
Lift Me Up


09-10-2016, 04:59 PM

Dagger found himself wandering away from Celestial for the first time since he'd arrived to the pack. After spending a good few weeks being sick he was finally over it and definitely wanted to stretch his legs. Unused muscles begged for some extra attention so he loped from the plains. The hot wind in his face and the sun beating down on his back was a refreshing change for him and he didn't care that his dark pelt felt like it was on fire. More than anything he felt like he was free.

He'd seen enough of Celestial's territory to know it like the back of his own paw and he wanted something fresh and new. He knew traveling too far away from the pack meant that he might miss something important. So the large male stuck to the western side of Boreas just in case something happened. He was especially eager for the legionary test. He wanted to pester Regulus for it soon so he could earn his rank, but until then he was going to wait patiently.

In the mean time he slowed from his lope as he entered a valley. He'd never been here before, but the sight the greeted him was a nice one. Scents of prey were abundant and luscious fields seemed to be faring much better than other areas he had seen. He'd purposefully avoided the desert as it hadn't offered the same view as this valley. He could easily pick up the scent of water which meant there was a stream or a river nearby. Overall he was pleased with his find. So deciding to take a break he flopped to his belly and then rolled over to his side and laid his head in the cool grass. He was pretty sure he was hidden from anyone unless the walked right up on him, but he didn't care much for hiding himself. He just wanted to relax.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
09-11-2016, 01:02 AM

How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

These lands were by far warmer than the first lands that he had found himself wandering through upon his arrival here. It had been far too cold for the pale male. This place, he thought, as ocean blue optics glance about all the green foliage that this place had to offer, is much better. Warmer.Of course, he'd been in warm places before, but those days were darker. He couldn't remember too much. A gentle touch, a hushed breath of endearment against his ears... His heart clenched, audits pressing tightly against his cranium as lips pursed tightly together. Betrayal, abandonment... The male winced as pain ricocheted through his cranium, causing him to stop and shake his head from side to side. He couldn't recall what it was that these bits and pieces of memories were from, but he knew that it hurt him each time that they began to bubble to the surface. If he tried to remember too much at the same time he would end up with a migraine that wouldn't go away until he slept it off. Sometimes, not even that was enough.

He took a deep breath, and tried to focus on something other than his pounding head. Ocean blue optics glanced around his surroundings, taking the time to focus on the sun that was beating down on his saddled back. There was a faint breeze that brushed against him, catching the loose tendrils of hair that was anchored to various places of his coat. The grass was brushing against his lower belly, and legs, catching with the silky tendrils of his coat. He inhaled deeply, those ocean blue orbs closing for a brief moment before he opened them once again. When he felt as if he had himself stable enough he took a step forward starting with his left front leg. Casthiel pushed on through the tall grasses, his cranium stooping to sniff here and there. Perhaps he could find something interesting to d--


The male blinked as a shape came into view before him, and he had to leap over the prone male to avoid stepping or tripping on him. He landed swiftly, and wheeled about on his hind legs to regard his would be victim of negligence. "Pardon me, I didn't see you there!" He breaths, feeling a blush start to form over his cheek bones and down to his collarbone. How embarrassing was it to nearly trample over someone who was laying there? He must really have his head up his ass...

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone


09-12-2016, 02:47 PM

Dagger had managed to doze off a bit. The grass felt good beneath him and even the sun stopped feeling so harsh as he let the world fade out around him. He'd just fallen asleep before the thundering of something large-ish jumping over him startled him awake. Surprised and very shaken up, he leapt to his feet and looked around him until he turned to look at a cream colored male.

The male had already whirled around to meet him and was already spouting out an apology. Dagger would look him over and notice almost the lack of markings on him save the brown and then the bright blue eyes. He could see that he was embarrassed and Dagger found himself grinning. The male hadn't trampled him so there had been no harm done. Other than being sacred out of his skin he felt great.

"Don't worry about it. I suppose I chose a really awful sleeping spot." He said with a chuckle. "I'm Dagger by the way."

