
Silver Bullet to the Heart


06-14-2013, 08:27 AM

316 Words || Noon || Sunny || 6-15-13

Semananti forced herself to remain calm, the winter meant only one thing, she was going to be in heat. It almost scared her because she knew the evils of men, those who enjoyed others torture. She forced herself to remain calm and so she did. It was all she could really do as she prowled through the woods around her, it reminded her so much of home. Home was where the heart was, and it reminded her more than ever this season that she needed to find herself a new home. It was apparent that she needed a new home, she was no longer welcome at her old ones. That was what hurt the most, not being welcomed.

The sun shown down on her back, reflecting almost what she was like, or what she was feeling. She couldn't help but feel angry. Angry that she had been banished so long ago for something that was right and just. She had killed that beta, tasted her blood, because she was going to abandon the pack she was going to serve. She would find a new pack, and she would serve them loyally, just as she had the wolves of Nahanni. Her fur did remain flat on her back, and her ears were perked, listening for others. She didn't want another unexpected encounter like she had with that Hades wolf, the black fur still in her mind. Maybe she was condemned to die.

The anger always seemed to come in waves, and then it was always followed with waves of good feelings. Things like love and lust, times in which she had to remind herself that she was a Huntress, one who had sworn off men forever, to join the hunt. It was that reason alone that she was angry. She couldn't help then to want a man to keep her company, a luxury she could not have.

© Becuffin from Ruins of Wildwood


06-14-2013, 11:57 AM

Winter was everywhere in Alacritis, it seemed. Snow, frost, and the chilly winds that came with the season surrounded and covered everything in sight. For Aeil, the coldest part of the year didn't just bring the lovely scenery. When she was born, the snow was falling and there was the feeling of cold and aching winds outside of her parents' den. The flashbacks she had from her first day of life were short, but the cold air outside the entrance stood out. An ache inside her chest came from those memories and she carried on.
Due to Aeil being born in the winter, that also meant she was experiencing a humiliating heat cycle. With flattened ears, she checked her surroundings as she walked through the woods, hoping that she wouldn't be leaped on by a random male. Being in heat was good and all if you were intending on being prepared for anything resulting from an encounter. Aeil was more than ready to be a mother, but it was just the fact of not being in a stable place - like a pack - to raise her pups that held her back from searching for companionship. Now, as she aimlessly padded around the trees, she thought about what her future would hold.
Aeil didn't have to wonder about it for too long as a scent came to her nostrils. Her nose quivered and her body froze in midstep, one front paw raised. After a few seconds, she lowered it and started to walk towards where the scent was coming from. Her nose and eyes connected the scent with the stranger and her dark blue eyes curiously peeked from around a nearby tree. Being against the wind, she figured the female probably sensed she was there, so she slowly came from around the tree she was behind. At least this stranger was a lady and not a was crazy enough to be in heat. Having to worry about an unknown male's intentions would only make it worse.



06-14-2013, 12:41 PM

295 Words

Semananti turned, a snarl on her face as the scent of another reached her nostrils. She froze, not a voice, a female in heat. Nothing to worry about considering she herself was able of taking such a challenge. She had killed larger and more powerful wolves before. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that though, she preferred to have no blood on her paws unless assigned to have such. "Your name?" She asked calmly, her eyes held a twinge of curiosity, her ears still perked. The heat scent on the female made her think one thing, it was that they were both in the same boat. No scent of pack on her, they were just two lone wolves in heat, avoiding males.

Her fur remained flat on her back, her stance made it apparent that she was alert to all outside noises and surroundings, she would not be tricked, and so a response she waited for. Her mind rushed with thoughts of her past, the situations she had been in when times were worse, and when times were better. The color of her fur, the icy blue eyes, it reminded her of one of the huntress' she had traveled with. The situation reminded her of when she had first met her friend Damayanti. She had snuck up on Sema, and then invited her to the group after talking for a while. To be honest, Semananti now wished she had said no.

Damay had betrayed them all, after the wolf had been like a sister to her. The woman had fallen in love, and Semananti feared that without the group she once traveled with, the same fate would fall upon her. Help me Artemis, help me. She prayed, staying alert, careful of what she would say next.

? Becuffin from Ruins of Wildwood


06-15-2013, 12:07 AM

Aeil's head snapped back with surprise from the snarl that appeared across the female's lips. She hadn't expected an upfront encounter such as that, but she recovered quickly and allowed her tail to limply wag behind her. With ears perked in curious interest, Aeil answered the stranger's question after a couple of seconds' hesitation. "Aeilanylis," she said, gentle tones ringing with a polite manner. "Though, others I have met call me Aeil." Aeil's blue eyes searched the female's face and lightly spoke again. "I do apologize for popping out like that. I didn't know if you were a male or not, until I caught your scent, that is." A smile appeared across her muzzle, despite the energy she was feeling from the other femme.
The stormy gray fae didn't know what the other was thinking. Aeil didn't read minds, but she knew that if she didn't pose a threat, it would be better for her. By nature, Aeil was a lover rather than a fighter..unless she was cornered. She had never been in a physical fight, let alone a verbal one! Was it because she was smart to avoid drama, or she just hadn't met a wide variety of wolves? In all honesty, she believed it was a little bit of both. She only hoped that this female wouldn't try anything that would result in a bad conflict.



06-16-2013, 08:49 AM

250 Words

Semananti dipped her head a bit to acknowledge hearing the female, she had to admit it was good to have someone in her position around her. They wouldn't harm each other she knew, but she had to keep alert, now for both of them. "Its fine, I would have done the same. I am Semananti Moon-Whurshire. Most call me Sema." She stated,relaxing little, occasionally glancing around to make sure that she wasn't being snuck up on or anything of the sort. Her mind rushing with different strategies if someone did, she often went into this kind of protection phase. She referred to it more as a 'defense mode' type of thing. Nothing else would describe it correctly.

