
Creed x Kavdaya Puppies!



9 Years
08-18-2016, 11:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2016, 11:15 PM by Shrapnel.)

One: If you have adopted from us before, but have either left the site before and returned them to us, or set them inactive and we recalled them from you, we are not going to re-adopt to you again. Particularly if a second chance was given and you set them inactive again. Do not push, and do not pester or heckle either of us about this.

Two: We reserve the right to take back the pups if no activity has been made IC with them in a full month of time. (I.E: Last post was made on June 1st, and it is now July 1st with no activity in between.) I will brook no arguments with this. Sometimes you have to be the bad cop. Believe me, we both can check for activity in their recent posts. OOC posts will not count as activity in our eyes.

Three: We expect at least a post per real life week. That is just one post per week, three per month. It’s not that hard to do. We want to see them active, regardless of how our own activity is going. (And understand, the parents are not spring chickens.)

Four: No pups or their designs that we have adopted out may be used on other roleplay sites, and any art made for them, either by myself, Shrapnel, or anyone else, if any must remain on Ardent unless we have given our express permission. If we find this rule has been ignored and broken, we will take the character back to adopt out to someone who will obey this simple rule. These designs are Ardent-Only. End of Story.

Five: Any applications posted as Works In Progress will be ignored if they have not been finished by the end of one real life week (Seven Days). This is final. If you do not feel that you will finish a WIP application within this time period, please, do not post an application in the first place. For those who do, and truly wish to apply, please remember to fill in all fields in the Application form.

Six: With this litter, we (Shrap and I) will not be likely to award pups to anyone with a large amount of characters, and we will be paying attention to your activity with those characters. If it seems like you have a lot and you don't post with all of them regularly then you have less of a chance to get a pup.

Thank you!

*Smiles pleasantly.* Now that we are clear, let's see the designs and hear about the parents!:

To summarize Creed's history he was born to a litter of three and his parents were Cifer and Crusade. (If you need a family tree I will provide one.) Creed lived in a pack called Glaciem until he was a little over a year in age and then Eos came to challenge for Glaciem. The pack moved under the instructions of Gargoyle and took up residence in Tortuga's lands. They didn't stay due to the fear of Mount Volkan erupting and the pack split. Creed and gang left (I was off site at the time to clarify) and Creed, Crucible, and Cross moved to a foreign land and didn't come back until they were six. Creed then took up with Surreal and has remained ever since. He's loyal, hard working, and an honorable wolf and will care for his children and their mother deeply so take care when you make these pups! They're going to be very loved and adored and I'd love to see them reflect that with their personalities!

Kavdaya was born among the traveling pack of healers known as the Nomads. She grew up in a loving, gentle family, which has reflected in her own psyche. She's a gentle, loving wolf, and a very skilled healer. There is no way that (even if a thread doesn't happen) she would allow her children to go untaught and uncared for when it comes to baby lessons, language lessons, healing, and history. Even if a history lesson thread never happens, none of her children will have been neglected a full telling of the history, several times, so they never forget.

Through Kavdaya, the litter will be distant cousins to Regulus and the Adravendis in general. With all this good influence, it is unlikely for them to be anything but Lawful Good. Neutral Good at the very least.

Now, for the designs! Please note that some of these designs need Regular shaped markings bought. Those with green marks will need Odd Colored Markings bought. They don't get a discount because Creed was grandfathered in
Design #1 Design #1 full reference (Taken by Shrap)
Design #2 Design #2 full reference Regular shaped markings
Design #3 Design #3 full reference (Taken by Shadowed)
Design #4 Design #4 full reference Taken by Lolaf
Design #5
Design #6
Design #7 Odd Colored Markings
Design #8 Odd Colored Markings
Design #9 Regular Shaped Markings (Taken by Eve)
Design #10
Design #11
Design #12 Odd Colored Markings

Now that you've seen them, we come to naming tips.

Shrapnel and I decided on a themed naming thing. Names such as Honor, Legend, etc. Feel free to use

Shrapnel: There is only one free pup, with a max litter of five, so the rest will need to be bought. I can pay for a pup slot for myself, but unfortunately I can't spare any gems for others so the free pup slot will most likely go to a new person (if they're interested) or someone who can't afford the pup slot (if we really like their app.) So please let us know if you can afford a slot.

Now, for the code!
[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Design Number:[/b] What design?
[b]Alignment:[/b] Nothing below Neutral Good.
[b]Appearance Description:[/b] 200+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining build characteristics. (For ideas of what build they may inherit, Check out their parents' profiles; both are well detailed)
[b]Personality Description:[/b] Again, 200+ words of original, detailed description.
[b]Plans:[/b] What do you plan to do with the character you want?
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] 200+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh <3
[Image: C87vX2z.png]


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
08-19-2016, 02:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2016, 11:45 PM by Bass.)
OOC Name: Evelyn!
Name: Fable
Gender: Male
Design Number: Nine please!
Alignment: Lawful good

Appearance Description: It's clear to see right from the get go that Fable takes more after his sire than he does his dame. The base of his coat is a soft grey, broken up by white markings that almost resemble a harness. There is hardly a patch of his coat that says a solid colour for too long, although white and grey dominate his pelt. There are only two places that black makes themselves known, on a diamond like shape just behind his shoulders, and a small patch that covers the lower part of his muzzle. The black covers the circumference of his nose, extending about half an inch upwards. It runs down towards the middle of his upper lip, extending slightly in width as it travels downwards. It covers about half of his lower jaw as well, connecting in a perfect line with his upper lip when his jaw is shut. A white stripe paints the front half of his face, starting at the base of his nose and running up his muzzle until it stops just above his brows. The same snow white colour covers each of his eyes, flowing down towards the underside of his muzzle in an almost tear like stream, only much wider. These lines meet under his chin, a continuous line to his opposite side, connecting each eye marking to each other. Fable's left ear is completely white, while his right is merely tipped in the colour. Each of the boys eyes are yellow in colour, a rich, gold like tone.

