
Are we out of the woods?



6 Years

08-15-2016, 01:50 PM

She still hadn't wandered back to the pack yet, she wasn't sure there would even be a pack to go back to. She had heard the call for a challenge, but she didn't bother to show up. While she felt bad for Riv, he had been kind to her, she really hadn't invested that much into Myraid. She wasn't one to be tied down anyways. While she missed her silver knight, and trying to make him to things against the rules, it was nice to be out and about again. She wove through the growing forest, her bells calling out with each step she took. Her tail swung, stirring the strands of bells that rested there as well, her scarf loosely wrapped around her neck. A calm smile was on her lips, an easy going pace to her steps. She didn't really have an end goal in mind, it was just nice to explore.

The trees above her were covered in blooming flowers, giving the whole forest a red look to it. It was quite the stunning place, Jaelle had to admit. It would be a good place for a pack, she was surprised that no one had laid claim to this land just yet. The scent of deer was all around her, she had a feeling that herds traveled through her often. As she made her way across the young forest, she realized that she had been here before. This is where she had quite literally run into Starling, that adorable little guy who spoke Italian. She wondered how he was faring in life, pausing to sit down and look around her. She had seen him one other time since then, but hadn't spotted him around. Granted she didn't go around and actively seek others, they usually came to her. Giggling, she ran her tail across the earth and smiled as her bells sang out, the sound of them so familiar and calming. She was glad that she had them, shifting her front legs so that her bell-clad bangles rang out, clashing together to join in the strange song.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



3 Years
08-15-2016, 02:08 PM

His forest was his cathedral, it's arching branches (short though they may truly be) were his sanctuary. He avoided those he could, preferring a largely solitary lifestyle. So far the season had been pleasant, verdant, warm. It was idyllic, as if he were living in a fairy tale of sorts. Days came and went so quickly that he lost track of time. Had it been a week since the last passer-through, or a month? A season? A lifetime? Regardless, the woman he watched just then was quite the change of pace. Her arrival jarred him out of his thoughts and he watched her, unmoving, from the same place he'd awoken that morning. Maybe if he was quiet she wouldn't notice him.

He had to squint his eyes several times before he was able to decide that the dark bit of something draped around her neck was not a terrible mutation but an accessory. He frowned, unable to make sense of it. Her paws were adorned with bits of glimmer that rang and tinkled as she moved, watched as she seemed to play with them in the fertile spring afternoon. Well, he certainly wasn't going to get any more sleep now was he? He could hardly focus either. He might have sighed but he feared that she might hear him. Well, he lay curled amongst the gnarled roots of one of the few oaks that had taken root in the successive grove. It might stick out like a sore thumb, but as long as the wind continued to blow his scent away from her he hoped he would be safe.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

08-17-2016, 03:09 PM

Jaelle sat in the silence for a little bit, even her bells falling silent as she looked up at the drifting pedals. This could be a very romantic place in the right setting. Add a little sunset and an expansion of stars above her, and it was a pretty class A spot. Maybe she should wait for such a time and call her silver knight here, only to trod off and have a chase again. The woman laughed, her head shaking back and forth. The warm spring wind curled around her form, bringing the heat of the coming summer with it. The monochrome woman wasn't too excited for the heat that it brought, but it would open up some of the areas in the north for her to explore. It was still pretty cold right now, and she wasn't too interested in getting her paws frozen. As much as she loved exploring, she liked to stay a good temperature as well.