She closed her eyes, breathing a bit, trying to convince herself to relax, which she couldn't do. She was determined to though. She opened her eyes and relaxed her position, her tail even wagging a bit. The air around her blowing with a flurry as little white flecks of snow started to come down from the gods. They blessed her for remaining calm. The snow that fell, was only a sign to her, she was doing something correctly. By doing something like that correctly, she relaxed a bit more. One can never be too cautious in their heat season. I?ve known men to be vile enough to try things. She thought about saying, but her amber eyes would not betray her unless she had to say it in reply to the female. Simple.

? Becuffin from Ruins of Wildwood


06-16-2013, 08:20 PM

Happiness and relief shined in the dark blue pools on Aeil's face. She registered the female's name in her head and responded with her own polite muzzle dip. "Well, it is quite an honor to meet you, Semananti Whurshire. I'm glad it was you that I ran into...and not some hormonal-seeking male." Her ears flattened at the thought as she finished her part of the conversation. Being in heat and not wanting pups at that exact moment wasn't a combination she preffered to have. She pushed these thoughts from her head and concentrated on the possibility of having a nice chat with the woman in front of her.
"So...what brings you to this part of Alacritis?" she asked curiosly. Aeil, like many other wolves, was a Rogue and wasn't used to the entire continent yet. The same went for the other wolves amongst herself. She didn't mind meeting other people, especially if they were forthcoming and good-natured like the ones she had met in the past. By finding out what these other wolves were doing around Alacritis, her mental picture of it became more clear and easier to navigate. She hoped the question didn't offend Sema.



06-17-2013, 04:13 PM

Sema stayed calm, letting her fur remain flat along her spine as the female spoke of being glad to see that is was Sema and not some hormonal male. "Not necessarily, I ran into a rather... promiscuous female a little while back. This place is strange. I've been wandering, in search of a pack to call home, though my belief in Artemis, it makes it so I shall never have children and I am forbidden to be in company of men." She said, giving out far more information than she should have, but what real harm could it do here?

Semananti was alert as always, still all tensed up and cautious, but that was not much anyone could do about that after all. It was hardwired into her brain.


06-18-2013, 11:45 AM

Her eyebrows rose in surprise at the news of such a female. She hadn't met anyone in that type of mood in..lord, it had been forever. Aeil knew that when her month of heat came closer to the end, it would drive her crazy and she would need the presence of a male. However, for now, she allowed the bashful side of her personality show in the middle stage. "Was she in heat as well? Or was it just how she normally acted?" The curiousity that rose in her mind couldn't help but have her ask. At Sema's comment on Ala being strange, she giggled. "It can appear that way sometimes, but it really depends on where you go around Alacritis. Some of the places are completely relaxed and others have no presence of wolves at's just...serene."
Aeil couldn't help but wag her tail at the idea of how the North looked. Most of the places there were without wolves and that made the finds more remarkable. Sometimes, it felt as if you were the first one to discover such a sight. Her mind moved from there to imagining a pack without males around. It seemed impossible, but only to her. "Artemis?" she softly asked. "I am oblivious to such as her...What is she like, Sema?" Aeil took a few steps to her right and looked to see if Sema would follow. She figured that if they kept moving, there would be a better chance for the two to explore the land.



06-20-2013, 04:44 PM

Semananti stayed calm, opening her ears to the female's question, and answering them. It was a casual conversation and a search for information, a few things that Semananti could not say that she was fond of. She saw it almost as an annoyance, but she could not blame the rather curious female. "It appeared that it was just her, it was clear that she wasn't in heat." She said, it was actually a bit of a shock, at first when the fae she had met was acting... odd or off to say the least.

Her fur remained flat, though sometimes she longed to fight, taste the blood of others. It was often she felt herself feeling like a vampire, one that would bring the world to her knees. But sometimes these crazy... some might even say insane thoughts, made her determined to continue as a huntress. Sometimes she longed for a man to stay by her side, but she was sworn into the Hunt of Artemis, which led her to answering the lady's second question. "Artemis is the goddess of virtue. Some swear themselves to her, a sacred oath, and they are destined never to be with a man. They are sworn only to serve her and make the world better." She explained, hoping she worded it quite right.


06-20-2013, 10:13 PM

Her eyebrows gently rose and she softly snorted at the thought. "I wonder why some faes are like that, even not in heat. I suppose they feel it is the right way to act towards others." She gave a small smirk and her tail flicked behind her to the right, out of habit. Aeil pondered the idea of a regular female who wanted nothing but just the physical business with no strings attached. She couldn't understand why, but maybe it just depended on who the wolf was. As she thought of such things, the burning from her own body increased in its intensity. Her ears folded back against her skull and she shyly looked back to her long, swaying tail. She hoped it wasn't that obvious to Sema. The fact that she was yearning for her own male company wasn't helping.
While her mind was starting to center on the thoughts that came with her cycle, Sema started talking about Artemis. Having her speak of the huntress drilled those images out of her mind and she was grateful for it. Her gaze twinkled with a light shine and she nodded after Sema explained Artemis. "It sounds like she was a very powerful woman," Aeil observed. "Having what men wanted and knowing that she wouldn't give it to them." Her smirk became a true smile and she imagined a wolf above all wolves, who merely scoffed at the idea of losing her purity. "You must be really devoted to that oath, Sema..I don't think I could do it."
