
Knock Knock Mothertruckers



4 Years

08-08-2016, 02:29 PM

Peregrine had decided that yes, she was going to go calling on the other packs of the land. It had been a long trek north, but as tired as she was she couldn't quell her anticipation. It was something like excitement, something like curiosity, but all-in-all it was her typical desire to stir the pot. What wolves called this place home, and what were they like? What resources hid within their lands, and would they be willing to make a deal with her? She had collided with the border earlier that morning, quite on accident, and after a few hasty paces backwards sat down to think. She'd done a bit of pacing, a bit of consideration, then at last tipped her head back in a howl to announce her arrival. She didn't want to be rude after all. Her, rude? Perish the thought.

Tsiry decided to sit this one out in the treetops. Peregrine glance upwards, searching for the bright spot of orange among the topmost branches of the pine forest she waited within. Spotting her at last, she found the lemur to be tense and motionless. Had she spotted something? Peregrine craned her neck around the trunks that stood between her and whatever Tsiry had locked her eyes onto. Then again, who was to say it wasn't a particularly interesting looking bug. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, but did not allow herself to relax just yet.

"Talk" "You" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-08-2016, 03:56 PM
"Okami dear, be careful alright? Don't hurt yourself." She sighed as she watched her daughter dig around the roots of a pine tree. Her daughter, already larger then her littermates, had proven to be very intelligent. But with that intelligence came a price, and that was her difficulty of sight. They had discovered that Okami's sight was limited to a certain distance before things were distorted and blurry, which was why she was trying to teach her little snow angel how to use her nose and sharpen that sense.

It was then that Tanaraq landed on a nearby branch, the magnificent raptor appearing as if she had some news to share. "I think you have a visitor." Avalon stood, amber gaze looking towards the direction from where her companion came. "I wonder who it could be." She was curious, but the moment she heard the howl, she knew it was unfamiliar. The alphess ensured her daughter remained here until she got back, and quickly made her way to the border. Upon arriving, she'd find a brown and white female, curiosity etched into her own gaze as she stopped at the borders, a warm smile on her face. "Welcome stranger, I am Avalon, Chief of Ivalice. What brings you to our borders today?"



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4 Years

08-09-2016, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2016, 06:48 PM by Peregrine.)

A woman much larger than herself, nearly Ricky's age but not quite so young, arrived in short order. It would appear that Tsiry had been on to something after all! Peregrine maintained a respectful distance from her borders. The multicolored woman would introduce herself as Avalon, claiming to be a Chief or something. Peregrine took it to mean alpha and gave her a quick bow of the head. She wasn't one for overt displays of respect to wolves she barely knew, but neither would be jeopardize her own agenda by being too flippant. "Greetings yourself," she said back with an easy smile. This woman got right down to the meat of her purpose, Peregrine liked that. No fluff, no pomp, just business. "My name is Peregrine, and I was hoping to discuss making a deal of sorts." She looked up to see Tsiry had clambered closer, and watched as the orange ball of fluff and ire scampered down the tree trunk nearest now that she had seen their newest arrival had no immediate plans of violence.

Peregrine gestured to her and her smile grew, unable to restrain the mercurial gleam that came into her eyes. Most wolves were surprised to see a lemur anywhere above the land bridge far to the south, and many had never seen one at all. She watched the older woman carefully for her reaction. "This is Tsiry, my partner in crime." The lemur scoffed and groused, "The last time you introduced me I was your servant and now I'm a criminal. The injustice." Peregrine ignored her and forged on, taking a deep breath before launching into the spreech she had spent all last night turning over in her mind. "She and I have been gathering a band of like-minded wolves and teaching the art of trading as we travel. I was wondering if your pack may be willing to strike a deal with our band. If it suits you, we would be able to bring you far off resources in exchange for materials found in your lands, perhaps asking for an occasional escort during peak harvest times. Of course there would be a portion paid to your pack and we would be happy to teach any interested in our ways. In fact, I'd be happy to answer any questions right now," she finished with a lopsided grin, a gentle sort of sarcasm coating her words as she wrapped up. She only hoped that this woman wasn't too serious of a sort, but what with her quick introduction perhaps she was out of luck with this one.