The majority of Fable's legs are white, with his front legs it extends up to his chest and throat, only interrupted around each elbow where the grey takes over once more. It fades off into white further down each limb before there is only a white expanse. The snowy marking then reaches up past his shoulders, hugging each side of his black diamond marking before running down his spine, ending at the base of his tail. For his back limbs, the white runs unchecked until around his thighs, where the light colour forms an almost 'u' like shape around the grey. On the back side of his hind legs, it stops about three inches from the base of his tail, but on the front it continues on until the last curve of his hip. His tail is dunked in the light shade as well, that covers the entire underside of the appendage.

In his younger years, Fable was a rather odd looking wolf. His paws were far too big for him, and he was pretty much all legs. He had a sleek, yet strong build, not too stocky and yet not too lithe. He finds it hard to get around without tripping over his paws, and it takes quite some time for him to figure out his body. When Fable is fully grown, he will reach 40 inches, finally fitting into his gangly, all legs look. He is well defined with muscles to match, but missing the bulk of stronger fighters. He instead relies on his swift movement and quick attacks, as well as his fast thinking mind. He is a good long distance and sprint runner, like all wolves he can cover a lot of ground in at an easy lope. Fable is the perfect mix of both of his parents in the way of his build, but will outgrow both of them and all his siblings. (at this point. Still not dead set on the height, it will be either 38' or 40')

Personality Description: *Subject to change as he grows)*
Fable is not a wolf who gets along well in the shadow of another wolf. It could be a sibling, or even someone that he views as a friend. From a young age he had an undying need to please his parents, and be the very best that he could be for them. Even though they showed him so much love, he never thinks that he is quite good enough. He knows that he could always one up himself, and be faster or stronger than he was. It's not that he thinks lowly of himself, but he sees where his parents have been and what they have done in their lives and transpires to be just like that. He thinks that the blood of great, strong wolves runs though his veins and he wants to do everything he can to solidify it. He pushes himself to the edge, always training in some way or form. Fable is generally always studying or training, in healing, fighting, or even language and history. Because of this, it is hard for him to make friends. After his first lesson, he was hooked on knowledge and learning all that he could, wanting to master everything that he came across. Everything he does is to make his family proud of him, even if it keeps them at arms length sometimes.

To say that Fable is a hard worker is almost an understatement. He goes above and beyond with everything that he is given, be it a task for his pack or something as simple as going out and gathering herbs. He is not only in compitition with others, but also with himself. Failing is not something that comes to mind, so when he does fall short he is very hard on himself, sitting in a corner and moping about it. He never stays this way for long though, only needing to give himself one good pep talk before he is off again.

He is a very quick learner and it doesn't take him long to pick up on things, making it very easy for him to pick up new languages and skills. He wants to be just as strong as his mother at healing, and as quick as his father at fighting. He is very protective of his family, pack, and anyone who sticks around long enough to be a friend. He will protect them to the end, if they did nothing wrong. Even if he cares dearly for his family, if anyone did something that is morally wrong, he would have a hard time covering up for them. He has a very straight sense of right and wrong, and has a hard time with others that ride the middle. Fable doesn't like not being able to read others, he himself is a very open book when it comes to emotions. Right from the start he is good at talking about his problems and never holds back, and he is also a great listener. He loves to give advice and tries to be the best shoulder to lean on that he can. It is nearly impossible to convince him to do anything wrong, but he will follow behind to make sure that they are safe. Fable is pretty much a goody-two-shoes, there is no doubt about it.

TLDR; Quick learner, loves gathering knowledge, wants to be the very best (that no one ever was), wants to please his parents, in constant competition with himself, hates standing in anyone's shadow, wants to be someone his family can be proud of, good healer and fighter, hard worker.

Plans: Not sure! He will probably stick with his parents for awhile, interested in both fighting and healing. He is eager to learn, and determined to do all he can to impress his parents and do right by them. Devoted to his studies, he will have very little time for friends, and can often be seen as a loner. Interactions with others are usually short lived, as he very much lives inside his head, trying to dissect conversations to learn all he can in a very short time. He's always looking for something to learn, quickly soaking up all knowledge thrown at him. If he ever fails in something, he will be very heartbroken and even harder on himself, tossing himself right back in to do it better. Nothing short of success is good enough for him. Through all of this he will still try and maintain a relationship with his siblings, but feels like he is in a constant struggle to do better than them. It's not like he wants to be better than his siblings, but he doesn't want to stand in anyone's shadow. I am guessing his siblings will see this as wanting to be better, even though he just wants to make everyone proud, including them. I can foresee a bit of tension because of this, leaving Fable confused and hurt.

Roleplay Sample:

He stood low to the ground, his belly getting tickled by the blades of grass below him. His eyes narrowed in on his prey, the toad was unaware of his presence. With his rump up in the air, he wiggled it slightly to and fro as he tried to find his balance. He would catch this thing, and bring it back to Papa to show him what a good hunter he was. The boy was determined to do his parents proud, and surly a fast hopping creature like the toad would be a prime example of his skill. One large paw after another, he grew closer and closer to the amphibian, careful to not step on any branches near the creek. The toad croaked, his throat expanding as it let out a loud sound. But Fable wasn't scared, he was going to catch it if it was the last thing that he did. Nothing else mattered, he just wanted to do good by his mother and father. His Papa was a strong fighter, and his Momma was the best healer around. He wanted to do both, and be the best hunter ever! He could do it all, he knew he could. But the child knew that it would take a lot of hard work, something he was more than willing to do. He knew already at such a young age, that he could do anything he set his mind to.

