
Good to be Home

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-18-2016, 09:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2016, 09:37 PM by Sparrow I.)
Here it was. Home. The markings were recent and strong. Sparrow found herself hesitating. Why was she hesitating? This was her home. Finally, the small girl worked up the courage to step over the imaginary line and into the pack. She walked around a bit before she decided to just call out to her father. She wanted to see him first. She had been gone for a long time, and she was eager to see if the pack had progressed or changed while she was gone.

The small girl settled into stomping down some foliage, making a clearing for her and her father to sit in so they could talk. She was excited about her journey and now that she was back in the pack land, she could smell a distinctive difference between her coat and the pack's scent. She wondered what her father would think, seeing here after being gone and independent for a while. Would he see her as more grown-up? What would he say about the other wolves' scents on her coat? What had he been doing since she was gone? Had he addressed the Lillianna situation? Many questions swarmed Sparrow, but she shook them off. For now, it was just good to be home.



7 Years

08-19-2016, 11:54 AM

He was laying in his den, trying to hide from the summer heat. It was just touching into the season, and already he felt like he was melting. The mild winter had left him without growing too much of a thick coat, but he was still patchy where large clumpy of fur wanted to fall out. He pulled at one, running his tongue along his teeth to get the fur off of it. Ugh, he could use a good dip, that was for sure. Already the lake in Serpent Plains had dropped slightly, the stream that ran into it was nearly dried up. He hoped that it didn't suck all the water out of the lake, but because of the depth he doubted it. It was pretty much their only source of water besides the rapids, which weren't safe for pups, or anyone really. One bad step would send you headlong into the fast moving waters, and he didn't want to count how many he had lost because of it. Floods one year, droughts another. He supposed that that was the flow of life, nothing could ever be constant. That was one of the reasons why he was actually surprised that Abaven was still here. On it's last legs, sure, but still here. In his time, it had been the longest pack up and running. They weren't the most active, but when he started this pack he had no idea that it would take him this far. The idea of retiring was growing more and more tempting, and he found himself counting the days. He still wasn't sure what he would do with all of his free time, but it would be the first time in years that he would truly be allowed to relax. Letting out a sigh, he got up and headed towards the lake, only to hear a call at the borders. His ears twitched, and he quickly recognized it as Sparrow. Forgetting all about taking a swim, he took off in the opposite direction, heading into the thicket.

Bass pushed his way through the tall grasses, some of the taller blades puling a few strands of his white fur off. He had noticed that a few white hairs were starting to show up on his brown markings, just another sign that he was getting up there in years. So where his kids, and yet none of them had made him a grandfather yet. He longed for the days, to see more little ones running around and to tell them the ways of the world. He wanted to see his family grew before he died, but no one even seemed to have a romantic relationship yet. He let out a sigh as he made his way towards Sparrow, maybe that was his fault. Him and their mother weren't really the best example of a solid couple, they were apart more than they had been together. Would that push them away from finding love? He hoped not, he would hate to be the reason why his kids weren't moving on. Finally, he saw Sparrow, and ran the rest of the way to his daughter. His tongue hung out of his maw, the sun pounding down on his back. When he reached her, he placed a big wet kiss on her cheek, his tail wagging behind him as a soft whine left his mouth. "Sparrow! I've missed you. How have you been? What did you go and do? Did you meet anyone?" The questions came tumbling out before he could slow them down, his tail wagging a mile a minute.


Sparrow I


7 Years
08-20-2016, 08:59 PM
Her father came to her soon, excitedly pressing into her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Sparrow leaned into it, her small weight fully leaning on her father as her maw scrunched up in a smile, "Father, I've missed you!"

Sparrow's tail whipped behind her rapidly, "Oh, I had such an amazing time, really. I planned on traveling all over," Sparrow said, pulling back from her father, "But I kind of ended up just staying in the old Imperium lands instead."

The small girl looked away sheepishly, thinking of the wolves she met.

"I did meet someone, actually. I don't think she'd really like it here. Actually, I don't think I met anyone who would want to live with me- with us, I mean. They all seemed like they would have loved Imperium, but..."

