
Give Me A Reason



6 Years

09-22-2016, 09:46 AM

She had only a few more destinations in mind before she headed home. With her idea in mind now she was determined not to back down from it. Of course achieving the goal of her own pack was harder than simply laying claim to a few lands. She was still trying to find wolves interested in her idea, so that was certainly a struggle within itself. Would others find her worth following? She didn't want to be viewed as a joke. She knew she hadn't been groomed for the position like Regulus had, but he seemed to have seen something in her when he'd promoted her to secondary alpha in Celestial, so she had high hopes.

Her mind immediately thought of Rin. She'd forgotten to invite him to Celestial at their last meeting. Now that the pack was nigh on full she had a better idea in mind. He was older and would definitely be useful in Lirim. Not to mention the fact he was family so that definitely made him a prime choice. She knew she didn't know a whole lot about him other than the fact he was an Armada, but he hadn't seemed overly proud by that fact. Living in a pack with him would allow her the time to get to know him and offer him a purpose.

That was if she could find him.

To be honest she wasn't even sure where to look for him. She'd forgotten to ask where he was staying. She'd chanced upon him at the battlefield. Could she get lucky a second time? It was hard to tell. Either way she'd found herself in the east. She hadn't been to this part before, but the field here was gorgeous. With the drought that the land seemed to be suffering from the field seemed to be a bit lackluster and some flowers were wilted and dying. Still the ones that had remained in full bloom were as gorgeous as a rainbow. She trotted through the field for a bit before reaching a sudden drop off. She peered curiously over the cliff before taking a few steps back. How odd. Shrugging her shoulders, not minding the impending doom only a few feet away, she took a seat and decided to enjoy the view for a bit.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
11-14-2016, 01:32 AM

Life was lonely. Though he had been doing just slightly better then before, especially after finding someone who was related to him. Who didn't hate him. He wished he had asked more about her, to learn more about her life and to see if maybe they had anything in common besides a name. Honestly though, he wished he could discard his. It left a bad taste in his mouth, and he couldn't recall his sire ever being a good role model. Not for the kids anyway...he hardly had ever spent much time with any of them. But that was all past now, Rin was a grown adult. He had to start making his own life somewhere, but how? All he ever knew was loneliness. Wandering the lands on his own and moving from place to place. Always with the thought of being hated by those he came across. But Faite...she didn't hate him.

The tall lanky male paused, head rising from his deep and dark thoughts when he spotted her. Huh...coincidence? He had been up here a time or two, both occasions he had stepped to the edge and thought about walking right off. But not today. Slowly, he approached his cousin, a soft bark making his presence known to her. He smiled lightly. A smile that felt foreign to him. He hadn't smiled in ages, and it nearly felt good to do so. "Hello, Faite. It's nice to see you again...cousin." Cousin... The word still felt weird for him to say. But he liked it.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

11-17-2016, 07:40 PM

She was lost in her thoughts as she tried to figure out where to look for the male. It seemed fate was answered her for the next thing she knew a voice interrupted her thoughts. She startled slightly before looking around warily. It faded instantly and was quickly replaced by a warm smile and a soft wag of her tail. Someway, somehow, Rin had found her instead. What luck! She made a mental note to let her paws do all the wandering from now on so long as each encounter worked out like this.

"Hey Rin! I was actually looking for you? How are you?"

Her smile didn't fade. He seemed as pleased to see her as she was happy to see him. It was still strange to think that they were cousins, through her father's side, but she didn't see him in some evil light. Instead all she could focus on was giving him a golden opportunity. She was certain other family members would join her in her cause, but she wanted to present it to him first. He seemed like he needed some direction and she would be the one to provide it if he was interested.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]