Fable knew that he was close enough to leap on the toad, but looking behind it, he knew that if he missed he would go flying into the river. Not only would he go home without a prize, he would be a very wet puppy. Momma always said that the river could be dangerous for the little ones, that they could be swept away if they weren't careful. He shuddered, there was no way he wanted to get forced away from his family. They meant everything to him! He didn't know what he would do without them. So the multihued boy knew that he had to calculate this right, he couldn't overshoot the toad by very much. Knowing this, he narrowed his golden eyes and took his time. But before he was done thinking, the toad hopped off of its perch and headed towards the river behind it. The pups heart fell to his paws, but he wasn't done yet. Quickly making the adjustments, he jumped into the sky, flying over where the toad had been. He felt its squishy body in his font paws as he landed, his eyes growing wide. He was going to get it! Just before his hind legs hit the earth, one of his paws slid off of the slick toads back, and he lost his footing. Fable crashed to his side, the impact causing the air to rush out of his lungs. The toad, unharmed, simply hopped into the water and vanished. The boy laid there, trying to catch his breath as hot tears rolled down his cheeks. He had failed. He had nothing to bring back to his parents, nothing to show for all of this effort. When he was finally able to draw in a deep breath, he rose to his paws and greedily sucked air into his lungs. He was just going to give up and go home, but his brows knit together at the thought. No, he was not a failure! He would keep hunting until he caught something, even if his side was bruised now. He wouldn't go home until he had something to show Papa and Momma. With a swift nod, he dropped into a crouch once more, shouldering the pain that came from the movement. He would catch a toad, no matter what.

My focus needs more focus.



3 Years
08-19-2016, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2016, 01:25 PM by Luck.)
OOC Name: Lolaf
Name: Glory (Later Prestige)
Gender: Trans-Male (Assigned Female at birth)
Design Number: #4
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Description:

Glory, later to be known as Prestige, did not unfortunately win the genetic lottery when it comes to passing as male. The child will first and foremost be lithe, much to his chagrin seemingly unable to bulk up despite his best attempts to. As he ages he will be begin to develop further, slight curves and a more delicate feminine shape coming to bear upon his frame. He is not a big wolf by any standard of the imagination, only growing to be 32 inches he will at least be taller than his mother. However if there is one saving grace it is that much of his overall shape will be affected by the sheer volume of his fur. Like his parent's before him the child will be massively fluffy, and as he grows he will do his best to keep his fur unkempt so as to help hide his physique.  

His wild pelt will truly be a sight to behold; and is mercifully more reminiscent of his father. A rich cream will be the base for his legacy to play upon. A lighter cream, near white, will mark him; starting from the base of his skull and down the back of his neck, extending out towards his limbs as it goes, where it will curve along his shoulders and down his forelegs, pulling back at the elbow briefly to color his shins all the way down to his paws completely. The color will mark both his back and his stomach in equal measure, coloring the front of his rear limbs to match his forepaws in the case of the latter and covering all but the underside of the base of his tail at the former.

The light color will be broken only by a deep, solid black color, wrapping around the nape of his neck just above his shoulders, the same color will blaze briefly across his chest. Black is the color at the tip of his ears and the blaze running from the very front of his muzzle all the way up to between his eyes. Under each brilliant eyes will be a long black streak that pulls both towards the corner of his eyes to fade smoothly into cream and down his face; the latter of which is also ringed by the same pale cream as the majority of his body.

His gaze when not turned to the ground will be stunning. The right eye will be a brilliant pink color a deep purple swirling around his iris to make the color rather indescribable; even that will be out done by his left eye however, the same brilliant pink color almost drowned out by mingling blue and green and purple to leave his gaze looking bright even when his gaze is down turned.

His voice will at first be loud and full of joy, tinged with the innocent tones of a child as of yet unquestioning. As he grows however it will become soft and unused, turning first sultry and then aggressively gruff as he forces the image of a man upon a listener, desperate to banish the idea of a woman from his very being.

Personality Description:

As a child Glory who will be called Prestige will show all outward signs of being a happy, healthy pup. Which will be true, the boy will quickly grow to be a jokester, a lame pun quick to fall from his tongue or a silly face or gesture always ready to lighten the mood. His laugh will be omnipresent during his puphood.

He will play with his siblings in a manner expected of a child, with wild abandon. He has little care or worry, and will remain in that state for those blissful early months. Unfortunatly as he nears one year of age his smiles will be less sincere. He will make a serious effort to try and appear the same as he was a care free child, with varying results. Under the bright smiles he is deeply insecure, battling with himself, his inner demons telling him he will never be accepted for who he is.

As he continues to develop and will be given a chance to choose his path in life, the life of a warrior will draw him in, to his eyes it will be masculine, something he can do to try and pass. He will throw his whole being into being the best he can be, seeking achievements and approval.

In the end what sort of a wolf he will be will depends on the acceptance of those around him. Should he be accepted he will make a return to the cheer of his pup hood, the smiles once more sincere.

Should he face rejection he will become standoffish, defiant, a deep brooding anger taking hold of who he used to be; all traces of that once joyful pup erased from his being.


When Prestige gets to the age of one I can see him really throwing himself into the role of being a warrior, he'll want to try and be one of the best, which might not be an achievable goal for him... it'd be interesting to play around with that. I was thinking he could go on a bit of a soul searching journey or meet other wolves that sort of help him to realize who he is. Ultimately I'd love for him to find someone who loves and accepts him and for him to eventually settle down.

Roleplay Sample:

Glory groaned and rolled over, flailing his legs dramatically as he did so, so that they hit the ground with a thud. Outside the den the the enticing scent of fresh rain and the pounding sound of surfaces being pelted by falling water reminding the pup why he wasn't allowed outside. He sneezed, sniffed then went back to groaning and rolling and flailing. It just wasn't fair! How come he had to be sick? How come he had to stay in the den, all alone while everyone else got to go out and play, in the mud and wet.

No! He wasn't going to stand for his! Today he was playing kingdom and he was the king! That meant he could do whatever he wanted. Rolling onto his paws Glory peeked outside the den, nose getting wet from the run off of the roof of the den. He couldn't see anyone outside and the smell of rain made it impossible to smell anyone else. With a spurt of courage the pup pelted beyond the entrance and out into the wet.

He immediately stopped to play in the first mud puddle he could find, splashing and jumping around as the sticky substance began to cover his legs and underbelly. The falling rain and the clinging mud flattened his usually wild pelt into a shape much more akin to that of his mother's. When he grew thoroughly tired of the puddle Glory took a seat, tongue lolling. He sneezed and coughed and spotting his reflection in the puddle frowned.

