
Another Bottle Down



6 Years
08-22-2016, 08:30 PM

Riv had lost.

That fact kept ringing in her mind long after the fight had ended. A day had passed and Armai couldn't bring herself to clear out her things. She felt a fair amount of defiance and hatred towards the woman who had ruined everything. She's defeated her friend, told them all to scatter, and left everything a broken mess. Not that it hadn't been broken before, but the few who had opposed Riv could have easily been dealt with. She truly believed in Riv and she didn't think anything less of him. He'd lost, but fights were meant to be won and lost. She didn't believe in him any less.

She didn't fear the woman who'd try to run them off. This was her den, this was her home, and she and Nox were going to stay right here so long as Riv was. If he picked up and walked off then she was going to try and go with him. Someone had to keep an 'eye' on his wounds and they would need to be cleaned and treated every day.

It irked her that she'd tried to kick them out of what was now loner lands. The woman hadn't been back here. She'd merely picked up and left to go who knows where. Judging from the scent of the borders she hadn't been back to mark them so she'd settled comfortably in her den. She found herself sighing though as she curled into a ball next to Nox. Despite her earlier resolve to stay with Riv, she felt a shattering emptiness. She'd put her all into a pack, she'd never been with one before, and everything she'd worked for now crumbled because of that bitch. What was she going to do now if Riv didn't want her?

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-22-2016, 08:56 PM
He silently wished over and over again that he was bkind maybe even deaf. If he didnt see the world he wouldnt have to see the faces of those who sneered those who were disappointed. The male had secluded himself in his den for some time. Screw that woman... these lands were his home. His beautiful broken home. Yet with the aching of his wounds he would rise, seek out armai in her den. If, she still remained. Latley his world had crumbled around him, he wasnt worth anyones time so why stick around. Even so he was slightly afraid to be alone.

He stood at the entrance, smelling nox and armai before his tired eyes spotted them. "...nox, armai. Youre still here." His voice sounded relieved, pained even. Those who remained, he had let them down. They trusted him and for what? He groaned mildly at the pain in his side. Sitting down before he went and hurt himself any further.



6 Years
08-23-2016, 07:03 AM

She was lying in her den, musing over her aching side where Nixie had crashed into her, when the stale scent of blood and the familiar sound of Riv's heavy paw steps graced her senses. She heard him easily outside of her den and her tail flicked to invite him in. He was always welcome within her den if he needed to. His company was refreshing to her already dismal state and the distraction from her own mind was a nice thought. He seemed surprised, when he spoke, that they were still here. An ear would flick back to her herbs, suddenly remembering them, and she'd smile forlornly. She couldn't quite bring herself to pack them up like the woman had demanded so she'd stayed and risked any possible punishment. None had come of course, but nothing stopped her now except her own promises. She'd devoted herself to Riv and even though he'd lost she was still loyal to him. Loyalty didn't change just due to a rank change. She wasn't a part of a pack anymore but she still viewed Riv as a friend.

"You're my friend, Riv. I'd be an awful friend if I left you when you needed me most."

His wound concerned her. She heard him groan and then sit and worry tainted her expression as she rose and padded back to her dwindling stock of herbs. She'd need to refresh them soon. She'd grab some more horsetail, lamb's ear, and some poppy seeds for him before padding them over and placing them at her feet. She'd push the poppies to him, motioning with her head for them to eat them, before she grabbed the horsetail and lamb's ear in her jaws and mashed it between her teeth. It was bitter to the tongue and she winced at it but she suffered through it in silence and then moved to his side. She spat the mushy substance on her paw before she pushed it against his side. It's help reduce the chance of infection and help bind the wound together so it'd heal faster. So long as he didn't reopen his wounds he'd be alright.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she worked, finally rid of the herb concoction. The question was more directed to his emotional state more than his physical state, but she cared to hear both.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-24-2016, 12:29 AM

The heat felt like it didn't belong where it was right now. Considering how shitty he felt, it was like there should have been clouds overhead - but with the harsh summer that plagued them there wasn't much to be said. Rivaxorus watched Armai carefully, at least she couldn't see. He was kind of thankful for that - just selfishly. She couldn't see the emotional pain on him, because he didn't want other to know. If he didn't though it would make it worse - he just didn't want anyone to feel like they had an obligation to help him in anyway.