"Talk" "You" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-13-2016, 03:56 PM

The alphess watched the smaller woman as she returned her greeting, the name of Peregrine following suit. Amber orbs watched her intently, though not harshly. She was a visitor after all, and were it one of her own pack members then they might have received the brunt of her bad mood with a sharp look with the way things were going. However, when Peregrine spoke of a deal, her interest was piqued; and slowly one ear leaned forward while her gaze betrayed the interest she was feeling. Her gaze followed the other woman's, noticing then a strange looking creature climbing towards them. What on earth was it? She glanced towards Tanaraq with a questioning look only to see the bird shrug, though the white bird definitely had a look of interest as she watched the creature.

"A pleasure to meet you both." She chuckled at Tsiry's response to the brown woman, and looked up again, Tanaraq's beady eyes watching them as she ruffled her feathers. "And that is Tanaraq, my partner in crime." And much like Tsiry, Tan made an indignant chortle, eyes rolling. "So now us non-wolves are criminals? The nerve of you dogs." Avalon gave her a cheesy smile before returning her attention to the other pair. Now, it was back to the matter at hand. She listened quietly, a nod given here and there as her mind processed what was being said. Trading eh? That had never really crossed her mind before, and she didn't even think their were any that did such a thing. But perhaps this would open up a new window of opportunities..."It's worth trying. And if it doesn't work, I'm always open to eating the monkey creature." The alphess' head turned to look at Tan, a frown on her face as she gave a look. "She's joking, of course." She better be.

"It is an interesting idea...tell me, what kind of deal are you looking for? We have many resources at our disposal. What sorts of things are you looking to trade? I am not familiar with this, but I am no fool either. What is it you really seek?" After all, everyone had a motive did they not? She was willing to work with this woman and her band, provided it benefited the pack as well. And if she was really here just for trade, then she'd be open to it. After all, it was indeed a very interesting idea that she might possibly want to try...
"Talk" "You" Think


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4 Years

08-13-2016, 04:13 PM
Peregrine was more than pleased that the woman seemed at least open to the idea. She introduced a bird, and Peregrine nodded in greeting to it as well, even going so far as to laugh when it threatened to eat Tsiry. The lemur puffed up and glared, so Peregrine was duty bound to reply, "Yes, I'm afraid I can't let that happen unfortunately. She and I have worked out a deal of our own, and part of that is for me to keep her intact." She shrugged away the notion, knowing that if Tsiry were given the opportunity to open her mouth a cacophony of rage and likely swearing would follow suit. And least the prosimian had notion enough of diplomacy to keep a lid on it.

She turned back to the alpha and answered her next volley of questions. "Nothing too strenuous. We would call from time to time at your borders with whatever we had to trade, and if you had ought to offer in return you could meet us with it there. We may ask once or twice a year for an escort into your lands for a proper gathering of greater quantity, and of course we would give part back as payment for the privilege. All we seek is the goodwill and opportunity of those who dislike trespassers." She ended her explanation with a wry smile, though she thought the woman wide for enquiring past her surface intentions, true as they may be. It would almost be unsettling to form any kind of bargain quite so easily.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-13-2016, 05:00 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 05:54 PM by Avalon.)


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4 Years

08-13-2016, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 06:00 PM by Peregrine.)
As of now, the woman said. Peregrine gave her a knowing look, understanding the underlying threat as well as she understood that dark cloud meant rain. It was the age-old tradition of pack leaders, after all, and Peregrine did not hold it against her. She had to protect her own, and in her shoes Peregrine did not know if she had it in her to blindly trust a stranger with much of anything, let alone access to her lands. Still, Avalon pressed further, listing off the prey found in her lands from Bison to Porcupine. Peregrine was equally interested in both, wondering if she would be able to find a market for porcupine quills. "The north has always been unique, from what I've seen in my short time in this world. My birth home was in a colder clime, but I know little about it having left so soon." She had led a rogue's life for longer than she could remember, and had more memories as a yearling than as a pup. "But that sounds marvelous. If one can master the skill of peeling pelts away from carcasses some mothers like to line their dens with them for young pups, particularly bison. I might be a dismal hunter but I'm quite good at that. I could always show you, if you gathered a force large eonugh to bring one down? All I'd ask in return is a meal." After all, this was a business arrangement.