The pup began to furiously roll on the ground, intent on mussing up his fur once more, a twist in his stomach urging him to hide the shape he saw in his reflection. His fun now thoroughly ruined the wet, mud covered pup trudged back into the den more miserable than before he had left. It turned out his mood would only worsen as the day went on, it would be impossible to hide his little adventure from his parents as there was no other explanation for the mud caked into his fur, nor the leaves and grasses that were stuck to him. Not only that but his cold would worsen, which would mean even more days spent inside the den.

It would be a few days later that he would feel well enough to finally actually admit that his adventure had maybe not been the smartest choice he had ever made. Though never out loud, and certainly not this parents.
[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-20-2016, 11:07 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2016, 01:08 AM by Avalon.)
OOC Name: Dragon
Name: Emblem Ancora
Gender: Male
Design Number: #2. #6 if two isn't available (if necessary, I can rewrite another appearance).
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Description:
As a pup, Emblem will resemble a teddy graham cracker version of a panda. Color wise, that is. He'll have inherited the extra fluffy coat from both parents, thus making him look rounder than the average pup. His ears will appear small and round, his paws will appear larger than normal, and overall he'll look stocky and very round in general. But also quite the adorable little fluff ball.

As the male grows into adulthood, he'll have outgrown his panda pudginess and into a well chiseled, fluffy, muscular male. Emblem will grow taller than both of his parents, coming to stand at a total of 39” and holding a healthy weight of 180 pounds. Emblem has inherited characteristics from both his mother and father, such as Creed’s muscular build and his mother's intelligent looking eyes. Well toned muscle sits beneath a fluffy coat inherited from both parent's, keeping him comfortably warm during the colder seasons and irritatingly hot during the summer.

The male has acquired more than simple looks, however. He's a handsome male, bearing a broad chest and head, thick sturdy legs, and well toned muscle making the male built to be more of a power house. His thick fluffy coat, suited better for arctic weather, is thicker around his neck and shoulders, chest, stomach, tail, and even his lower legs and paws, much like his father. His ears are the perfect size for his broad head, sitting erect and framed by slightly longer tufts of fur at the base.

The markings that sit upon the man are something intricate for his lineage. Designed by his genetics and inherited from his Ancoran ancestors, Emblem is proud of his looks, though is humble about them as well. His base pelt is a light golden tan, similar to the color of a Lion's hide. Dark markings seem to interrupt the easy flow of his base color, dark black the shade of a raven's feather flow from his paws like leather boots, streaming upwards behind his elbows and the front of his knees up and across his shoulders like a harness, where it then slides down his back, enveloping the entirety of his tail.

The dark touch does not end there, however. The backs of the man's ears are dipped in black, his inner ear fur a lighter, coal black. The bridge of his nose is also streaked with dark black, the edges of this marking smudging out as if soot was rubbed around the edges. The most prominent marking, however, is the ebony that seems to bleed from his eyes. Much like eyeliner, the male has unique markings painted around his wide, intelligent eyes. It begins to bleed downwards at both corners, creating a unique effect different from the usual perfectly clean streak that his father bears.

Apart from the raven's feather black upon his form, a lighter shade of coal wraps itself along his body, following the path of its darker brethren. It rises up his front legs to his shoulders, flowing slightly onto the crest of his neck fur before fading off. Upon his shoulder blades and upper back, it sits like a small saddle, before being broken off until it returns in a rough “U” shape on his back legs within the darkness.

Lastly, Emblem has acquired the eye colors from both parents. Ever so delicately, the sapphire blue from his mother swirls around his pupils, bleeding slightly outward, refusing to stay within its boundaries. Secondly, his father's green fills in the rest of his eyes, deep and pure like an emerald. Complementing the sapphire blue like a match made in heaven, though of course, he believes his parents are that very thing.

Personality Description:

Extremely loyal//hard working//honorable//fair//loving//non-judgmental//compassionate//takes no crap//level-headed//family man// (all this and more added if I get him)

Since the moment he can walk, talk, and see, Emblem becomes quite the inquisitive boy. He seeks knowledge about the world around him, and wants to learn everything. He's quite the adventurous child, always exploring wherever he can, but won't break the rules while doing it. He's quite interested in learning anything and everything his parents have to offer, and may be the most well behaved child around, especially when it comes to history lessons about his lineage. He's so interested in history, in fact, that he may go around and ask questions to all those within the pack he comes across, be it about his family, the pack, someone else's family, or the world in general.

Adult (Subject to change depending on IC interactions).

Emblem is a quiet, collected male, with a serious but courteous demeanor. When he gets older, he may often be viewed by his peers as the model of a perfect soldier; strictly disciplined and extremely rational, he will rarely relax when on the job. Though he may seem strict, rigid, and maybe even a little mean on the outside (mostly towards strangers and outsiders), he is really not as cold and distant as he might appear. Those who are close to him know that there is more to him then his no-nonsense attitude; beneath his professional aura is a kind soul who may understand the difficulties of carrying a heavy burden.
Despite his rigid demeanor, Emblem does have a softer side that tends to make itself known when interacting with younger wolves, such as pups, as well as family, and even those who are more timid and shy. It may also not be unusual to see him behaving sweetly to young pups, and those he might have a crush on, or even in love with. But he only shows this part in private, when he thinks nobody is watching.

On more informal occasions, such as when spending the day with close friends or family,  Emblem also might show hints of a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. Very disciplined, he takes his work seriously and is almost never seen “dropping formalities,” even with those who are closest to him. He's generally not prone to public displays of affection, preferring to show his feelings through more subtle ways. The Ancora male seems the personification of "tough love," demanding excellence from those he respects or considers important.

Seemingly withdrawn, he doesn't speak unnecessarily or express his feelings often through words, but reveals most of his thoughts through nonverbal communication, with trademark sharp looks and rare, subtle smiles. The occasional tail wag, ear flick, wink, or other non-verbal forms. Emblem is the type of male who will take responsibility for his actions, rather than looking for excuses, lying, or blaming them on someone else. He may often decide to sacrifice his own happiness and comfort, to ensure that those around him have it first. Thus putting the needs of others before his own more often than not.

