
Rise of Rokka



8 Years
Other species
08-21-2016, 07:53 AM
Alrighty guys, with the fall of Myriad I did intend on rebuilding it. But then I thought.... we haven't had a mini pack before. Low and behold I have Flamie, a basically dire wolf sized bird!!!! And how cool would it be to have a mixed animal pack running around. It's new interesting and I'd love to take a chance to see how Flamie would do. I'm estimating it'll take about 4-5 months to get her post count if people help me. That and making sure I'm okay mentally - though rp is a huge relief so whoever helps me with Flamie is being a huge help. This also means your big cats, cats, dogs, anything that's NOT a wolf will be able to be part of something creative and new. Wolves are welcome to help Flamie/ be potential members. But I'd love to attempt to have it mostly a mix of animals. I think it would be fun, and safe to say this pack would be more towards neutral and very interested in a lot of trading(Flamie likes to trade favors for bones)

List your members and their intended rank.

Pack Name: Rokka
Territory: Undecided(we could do that collectively, I'd love this pack to be like a community idea! Not just my own!)
Pack Color: Also undecided - but perhaps a blueish color or red, like flamie's paint or her eyes.
Alpha Name: Flamie
Link to Alpha's Account: Link will go here

Member Name & Rank: OPEN - potential second in command
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Open - a healer
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Open - a hunter
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Open - a fighter
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name & Rank: Open - Any/a non skill one
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

List what your intended ranks and laws will be.

Tier 1 Rank: Rokka
The Rokka of the pack is a guider and the lead family member. They and the second command are not neccarily kings and queen's but creatures the pack trusts and looks up to. While everyone is expected to participate put in their idea's. The Rokka can step in and decide final rights for everyone - in which they shouldn't be questioned period since it's a communal pack. Voice your Opinions

Tier 2 Rank: Second in command - name decided by the one who takes the position?
Rokka's second in command is a very trusted creature by all of them. Quiet possibly a close friend of the Rokka themselves. Again they are there to guide and ease everyone to easily organize their votes/ voices. He/she is trusted and if the Rokka isn't present they can step in just like them. They also have the help of the Rokka if the pack has a disgreement to come together and try to compromise.

Tier 3 Rank: Healer(name to be decided)
Description: Description
Tier 3 Rank: Fighter(name to be decided)
Description: Description
Tier 3 Rank: Hunter(name to be decided)
Description: Description

Tier 4 Rank: Common rank(name to be decided)
Description: Description

Tier 5 Rank: Runts(names can change)
Description: Any members under a year old - may it be bird, cat or wolf the will remain in this rank until older - also if they have a guardian the guardian themselves will choose when they shall be removed from this rank.

Tier 6 Rank: Temporary(to be named as well)
Description: This rank will be for creatures wishing asylum for at least a season. It will also however, be a rank where prisoners are held should a fight break out and they need to keep them for an unknown amount of time.

These are basic rules I figured I'd go towards what I want the pack to be like. But remember IF YOUR HELPING I kind want this project to be a group thing so everyone has a say in rank names/ rules!

1. We are family,
Wether we have feathers, long tails or sharp teeth we are a family. Family sticks together and tries to not worry about what others are going through. So if you're thinking about something else than Rokka - feel free to leave.
2. Allies to a minimum,
There comes a time where a pack will make an agreement among friends. While members of allies are to be treated with respect - remember that we don't have to help them in every single moment they ask. Should something come along where we are bias - or a member has something to say. They have a right to say they can't help.
3. Offspring,
Since we are creatures of all types here, and the pack can only have fifteen members offspring aren't going to be a common thing. Though adoptions or on the odd case wolves have a litter the parents will decide where the young go - since the pack doesn't control who you fall in love with. It's suggested that you both reside in the pack though it's easier. But freedom is key to creating a loving family.
4. Be active!
While you have two leaders to guide you, the pack will not exist without some cooperation. Suggest a hunt, make idea's. Say what you feel or think! Don't sit in the background waiting for an order to come along. If something doesn't seem right with what the two leaders think - discuss it.
5. Inner Quarells,
We all know family have fights. Please don't let it create disdain in the pack. Inner problems are to be resolved just as that. Innerly. Don't go complaining to the Rokka that what's his face is bugging you. Grow a pair, but if it becomes a problem the Rokka will intervene and both parties may be punished or at least trying to get an agreement settled.

Don't worry Flamie will cover all of the cost, she should have enough by the time of it's creation.

Account Name: Name
Gems Intended to Pay: #