So far she had liked this woman, older though she may be. Peregrine could feel a certain sort of wisdom in her aura, but she also knew how easily that could be disguised by pure confidence. She could not make a final ruling just yet. Going on she said, "Of course, everything has value if you find the right wolf. That's where I come in. I know wolves in every corner of the continent. What has no value here might be heavily sought after in the south. Does your land harbor mountains or caves? Some hold jewels and shiny metals that some wolves want just for the sake of decorating their dens. Any medicinal herbs are guaranteed to fetch a decent price and there are plenty of creatures looking for meat to make up a meal. You just have to look at it in the right light!" She had yet to come across a land she deemed as worthless or without gain. All you had to do was look hard enough in the right places and it's worth became apparent. At the bird's question she swiveled, allowing the bag to fall down and into a better position to be viewed. "A gift from my lemur friend, here! She gave it to me in return for her protection, and it helps me carry more items from place to place. They're very useful, if you ever stumble across one. I'd pay a limb, most likely someone else's, if you saved it for me." She gave the bird a tight grin, not necessarily lacking malice but certainly not directing it their way. She wasn't the sort to abuse those who were useful to her, but the satchel she wore would make or break her business, and a better method of transport may or may not be something she'd kill for. Pushing the thought aside, Peregrine decided that she would be happy to teach this woman, especially if it meant finally getting the stone rolling. She was ready to knock of the moss that had gathered through long months of stagnation.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-13-2016, 06:56 PM

"Don't worry. Unless I give the okay, she won't harm anyone without a good reason. As of now, you've nothing to worry about." She winked at the brown female and her companion. They wouldn't be harmed, unless of course they decided to try and pull the wool over her eyes or betray her later if she did choose to work with them. But why they'd risk it would be beyond her. Then again, she didn't know how big their band was either, but if they were looking to trade as they said, would they really risk losing a potentially good trading partner? These were just some of the many thoughts going through her mind. After all, was it not her right to be wary of those she knew nothing about?

She wore a thoughtful look as Peregrine answered her questions. She had a better understanding of it now, and figured perhaps it would be worth trying out. After all, they had plenty of big game...that meant meat...bones...pelts...did wolves use pelts for anything else? She wasn't sure what else. Herbs they had as well, though she didn't know what kind since she wasn't a healer. Perhaps more inquiry about the potential products. "It sounds simple enough. We've plenty of big game year-round. Bison, Ox, Caribou, just to name a few. Smaller game as well such as snow hare, porcupine... though I don't know what you think is valuable." She mentioned just a few things as a chance to pry into what might be of value. More so they could prepare and have it ready. And she was leaning towards this trading thing bit by bit. "I must say, I am quite interested in this idea. And we certainly don't like trespassers." She offered a smile then, about to say something more until Tan cut in. "What is that contraption on your back?" Avalon noticed for the first time, the bag that the girl had. She'd never seen anything like it, and once again her curiosity was further increased.
"Talk" "You" Think

While she didn't like to threaten others, she felt it was something she had to do now. Especially with the disorder happening within her own pack. She was tired of being treated like a pushover, and while she lacked the confidence that Valentine so easily had, she was wise enough to accept the necessary changes to survive. Even if it meant putting her foot down on those who continously disobeyed or disrespected her words of warning. And that was starting to include her own family. That aside, she would be the leader her father was. And this would be something he would have done as well, she was sure. She listened to Peregrine's words with interest, storing thus information in her mind for later use. She would have to arrange a hunt for the larger prey, and hopefully when she informed the pack of arrangements, they'd be more eager to work together.

