


06-10-2013, 08:06 AM
Okay so.

We were having money problems but long story short, I wanted to go to senior week and my mom and dad are finally letting me go.
I am leaving tomorrow and spending the night at my friends house and we are leaving the next day.

If our hotel has free wifi(which it should) you will see some of me maybe in the mornings and at night.

I'm pretty sure I am staying until Saturday, but then my other friend has a graduation party. So I won't be back until Sunday or Monday maybe since I don't have school anymore.

Hopefully I pass my finals and can go to school every other day next year. Which means more fun for you guys.

On another note, I haven't been doing replies for a while. Sorry for the wait guys I'm just having at home problems right now. Please excuse me from writing replies and such.

Your not-so-senior,


06-16-2013, 01:04 PM
Okay so guys. big-big news.

I went to senior week. And I knew my friend Hunter, the one i so desperately like was there.

First off let me explain this to you guys. I used to like Mark, if you all remember. And he basically hurt me and I hated him. Well I still liked Mark, but i started to like Hunter. And every time I was with Hunter, I was always like "Hunter Hunter Hunter" in my head. But if Mark showed up, it was "Mark, Mark, Mark." So i guess you could say I favored Mark more.

Well maybe 2 weeks ago, that was over. I was now never thinking about Mark, I was then thinking about Hunter no matter who was around.

Well, After a horrible adventure and money problems, I got $300 and went to Senior week.

I really wanted to go to senior week since Hunter was there, and I was staying with my best friend Lizzy. But when my mom was getting angry with the money issues I really thought, "Well if I go to Senior week, I'm just going to end up hurting myself." But Lizzy convinced me to go with her and my mom saw how upset I was and my brother gave me money for my birthday.

Just because I feel like typing, I'll give you the long story.

Hunter was sleeping on an air mattress in his room with like 6 other friends of his. Because everyone split money equally, Lizzy thought this was unfair and told him he could sleep in our room and me and Lizzy could sleep in the same bed.

Well that didn't happen. I sat out on the balcony and Hunter came out. We talked about usual things, like Beth and my old boyfriends. And he asked me those strange questions about what kind of guys I liked. This was all normal for us, our deep conversations.

Then we went inside and Lizzy was sleeping, and we laid down in his bed so that we could talk some more. He was being his normal self, making fun of me and such, and he was all like "Come one give me a hug." And I shook my head no, And he was just like, "Come on just give me one." And in that instant I knew it was going to happen. He kept prodding me to "give him a hug" and I was just scared. And when he knew I knew what he was doing, He said that I'd probably wake up the next morning and tell Lizzy that he was weird. Well then I looked into his eyes, you know was dark whatevs. And he kept pushing me with his shoulder, me still in that hugging position and then I let it happen.

Yes me and Hunter kissed. and I'm not going to get all into it, but that was all we did.

I woke up the next day, and he asked me not to tell Lizzy (or anyone) and that it wouldn't be awkward from now on (when the kissed happened). So i didn't make anything Awkward. I didn't tell Lizzy no matter how much I wanted to, and trust me I was really close.

When I woke up, it all felt like a Dream. It still doesn't feel real even though we kissed each other goodnight last night (without anyone knowing).

He told me the night we kissed that he had to really think about what we could be. He didn't want to ruin our friendship, and either did I. He also told me there was a lot of stress right now, and that he didn't want to pull me into it.

I am going to be taking a few more days off. I will be on to do staff duties, MAYBE a few replies. but I am just really stressed right now.
Thanks guys,



06-16-2013, 08:27 PM
Okay. I know I just posted today but here is the deal.

Bad things happened, and I am cutting back on characters. Genesis and Phoenix are being cut. I will be ending a few threads as well. I'm having a serious problems right now, and I need to cut back on everything.

It is Summer by the way so don't expect me to do much writing.

But I can assure you guys I will be on to do my staff duties of course.