
young & wild & free

Selene I


4 Years
09-11-2016, 11:28 PM
There's something shining about Selene today as she sets out to explore. Her eyes are bright and wild. Everything about her today is absolutely fantastic, tail wagging, bouncing with her front legs first. Quickly and rather loudly over land, crunching in the dead leaves where they lie, decaying from last fall. Her tail wags, head tossing. She's happy. Ever so happy. Happiness, you see, is key to life. The scorn of the moon is enjoying herself today. Baring softly, hearing the sound echo off the gargantuan trees.

She's exploring. There's everything to do with this place, everything beautiful. The trees are breathtaking. There's something, something she can't place, but oh my goodness, she can't replace a feeling like this. Awe and wonder, wonder and awe, they fill her up from the inside out. These are the warm feelings that make her whole. These are the things that... make her feel real. They remind her why she got out in the first place.

Selene is making plenty of noise. She feels safe, of course. There's something about her that can't be bothered being scared, not today. At least not today.
the scorn of the moon
by jake help from russ

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]



6 Years

09-14-2016, 02:38 PM

The ebony-coated woman huffed as she trudged along, her belly swinging with each step. She couldn't be quiet if she wanted to, her paws tromping the ground that was littered with leaves and the brush from the massive evergreen trees. Each paw fall caused her to grunt slightly as the weight of her growing belly pressed on her diaphragm. "I'm going to weigh more than a bear at this rate," she muttered to herself, flicking her ears as she waddled along. Maybe it hadn't been the best idea to wander away from pack territory, but she was growing restless. She'd stayed cooped in Ivalice lands since her trip to the East with Steel, and she was used to traveling much more often. She loved her home, but she needed to see new things - pregnant or not, she was not going to stay bound to one place.

Suddenly, above the noise of her own trampling paws, she heard loud paw steps and the rustling of the forest floor. She tilted her head, curious, as emerald green eyes scanned around. She didn't see anything yet, but then again, these massive trees didn't allow for much for viewing into the distance. Deciding she would find out the source of all the noise, she padded around the base of a particularly enormous tree trunk, to see on the other side a young lady, carelessly prancing and frolicking over top of the fallen leaves and dried up brush. The older woman paused, a smile lighting up her face as she watched the youth for a moment in silence. Oh, how this girl truly reminded her of herself when she had first left home many seasons ago. Endlessly happy, energized by the newness of everything, and positively free.

A slight twinge of envy coursed through her, but it wasn't because she was unhappy with her life - no, far from it. Esarosa was ecstatic over the direction her life had taken; she was in love, she had a place to call home, and soon she would bring life into the world. Yet, at times she felt daunted by the responsibilities that ruled over her actions, and from now on, her life would no longer truly be her own. It was, in a way, bittersweet; she would have it no other way, yet she felt a funny longing as she watched the girl. Well, perhaps for today, she could pretend that she was just as free. Setting forward, she approached the young woman, her tail waving in the air. "It's a great day to be alive, isn't it?" she called out, a simple, optimistic greeting to catch the girl's attention.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]

Selene I


4 Years
09-17-2016, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2016, 12:30 AM by Selene I.)

Selene is wild. She's wild. She will always be wild. There's something in her system that won't be held down. It can't be held down. There's a head tossing, there's a free aspect of the way she exists. She's always existing in the same way. A wanderer as a child, and she's still a child. A young woman in the purest form, and she's okay. There's a brilliance. She's still brilliant, and that will never dull. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle, right? Never let it. Nothing stops her, and summer days like this are her favorite. So thirsty for adventure.

There's a woman, dark and beautiful and rather round in the belly that comes toward her, and Selene barks. It's friendly. She bounds, high headed, over a fallen log and through leaf litter to stop in front of the stranger. Reaching out, she boops the other girl about the shoulder. A greeting. A greeting typical of her people, wherever they were now. It's her favorite greeting. Physical contact, gentle, friendly. Tail wagging wildly, a soft grin on her face. "It's lovely, really lovely." Only a little wild. Okay, more than a little wild, but fun. She's all about the fun.

"It's a good day to explore, do you know these woods?" The starlit bounds a couple steps to the side, quaking with energy. Dried leaves flutter about as she kicks them up, head cocked to the side as she addresses the lady. It's easier when you have someone who knows the area, after all.

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]



6 Years

09-24-2016, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2016, 12:30 AM by Esarosa.)

An amused looked spreads across her face, a small grin and a mischievous twinkle in her emerald orbs as the young lady bounds toward her in that wild and carefree way. Esarosa remained stark still as the girl closed the distance between them, booping her on the shoulder in a curious greeting. Not understanding, but not offended either, the ebony-coated woman reached forward and booped the younger lady in the same manner. Her tail waved behind her as she watched the girl, amused, ears perked at her words. As the girl bounced a few steps, kicking up leaves, Esa shook her head in response to the girl's question. "I don't know these woods," she admitted, glancing around the giant trunks, "But you only get familiar with new territory by exploring it. What do you say, shall we have a look around? Maybe there are hidden treasures here." Now that would be the perfect way to spend this day; exploring with a new friend in unfamiliar lands, only to find something special in the end. But even if there were no souvenirs to bring home, it would still be a nice way to spend a beautiful day with a new friend.

Glancing over the darkly coated, star-speckled young lady, Esarosa wondered where she had come from, and what her story was. Had she left home early, just like Esa had? Perhaps she'd had no choice. Whatever the reason, she seemed like a very lively, interesting young wolf. She hoped she wouldn't seem to old and uncool for her new young friend to go exploring with - wouldn't that be just horrifying? After all, she was going to be a mom soon, and maybe after weeks and months of sleepless nights and responsibility, she'd become boring like so many other adults. She hoped that wouldn't happen, and it made her more determined today to go on a fun new adventure with someone still so young and vital!

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]

Selene I


4 Years
09-29-2016, 04:10 PM

The woman is largely pregnant, and Selene knows she'll have to be gentle. She needs to be careful when there's someone in such a state, right? Though the girl hand't really known much as far as conventions or customs when it came to... well, things like this. Things like this, to which she couldn't even think of the name. There's something about the very idea of it, but Selene doesn't dwell. She won't dwell on the idea that there's someone else here, maybe a few someones. That was strange, but it was okay. "That sounds like fun!" She's brilliant. Always brilliant. Selene's eyes are glimmering brightly as she moves to dive through another pile of leaf litter, wagging all over.

She doesn't move too quickly. Selene tries not to move too quickly for her companion, tries to keep a relatively even pace. Friendly. Stay friendly. Stay okay. They work well together, or at least Selene hopes they will. There's something brilliant, something beautiful about the way she moves and bounds and explores. "I'm Selene, by the way!" Bright eyes as she stops to sniff at a tree-- it's a different one than she's familiar with. She's not used to trees like this, the ones that seem to stretch on forever. Pressing her nose to it, touching it, enjoying the touching and the learning. "What a cool tree," And the girl is breathless with it. What a goof.

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]