to think of me. And don't EVER compare me to my mother." he hissed hackles raised. "I could care less your business with my dad, but there's your warning."

Rivaxorus looked to his pack. He gestured his head back to pack lands. It wasn't the time to fight a couple of idiots. Riv knew he was smarter than the two of them. Calling on his pack wasn't cowardly it was more of a warning sign. He had a support group. If they so much as thought he was a push over. He'd gladly rub their noses into the dirt. He was done seeming like a push over which is what they obviously thought him as. As he left he expected his pack to follow.

-exit Riv-

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
08-21-2016, 01:51 PM

Unsure of what to do, Soleil would settle for glaring at Forsaken and Enigma. Xeph's appearance only served to calm her nerves, and Jackson's appearance helped as well. They were stronger as a pack, stronger with numbers. Her guard was held in place even as Cypress and Riv spoke once more each, the tri colored woman kept her hateful stare. For a moment she would wonder if the two unwelcome men would ad anything to the conversation but Rivaxourus would break her concentration as he moved away from them, motioning for the three of them to follow. On more hateful look would be given before nudging Xephyris's shoulder with her own and turning to follow their alpha. She hoped the other two Myraid wolves would follow her and the alpha and leave things be.



9 Years
08-21-2016, 07:04 PM

Snorting, Xephyris turned away from the two males when his Alpha spoke, beckoning his pack mates away. It seemed that the two brothers had nothing else to say, anyways, so he wasn't going to waste his time here. Myriad had better things to do than worry about these skulking outsiders. He was soothed somewhat by Soleil's touch, and turned to follow. Breaking away from her for just a moment, the silver male lifted his leg against a tree, shooting a nasty look at Enigma as he did so. When he was done, his hind legs scratched the ground, tossing dirt in the direction of the worms crawling a little too close to Myriad's borders. With one last growl, he strode away, coming to Soleil's side, hoping that Jackson would follow suit - Cypress could do what he wished, if he thought he was somewhat to blame for the animosity. But he doubted there was anything the man could do. The hatred and rivalry had spread further than their family feuds, and one wolf alone wasn't going to solve that.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-25-2016, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2016, 05:00 PM by Enigma.)

The sound of his brother's voice brought him to turn and glance at him, a smirk pulling up his lips as he returned his gaze to those before him. This boy must truly be a coward, and Enigma had no doubt he could put him in the dirt where he belonged. Xephyris and some bitch would arrive, and Enigma's maw twisted up as he stared coldly at the male. He merely chuckled at them all, the way they were trying to threaten him or get beneath his skin, but it all rolled off of him. "I guess our family is a lot more loyal to one another then his." He sneered, recalling the scent he'd detected of Riv's sister all over the Plains where he resided. Before he could say more, however, yet another boy approached. Pathetic.

He didn't say anything, however, but Cypress did. He listened, casting a glance at Forsaken as the hunger for revenge began to spark. The question falling from the man's lips was met with another grin as he raised to his full height. "That's not my call, it was my father's. But since he isn't here to call us off, then I suppose the answer So if anyone is to blame for the demise of your family, it's your dead wife."

His attention would turn to Riv then, and he would outright laugh at the boy's stupid words. "My family fell apart? No, quite the contrary. You, on the other hand well..." He snorted. He knew the boy's family was more then 'falling apart' and it was thanks to their stupid parents. He supposed to prove his point, he would have to find the boy's sister. "You sure talk alot instead of taking action, don't you? Just like your mother. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree now, does it?" Riv would then turn to leave, taking the bitch and the silver male with him. Enigma's eyes glittered coldly, malice apparent as he watched the interaction between the woman and Xephyris. Aahhh...a weak point. He would use that to his advantage later.

"Yes, run with your tail between your legs. Your mother would have done the same, all bark and no bite!" He laughed, returning his attention to Cypress then. "I will see you at the battlefield." He growled. Looking to Forsaken and ignoring Riv's brother, Enigma would turn around and head out to prepare.

-Exit Enigma-

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Forsaken I


5 Years
08-25-2016, 05:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2016, 05:53 PM by Forsaken I.)
I don't play around that often,

When I do I'm a freak!

The male that tried to taunt him… hadn’t he once been part of his father’s pack? Forsaken watched him with cold eyes, though he did not give the other the satisfaction of his words. He didn’t know why Forsaken had gone, nor why he hadn’t shown up at the Siege. He didn’t have to answer to this male or anyone but his brother for his actions that day. Obviously Xephyris didn’t know him that well. He was not afraid of pain; he loved it. Both dishing it out and receiving. He would not run if a battle started here today.

His gaze shifted to the one who slew his father. He wasn’t so sure that the man was a coward per say… he was willing to go to the battlefield and settle the dispute there. Forsaken could respect that much of the other man at least, even if his wife had been a bit of a basket case. He snorted softly, turning when Engima did to follow his brother out of the area. Though he would not interfere with Enigma’s plans you could be damn sure that he was going to enjoy the show.

--Exit Forsaken.--

"Talk," 'Think.'

So you'd better believe

I like it rough!