Plans: Emblem will generally want to stay around his family. He's very loyal and dedicated to them, and he definitely wants to learn some things from his mother, and fighting from his father. He definitely wants to learn the history from both sides, and will aim to be the best warrior he can be! Perhaps someday he'd even like to try for his own pack! He's going to try and learn everything that he can, because knowledge is power and power is get the idea. Eventually he'll want to settle down with someone he loves and have a few litters, because who doesn't love puppies? He's very family oriented, so he would strive to build strong family bonds <3

Roleplay Sample:

Rain. It was his first time seeing it, and he wasn't sure what to make of it. The boy sat inside the den, his nose barely peeking out of the entrance until a fat rain drop splashed on it. He yelped slightly, jumping back as he licked the water off of his nose. With perked ears and a soft whine, he glanced back at his siblings who were all cuddled up together keeping warm. But he wanted to go out and investigate, to see what the Plains looked like in this kind of weather, to test the ground and see how different it was compared to when it was dry. Dual toned eyes watched the rain fall, and after much debate and prancing of his paws, he couldn't take it. He had to know!

The young boy raced out, paws splashing in the mud as the rain slid off his pelt. The world smelled different in the rain, it was earthy and...pleasant. He liked the world when it rained, and he wished it would more often. Large paws raced across the plains, his pudgy body now slick from the rain as he made his way to one of his favorite spots. He'd found it not too long ago, a patch of secluded grass beneath a small cluster of trees that he liked to explore around, and often sit and think about the world around him.

It wouldn't take him long to arrive, and by the time he did, gusts of wind began to whip the world around him, pelting him with hard rain. It didn't bother him though, he believed it would help him with endurance training and not mind scratches and the like should he ever get in a fight later in life.

As the boy approached the cluster of trees, he noticed a few branches had fallen to the ground, and he was disappointed that his little spot was trashed. Dismayed, he figured he'd return to the den for now and come back when the rain stopped so he could try and clear away the branches. And as the boy turned to leave, he spotted something on the ground. A tilt of his head and furrowed brows, Emblem had never seen such a thing on the ground before...when he got closer, he noticed it was a nest, and inside was a few broken eggs. He felt sad that the poor baby birds would never get to grow up, but then something else caught his eyes.

There was a single bird egg nearby, just under one of the branches. Quickly, he reached beneath the branch with a large paw, gently dragging the egg towards him. Looking around, he didn't see the parent birds, or anyone else nearby. And he sure as heck didn't want to leave it here alone. Wouldn't it die? He thought for a moment, and decided he'd take it back to the den with him. Gently, he grasped it in mouth, and as quickly and as carefully as he could, he'd run back to the den. He would make sure this egg hatched, because he felt it deserved a chance at life just like him. And who knew, maybe they'd be friends when it hatched! With a wagging tail, he'd return to where he came, a muffled excited call for his mother and father upon arriving. Immediately, the boy would find a nice warm place for it, and he would make sure it lived. It had to! And he would try his hardest to make sure it did.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
08-20-2016, 11:43 PM
OOC Name: Catcher
Name: Reverence Ancora
Gender: Male
Design Number: #2
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Description: 200+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining build characteristics. (For ideas of what build they may inherit, Check out their parents' profiles; both are well detailed)

Personality Description: Reverence is a male of high morals and great self-respect. He knows of his strengths, his talents, but even more so his weaknesses. How is he to be a warrior, if he can not acknowledge and conquer over something that brings him down? One of the deadliest things about Reverence, is perhaps, the knowledge he has on both herbs and the anatomy of a wolf. Knowing how to heal is one thing- but knowing what does the most damage, is another. His mother's skills are a strong asset to him, and while she may not of intended for him to use it as an advantage to his combat- the result has come to such. Of course, Reverence does not fight nor put his strength to show unless it is forced out of him. He does not wish for violence or gore, but he will also not stand back and let another being harm someone so close to him.

He is a loyal, caring man. Those who grow close to him will have his full protection and devotion, something he does not take lightly. He is a working male and he strives to ensure those around him, have what they need. Should it be a mere hunt or should it be a fight to defend their hide; he'll be right there in hopes to bring both safety and pride. Overall, Reverence is quite calm to a degree. Around his family, he observes and watches. He is not the leader of the litter nor is he the runt, but like in any case- he is not a push over. He will not make a fuss over an issue but rather keep his mouth closed and deal with the feelings on his own, believing it is a burden to weigh them down on his parents, family, or friends. Maybe, just maybe, that is the one weakness he will never conquer.

Plans: I truly feel as if Reverence will wish to stick with his family, mainly for the ideal of wanting to bond and grow with them as a strong individual. He is calm and easy-going, but extremely loyal- which mean he probably won't leave his parents or siblings. He'd follow them to the ends of the earth, if that's what fate wanted! I'll be looking at getting him some training in combat as well as for healing, (a deadly combo, right? :D). I don't think i'll be planning anything horrible and if something ever does go the route- i'd like to get permission for it first!

Roleplay Sample: 200+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh <3



9 Years
08-22-2016, 02:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2016, 02:03 PM by Xephyris.)
OOC Name: Shadowed
Name: Exodus Ancora
Gender: Male
Design Number: Design #3
Alignment: Lawful Good.

Appearance Description: The brute takes after his father in both height and bulk. As an adult he will reach up to 36" at the withers, while weighing at a hefty 180 lbs. He will make for a powerful fighter, his body husky and well-built for overpowering opponents in battle. With a high shoulder line, his neck is somewhat short and stocky, with thick, muscular shoulders and a deep, broad chest. Each limb is heavily laced in rock-hard muscle. As well as Creed's hefty build, Exodus also adorns the thick, winter-ready coat that his father is covered in. However, the color is all different, in bright and stark contrast with his father's monotonous, gray hues.

