



05-30-2013, 10:34 AM

Lost in a sense he had given up so much, lost so much, and given up the faith that he could ever have anything back. His life had spiraled downward in a few short weeks. Soleon had expressed his urge to explore, and given the boy was a year and a half, well, Collision had tried to stop him, but the child had bathed and slipped away. Gael was no where to be found, Soleil was hardly getting any better (last he had checked) and Azalea was having to deal with all of it. Then, on top of that, he was brought to the realization every choice he had been making he had been making wrong. He had done everything wrong. Failed Valhalla after re-uniting it, and he couldn't help but to hate himself every step of the way.

Forsaken in the most extreme of terms the male could not begin to fathom the things that had happened. He was stuck and enduring a meaningless life. He was stuck dealing with things that he no longer had control over, and while his loyalty was still to Valhalla, it was the first time in four solid days that he had re-entered the land. A broken man, a hardly beating heart. He hated his life and what it had become. Loveless, empty, and altogether hopeless. Where were the righteousness in that? In having to deal with everything as it were? Why could it all just cease to exist? Would he be happy then? On this dark night, he knew not.


05-30-2013, 11:31 AM
A Beautiful Storm - Jennifer Thomas

It was dark outside as Soleil patrolled the border. She was not a sentry, this was not her job. Regardless she had done it endlessly since following Collision's stale scent to the edge of the pack's land. To have followed him would have been stupid. To wait for him to return at the same spot he exited would have been wishful thinking. So she had spent a good two and half days sweeping up and down the length of the Valhallan border hoping to see him return.

Was she angry? Yes. Did she want answers? Yes. But Soleil was not a stern as most wolves, she hadn't the resolve to be truly angry at her mate. Above all else she missed him. So long it had been since they had curled up together. When she conjured him in her head, those beautiful, strong eyes shone brighter than the sun. It was all she had, hope that he would return. She had to believe that he wouldn't leave her. Soleil had pulled herself from the den in which she had suffered a long and terrible illness. She had no intention of ever returning there.

She moved slowly, wearily. Hours had passed since she last took a break. The endless monotony of trolling this one thin line of land was getting to her. The petite female had resolved to stop in another mile and call it a night. Clouds passed over the moon and she was thrown into complete and under darkness. No sound came to her but scent would always be her ally. It was him. Collision. Lest her mind played cruel tricks on her, Collision was ahead. Her heart leaped into overdrive, pounding away in her chest cavity.

She broke through the barrier of foliage before her to see him there. He looked defeated and this wiped the smile from her face. Her blue eyes darkened and instead of feeling sorrow for her mate, she felt anger. She sat down, just as the moon came back into view washing them both in silver. "Sit up." Was the first thing she demanded.

"You should have told me what was going on, Collision. Imagine my confusion when I realized that you're no longer alpha, hell I don't really know who is anymore. Cairo called the meeting, said something about an Icarus but then were was Epiphron too and who knows, maybe Chrysanthe..." She ended her little ramble with an unhappy grumble. Her eyes had fallen to her paws which messed with the ground, tearing it apart. "Listen," She jumped up, moving slowly toward him, "I don't care what you did or what anyone else has done... but don't you dare leave me."

Her eyes shone and her voice had become uneven, a messy mixture of grief and desire. Finally she gave in, throwing herself at him, covering him with sloppy kisses. "Not ever again!"

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06-08-2013, 08:12 PM

Collision was slow to his faith in much anymore. There were little that he believed in, little that he felt the capability to endure, and quite honestly, little that he felt the ability to endure. He were lost in his world of fantasy and fiction, lost in his world and thoughts that everything could somehow be okay. There was not much left for him to work for, and well, he knew that at the end of the day he was being forced to face some rather terrible things. For one, he had seemingly given up on Soleil, and while he himself knew he had not, it was what everyone around him had seemed to think. Even Soleon had excused himself from the lands to find something more for himself. He yearned for his son, and longed to know what he could have done better. Even his relationship standing with Azalea had fallen through the cracks just a bit, and he had done everything conceivable to care for his daughter.