Sparrow cleared her throat. Peregrine and Ricochet both seemed like they would have loved Imperium. They probably would have been friends with Ashmedai and they would get into arguments a tong an have silly banter.

That couldn't happen, though.

"It really is gone, though. How strange is that?" Sparrow chuckled, "I hope Abaven stays together forever, actually. Even if it's been the way it has... It's my home, and where my family is. I really felt that a lot on my trip."

Sparrow took a breath, her minty eyes focusing on her father before her. He looked old, somehow? Had he always looked this way? Had the time apart made her become unaccustomed to his markings, or were their lines really just slowly fading into the whiteness of his coat? A sad smile crossed Sparrow's maw. Her father wouldn't be here forever, would he?

"How are you, though? How's the pack?"



7 Years

08-21-2016, 09:49 PM

He picked up and wrapped a leg around Sparrow, pulling his daughter close to his chest. As he did so, he realized that her pack scent was pretty much gone, the smell of strange wolves clinging to her fur. His brows knitted together somewhat, but his face was hidden from her view. She had been gone for quite some time, it was to be expected. He was still surprised how much it stung though, and how hard it was going to be to let Abaven go. His chocolate and cream daughter said that she missed him, and he let out a loud sigh in return. "I missed you too, it's so good to have you home now," he said into her fur, finally giving up his hold on her so that they could sit face to face. He lowered his rump to the earth, listening to her speak of her adventures. Apparently she hadn't gone too far, instead just hanging out in thr south. He frowned slightly, but made no comment. Just like his questions, her explanations came out in rapid fire succession, and he would let her finish before he replied. He nodded sadly when she commented on Imperium being gone, it was a strange thing indeed. Apparently the friend she met would have been more geared towards Valentine's pack, and he tried not to be offended. Maybe he was just getting more sensitive as he aged. But the more Sparrow spoke, the more he grew concerned. It was like she knew what he was going to say, commenting on the exact opposite of his plans. Bass swallowed hard, he knew that this was going to be a lot harder now that those words had left her mouth. His brows creased, but when he noticed her sad smile, he focused more clearly on her. What was that for? He blinked a few times, but again held his tongue. As the questions came in return, he knew that he might as well just get this over with.

Bass let out a big sigh, closing his eyes for several heart beats before focusing on his daughter. "To be honest Sparrow, I am tired. I had a meeting with Abaven while you were away, but not everyone showed up. I fear that both the pack and my own interests are slipping. We have fallen many times and picked right back up, but this time there is a lot more resistance," Bass searched her face, his golden eyes sad as he went on. "Karabela spoke to me afterwards and we had a good chat. She made me realize that the harder I cling to Abaven, the more my own health and family relationships are going to suffer. I... I offered her Abaven, when she spoke of wishing to make a pack of her own. It's about time I retire, but I don't think Lark, or any of you kids, have a desire to lead. I was planning on speaking to you all before I made the final decision," His voice grew softer, his head hanging. "I don't want to live out the rest of my life splitting my attention between you kids and a pack. Now that your mother has made her choice, and your aunts and uncles are pretty much all gone, Harmony and I are all you guys have. I want to be a grandfather, I want to be able to relax with all of you and spend some good quality time without having leadership on the back of my mind. While I lead a pack, I can never put you kids first. I have failed so far in being the father you all deserve, and I can't do that anymore. I want this weight gone off of all our shoulders, and to live out the rest of my life in peace," he paused again, looking up from where he had been staring at the ground. He searched Sparrows face for any signs of her anger or disgust, worry clouding his vision. "Karabela said that she would move the pack, and we could go with her if we please. But the Plains have always been our home, and we can continue to live here. I don't... I don't want to be a failure as a father for the rest of my life. I want to be able to actually be there for you..." Bass swallowed against the emotion was welled in his throat, letting out another heavy sigh. "I'm so sorry, Sparrow. I really am. For everything. For making you feel like you weren't good enough, or that you needed to be more than yourself. With that pressure gone, I really do hope that you know I love you, and that I am so proud of you. You have all grown up before my eyes, so fast too. I need my family to be my main focus now, and no longer have double vision."


