
all the pretty little things


06-12-2013, 09:58 AM

She had made an impression on him, their brief meeting at the wall leaving him with many questions but he had held off on finding her for quite some time. But today he found himself pacing the edge of lovers mangrove, the home of the pack the lady he had met ruled. It was rare that he asked for help, even rarer still that he asked it from someone outside of his family but he couldn't ask Vi. He couldn't drag his sister into this with so much to loose. But did he want to drag a woman he barely knew into it? Did he have any other choice? Kaios needed to die, that's what it came down to and Jupiter was the old wolf he had met thus far that felt just as strongly as him about this fact. So there it was, his answer was plain and simple. It was laid out before him and all he had to do was ask. A growl rippled up his throat as he finally stopped his pacing and tipped his head back to let loose a howl calling to the alpha of these lands. Would she even remember him? Would she accept his proposition? He had everything lined up so perfectly, the timing had to be exact. He needed a second. That's all it boiled down to. If not her then maybe she would know of someone else with just as much reason to want him dead. And if she said no he had other things to speak to her about anyways.

((gonna keep these posts short since I know you have a crap ton of threads :P and well... I'm lazy XD))


Jupiter I


7 Years
06-12-2013, 01:47 PM
A howl streaked across the winter skies, piercing the cool--but nowhere near freezing--air of winter in the relatively tropical lands. Her brow furrowed deeply, ears flicking back with confusion at the familiarity of the howl, and yet... No, impossible...

Her paws moved quickly, her strength more than recuperated from her birth and her form already nearly back to normal with the exception of the teats that were slightly swollen with milk and hung lower past her stomach. She stopped as she neared enough to see him past the mangroves, which weren't as thick in this portion, forcing her head higher despite the fact she wished for it to droop.

"K-Kylar?" she breathed, approaching slowly, tentatively, but stopping to sit a few feet away, "I... I thought you were... dead?"

This isn't right, she thought. He can't-- I've already told... Her throat tightened a little at the thought.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-12-2013, 03:26 PM

He couldn't stay still, couldn't settle his muscles and keep his eyes for sliding over the lands he stood on the edge of. Would she come? Would she remember him even? Their meeting had been short, brief and to the point, he had said he was on his way to kill Kaios. What would she say when he told her that he had turned around at the boarder and went home. He hadn't felt right going without Kaien, potentially destroying the alliance blooming between their two packs. It would have been so much easier if Kaios hadn't run off and found the biggest baddest girl around. But he would deal with it accordingly. Vi had told him that Nnoitra and Desdemona had invited Newt to bring her children to Tortuga when she brought her daughter. Kaios would no doubt stay at home, hold down the fort of sorts. That was his plan, that was when he wanted to strike. He would try and stay away from Tortuga for a while, he would speak to Nnoitra after this and then leave until it was time.

Her tentative voice came from behind some undergrowth and his head snapped up to see where the words had come from. She slipped from the underbrush and he smiled easily, tail waving at his heels. He barely knew her yet for some reason he was glad to see her. She thought he was dead? He chuckled, a low rumble that rose from somewhere deep within his gut. "Can't get rid of me that easily Jupiter..." he said, the smallest of smiles touching his lips as he sat, inclining his head to invite her to do the same. "It looks as though your a mother now... Congratulations. You must be busy, but if you have a moment I'd like to speak of this problem with Kaios with you." he said, tone more somber and smile fading at the topic. For all he knew she had a whole other plan cooked up, he had been gone some time dealing with pack life, waiting for Kaien etc. But if not he wanted her to hear him out, even to bounce some ideas off her.


Jupiter I


7 Years
06-14-2013, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2013, 04:31 PM by Jupiter I.)
"Didn't think I could, either," she replied smoothly, voice calm but posture shifting nervously. He took note of her motherhood and she chuckled slightly, a smile crossing her features. "Three children. Two girls, one boy," she informed politely, cherishing the positive note of the conversation before she was required to move on to more sobering matters.

"I'm going to challenge him to the death, Kylar." She lowered her head, shoulders drooping and posture faltering. "I've already broken the news to my pack and assigned others to care for my children should I die. I thought... I just feel like I need to protect my family and Ludicael, because I don't want him coming after my children the one time I let my guard down." Celestial gaze was thoroughly averted as she refused to allow his eyes to meet her. She felt guilty. So terribly guilty, for stealing this from him. "I apologize, Kylar."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-16-2013, 08:41 PM

She was easy to speak to when she wasn't wound up so tightly she was ready to snap. She looked a bit nervous, muscles on edge as she stood before him. So she was a new mother, he nodded at her words easily, a soft smile touching his lips. "You'll have your hands full if your daughters are anything like you" he said, voice a soft rumble as he studied her features. He wondered if any of her children had inherited her strange orange coloration.

She came right out with it, not bothering to beat around the bush like most wolves would on this kind of topic. Her posture slumped slightly and he stood, ready to catch her if she fell. Her reasoning was undeniable, he stood before her listening without a word for some time. But when she apologized he smiled and took a step forward, nudging her neck lightly, "Its I who should be apologizing. For not going through with my plan when we first met. For putting you in this position now." He said softly, trying to meet her gaze so she understood that there was no way he could possibly be mad at her.

He felt guilty though... If he had just stuck to his plan then Jupiter wouldn't have to be doing this herself, wouldn't have to be giving up her pack and her home. Kylar had far less to loose. His kids were older and could fend for themselves and he had no real responsibilities in the pack. He sighed softly and cast his gaze down. "I'll be forever in your debt if you slay him Jupiter, I'll lend a paw if you need it and if you should fail I'll make sure he doesn't live long enough to harm your family." he said, tone hard. It was a promise, he wouldn't fail her again.