It didn't take long, post his entrance, for a figure to dart across the horizon, to press herself against him, and to demand his attention. It didn't take long for his kisses to cover her in the same way hers covered him, and it certainly didn't take long for him to feel his heart swell and his eyes burn with the pain of the things they had been forced to endure together. It were a painful thing, to think that she had been on the brink of death and he had been forced to deal with wretched things of politics, to work and force Valhalla to be something it simply weren't. Tears dared to pool in his eyes and he dared to press his chest closer against her.

"I'm sorry, Soleil. I just didn't make the right choices; not the ones everyone else could agree to, and I apologize," He turned his head to the side, his eyes searching hers, begging for some kind of understanding and he turned his head back to her, burying it back into the fur of her neck, "I failed leading us in a home, and I even failed in trying to protect you, but I swear, no more, I'm a warrior, not a king, and I'll act more like one," With this, he were done, he were left to simple solace and he would turn his attention back to the issues at hand.

"I told you the day I asked you to be mine, that I loved you, that I wanted no other, and that I would always be here for you. That hasn't changed," His ears pinned against his head and his tail loosened behind him as he decorated the side of her neck in his own loving kisses. His Soleil, his sweet love, his daring salvation.


06-08-2013, 08:57 PM

Their greeting was one for the books. A classic love story, two lovers reunited at long last! Soleil felt him press himself closer to her. The feeling of comfort was automatic. Everything about Collision made her feel protected. His smell, his silent strength, the way he embraced her now.

"I'm sorry, Soleil. I just didn't make the right choices; not the ones everyone else could agree to, and I apologize," Soleil had already melted though. There was no more fight in her. She loved Collision, through all his disappointments. As he spoke to her now, as he searched her face for some kind of understanding, she pressed herself roughly against him. "Oh, Collision! Don't apologize, not to me. I love you, Collision, I love you."

With all the swelling in her heart she was sure that it would burst. "I failed leading us in a home, and I even failed in trying to protect you, but I swear, no more, I'm a warrior, not a king, and I'll act more like one," She pulled away shaking her head as she did. "No. You did what you thought was right and protecting me was never neccessary, this is Valhalla, I'm safe here, you're safe here."

"I told you the day I asked you to be mine, that I loved you, that I wanted no other, and that I would always be here for you. That hasn't changed," They had untangled themselves from each other but they were still touching. They couldn't be pulled apart, it was as it should be. They had always been the best of lovers, only her illness had kept them apart. As his tongue lapped in time at her neck one ear pushed forward and the other pulled back. Her blue eyes looked over to her mate innocently.

"Collision..." Her voice was quiet and shy now. "Would you... want more puppies?" Her fur was on fire now, surely he could feel it even without every inch of his chest pressed to hers. "Also... Gargoyle paid visit and I will be going to Glaciem to assist in Healer training, it is up to you if you want to come or not."

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06-17-2013, 04:02 PM

He listened, he yearned, and he waited. The man faced his wife?s judgement with readiness, prepared for the scrutiny that he would no doubt face from even her. His children, ah, he had failed them in his absence and on top of that, he had even allowed his thrown to slip away whilst she was sick, he had let the wolves of Valhalla become something else entirely, whereas he was to lead them, they had controlled him. Though, with regalia, she would come, understanding and warm, and immediately he would feel the weight he had been so perfectly worried about lift from his shoulders. This, this was perfection, being able to pull oneself from the depths and back to their feet. That was what made it worth it for him.

A smooth question from her elegant lips and he was whisked to thought of nothing more than her, his haughty lust something he dare not deny, and within? an easy moment, he was nodding his head, pushing his chest towards her own, decorating her face in adamant kisses. Wanton lust surrounded him and the king would bring his ears back towards his head as Soleil brought forth another statement, one that was quite frankly, a mood changer. From talking about more children, to his brother. Ironically, it seemed as though he couldn't rid himself of his family. A grunt pushed from his lips, and he nodded his head to her, she would go, of course, and not without him, especially if she were to bare his youth.