His base coat is a bright and snowy white like his mother's. The markings that break up the beautiful white of his coat are two contrasting shades of brown. Shades of light tawny and dark chestnut or chocolate. The lighter tawny can be found starting on the point of his chin and the end of his snout, reaching up between his eyes in a distinct blaze. The dark chestnut hue borders the blaze. There are also markings around and under each eye - the dark brown encircles each eye, and bleeds down under the eyes like claw marks. There are four streaks under the left eye, and five under the right eye, each stripe flecked with the lighter tawny color. This is just the beginning of his unique markings. Light tawny also marks his body, starting at the back of his neck directly where his skull connects with his spine, creating a narrow stripe down his spine while draping generously over both shoulders. Dark chocolate is nested across the back of his shoulders as well. The tawny shade continues down his back all the way to the end of his tail on the upper surface, while the mid-lower surface of the tail is bathed in darker brown and the underside of the tail is white. The light tawny color is also streaked down the front of his thighs, spreading from the front of his hip area down to the knee, spreading gradually to the hock and down the remainder of each hind leg, while the dark chestnut hue borders the lighter shade from the hip down to the back of the hock. Light tawny also graces his forelegs, from the back of the elbow it spreads down gradually to engulf the foreleg partway down, leaving part of the front of the foreleg pristine white. Each paw is dipped in the dark chocolate hue from the toes to the wrist/ankle.

He carries the large, intelligent eyes of his mother, but they are multi-colored, carrying mixed traits from both of his parents. The base hue is an apricot amber in both eyes. Within his right eye is a bright ring of green flecks around the pupil. The left eye is flecked with magenta, violet and green, creating a fascinating, mystical appearance to shine in his eyes.

Personality Description: Kind. Good-natured. Generous. Honest. Stubborn. Impatient. Strong-willed. Loyal. Devoted to family. Protective. Proud. Lawful. Passionate. Determined.

Exodus wants to be the best he can be, looking up to the adults in the pack and admiring their strength, courage and knowledge. He knows that he will be a strong warrior someday, and will devote himself to learning all that he can, to become the best he possibly can. He will also enjoy traveling and exploration, much like his father. He wants to provide and protect, and will grow into a very reliable, devoted family man. While he is generally optimistic, he doesn't see the good in everyone, and adheres strictly to the laws of good, harboring a strong sense of justice within him. He will not take well to acts of crime and injustice, and will defend the honor and moral values of his family passionately. Incredibly protective, he makes it his duty to keep his family safe, and will do what he can to safeguard the young, the weak and the elderly. He'd sooner die than see someone hurt that he could have protected.

He is generally good-natured and generous, loving to make others smile and feel good; if there is anything he can do to brighten someone's day, he will find it. He is honest and would never feel right omitting information or making up stories, even if it would get him out of trouble. He would rather take responsiblity for his actions and learn something from his mistakes, rather than trying to cover his tracks and get away with something he should not have done. After all, he would expect the same sort of truthfulness from others. He holds nothing back and at times he can be blunt but he only wants the best, and feels that sharing the truth is the only right thing to do. However, it is not his intent to cut down others with his words, and he will do his best to make amends and give confidence back to anyone he has hurt. He holds the values of life, hope, truth and honor close to his heart, and these are things he strives to uphold.

He is proud, strong-willed, and more than a little stubborn. Though he looks up to his elders, he will always want to do things his way, and might make a lot of mistakes and learn things the hard way due to this. However, he will be more than willing to take the advice of his superiors once he has seen the error of his ways. He will be perhaps a little too obsessed with upholding the law, and might almost seem somewhat vengeful - however, that is not the case. He will simply have no tolerance for rule-breakers and criminals, and will have no qualms about seeing that they are rightfully punished.

Plans: I don't know! I have some vague ideas. I would love to have him develop a lot of strong relationships with his immediate family, as well as the wolves of Celestial. I want him to be a strong fighter, and as he grows older he will want to uphold the law with all of his being. Might make him come on a little strong to wrong-doers, opening up the potential for conflict (especially a conflict of ethics as he might feel the need to go to extreme lengths to seek justice!), as well as extreme loyalty to his pack.

Roleplay Sample: It was the day he had finally been assigned his first mentor, and it was a proud day indeed for the boy. He had been waiting for what felt like an eternity in the eyes of a youngster, and he had certainly been impatient about it although he had tried to hold his tongue and not make a fuss - he knew there was no sense pushing for something that could not be rushed. But today, his formal training would finally begin! He tried to stifle a whine of excitement, but he could not help himself as he felt a rush of exhilaration. As he went bounding across the plains ahead of his new teacher, his interestingly marked tail wagging furiously, the white underside of his tail flashing occasionally, he let out a gleeful yip, his heavy paws pounding against the grassy expanse of land. He was not sure what his mentor had in mind for him today, but could not wait to find out. Would he learn to be a fearless warrior, to fight off enemies and bring home the glory of victory? Or would he learn to be a stealthy hunter, to bring down the toughest of prey that would feed and impress his family? His mind a whirlwind of opportunities, daydreams whizzing through his thoughts one after another, he had forgotten to temper his enthusiasm.

Coming to a sudden halt, Exodus realized how childish he must have appeared to his teacher. Grinning sheepishly, he hung his head as he hunched slightly, his tail wagging lowly in an apologetic matter as he turned back to see his mentor rather far behind. Oh, he had definitely come across as immature - his teacher would not even want to acknowledge him, would he? If anything, he should be following his mentor's pace, and waiting for the older man's direction. He did not want to look like a little kid with no manners or self-control. So, still crouched into a submissive posture, he crept back to his mentor, grinning up at him. "Sorry, I-I got a little excited," he apologized, although there was a hint of amusement, even a little laughter, in his voice, "I am really ready to start training, I promise to do my best!" He smiled up at his mentor, tail wagging in hopes that he had not made too much of a fool of himself. He did not know what lessons they would cover today, but Exodus was ready to learn anything, from navigation to healing, fighting or hunting, and anything in between, his mind was a sponge ready to soak up vital information.
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



8 Years
08-22-2016, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2016, 03:55 PM by Solveiga.)
OOC Name: Requiem
Name: Serenity Ancora
Gender: Female
Design Number: made my own here so the eye color would be different from #5
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance Description: She is feminine and full of grace in every way. Her build is soft and light, yet very agile; what she lacks in strength she makes up for in speed and ease of movement. Serenity has a dainty frame, but she is not small. She measures up to a full 34 inches in height, falling almost perfectly between the two of her parents. This could be seen as an amusing coincidence, because her coat is a perfect mix of the two as well.

