
Making Waves



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
08-25-2016, 09:14 PM

Tornach had been wearing himself thin working alone on putting his plans into motion. Digging holes, then tilting fallen logs into them, then using clay to hold them upright while he filled the hole back in around the log, until he had a decently large amount of land enclosed in spaced out upright logs. Then he'd spent time weaving willow saplings though the slightly thicker uprights until his jaws ached, but the bit of land was all but enclosed, except for a woven-sapling door he could drag open and shut, locking it by dropping a thicker log across it. It had taken him long seasons to do it, but he was finally able to stand back and take pleasure in his accomplishment. He wondered what the Imperialis family, who he knew still resided here, thought about his admittedly eccentric doings. Aiden was certainly amused, though she had been very sweet and returned his earlier kindnesses in healing and hunting for her while she was injured tenfold by hunting for him while he worked. A diet consisting mostly of duck, dove, and pigeon for seasons was rather monotonous all told, but he was able to take the time to supplement it with hares and slightly larger small mammals so it wasn't too bad.

But his work had kept him away long enough for him to feel terribly guilty, recalling suddenly what Regulus had said about their mother being ill. Surely Kavdaya and Zuriel would have been treating whatever her illness was, though? She really wasn't that old, she should have many years ahead of her yet, and if the nomads were as good of healers as had always been claimed surely Kavdaya would know what to do far more than he, who had only the most rudimentary training he'd been able to scrape together.

But he really should have at least been by to visit this new litter of siblings he had, and with the vague idea of maybe getting to know them a bit and taking some of the strain off his family by babysitting the growing pups for a little while, he had set out for the familiar territory he too had grown up in. He dithered far less at the border this time - he couldn't really be made to feel worse than he'd felt last time he'd encountered his brother here, so there didn't seem much point in putting it off again. Raising his muzzle he called out softly for Regulus, and for the younger siblings he'd not met. He wasn't, actually, even sure how old they were now. He left it as an open-ended invitation, in case any of his other family members who were still around wanted to visit with him as well - though really he didn't think anyone other than him had chosen to not be part of the pack anyway, so chances were pretty good that they were around at least most of the time, probably much more often than him anyway.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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10 Years
Athena I
08-25-2016, 11:27 PM

Báine was still struggling to sleep with all of these thoughts weighing on her mind, but at least Zuriel had given her something to help calm her down a bit. The night before was the first night in a while she had slept semi-properly. She was still exhausted, but at least she was able to go about her day without wanting to fall asleep like she had at the last meeting. She was out trying to hunt for some food to take back to Zuriel and Kavdaya and maybe her parents if they felt like eating. Neither of them had been feeling very well though so she wasn't sure... Her train of thought got broken suddenly when her brother's familiar voice caught her attention and her head snapped up at the sound. Tor!

Her sleepiness was forgotten in her excitement and she left the prey she had been tracking to dart off toward his howl, eager to see her littermate again. She knew his call wasn't specifically addressed to her, but she didn't care. He was gonna get a visit from her too and he better gosh darn like it! She spotted his darker form at the borders and she skidded to a halt in front of him before she threw her neck around his for a moment. "Tornach! Ní fhaca mé tú i aois!" she called happily, her tail wagging behind her as she took a step back so she could grin at him. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
08-28-2016, 04:34 PM
Rasiel Adravendi

The girl perked her ears at the call, turning her attention away from the bone she was gnawing on to get to her feet. The call was for her big brother, and her siblings… as well as other members of the family? But not from anyone she recognized. Rassie glanced at the den, not sure if she wanted to leave it. She’d been sticking close by with her mother’s illness not getting better… but finally she decided to break away at least for a little while. Curiosity got the better of her as it often did so the little one began her search.

She found her elder sister and a brute who looked as though he too could be family. Rasiel approached him with a curious gaze, ears twitching thoughtfully as she spoke in a bold tone. “Why did you called us?” She asked softly. Her gaze flicked to Baine and then shifted back to the stranger, head cocked to the side. “Are you family too?” If he was then why hadn’t he been in the pack? Why hadn’t he stayed with Celestial?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



1 Year
09-09-2016, 11:54 AM
Kieryn Adravendi

Kieryn was finally feeling much better. After spending some time confined to the den to rest and recover, she no longer felt sick. The sniffles had disappeared and overall she felt much healthier. That much sadly couldn't be said for their parents. Their mother was feeling under the weather and it worried the young female. She didn't really have a good concept of what death was, but she could tell she wasn't supposed to be feeling like that as long as she had. She'd been sick for as long as she could remember and it left an ill feeling in her gut when she thought about it.