Sparrow I


7 Years
08-21-2016, 10:26 PM
Sparrow didn't know what her father was about to say- there was no way she could have. As he began to speak, though, her smile faltered, and her face grew somber. She let him speak, her eyes falling to the ground so she could listen closely to his words. She felt like this was one of the first times they had really spoken. As he finished, Sparrow waited a moment, to make sure he was really done. She tried to keep her face neutral, but so many thoughts welled up in her mind.

"Father, I... think I understand. I- uh- am tired too, in a way. That's why I needed this vacation so badly. I can't take the pressure I feel in this pack to always try to be perfect."

Sparrow stopped, a funny smile crossing her face. She looked up towards her father, "Did you know Karabela calls me 'Flamingo' sometimes? I like her. She's never really been crazy with all the drama that keeps happening. Has she even really fought with any of the pack members? Maybe not, so I think she would be a good leader."

The small girl dipped her head again, "I don't know if I'll follow her, though, but not because I don't think she'll be a great leader, I just... Don't know. I feel bad that I couldn't step up and be the heir you needed. I feel like one of us should have and that it could have been any of us, but I don't think I'd be a very imposing alpha anyway."

Sparrow knew she couldn't mention Peregrine, or her pack just yet. Bass couldn't know how torn Sparrow had felt between the two, or that if Karabela got Abaven that she'd feel less at odds and could go join Peregrine's pack. Her father couldn't know about Peregrine and all the feelings that came with that name. Sparrow wasn't sure enough of her own feelings to even think about them, much less convey them to her father.

"I don't think you failed us. I think it's just been very difficult for all of us. I know you love me, and I know you know that I love you. If our family isn't the one in power, maybe we won't fight as much, and maybe Lillianna will settle for well, I don't really know..." Sparrow couldn't hide the small smile that tinged her maw as she thought of Lillianna being out of her life. The thought made her almost giddy.

"I think that this might be a good thing... I think maybe we can be more of a family if we aren't always trying to be the best alpha's child. It felt like no matter which way we moved, or which opinion we held, it was always wrong. I- I didn't even realize how terrible that always felt until-"

Oops, there it was again. That thought of Peregrine. Sparrow pushed it aside, "Until my vacation. Meeting wolves that had no idea who I was and just getting to talk normally and just- just not being wrong all the time. If I was mad, that was okay, we didn't all have to get along when I wasn't the alpha's kid. We didn't have to have the same views because we led different lives. It was... absolutely amazing, Dad, really."

Sparrow sighed, her smile softening, "I think that because of that, this isn't going to be so bad. I think we'll all have a lot more freedom to be who we want to be and that excites me more than I think anything else ever has."



7 Years

08-26-2016, 12:51 PM

Bass was rather surprised at what Sparrow had to say. He had no idea that the pack had effected her like that, and did it do that to all his kids? He frowned, meeting her green gaze as he let her get everything off her chest. It would seem that there was a lot that she had been keeping from him, and it all came pouring out now. He let out a snort when he heard that Raba called her Flamingo, it was pretty silly. They were all named after some sort of bird, so calling out random bird names wasn't really out of the question. "That would be my fault, it's kind of a Destruction tradition to have some sort of theme while naming your children," He laughed a little, and then Sparrow quickly moved on. It would seem like she knew a lot about her fellow packmates, saying that Raba never fought with anyone. He nodded his head slowly, he often saw her out on patrols as well. She had been a very active member since day one, and did an amazing job in the siege. She went on to talk about being the heir, and he shook his head fiercely. "Like I told Lark, I would never force Abaven on any one of you. Having a pack is a huge responsibility, and it is something that you have to want to do. Otherwise... well... look at what has happened here. Even when I was pushing hard for Abaven to be a great pack, it fell time and time again. But I kept picking it back up. You can't just be an alpha and call it a day, there is a lot more than that," He sighed, his back leg reaching up to scratch behind his ear. "You wouldn't have to follow her, I don't even know if this is set in stone yet. Lark said he's not ready to be alpha, and suggested Tinaro to take my place," He said, watching the brown and white woman before him to gauge her reaction. She seemed to have a lot more thoughts on things that he didn't realize.