Serenity has a beautiful pelt of snowy white fur in which she takes a great deal of pride. Like her mother, she was gifted with very thick and fluffy fur, which nearly masks her petite frame. She works hard to stay clean, keeping her pelt spotless and feather soft at all times. This shining white fur, however, does not move uninterrupted throughout her entire body. It is cut into by bold, black markings that match those of her father. These include black tipped ears and a thick black band from her nose to her brow, as well as the characteristic black tears streaming from her bright, jade colored eyes. She also has black in a patch on her chest and covering the lower halves of each of her four willowy legs.

Serenity really is a gorgeous young woman, but she does not behave as if she knows this to be a fact. She is a gentle and respectful soul, and when she walks it is with silent, unassuming movements. Her entire presence is peaceful, and her voice is no exception. It is warm and soothing, bordering on sultry at times, but she would never be the type to tease or flirt with anyone besides the one she has given her heart to. From childhood into adulthood her demeanor will always be relaxed, with no angry words or excited movements. All irony aside, Serenity really is serene.

One important thing to note is that, as Serenity matures into young adulthood, she will lose her hearing almost completely. She was born this way, perhaps due to the advanced age of her parents at the time she was conceived and carried. By the time she reaches her second year, it will be impossible for her to hear anything other than very, very loud noises. If someone stood less than a foot away and yelled loudly, she might hear it. However, she will never be able to make out specific words, and will instead have to become very skilled at reading lips and gestures. Her friends and family will have to exercise the same patience she does during this time of learning and adapting, but once she has gotten used to her disability, it will be nearly unnoticeable to others.

Personality Description:
          Patient - Serenity never seems to be in much of a hurry. She prefers to take things slow and savor them. It takes an awful lot to anger or upset her in any way. Sometimes it seems as if her patience has no limit at all, but considering her situation that certainly isn't a bad thing. When dealing with her deafness, she will rarely get frustrated, if ever. She has an incredible ability to reign in her emotions and stay calm even when facing adversity.

          Adaptable - Another trait that comes in handy for Serenity when dealing with her disability is her willingness and ability to adapt. She always strives to keep and open mind and remain flexible, meeting her needs and the needs of others in whatever way possible. Serenity also has a bright and innovative mind, which helps her find ways to communicate despite her challenges.

          Independent - She refuses to depend too heavily on the help of anyone, preferring to depend only on herself. This is not to say that she is distrustful, however; she just wants to feel strong and independent. She doesn't want her family to think they have to watch her closely or tend to her in any way.

          Virtuous - She is a woman with high standards for herself and for others. She is very moral, and though she is patient she has noticeably less tolerance for those who knowingly and purposefully break the rules and regulations set forth for them. Her virtues include things such as honesty and compassion, but they also cover more intimate things. Serenity will never, ever be the type to engage in a one night stand. She believes in giving herself only to the one she has fallen in love with; the one who has made a vow to her in some way promising not to leave her or break her heart.

          Proud - This is a trait that ties in closely with her independent tendencies. She would rather try to solve a problem on her own than ask someone else for help. This is a matter of her pride. Serenity is also proud of her appearance, bordering on vain when it comes to keeping herself looking clean and beautiful.

Plans: Making friends and learning to be a healer like her mom! Also I'm excited to (hopefully) play her with the deafness involved, because from a writing standpoint I think that will be challenging and really fun!

Roleplay Sample: Serenity had slept in a little later than her siblings that morning, but when at last she did rise she gave her fur a shake and stretched each leg and paw. Then she slowly dipped into a long and wonderful stretch, arching her back and parting her jaws in a silent yawn. Then, finally, she was all ready to go. The snowy girl came walking out of the den, squinting a little at how bright the sun had gotten. How long had she been sleeping? The birds hadn't woken her up that day. In fact, they seemed to have slowly stopped with their wake up calls altogether. Were the birds gone? Serenity stopped and sat on her little white haunches, peering with intense concentration into the branches of the tree above her head. She saw two birds there, and one opened his beak in song.

Her ears perked and the beginnings of a smile pulled at her lips. She loved to hear the birds sing. But she continued to wait, even as the chest of the little bird thrummed with song. Nothing. Or, maybe a little of something. One or two particularly piercing notes that broke through into her ears. But she could not hear the entirety of his song, and it saddened her. Her perks ears swiveled back in disappointment; her soft smile turned into a frown. Why couldn't she hear the bird sing?



4 Years
08-23-2016, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2016, 02:49 PM by Verana.)
OOC Name: Leah
Name: Paragon Ancora
Gender: Female
Design Number: #5
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance Description: Perfect dove in a celestial land. Ancora and Nomad blood rushes through her veins. The cells mixing and creating her to be the lovely mixture of Creed and Kavdaya. The base coat of her bodice is stained alabaster, her coat thick and grown out for chilling climates. Her mother was purely color, and her father consists of it too, both parents owning coats of fluff. Yet, she is not only this color and in fact she has multiple markings that stain her fur. The ears, both of them tipped with obsidian. Her optics are surrounded by the same obsidian, a marking that was inherited from her father. Dark permanent tears rolling from her gaze, staining her face for an eternity. Her snout is stained with onyx too, a thick strip crawling up the bridge of her and all the way up to her forehead. There is also a patch of a slightly black that is right on her chest, a hole in her heart.. Finally, all four of her paws are the shadow color that marks her face and chest, the socks creep up her legs, only staining just barely past her knees. Paragon’s gaze is colored mostly amethyst, and she receives partial heterochromia from her mother. The purple flecked over with bits of sapphire, as well as even smaller flecks of pink. Two gems that sit in her skull that give her an alluring expression. The fae will take after her mother’s build, a figure of elegance and grace. Holding the sheer beauty and lithe of the woman she calls her mother. She will hold perfect curves and thin limbs, strong muscles hidden under her perfectly soft and well groomed coat. Paragon’s fur will be most thick around her neck and her tail, the traits she received from both parent’s. She will have a soft and calm voice from her mother. In fact, she will take off so much like her mother that she will be just about 31 inches and 105 pounds, barely larger than Kavdaya.