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
09-13-2016, 12:16 PM

How did I let you slip through the cracks?
How did I let you stab me in the back?
You were my brother, you were my friend, I pray,
"no salvation for you in the end".

The pale male was worried for a moment that the male he had nearly trampled would be hostile about it, but when he wheeled around on his hind legs he wasn't met with any particular hostility. No, instead he saw the other grinning at him, and the corners of Cas' maw couldn't help but quirk up at the corners. Well, a smile was always better than seeing teeth, he told himself. Casthiel chuckled when the other male told him not to worry about it, but still he couldn't help but feel bad about it. "Yeah well, if I would keep my head out of the clouds I would have seen you." He replied with a wag of his tail, and then cant his crown slightly as the male introduced himself. What an odd name. Dagger. He wasn't judging, he just hadn't heard anything like it before.

"Casthiel. It's nice to meet you, despite the circumstances." The male woofed, those bright blue orbs glancing over the darker males face. He had different colored eyes... How strange! He went on. "Are you from around here? I only just arrived in these lands a day or two ago." He really couldn't recall. If he was honest, he didn't see a reason that it really mattered. Rounded audits would perk in waiting then, for whatever Dagger had to say. He was honestly interested.

Walk, "Now you're just a memory" in my past is where you will stay

You're nothing but a memory
Someone like you, is gonna die alone


09-13-2016, 12:38 PM

The man still seemed intent on apologizing and giving himself some of the blame so he wouldn't argue. Instead he'd still grin at him as he mentioned having his head in the clouds. He could relate to the feeling on more than one occasion though he had to admit he'd never tripped over anyone because of it. He supposed there was always a first for everything though and he was still young. Plenty of time to do something stupid.

The creme colored male would introduce himself as Casthiel and his head would tilt to the side. "That's funny." He grinned lightly. "I have a family member in my pack whose name is Castiel." They clearly weren't the same wolves of course, but he did find it to be a rather small world. They were both rather pale, save for the brown on this one's pelt, and yet their eyes were different. "It's a pleasure to meet you too though."

The conversation would take a turn and he'd nod in response to the male's question. "Yeah I live in a pack called Celestial closer to the western coast." It felt rather weird saying that. A part of him still couldn't believe he'd managed to find his family's pack in the first place, but it felt good to say it nonetheless. "But where are you from?" He asked curiously. He was more the intrigued that he hadn't come from this land.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
09-14-2016, 09:11 PM
Anything you say can and will be held against you

The pale male would mirror that tilt of Dagger's head with a head tilt of his own, his ears flopping over slightly. A slight chuckle would fall from his lips at the information that the darker colored male had presented to him. Another wolf with a name close to his own. Wasn't that something else? He'd never met someone else with a name that was similar to his own -- at least, he didn't think he did. "How strange. Do we look alike too?" He asked while his lips turned up slightly at the corners, though he sincerely hoped the answer to that question was no. 

Casthiel chose not to comment again on meeting Dagger for he had already said all that he could say about it. Rounded audits would perk forward on top of the males cranium, and a laugh would fall from his lips once again. "Oh, that sounds interesting enough." He said sincerely, thinking to himself that he really should find a place to settle down sometime soon. He didn't need to be alone all the time, but the fact that he could remember nothing of his past but broken fragments of a shattered memory caused him to hesitate. What if he was a bad wolf? The thought caused him to wince inwardly, but on the outside he somehow managed to remain composed. The curious lyrics did not go unheard, but Cas wasn't sure how to answer that question. 

"I... I'm not sure." The male admitted, his ears flicking back to touch his crown as if it was something he should be ashamed of. "I can't remember much of my past, if I'm being honest." These words were spoken softer, and his crown would dip toward his chest as if he could hold himself. Who didn't know who they were, or where they were from? Would he think him incompetent? Blue eyes dart across the face of the other, and he began to fidget where he sat. He hoped he didn't get judged for what he couldn't control. 

"Talk here."


