
You can't spell slaughter without laughter


06-18-2013, 05:58 PM

The words of the strange male, caught her attention and she met them with a loopy smile. Stepping forward, she stopped just before the dead wolf?s chest, and reared up. Crashing down hard, most of her weight in her paws she felt the ribs give way under her. More blood rushed out, and quickly she snaked her head into the chest, ripping out the dead wolf?s lungs and heart. Tossing the heart into the air, she turned hers head back into the chest cavity, pulling at the tender flesh with a sense of urgency. A gleeful giggle escaped her jaws, as she felt the blood seep over here. This, is how life was supposed to be !

The other female left, and Jezebel stepped away from her meal looking at the other wolf, a smile dancing on her jaws. Tendrils of flesh hung, having been snagged in her teeth, jaws parted and a sickly sweet voice, dripped like honey. ?Darling, won?t you have a taste? It?s simply?. dashing.? She spoke to the idiotically brave male, her head turning to look at the carcass that lay behind her, in point.

Ooc- short post is short! & it?s fine wolf.


Sixx I


06-18-2013, 08:57 PM
?? ? ?Sixx growled and grabbed hold of a front leg. He pulled and twisted hard, as the pleaseing snapps of bones as the dislocated from their socets. They crackled like popcorn in his grip. He placed one paw on the shoulderblade of the carcas and pulled hard, feeling flesh begin to let go as he tore the limb completely off the body. He dragged the severed apendage and sat it down infront of the other male. "just one taste." he growled, returning back to the body.

?? ? ? He placed one paw on the skull and forced his cannine teeth into her temples. He pushed down on the muzzle of the carcas with his paw and pulled up with his jaws, clamping down like a vice on the weak points of the skull. His jaws met with a 'clap' when the bone gave way, he swallowed the eyes whole. He wanted to leave this body unreconizeable... Exept for an indicatior of who killed the woman.

?? ? ? He drove his muzzle under her back and pushed his head up, rolling the mauled body over and forcing his cannines down into the untouched side. He cut down to the ribs and carved two parralell lines. Then he tilted his head slightly and drew a "V" and another line next to it making it apear to be a roman numeral six. The end result was "VI" being cruely carved into the girl's ribs. He turned the girl back over and resumed what he was doing.


06-19-2013, 09:28 AM

her amusement was dried up, the corpse had been reduced to little, and she was rather tired now. stepping away from the kill, her pelt stained with blood. her head swung side to side, resuming her ignoring of the annoying male who insisted they stop. ?tired jezzy is.? With those soft spoken words, the dame turned, pushing past the kill and disappeared into the forest, her paw prints leaving evidence of the actions that had take place. belly full, she headed back towards the new home she had found. mind at ease, that the coming snow flurries would dissipate her tracks.

-exit Jez-



06-19-2013, 09:46 AM

cold winter night, had the lean wolf cursing her size. she couldn?t stay still for too long, else she?d freeze. slender form wove through the lands, as she found herself generally in the region of the south. golden eyes stared ahead of her, and as a gentle breeze billowed carrying the smell of blood her pupils dilated, her heart racing. someone was hurt, and hurt bad. she bounded towards the scent, her legs eating up the ground in languid strides. it wasn?t long until she saw it. two wolves remained one seemingly, standing over the carcass- was he eating her?! the other wolf was standing a ways a way, and she wasn?t yet sure what he was doing there. cautiously she paced forward, realizing that if both wolves were friend or on the same side, she could very well be killing herself.

the tiny wolf drew herself up, taking a deep breath she growled low and deep. ?That?s enough Haven?t you disgraced the poor soul enough already? Get lost you, scavenger.? brave words left the little wolf, and her golden eyes hardened with courage and determination. the mangled bodice of the wolf that remained on the ground seemed too far gone to save, though she couldn?t tell for sure without closer inspection. there was simply too much blood and mess for her to accurately tell from her distance. the healer felt sick to her stomach, she had seen nasty things all her life, but this was beyond nasty. this cannibalistic creature- and the creatures that had helped him, were disturbed. scent still was thick in the air, suggesting that few other wolves had been there, and they had dined.

this was sick, twisted, wrong. the little wolf was furious. had this women done anything wrong to justify the attack, no one deserved this.. no matter the crime or altercation. she was throughouly upset by the sight, and even more so determined to stop this beast from feeding on her. she only hoped that should both of these wolves turn on her, that they make it quick, lest help was close by.



06-19-2013, 11:35 AM
A look of disgust was portrayed on Vladimir's face as he looked at the carcass. A growl emitted from his mouth at the woman who told him to try some. This was disgusting! How could they eat one of their own?!?

Sky blue eyes narrowed at the other brute who had ripped off what looked like a limb and placed it a ways in front of him.

With a growl Vlad replied.