Today though the girl could be found wandering around. She wasn't quite sure what to do with herself, but she'd already had half a mind to look for Rasiel and Laisren. Maybe they wanted to do something! A howl stopped her mid thought and her ears would prick forward curiously. That was a voice she'd never heard before.

She set off to find it and it brought her to the borders. Their older sister was already there and Rasiel was too. She was a little nervous. She'd never bee this close to the borders before and she didn't want to get in trouble, but with Baine there she felt a bit more at ease. She was an adult so it had to be okay, right?

She'd come to sit next to Rasiel and pressed her smaller frame into her sister's. Blue eyes would peer up at the unnaturally large wolf. He was as big as Regulus and both dwarfed her. She hadn't been blessed with a large height and her sickness hadn't helped her weight any either. She felt incredibly tiny. She said nothing about it though and instead glanced at Rasiel as she asked the strange male a question. Was he family? Or was he just a stranger wanting to join?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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[Image: p9WJQ7K.png]



5 Years
09-11-2016, 06:37 PM
Laisrén Adravendi

Since his first lesson with Faite the boy had been persistently practicing and his confidence in himself was building. The desire to protect had found him and was beginning to bloom within him and he felt the urge to stand up and be one of the muscles for the pack. He was currently practicing his fighting stance when the summoning call rang out. The lanky boy perked before he dropped what he was doing and trotting off. With the training he was also improving on his balance and becoming more graceful, despite still being in the awkward growth stage in life. He quickened his pace hurrying to get there. He didn't recognize the call and he was worried that it may be danger.

When the gathering came into view he found his two litter mates and his older sister had arrived already. The male was unfamiliar looking along with his scent being unfamiliar. Although the body language on Baine was happy telling him that she knew this male. Moving forward he settled on the other side of Rasiel and looked to the male wondering who in the world he was and why he was summoning them all. He also wanted to know where the rest of them were, surely more of his family would come.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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6 Years

09-16-2016, 02:37 PM

An almost familiar howl caught her attention and Faite found herself raising her head to try and discern who it was. She'd been dozing off under the shade of a tree, but now she was up on her feet. It'd been a call for Regulus and the family, so it was certainly someone they knew. So with nothing better to do, the female headed off towards the borders to investigate a bit.

When she arrived she was surprised to see that Baine and her three youngest siblings had already beaten her there. She stared at the children, growing like weeds it seemed, as they all huddled together and stared at the "new comer." Her gaze would then drift to who they were staring at.

Surprisingly enough it was someone she recognized. A soft smile would tug at her lips as she looked at Tornach. Gliding to a stop near the pups she sat. She hadn't interacted with Tornach at all really and then he'd left when their mother had created the pack, but she certainly recognized him. His large dark frame was hard to miss, probably not so much as Regulus', but he clearly had similar markings their family seemed to have.

"Hey Tornach. I see you're quite popular today." She said with a chuckle.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-17-2016, 11:33 AM
Surprisingly the first of his family to appear wasn't the brother who'd inherited the pack, but rather Baine. His monochrome tail wagged in pleasure to see his littermate, though another twinge of guilt bit at him. He really hadn't been putting enough effort into seeking out his much smaller sister, even before he'd gotten caught up in his plans for the range. He'd even been here to speak with Regulus and hadn't sought her out. Though, he reasoned, she was surrounded by family here with Regulus, Zuriel, their mother and father, and the new pups, not to mention the more distant family that their mother attracted, so at least his absence hadn't meant she was alone. Still, he felt the need to explain his absence to her somehow. "Dia dhuit, Baine. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I've been building a..." he paused, uncertain of a word to describe it. "A community of my own, Baine. Someplace where anyone can feel welcome, have a say in the community and be safe. A place that can help... provide for all the wolves of Ardent, not just any one pack. It's been a lot of work so I'm afraid I haven't made it back here as often as I should..."