Personality Description: Just have faith in her. Ever since she was a pup, she craved for knowledge. She wanted to understand anything and everything, most of this came from watching her mother heal and such. She’s quite curious, maybe even a little too much, but she doesn’t let that blind her either. Joyful and curious girl, an angel in the world of Boreas. She wants to do what is morally right, and she will try to be the best that she can. Optimistic creature, the glass if half full and it will always be half full. Of course, the world will never be perfect, but she always tries to think positive. Obviously she can’t do this all the time, but she will normally try to be the one to lift the spirits. If she wants something she will work hard for it, always trying to prove herself to especially her mother, as she dreams of taking the healer route. She will try, try, try, even if it seems impossible for her. Her ambition drives her to be a hard working lady and it is hard to discourage her from her dream’s. If Paragon has her focus on something, she will try her hardest and her best to get it. It’s a mere fact about her, and something you can’t quite change about her. You would think she would be timid and maybe even ignorant, but she is far from that. Because of her craving of understanding, she will want to know how to do everything. She is not gentle and sweet all the time, if somebody she hold dear to her heart is messed with then she will turn into a vicious little thing. Nobody quite knows where she earned such a silver tongue, but she has it and she is not afraid to use it. This proves her loyalty pretty well, as she cherishes those who treat her right and she would do a lot for them. Perhaps she get’s attached a little too easily, this is probably a bad thing, but as she grows up she will eventually learn her lesson. Someday somebody will treat her terribly or betray her, and she will learn not to care so easily. Yet, she has a strong soul and she will not break so easily. She refuses to give in to the negative’s of life, and she will remain a strong fae until the day she dies. Overall, she has learned her demeanor from both her parent’s, and she will stick to these ways for a large amount of her life. Perhaps certain situations might shape her and change her slightly, but she will always be Paragon.

Plans: I plan on having her become particularly close with her mother. She will wish to take the full route of healing and become a Master Healer like her mother when she grows older. She will want to have a strong bond with her immediate family and make plenty of friends in the wolves of Celestial. She will be quite curious so she may gain that wanderlust from her father and occasionally take some trips around the other lands of Boreas and such. She'd love to meet a lot of wolves outside of Celestial too and all that!

Roleplay Sample: Finally, Mama and Papa had agreed that Paragon and her siblings could leave the Plains to go explore the Lake. Wolfpaw Lake that is, the small girl was extremely excited and curious to see what she would find today. And as soon as the large amount of water came into view she raced her litter mates to the shore. She heard a warning from Papa to be careful, and she would definitely be. Onyx paws pushed her little body forwards and soon enough she was coming to a halt at the water’s edge. “Woah!” she exclaimed, looking at her own very reflection in the glassy liquid. She dared to put a toe into the water, and she realized that it was quite nice! Carefully she dipped her head to lap at the liquid, taking a nice and peaceful drink. Suddenly, somebody splashed her! “Hey!” she exclaimed, annoyed with whichever sibling had done such a thing. All of them were already walking into the water and splashing and playing. She looked back to see that Mama and Papa were already in the water too, their tall legs in the water and they seemed quite happy. Be careful, it’s what Papa said, but if they were all in the water then she could be in there too!

The girl carefully put her paw into the lake, it was nice but a little cold for her liking. Slowly, paw by paw, she was standing barely off of the shore. Uncertain and doubtful, maybe even a little scared because she didn’t know what to do. She looked at her siblings who seemed to be having a blast! Slowly she began to go in deeper and deeper, and then it touched her stomach. Oh gosh, it was so cold, she quickly took a few steps back and her eyes grew wide as a chill ran up her spine. What was this?! She needed help, and she wasn’t afraid of getting it. Quickly the girl turned around and bounded back up to the shore, the sand now clung to her wet paws and she didn’t know if she liked it or not. Bounding over to the left to where her parent’s were, “Mama!” she cried out, walking into the water again. She tried to go as deep as she could without getting her stomach wet, but she was stopped and because Mama was so tall she could stand way far into the water! She didn’t want to be cold but she wanted to be with her siblings, and maybe she could try to go out as far as her parents too. Suddenly, a flash of silver caught her eye and her attention was quickly averted. As she waited for her mother, she squinted her multihued gaze and looked deeply into the water. The silver came back, scales shimmering under the sunlight, a fish! She had seen smaller ones in the creek back in the plains, but this one was much bigger. She remembered her father coming home with various animals in his jaws, she wanted the fish! Without hesitation she pushed her upper body up and front paws came striking down where the fish was. Too fast, she missed and instead splashed a bunch of water upon herself. Now she was just getting annoyed and upset, but instead she turned the negative feelings into determination as to catch the fish. She would get it and she wasn’t leaving until she could bring one back to the plains.
[Image: KPkoPrh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
08-31-2016, 11:47 PM
After much deliberation between Shrapnel and Myself, we have not only chosen the players, but decided to announce the winners early! :D

Without further adieu, I present to thee!

Fable, played by Evelyn!
Glory/Prestige, played by Lolaf!
Exodus, Played by Shadowed!

Annnnd - drumroll, please *ratatatatat* thank you;

Paragon, played by Leah!

I look forward to seeing all the adorable threads, and seeing how these guys grow.

Thank you everyone else who applied; your applications were great, but these four stood out the most for this litter ;)

Remember guys, get your profiles made and filled in, and in the meantime, bounce with joy and impatient excitement for babies! :D
[Image: T8yHvja.png]


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
09-01-2016, 06:53 PM
Eve made gifties!

My focus needs more focus.


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
09-08-2016, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 01:46 AM by Shrapnel.)
Okay so I just wanted to put this here. Any pup not ready to be accepted at the birthing date will be readopted out to someone who will. Bri and I don't want any stillborns in this litter. Feel free to pm Bri or myself or skype us if you feel like this is an inadequate amount of time or if you're having an issue somewhere.