"No! How can you eat such a thing?!?! I'm telling you to leave now! You're accomplices in crime have left already. You shouldn't be here still! Leave!" he said while taking another step forward as he started to growl at the brute.

"And I wouldn't eat that if it were the only food in this land! Only a sick bastard such as yourself would eat that! Why don't you go hunt some real play other than your own kind!" he said,finally letting go of his tongue.

Vlad didn't care about keeping his smart ass comments in now. The others had left and there was only one bastard left. Then a dame came in and spoke her mind as well. Sky blue eyes glanced over at her. Hopefully the other male would leave and not harm her or him. By the star, he'd done enough!

Vladimir walked closer over to the girl as he kept his eyes on the other wolf. A long and low growl escaped his lips as they curled back to show his teeth. The boy's muzzle was twisted this way and that as it scrunched up in disgust!

Sixx I


06-19-2013, 07:13 PM
?? Sixx gave an irritated growl realizing more wolves were comming and he was alone. "Nex sacrementum" he muttered as he turned. He glanced down at the shredded body, the eyes removed, ribs open and chest exposed, one leg completely missing and many internal organs gone. Almost all the blood had drained out and his signature six on her side.
"?She did make a beautiful corpse."
?? ?He clamped his jaws down a final time on her ribs, pulling off one more piece of flesh from her mangled body before disapearing as suddenly as he'd arived.
-exit sixx-

Pontifex I


06-26-2013, 12:43 AM

Powerful limbs propelled the esquire through the unclaimed lands, paws eating up the dirt like it was nothing as he led his too fellow pack mates back to the scene of the crime. The scent of blood was heavy in the air as he galloped back into the area and he already knew what he would find. Just a body. They had come too late. Pace was slowed as the brute led the way back into the clearing, finding two wolves surrounding the carcass of the woman. They didn't smell like the rogues who had attacked her, and they didn't seem to be eating what was left of her carcass. Had they managed to scare off the rest of the rogues? Her body was horribly disfigured. A limb was missing, her ribcage was completely ripped open, internal organs nowhere to be seen, a strange symbol having been carved into her side. Audits flattened themselves against his skull, gold gaze flickering to the man and woman who were standing beside the carcass. We're too late. He murmured to Switchback and Elphaba, glancing at the two women as they came up beside him. There wasn't much for them to do now, except perhaps take what was left of her body back to Seracia and see if the king could identify her body.

Talk like this


06-27-2013, 12:35 PM


...and the home of the wolf will be my home.

Normal || Speech || Thoughts

Switchback stretched her legs as she ran, urging them to take her farther, and faster. Keeping her gate at an all out sprint, she tried not to overtake Pontifex, but her worry for the wolf that had been attacked was taking over. She had know idea who the attacked wolf was, but she hoped that they were okay, no wolf deserved to be ripped to pieces. After a few moments of fighting to stay behind Pontifex, Switchback took her pace down a notch, coming to a quick run. Her sudden switch caused her to trip up a bit, but Switchback caught herself, managing to gain control over her paws once again.

Taking advantage of her new position behind Elphaba, Switchback glanced behind her, making sure that nobody was following her group. An attack from behind would most likely be the end of them, if these attackers were as deadly as the sounded. After making sure no wolf was behind them she lifted her nose to the air, taking in the fresh, sharp scent of blood. Lots of blood.

Skidding to a halt a few moments after Pontifex she took in the situation. A mangled she-wolf lay a few bounds in front of her, and the poor wolf was literally just skin and bones. As Switchback's eyes widened in shock she looked at the bright red scenery around her. The white snow was covered in bright scarlet splotches, and all the plant life around had been stained a deep crimson. Not being able to bear the scent Switchback let out a sneeze and began rubbing her nose in a clean patch of snow beneath her. Glancing back up at the horrifying scene before her, she let out a deep growl, no wolf deserved to be treated worse than prey. And especially no wolf from her pack. Spotting two lone wolves by the corpse Switchback deepened her growl, but waited for Pontifex to make his move. The golden-eyed male was ranked higher that her, and Switchback didn't want to make a wrong move.

Lifting her gaze to the brute for a moment she began to whisper into his ear as he mentioned that they were too late. "You're right Pontifex, but at least some of those rogues are still here. If we can get them to talk we might be able to get some information out of them, and if they were part of the attack we could take them back to Gerhardt for a trial." Taking a breath Switchback flicked her ears back in anger, not knowing what to do with the poor mess of a wolf that had been attacked. Parting her lips she began whispering again. What will we do with the...uh.. brave she-wolf? Is it possible to carry her? Or is it best to just leave her here?

Switchback shuddered as fear took over and her thoughts blocked her vision. Oh no... what if all of the rogues come back? There had to of been more... That she-wolf couldn't have been mangled that badly by only two wolves... Images of blood and death clouded Switchback's eyes, causing her to back up in fear. Although anger was still her top emotion, her fear began to but in taking over her limbs and silencing her snarl.

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