
Take my hand through the flames


08-07-2016, 12:45 AM

Her humming filled the air around her as she walked, her hips swaying gently behind her with each step. Her eyes flicked from one large green plant to the next, her tail flicking against the large fern leaves as she passed them. Her ears perked up on her head and her humming stopped when she spotted a rabbit dashing across her path several feet ahead of her and a grin slowly curled across her lips as she dropped down into a crouch and inched toward the plant it has disappeared into. "Hereeeeeee bunny, bunny, bunny..." she purred as she inched forward. She wasn't even that hungry, but how could she pass up such a tempting little lump of fur?! She poked her nose through the ferns, sniffing for her prey. Realistically there was a slim chance she would actually find the rabbit now that it had disappeared into the brush, but was that going to stop her? Of course not.

Just as she lifted a forepaw to slip further into the greenery, she staggered back and stumbled a bit, falling back on her haunches with a thud. She blinked her eyes and shook her head to right herself, her heart pounding as she looked around frantically. "Where am I...?" she whispered, her ears falling back against her skull. "Not again..." She pulled herself to her paws, trying not to wobble too much as she shook herself off to try and shake this mild feeling of panic. A slight sound of ferns brushing against each other made her jump and her head darted toward the sound, her golden eyes wide as she searched for what could have made the sound.

"Ira Talks" "Rava Talks" Think