He clearly saw the smile on her face when she spoke of Lillie, was that hoping that she would move on? He tried to give her a stern look, but it faltered. Shaking his head, he laughed softly and kissed her cheek. "Your smile gives it all away, my dear girl," he said softly before rocking back on his haunches. When she went on, he noted the pauses in her speech. His frown returned as he watched her, nodding slowly as she spoke. He guessed that he could see that, the pressure of having to be perfect because their father ran the pack. He had never seen it that way, and he wondered why Sparrow hadn't come to him about this before. "We will see how it all turns out. Regardless of how it all goes down, I still want there to be some training involved. Running a pack is not an easy thing, and I might as well stick around to make sure that everything will be okay. But this is our home, and no matter what, I will always be here for you guys. I wished that you would have come to me with these concerns earlier, but I suppose it's too late for that now. I'm just glad that you talked to me," he said with a smile, leaning down to lightly boop her nose with his.


Sparrow I


7 Years
09-01-2016, 12:19 PM
Sparrow nodded as Bass told her of the family tradition to theme their children's names. She understood that and often thought of what she should theme her kids' names.

The conversation got serious again. She agreed you couldn't make a pack whatever you wanted it to be just by sheer will alone. She wondered how anyone could do it for as long as her father had. He said she wouldn't have to follow Karabela and the chocolate cream girl smiled. She knew she didn't have to. If Abaven wasn't Abaven anymore, she could technically do whatever she wanted forever.

LArk had suggested Tinaro? Sparrow thought for a moment, her eyes searching the skies. She hummed as she thought, "I... don't know anything about him, really, so I don't know." She shrugged. She really had no opinions.

"If you and Lark disagree, it's ultimately up to you. Why did you suggest Karabela and why did Lark suggest Tinaro? I think you both should think carefully about the pros and cons of any wolf that you decide to appoint as the leader." She felt like that was all she could offer on the matter.

When speaking of Lillianna, her father caught her smile and Sparrow felt the heat under her fur. "S-sorry," she stammered, suddenly feeling a little ashamed, even though her father didn't seem upset.

Her father started talking about how training was in order and Sparrow nodded in agreement. He said that this was their home and that he would always be there for them. Sparrow felt her stomach turn a little. She wanted her family, but she worried they would always think she abandoned them if she didn't stay by their sides forever. At the same time, she worried about them leaving her.

He said he wished she had come to him sooner with these concerns and she apologized quietly, "It's just hard when you know your dad is the alpha and you know he has a lot on his mind. You don't want to worry him with anything trivial. That's why I've always thought hard about an issue before I said anything."

Her father booped his nose to hers and the small girl wrinkled her snout, giggling until she snorted.

"Maybe I should go see everyone else then, huh? Before all of... this happens." Sparrow's tone was light and she offered a smile. She pressed herself into her father's chest, "Thank you for everything..."



7 Years

09-01-2016, 01:06 PM

Sparrow was a very honest girl, and he was enjoying their conversation. She was being a lot more open than she had been in the past, and he felt closer to her already. She was so nonchalant about the whole thing, and he was glad that she had taken her little trip. It was obvious that she had needed it, she had come back a lot lighter than when she had left. She spoke about weighing the pros and cons, and he nodded his head slowly. She was right, and it was something that he would talk over with both Lark and Tinaro. "I suggested Karabela solely for the fact that she had come to me and spoke of a pack. As much as I now long to retire and spend time with you guys, I'm not going to just hand a pack to someone who isn't ready, or someone who I think is incompetent. Either way, there is going to be some pretty intense training going on here," Bass said with a sigh. It was going to be a lot of work, but he knew that it would pay off in the long run.

Bass shrugged off her apology, just grinning at her. He didn't care much, he knew that she seemed to have this thing against her and wouldn't give up on her thoughts. In a way, he was proud of her for not giving up on something that she believed in. When it came to not telling him things though, his ears pinned somewhat, his shoulders drooping. "I want you to be able to come to me with anything, no matter what. I may be your alpha, but I'm your father first. Okay?" He said softly, grinning as she laughed at his little boop. She wanted to go see everyone else too, so he nodded his head and stepped back, giving her room to leave as she pleased. "I'm sure your siblings are going to be really excited to see you home again."