Armai would begin to change out his herbs. That and he took whatever she instructed him to without question. Being careful about the amount he took as well. When she asked him how he was doing, a bit of silence fell between the two. It was a few moments before he could collect his thoughts and talk. "Fine. Just feels like I messed up somewhere down the road." he said sadly as he let out a soft sigh. Being careful with his breathing because of his side. Scars to be left behind as a memory of that moment. "Though a lot of wolves are coming to see me. I suppose I'm not the total failure I assumed I was." his heart ached for a number of reasons. He just didn't know how to get rid of it.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
08-24-2016, 08:00 AM

She listened for the sounds of him eating the couple seeds she gave him before she was content. She knew there were wolves who didn't enjoy taking the pain killers, but she believed he needed them. Not only for his wounds, but it would help him sleep and with how upset he seemed she thought it best for the large male. Not for the first time, she wished she could go back to that day and change the outcome. It wasn't fair that he'd been challenged just as the pack was crumbling from within. Without a strong infrastructure it had been the straw that broke the camels back. It made her so angry. Now here he was with a mate that he couldn't talk to and a pack with some of them hating him, and the rest scattered it seemed. She felt awful for him and his answer only made her feel worse.

"You didn't mess up anywhere Riv." She'd turn her head in his direction, his wounds properly dressed for now, and stared (stared being the wrong term) at him. "You did the best you could and you did what you thought was right. That's the more than most wolves can say. I've known some really shitty wolves Riv and you're not one of them. You were a good alpha and a good friend so I'm not surprised they're checking up on you."

She'd expected some of them to scatter to the wind. If she was lucky Nixie and Ren would be two of them. She didn't like either of them and if she ever smelled Ren again she was going to kick his ass. Not only had he tore a rift between Zephyra and Riv but he'd caused problems for the entire pack. He'd heard his words at the challenge and hadn't missed the woman he was talking to either when she'd asked for a play by play. He sounded so delighted when Riv was being challenged and it irritated her. So if he ever came around here again she was going to tear him a new ass. As far as she was concerned he wasn't worthy of the dirt he walked on.

"Your only problem was there were wolves looking to tear you down. A pack is supposed to have faithful members who help build you up and respect you. There just were a few lazy asses who didn't wish to be helpful. You were right in trying to rid the pack of them." I'm just sorry it went down the way it did. She'd keep that thought to herself. He didn't need her pity.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-24-2016, 08:22 AM

Rivaxorus would turn his head towards Armai. He watched her silently as he listened to her words. How could she say he didn't mess up? There was obviously something wrong with the decisions he made if they were in the situation they were in now. Now he was even afraid of Sin's spawn coming after him while he was down in the dirt. Then there was Zephyra. He didn't even know what was going on between them. Nothing was ever clear cut, he couldn't get over his hate for Ren either. Even the name left a taste in his mouth he disliked. If he could, he'd tear out the man's eyes so he couldn't see the damn world a blink again. Call it harsh, or perhaps make sure someone of his kind.... couldn't procreate. Rivaxorus stiffed a growl and shook his head, making sure the thoughts were clear from his mind.

"Coming from someone who saw a pack completely destroy themselves from the inside because their alphess was insane. It did seem like it took the cake." he said for a moment. "What am I supposed to when someone I love and did everything for... feels like they're turning their back on me for a man who isn't even worth it." Rivaxorus let his feelings be worn on his sleeve. He was choked up and he tried not to cry, shaking his head. "I said I would protect what I had because I didn't want to lose anything else. Yet I lost to a woman who was not only the same age but much smaller than myself. The gods must always have it out for my family. Some useless bunch we were. Seems like I'm walking in my mothers paw steps." The male was genuinely struggling with this. He was lost in his emotions, he wished he didn't care. He wished he couldn't care! Gods damnit, he breathed.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
09-06-2016, 08:55 AM

She listened attentively as Riv spoke. She let out a soft sigh as he referred to Ren. She honestly didn't like the male, hadn't for a little while now, and at their last meeting he hadn't done himself any favors. He claime to care so much for his siblings but in the end how was he helping? Causing a rift between Zeph and Riv and making both of them unhappy certainly wasn't making sure his sister's wellbeing was in check. In fact he seemed almost selfish under that facade of caring. Weren't wolves supposed to act differently if they loved someone? Even if he didn't like Riv he could have sucked it up and not acted so horribly. You didn't have to like someone to be a productful member of a pack. Even she, with her own hindrances, made sure she helped out.

"I won't pretend to understand the love she has for her brother, but I suppose it's because they are siblings. I never really much cared for anyone but my littermate, Calder, but I wouldn't choose him over my own mate. I'm sure she just needs time to figure out her thoughts. So much has happened recently."

It wasn't much assurance really, but it was her attempt at it and if she could make him feel better she would. He revealed that he felt bad to losing to a small opponent the same age as him. She chuckled softly. "Us smaller wolves can pack a punch." She joked lightly. She herself was somewhat small, but she had never really fought before so she wasn't really a good example. She hadn't seen the fight either so she wasn't a good judge of how he'd done.

"I couldn't see the fight, but I'm sure you gave it your all and that's what counts. You fought for what you believe in and you did your best and even though she won that doesn't stop those who care for you from doing so. You've still got friends Riv and I'm sure you'll figure something out. Everything will fall into place, just give it time."

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.