Raising to her paws, she was about to move on when her nose quivered, the winds shifting direction slightly and being the scent of an odd wolf her way. Turning her head slowly, she very quickly met the teal gaze of the stranger, who was staring right at her without making a sound. She blinked her mismatched eyes, her head tilting slightly to the side. How long had he been sitting there? By the look of his bedraggled fur, he had slept in the very same spot he was not hunkered in. If the winds hadn't changed, she would have walked away without even seeing him there. The colours of his coat helped him slightly blend in, save for the blue lines under his eyes. Realizing that she too was staring, she sat back down with a thud, her bells jingling softly. "If you like what you see, you could at least tell me so I could show off better," she called teasingly, a smile brushing across her lips. What she could see of his coat from here, he looked like he was not too bad looking himself. She would love to get a closer look at him, if only he unglued himself from the tree to come and say hi.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



3 Years
08-20-2016, 02:59 PM

Well, his cover was blown. He sweltered under this woman's gaze, heat flushing through her fur, thoroughly chagrined. Clearly this one had no manners whatsoever! Obviously he didn't want to be disturbed, but... He sighed, and stood. Figures, he could never get a day of peace. He took a few steps forward and cleared his throat before responding to her pointed question. "Honestly? I was enjoying the sound. You could be a festering boar, for all I care." ...What? It was the truth! Her fur did have an interesting patterning to it but that was not nearly as noteworthy as that way the stranger had adorned herself. It was... curious, to say the least. And he would be just as interested, if not more, if he'd seen a boar dressed in the same way. So there! Either way he pressed on, refusing to consider that his words might have been... inappropriate.

He looked outward into the fair weather of the day. Comments about the weather were so mundane, weren't they? He was cautious of engaging the woman any further but the idea of letting this silence grow into something uncomfortable was equally as- wait, was it already uncomfortable? Was she just sitting there, staring at him? He let out a long breath, one that sounded a bit... uneasy. "Sorry, I picked this den site because it seemed peaceful. Obviously I was wrong. I'll leave you to your jollities." It was curt and altogether awkward, tone stuck somewhere between quite pretentious and painfully uncomfortable. If he was lucky she would take a hint and leave in a huff like most did.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

08-20-2016, 04:41 PM

The statue boy was real! He stood up and took a few steps towards her, making a comment and a boar. She fell silent for a moment, before a soft giggle left her lips. She picked up a paw and fanned herself, a grin spreading across her inky lips. "Oh my, a festering boar? It would seem that you are quiet the gentlemen who knows just how to please the ladies," she winked her blue eye at him, her tail swishing behind her as her bells called out once again. "If you want to come and inspect my bells, you can do so. I won't bite you, or run you over." she laughed again at her rather terrible joke, not at all fazed by his outwardly rude words. After all, she had been around Sifi for a large portion of her life. That was back when she was much more afraid, but still equally as clumsy. Sifi was probably the rudest and meanest wolves that she had met to this day, but she still loved and missed her dearly. She actually tolerated Jaelle's jokes and teasing, to a point. She also had the splotched woman to thank for her ability to ignore and not be offended by comments such as the one the stranger had just offered her.

She eyed him, able to see more of his coat now that he proved he was a living and breathing wolf, not just a smelly stone. She noticed that the blue flaked through his coat, with darker patches adorning him. He could fit right into her old troupe, he seemed to have the mannerism for it as well. Him and Sifi would have gotten along swimmingly. She knew that she was staring, but she didn't care too much. Her head tilted this way and that as she got a closer look at him, her head nodding like she was liking what she was seeing. "Your rather stunning, you know. Too bad you don't have the personality to match," she teased, flashing him a large grin. Oops, had Jaelle just poked the sleeping bear? Her smile was sweet, and she blinked her eyes in an innocent way. She could dish it out and take it. But then he spoke of leaving because she was loud, and the woman pouted, putting on a rather hurt face. "Leaving so soon? I wouldn't want to take you from your perch, you seem to have made quite the nest for yourself," she said, pointing her nose in the direction of his oak tree. "You must have picked it not too long ago, you weren't here when I was last. I would know, because I bet you would have hunted me down to tell me to be quiet." Just one hook after another. He was probably going to just walk away, but where was the fun in that! Plus, he was rather nice to look at. Dancing from paw to paw, making her bells sing out with each step, she waited to see if he had anything else to say. From his comment before, probably. Jaelle had a feeling that other wolves didn't stick around too long to talk to him, maybe that's why he was so grumpy. Perhaps on the inside he was just a big ol' sap looking for a little TLC.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.