At the mention of caves and mountains, her ears perked up. Perhaps the mines she'd selected weren't as useless as she was beginning to think. "Well, since you mention it. One of our territories consists of a cave of sorts, created by what I assume were humans, or so my father told me. It's definitely not something made by nature or creature, and it goes rather deep. There are many things to be found, and if humans did indeed create the Mines, then I'm sure it was for reasons such as finding these jewels and metals you spoke of." Yep. She was sure they had a plethora of things to be found in there. Then at the explanation about the bag, Tanaraq nodded. "Interesting, I suppose it is quite useful...and valuable it seems." Avalon nodded in agreement. She was sure she knew where to find such things as well, one of those places might potentially be the had to be something made by humans as well, right? So what better places to look then the places that humans had inhabited? "I will keep that in mind. I'll keep your offer in mind should anyone find themselves on my bad side." She chuckled.

She thought a bit more, then decided that this was something she'd definitely want to do. It could be useful, and it could benefit them as well. And if it didn't work out, well then...that was yet to be seen. "Well, like I said. The Northern lands has many kinds of prey not found anywhere else. As I'm sure there are things found elsewhere not found up here. Have you seen a Ptarmigan? I believe they're only native to our region, they're nice and fat, and their feathers remain camouflaged to our climate." She glanced to Tanaraq, the bird giving an understanding nod before flying off into the air. "I must admit. I am very much open to the idea of trading. I think it has the potential to benefit us both, as well as forging a stronger bond between both groups in the future." She didn't know if this woman eventually planned on having more then a ragtag group of traders, but if she did plan on something more, then she hoped an alliance of sorts could be forged in the future.

"Talk" "You" Think


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4 Years

08-13-2016, 08:51 PM
Knowing that Avalon's lands sat atop a mine of any sort was news enough to make Pere's ears perk atop her head. A small smile escaped her, more than she liked to let through her poker face but unrestrainable all the same. She had yet to come across any trustworthy deposits of precious metals in her travels, but knew of many wolves in the far east who considered them quite valuable. "Well, it seems my luck is growing greater and greater. A question for you now, is there anything your pack desires, anything you lack? I can keep an eye out." Was a wink too much? She winked anyways, diplomacy hardly a strong suit of hers. She had not heard of this 'Ptarmagin' she spoke of but suddenly she was quite eager to see one, possibly consume one, but she needed goods to offer in return first.

Avalon admitted openly that she would be open to the idea of trading, and Peregrine could not contain her joy, not in her eyes nor her smile nor the way her tail swayed gently from side to side. "I'm glad to hear that. I can return to your borders in a season's time with what I've found, even if it's just to check in. Is there aught else you'd ask of me before this wraps up?" She didn't want to end things prematurely, but neither did she want to linger too long on a busy woman's borders. She would be open to teaching other likeminded pack members of her ways, but didn't know exactly how to broach the subject. After all, best not to push too far with someone she didn't know well, right?



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-22-2016, 10:37 PM

The look on the girl's face was not missed, and that was when Avalon knew she had something that could be used in her favor in the future. The younger girl spoke, asking what she desired, what the pack might lack. Better fighters... She thought bitterly, though she doubted that was something she could trade for. Not only better fighters, but loyal ones at that. As of now, she couldn't think of wasn't something she'd thought about before, but now that they'd be getting involved with trading, perhaps she would have to think more on it for the future. "To be honest, I've never thought about it before. So I'm not really sure?" Perhaps she would speak to her members and see if there was anything they had in mind. Maybe for now, something that might help her daughter's vision? If such a thing existed. Maybe she'd ask about that next time... "I suppose I'll have to let you know next time we meet. I must speak to my members about this first."

She'd offer a smile as Peregrine then informed her that she'd return sometime next season. She was excited about this new opportunity, something that would perhaps change Ivalice's future for the better. And just when Peregrine asked if there was anything else, Tanaraq reappeared with a fat white bird in her talons. The Gyrfalcon swooped overhead, dropping the dead bird between the two wolves before landing on the ground at Avalon's side. "Just in time, Tanaraq." Avalon stepped forward to nudge the bird towards the she-wolf, stepping back then as her tail set to wagging a bit. "A gift. To commemorate a better future, and our newfound partnership."

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