
How Many Shrimps Do You Have To Eat Before You Make Your Skin Turn Pink

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-16-2016, 09:43 PM
Somehow, Sparrow was still with these wolves- Ricochet and Peregrine. Right now, she was with the latter. It was getting pretty late, and the stars were appearing and disappearing behind the rolling clouds. After a while, Sparrow found a decent place and made her circles in the grass before plopping down. She looked towards Peregrine a moment, trying to think of what to say. Even if she had hung out with the other girl a little bit, she was still nervous talking to her.

Rolling onto her back, Sparrow sighed, "It's a little different being in the open like this and not, like, I don't know- it's probably stupid to say- but like in the safety of a pack, you know?" She knew she had to reek of her pack still, even though it had been a while.

"I don't know... You don't smell like a pack- I mean, not like in a weird way, I just noticed is all... Have you, like, ever been in a pack?" She had to wonder. Pere seemed like the independent type, but what about when she was a pup? What about her family? Er- Sparrow was definitely not going to ask about family right now. Yeah, she could stick with the pack question for now.



4 Years

08-16-2016, 10:14 PM

Peregrine had met plenty of interesting wolves since her arrival on this continent and a few had even travelled with her for a while, on and off. By far the most unusually of them all was probably this female. Most who managed to put up with antics, or just her in general, were just as crass and ill bred at times as Peregrine herself. Sparrow stood out, only because Peregrine really had no idea why she hadn't fled for the hills yet. They were sprawled out in the beautiful spring weather in an idyllic vale of flowers. Sparrow was so kind... Well, she wasn't sure what to think, but it was weird. Especially when she asked her things like this.

No one really asked her about her past, and Peregrine wasn't exactly forth coming with details. She was hardly the sort to spill her own history just so someone would let her cry on their shoulder, that was just pathetic. Still when people asked she did get a little uncomfortable. You know, maybe. If she had to say it out loud she'd say she was just out of practice. To Sparrow she shrugged, and looked skyways. "Well... I'm more used to being without the safety of a pack than with one. My father raised me and my siblings when we were young, but we were nomadic even then. He left when he thought we were old enough to hunt," she said with a dry laugh, making a brief moment of eye contact just to say, "and he was quite mistaken." She looked away once more. "After that we all split. It just kind of happened, I don't really miss them or anything. I tried to join up with a few groups but nothing ever felt right. Most packs are just a bunch of wolves too lazy to find something amazing and defend it themselves, so they settle for second best and let their reputation do the talking. If I found a pack that actually did things for themselves instead of just lazing about wasting space it'd be one thing. Until then..." She just shrugged. It wasn't like she'd really asked around though, but she'd liked Karabela. Maybe she would be worth another visit after all, at least just to chat, right?

"Talk" "You" Think

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-16-2016, 10:41 PM
She made Peregrine uncomfortable, didn't she? Ahh, she knew she shouldn't have asked that kind of question, but she did anyway. When Peregrine seemed to hesitate Sparrow turned away from her, about to apologize, but instead, the other woman started to speak. Sparrow listened, her eyes growing wide at the horror of Peregrine's childhood. She had heard a few stories like this, but they never got old or felt any easier to her. Sparrow suddenly felt ashamed. She still had a family, and yet she was out here, alone... Well, not really alone.

Sparrow turned back around to face Peregrine, "Uh, yeah, my mom kind of just... yeah. She came back a little bit ago, but- uh- yeah, she left. M- my dad stuck around, though..." For a moment, Sparrow wasn't sure if he had stayed for his kids or the pack, but she tried to shove the thought out of her mind. She knew their dad loved them.

Sparrow sighed, "Sorry, I just... I'm completely different. My life is, anyway, but- even just today, I was thinking about how I didn't know if I wanted to be like that or more like you. Even if I have my family, I know how it feels when nothing feels right, but- I mean- I shouldn't take that for granted, right? I should stick by my family, and love them, and care for them, right?"

Sparrow curled into herself, less sure of her words than before, "I must really be selfish, right? Even if I have everything, I'm ruining it, aren't I?"

She wanted Peregrine to tell her that she wasn't, but she also kind of wanted Peregrine to tell her she was selfish and that she should go back to her pack.

Sparrow bit her tongue before she could try to blabber out explanations and complaints about her home. She couldn't talk all about all of her stuff. There was too much and it was boring, and, besides, her family was there, right? She really was selfish, even now, trying to get others to help her make decisions.