
running & running again


09-21-2016, 08:58 PM
Fortune had been on the scent of the damned porcupine for most of the afternoon. She'd seen him, as well, and realized that taking the thing down on her own was a stupid idea. Bastard was big. A large male, but one that already ambled with a limp. He'd been attacked before, he was old, or both. Hell, she'd probably limp if she was that big of a bastard too. She wanted it-- he'd make a more than decently sized meal. Still, the brave couldn't flip it on her own. There was a fine line between being brash and being stupid. Fortune was learning her limits. A nose full of quills was not her endgame... not today at least.

Dusk was coming quick on the horizon when the bastard resurfaced. He wasn't far off, having finally come down from the last tree Fortune had tracked him to. Yes. She would bag him and she would bring him home for dinner. Though she's not all that fast, there's a raw power to the way that Fortune moves. There's something bold about just the way she exists and the way she exists alone. Bright eyes on the world around her as she catches the critter from not so far off.

The girl knows she can't take it down alone, so she diverts for a moment. Paws flying, head tossing, she flies past the den she knows there's family resting. The girl barks softly, calling out for someone to come with her. "Reg, Faite, someone-- come on. There's a porcupine, he'll make good dinner." She shifts her weight from paw to paw, searching for the scent of someone. Anyone. Anyone to come with her. Porcupines would be easy, so long as she had help.

shock & awe