They were quickly joined by three young wolves, clearly his youngest siblings to judge by their colorations. Only the first spoke, a bold young girl who looked so much like him it was startling. He regarded her with all due gravity, and answered her with as much seriousness as she'd asked the question. "Yes, I am family. My name is Tórnach - I am your older brother. Baine is my littermate. You must be Rasiel, Laisrén, and Kieryn." Regulus had spoken only briefly of them at his last visit, so while he could pick out Laisren by virtue of being the only male, Tornach did not know which of the girls was which and so waited patiently for them to introduce themselves.

He was puzzled when another wolf appeared that he didn't recognize. No, he did recognize her, vaguely, from the meeting where his mother had raised Celestial's banner for the first time, but he didn't know who she was. She knew him, though, a startling fact that had him perusing the stranger much more closely. She was much smaller than him, but older, probably Regulus' age. It was the eyes that gave her away, though - they were Surreal's eyes, odd to see in a wolf of earthen coloration when it seemed that Surreal's colors bred true in their family rather than Falk's. "Faite?" he hazarded a guess, naming the sister who had gone missing before his own birth. He could remember now that Regulus had mentioned something about her elevation in rank to Legionary, though at the time he had not grasped the significance of the name. He dipped his head politely to her, not entirely certain how to greet someone of such a close relation who was essentially a stranger. "It is good to finally meet you," he settled on finally, before lifting his muzzle to survey the land on the other side of the border with palpable disappointment.

"I was hoping Máthair or Athair would come. Are they still sick?" he asked the elder two of his present siblings with studied casualness in his tone. He didn't know how much the family had shared with the youngest three and didn't want to cause worry. The wolf he'd called for specifically hadn't appeared, either, a fact that could very well overset his vague plan to take the youngest on an outing without either the parental or alpha authority to give permission. But he couldn't outright say that for fear of getting the younger ones' hopes up only to dash them if he couldn't get them permission. "Is Regulus around?"

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



10 Years
Athena I
10-19-2016, 02:06 PM

Baine tried to understand as Tornach explained where he had been and what he had been doing. It wasn't that she didn't understand what he was doing, it was just hard for her not to be selfish and think that whatever it was couldn't have waited for just a bit for him to come visit her or let her know all of this... But he was here now. And that's what she cared about. "That's really awesome, Tor!" she exclaimed, giving her littermate a big grin as her tail wagged behind her. She really was proud of them for doing this big project and creating this cool thing. It almost made her feel like she hadn't done anything with her life. In comparison she was just sitting around doing nothing while Tor was out creating a whole helpful community thing.

"I could come help sometimes if-" but before she could finish her younger siblings ran up and started interrogating him. Oh, that's right, they haven't met him yet. She smiled a little at the three of them, chuckling softly to herself. They were a lot to handle, that was for sure. Tornach introduced himself so she didn't have to try and answer their flurry of questions. Faite showed up next and Baine settled back on her haunches to let the rest of the family get to him more easily. She wanted to just keep her littermate all to herself for a minute so she could catch up with him, but he hadn't called for her. He had called for Regulus and the younger siblings. But it was okay. He was here and that was okay. He asked about their parents and she gave him a nod her expression growing sad. "Yeah, they are." She let Faite handle the part about Regulus. She didn't really know about their older brother or what he was up to.

"Talk" "You" Think



1 Year
10-28-2016, 03:47 PM
Kieryn Adravendi

Laisren was quick to follow and she looked up at Faite as the woman arrived as well. What a big gathering for a stranger! She looked back and forth between them all and wondered why they were so interested in the big gray man. She stared at him the most as he turned to look at them all and addressed them. She was more than surprised when he said that he was family - they had another brother? Her brows furrowed at this thought. If he was family then why didn't he live here with them? She was under the impression that all their family lived here, but then again he did look an awful lot like some of them.

"I'm Kieryn." She piped up after a moment of silence before turning to look at Rassie. "And this is Rasiel." She offered Tornach a shy smile.

After that she was content to sit down next to her siblings and let the adults talk. She still wasn't sure why he was here, but that was okay. So far she was curious about him and she could do nothing but stare at him. He was as big as Regulus! She flicked an ear lazily as he talked to Faite for a minute (she didn't quite understand the conversation) and her interest piqued again when he mentioned their parents. She frowned now as she thought about it. They'd been sick for as long as she could remember.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think
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[Image: p9WJQ7K.png]