Even midst the powerful hunger consummating him for her, he was able to throw away the thoughts of this trip and urgency encompassed him. His right paw would raise and attempt to paw at her chest, pushing her, attempting to move her, so that he could have her. All the while, he refused to cease decorating her with his kisses; his display of love. His openness about her was something that would never cease, not in love, lust, or even in travels to other lands. More children? Yes, he most certainly could.


06-17-2013, 08:17 PM

The tension slipped from her lover as she eased his mind, making him believe everything indeed was okay. How could she not comfort him so? His pain was her pain and there were few things that ripped at the white gal's heart more than the suffering of others. It was why she had chosen to become a medic, that and her love for plants.

At her quiet request for more puppies, Collision nodded adamantly. Apparently, he didn't mind that idea. Not at all. As he pressed against her small frame, showering her with loving kisses, Soleil giggled a bit. Of course he didn't mind more puppies. He was a male.

She worried her timing were off with her last words as Collision stilled. His ears folding back, for a moment silent. When he grunted she sighed with relief. At least that was out of the way. She assumed Collision would go with her, though he said nothing. He was her protector, in his eyes no one could keep her safer than he could. That was likely true. No one was as tightly wound to her as he. That was how it was meant to be. Soleil and Collision.

She still remembered the day they met. Two wolves in the middle of nothing. Happen chance brought them together. She was a lone wolf, freshly set out from her family to find independence. Funny how she found more dependency in the end. To Valhalla and more so to Collision. Where would she stand without him?

Suddenly Collision was pawing her. She was bumped backward with each delicate blow. His kisses never ceasing, Soleil let herself rollover onto the ground so that she was belly up. Her tail instinctively curling between her legs, not purposely submissive. Tongue lulled out in a heavy pant hoping to calm the fire burning under her skin. Her body ached for Collision. She reached her paws up playing at his face before rolling out from under him and jumping to her feet.

She let out a musical howl, one that was sure to tell of her joyful mood and maybe more. She didn't care, all of Valhalla could know what she was doing right now. In this private moment between man and wife, the outside world didn't exist. She cut off, brushing her body along Collision, running his fur the wrong way. An arch developing in her back like a cat. "I love you." She whispered as she reached near his ear, nibbling at his neck. As she finally drew away him, she moved in front of him, knowing what could only come next.

Every last bit of Soleil would become Collision's. It didn't make her feel inferior in anyway but instead empowered, able, desired, and probably most important there and then: turned on.

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06-19-2013, 10:59 PM

something he appreciated about his beloved was her perfect ability to go back to the basics and go back to what they, as a couple, should have been focusing on. He, for one, had a strong, powerful even, pull to her. Even though she had not been the woman he thought he would end up with, she had been the perfect woman for him to end up with. She was caring, the calm to his storm, the softness to his rage, and it worked out well for almost everyone involved. She had known what there was in accepting him as a mate. There was a lot of worry to be involved. Worry that if the wrong person looked at her the wrong way they would end up dead. He had proven, long ago, before they were even together, that he would destroy another's life if it meant offering her protection. For this, he would never betray. He would always fight for her. Always be willing to spill blood.

Her touch, it was perfect, it was warm, and it sent him spinning. His mind was lost, lost in her, in her scent, in her touch. It amused him how small she actually was in comparison to him. How her head came to his shoulder and how he could easily hold her in his warm embrace. was something she wanted with him, and something he was more than willing to give. She would play, her lithe bodice pivoting and rolling to the earth, her tongue lolling, allowing the wanton lust within' him to fester. Such sweet, sweet, loving looks. Showering her in ardor he waited, waited for her to stand again.

And when she finally did, he would barely waste time, allowing a kiss to drape over her hop before he lifted himself over her, his massive paws pulling themselves above her waste, and his tongue dancing to further kiss the base of her neck. Already elated and quite pleased, he pulled himself towards her, securing his grasp on her hips, and not caring if the entire land of Valhalla were on their way to witness. Drowning in her, he silently hoped they would have what they wanted, for love was something they failed to be bereft of.

-fade to black-