



6 Years
09-10-2016, 05:26 PM
Kyung wanted to dash his head against the nearest tree, it had been years, he had struggled and fought and finally freed himself over and over and over again and yet he somehow always found himself returning to this damned place, this continent. There was nothing here for him, hadn't been in years so how did he keep finding himself here?

Kyung wracked his memory, he couldn't remember if he had ever been to this forest in particular... maybe? The vivid images of his father stalking through the mist seemed like a real memory but he knew that couldn't be real, Isardis had never spared him a second glance... well almost never. Kyung did seem to remember nearly losing his tongue once for his anger over... well what hadn't he been angry about when it came to his father?

But that had been the only time he could remember his father so much as uttering his name, let alone looking at him. No these images were ghosts, sent to taunt him no doubt. That was fine, what was one more nasty twist in his life? So what was he to do now? He was back in these lands once more... and based on his track record it seemed likely he would keep finding himself back here... what he needed was something new, something different to change his current trajectory.

Kyung huffed, settled with his back to a tree and set about wallowing in self pity. He was not off to a great start.  


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



3 Years
09-11-2016, 01:26 AM

How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

Casthiel slowly moved into the spooky forest, though he didn't know what compelled him to do so. The mist that lingered here was thick, and he couldn't see two feet down to the ground, much less a few steps in front of his nose. He blamed it on the fact that he had a thirst for exploring. That was it. It definitely was not the memories that literally hurt to remember. No really, they literally did hurt to remember. Every time he tried to force a memory to the front of his mind he ended up with a migraine that he couldn't shake until he was asleep. All he could remember clearly was pain... it was like an ebbing reminder, like an echo that was ricocheting off the inner walls of his mind. The cause of the pain was long gone, but the wave length was still very real.

Cas stumbled a few times on the uneven ground, a few curse words muttered from his slightly agape mouth. The mist continued to swirl around his columns as he walked forward -- this time with a little more caution than before. He wanted to keep his face intact as much as possible, thank you very much. Ocean blue orbs glanced about his surroundings, and took in the sight of the trees that stood out against the mist that swirled about. He decided that he would move toward one, and maybe see if he could find out which way he should go from there. This god damn mist was going to be the death of him, he swore...

He came to an abrupt halt when he realized the tree he was going to catch his bearings beneath already occupied another brooding soul. Rounded audits twitched back and then forwards as uncertainty raced through him. Should he leave them be? Maybe they knew the way out of here. "Are you alright?" He woofs softly, ocean blue orbs washing over his face for a moment before taking in the mans body language.

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone