
Kingdom Key



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-28-2016, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 09:22 PM by Dragon.)
**This thread was made before the pack moved**

The following day, Dragon and his adorable little charge had continued on. Crossing the Plains that had been lit up by the countless stars and the planets, but now that it was midday, last night's scenery had seemed almost like nothing more than a dream. A very beautiful, unforgettable dream. That place was definitely somewhere he wished they lived, so maybe when he returned his mother would consider it. Every now and then he'd glance back to make sure the girl wasn't far behind, and he was surprised that she managed to keep up so well. Then again when he was a kid, he remembered running off to go on an adventure of his own before he'd gotten caught. She was certainly a lucky kid to be traveling to new places that most pack pups weren't allowed to do until they were older. But he'd done it, and he knew his brothers were jealous. But they were older now, so in retrospect, it wasn't even that big of a deal. At least he thought so, because the rest of the season he had been grounded to the den and that was so not worth it.

As the pair weaved their way through trees covered with hanging vines and moss, his eyes would widen yet again as something he had never seen before loomed ahead. Hidden away and forgotten by the world, a huge structure towered over him, casting its shadow over his back. Man, these new lands really had some amazing gems. None of it compared to anything he'd seen in Boreas so far. And even that ship frozen in the north was boring and dull compared to this thing! His gaze roamed over it, noting that there were crumbled stones here and there, vines and ivy covering the structure and even holes dotting it. What really drew him were the big wooden looking walls that sat at the top of the stone steps. And eagerly he made his way over and up, shoulder pushing against the heavy oak, doors opening with a loud creak. Inside was even more amazing then inside, and he did not hesitate to wander in and begin his investigation.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
10-05-2016, 04:37 PM
Poser is bold and Poser is brilliant. He moves with his head high and his heart open, and there's something that can't be stopped. He's glad to be home after a day of collecting herbs, having found a bucket in the house to carry for the day and fill with the things he found. Not all of them were herbs, of course-- a soft toy, a bulk of juniper berries, some mint, all beautiful things. All things that he found and all the things that he was growing to enjoy more than pretty much anything. He feels beautiful. He feels smart. The shadow moves through the kitchen area, laying out his herbs carefully on the table. What a collection he had.

There were the drugs of course. Salvia, cannabis, kava, all the things that kept his head steady when he needed to think. When the things that went bump in the night destroyed him properly, all he had to do was come down and pluck something off the table. Usually it was one of the fuzzy, fat cannabis buds that he'd become so fond of. Sometimes it was stronger shit. It depended on how he was feeling. The nights he wanted to have fun? Kava. Always the kava, with its glorious hallucinogenic properties. There were other things, of course. Marigold, more mint, dandelion, alfalfa, meadowsweet, all the common things. Poser was proud of the juniper berries. He loved them. Really did.

Someone else was here, in the house. Poser was elated. Though he had been hanging around here, using it as his home, he was glad to have someone else come through the door. Something was exciting about it, something glorious. "Hello, hello?" The Russian man moves quickly, his head up, his eyes bright. Poser is burning bright as always. Something about him is always so, so lovely. Jogging and grinning, the cat who ate the canary. He's had such a good day and it's gotten even better. "Good afternoon!" Poser rounds the corner to the entryway, sapphire eyes finally falling on the man that had come in. Oh how lovely he was.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-25-2016, 01:25 AM

Green eyes gazed about in wonder, even at the places where stone had crumbled and the woodwork had weathered away from so many years of abandonment. Broken things lay here and there, tattered red carpets and peeled paintings littered the ground and walls. But what caught his eye the most was the tapestry that hung from the ceilings and walls, white with a crimson creature sewn into it. Elegant. Powerful. Regal. A creature that he wondered if it existed, and if it did, he was sure it was a lot mightier than the wolf. His eyes drew straight to it, a quiet gasp of awe passing his lips as he looked at it. Little did he know that he was named after this very creature.

Before he could get a closer look, a foreign voice would draw his attention downward. Finding a figure that didn't look like a wolf, but was still canine. Brows knit together in confusion. Was this just a...sick wolf? A starving one perhaps? He looked skinny, and kind of different then what he was used to seeing. The animal didn't speak as if he were hungry or starving though,for his voice sounded fine and strong. He was curious though, and wondered who he was. "Afternoon to you too. Who are you?" If there was one thing Dragon didn't like, it was surprises. Well, okay...he didn't mind the good ones, but he wasn't sure about this one. The other canine didn't smell like he was part of a pack, but he did smell...weird. Kind of like a skunk,which made his nose wrinkle.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-09-2016, 09:43 PM
Poser is elegant and regal and powerful. There is grace deep in his muscles and in his bones. There's something beautiful about him that's been... well, it's been hurt a bit, but that's okay. Everyone hurts in their own way, even the best ones. Even he has hurt himself and damaged and... everything else. Things are bizarre. Things will always be bizarre. He's weird. Poser starves on the inside and the outside, all in the same way. Bright eyes. Shimmering sapphire eyes and a shiny coat. Pretty as always. The shadow is the prettiest shadow there could be.

That's all he wants, right? Softly crunching at the juniper berries between his teeth, the creature smiles. There's a little residual indigo juice clinging to his teeth, leaving him look a little silly. Poser is tall and graceful as he looks at the stranger, a young man. A handsome young man, if he did say so. He'll never say no to handsome, you see. That's always been his biggest weakness. There's a spark in his sapphire eyes as he looks upon the stranger. Carefully, the shadow leaps upon one of the end tables that's still reasonably stable. Head tossing, tail wagging.

"Poser Bezbozhnyy, I live here." His smile is broad, welcoming, charming. Always. His Russian surname tastes beautiful rolling off his tongue, accent ricocheting off the words. His head tosses, softly leaping down from the table. Playing, showing off, either was accurate. Either was fine. Poser, you see, is all of that and more. The world at his feet, and it's brilliant. He's brilliant. Grinning at the creature, gentle. Always gentle. "Who're you?"
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-27-2016, 08:07 PM

The oddity was...well, just that. Odd. He was slender, his head was of a much different shape than what he was used to seeing in a wolf, in fact, his entire body was thin and slender with fur hanging down his frame in tendrils like furry ivy. He'd never seen a wolf this before, and he'd never seen a dog before so he wasn't too sure what to make of it. Canine it was, most definitely. But beyond that he clenched his teeth to keep from being rude, just in case, he didn't want to offend...yet. And yet, it was still a curious creature to look at. He appeared to be quite tall, though Dragon still stood a good six inches taller, just not as slender looking.

Green eyes watched as the male leaped atop some sort of...stone or whatever it was, ears perking with a slight interest at the strange name that was given. Poser? Well that was simple enough to remember. His last name, however, was something he wasn't even going to try and pronounce. It was foreign, and he was sure that if he tried to pronounce it, he would end up slaughtering the name. Poser also claimed that he lived here, which to Dragon...was quite curious. He wasn't sure what he'd do now at this point, since he was on the search for new territories...and so far, this had caught his attention. This canine definitely gave off some strange vibe, though Dragon couldn't exactly place his paw on why. "My name is Dragon Ancora. I come from the North lands. Nice to meet you Mr. Poser."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
11-30-2016, 10:30 PM
Razor thin. So thin it would have been unhealthy, should he be something else. It was beautiful and brilliant and something... hard to reach. Nearly criminal, Poser's looks. It's gorgeous and beautiful. Fantastic. Brilliant eyes, gorgeous things. A hairy mutant deer. That's the way he stands with the creature. Cutting through the light as a brilliant shadow, he stands. It's fantastic. Easy on his feet, almost effortless looking.

The creature before him, after all, is a wolf. It seems to nearly be garden variety around here. This one was handsome, green eyes and all. With the utmost grace, a certain agility dripping from every last fiber of his being, Poser paces around the stranger. A light jog, head tossing lightly. Strange, very strange. He likes how strange he is, absolutely.

Elegant head tipping to the side, Poser considers him for a moment. "You're awfully small to be a dragon, aren't you?" The words slip from his tongue softly, easily. They are easy, and he is curious. "Built like one, maybe." He'd lived among those who spoke of dragons, unicorns, all the beautiful magical things. Poser himself was magic. Madness and magic, after all.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-01-2016, 04:56 PM

The stranger decided to test him it seemed. Green eyes watched as the strange canine seemed to waltz around him without a care, but the boy was not impressed. Hackles began to lift, his stature stiffening and ears pinning. If this Poser didn't get the hint, then who knew what would happen. Dragon generally wasn't one to be hostile, but he was here on another continent alone and far from home. Although Kieryn was nearby, she was just a kid. So he would be on his own if it came down to a fight.

The canine spoke of him being "small" for a Dragon, but he had no idea what the hell he was talking about. "Bigger than you still." He murmured. His muscles flexed, toes lightly scraping the ground as he kept this man in his sights. He had wanted to explore the place, but perhaps he'd have to wait...or chase this man away so he could do what he wanted. He was determined to find new territory for the pack, and this weirdo wasn't gonna stop him.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.