09-16-2016, 02:13 PM

This man seemed about as amused as the name situation as he was. He watched as the man's head tilted. Dagger couldn't ever recall ever meeting anyone with a name like his so he didn't suppose he could relate. Still it must be strange. It'd be even stranger if one day they met. Now that would be an encounter he'd wanna be a fly on the wall for. His attention would snap back towards the man though and grinned when he asked if they looked alike. A mild shake of his head was the only answer. They both had pale coats but that was the extent of similarities and the difference in personality was a whole different topic entirely.

Casthiel seemed somewhat interested in the pack when he mentioned it. He noticed the way his ears perked up and his head would tilt once more. Dagger wasn't the one to try and drag wolves home with him. Now that he thought about it Celestial was getting rather full. Other than talk about where he lived he decided if the man really wanted to come check it out he could come visit some other time. He wasn't here to be a diplomat. He was here for a nice conversation with a male who had nearly stepped on him. The thought made him grin.

"Yeah it's a good pack. Most of the pack I'm related to in some way or another." He said with a chuckle. It was really weird having such a large family, but he didn't mind it.

He was more than surprised when the male said he wasn't sure. His eyebrows furrowed then. If he couldn't remember anything... did he have amnesia? He'd never had it, but he'd heard of it before. The male didn't seem too pleased with the lack of his memories so there was that too. He supposed he could always go talk to one of the healers. Maybe they knew something on how to fix it.

"Do you remember ever hitting your head? It sounds like you have amnesia."

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
09-21-2016, 05:55 PM
Anything you say can and will be held against you

Casthiel only gave a slight nod of his crown when Dagger told him a little bit more about his pack, telling him that most of the pack was related to him in one way or another. How interesting. He didn't figure that the male wanted to tell him his life story, and so he wouldn't ask him to. Instead, he felt a blush flush across his cheek bones and collarbone as the males brow furrowed when Casthiel declared that he didn't know where he came from. Cas heaved out a sigh as Dagger asked him if he remembered hitting his head, and shook his crown no. He didn't remember waking up with any strange knots upon his head, either. He just remembered waking up one morning and not remembering how he had gotten where he was, or why he was there. He hadn't tried to retrace his steps, either.

"No, I don't remember hitting my head. I... I mean it's possible. I remember waking up after going to sleep, but maybe I just assumed I had gone to sleep?" He pondered, a frown tugging the corners of his maw down, and his brow furrowed to show his confusion.

How crazy did you have to be to not remember where you were from, how you got where you were, or who your own family was? It didn't sound like a very sane wolf, now did it? "Whenever I try to force the memories to come to me I end up with a head ache. If I continue trying to remember, I end up passing out from the pain." The male told him, a troubled expression crossing his constitution now. Was there something wrong with him medically? Was he dying? He hoped not. He was still in his prime, there was much of his life that he wanted to experience. Death was not one of them -- at least, not this early in the game.

"Talk here."


09-22-2016, 10:34 AM

Dagger's head would tilt as Cas explained that he didn't remember hitting his head. His brow furrowed as he tried to think what else would cause memory loss. He wasn't a healer so he shrugged it off. He wouldn't sit here and try and diagnose what was wrong with him. If he managed to tell him something that messed him up further... well Dagger would feel pretty bad about that. So he kept his mouth shut. He'd leave the diagnosing and treatments to those who knew what they were doing. He'd do what he did best. If he couldn't use brute strength for a problem then he wasn't the one to be solving it.

He was a bit more concerned when Casthiel told him how trying to remember gave him headaches and too much strain cause him to pass out. He was sure if his brows could furrow more they would have. The large male was more than confused about the pale wolf's condition. Was there something other than amnesia that caused that? He wasn't entirely sure. He'd never heard of anything else that would do anything. It certainly was a predicament and he genuinely felt bad for the male.

"Well I definitely insist on finding a healer from one of the packs around here. maybe one of them can help you. Whatever it is it sounds pretty serious."

Walk, "Talk" Think