
turn off all the lights



7 Years
06-16-2013, 12:55 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Winter spread its cold hands outward across Alacritia, even in the southern reaches of lands. The air was chilled here, making the russet and black she-wolf grateful for her thick winter coat, though as Tahlia knew that was nothing out of the ordinary for this place. What was out of the ordinary was the thin layer of snow that sat upward upon the beach, stopping just short of where the waters had reached when the tide had been in. It was not often that she got to see snow, and as she stepped through it to reach the shoreline and the tide pools that sat there she took her time, listening to the crunch as it settled under her weight and noting the coldness of it upon her pads. So strange! she wondered to herself, a vague smile about her face. She was used to cold, was used to wet weather, but snow was something new. She was eager to see more of it later on.

But that was for another time. Her interests on this day had solely to do with the tide pools. The she-wolf padded out of the snow and onto the cold, grainy sand, still damp from the receded tide, and continued across it toward the rocky section of the shoreline. The waters seemed particularly calm this day, or as calm as an ever active beach could be, the waves rolling in gently and rumbling soothingly against the sands. The sound and cool breeze were quite enjoyable as she set her amber eyes upon the first and turned her face into the second. A nice change from the Range where she lived.

She slowed as she reached the tide pools, eyes alert and scanning over them. There wasn't much in terms of easy pickings at the moment, but she was hopeful. Whatever the change in the weather above the water, the changes in temperatures below were less excessive, and even now she suspected there to be some fish somewhere that might make for a good, quick meal. She was eager for the challenge of fishing in a new location, curious as to what kinds of other foods could be caught here if she set her mind to it. Bringing something back to Seracia to share would surely open up the menu there a bit and add a little variety. Tahlia stopped beside one of the tide pools and lowered her nose to the water, wrinkling it slightly at the strong smell it gave off but trying to peer beneath its surface for what sat below. Nothing in this one. Carefully stepping across the wet stones that made up the pools, she continued along, occasionally peering downward into the small, shallow beds of water or peering off out into the waves.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier

Dragomir I


06-18-2013, 09:06 PM

Winter was not his preferred season, though it wasn't for the reasons that one might imagine. The snow and the ice did not deter the beast, nor did the biting wind or freezing rain. In fact, he loved nearly every bit of winter save for the color. White was the only color - seemingly - that he could not find a single means for which to conceal himself entirely. In autumn the dark browns and russets would shield most of his frame from view. In spring the foliage concealed him, and in the summer he stuck to the shadows of night to escape the heat. At this moment he stalked across the terrain looking positively dejected as he stood out like a sore thumb. There was no use trying to hide, as the blinding light of the sun and it's reflection off of the snow below illuminated his black coat. A sigh crossed his lips, followed by a reverberating growl. His alter ego had been the reason for this expedition, as Rotterdam had recently attempted to sleep with Maija, Dragomir's lover. Dragomir had been insanely frustrated when he'd heard of Rotterdam's recent escapades, but there was nothing he could do about it. He had a feeling Maija wasn't telling him the whole story, but as he couldn't remember it he'd have to take her word for it.

The taste of salt in the air drew him toward the crashing of the ocean. Perhaps the pounding of the waves would dull his thoughts. There wasn't much time to think any differently before he saw the ocean unfolding before his very eyes. Snow cloaked the land right up to the line where the tide came inland. He followed it up to this line and then beyond as he skirted into the water - not caring about the frigid temperature. A sound caught his attention and his neck snapped audibly toward the source of it, finding a lone she-wolf who appeared to be fishing. A rumble grew in his chest but he pushed it back, stalking in her direction loudly as each paw splashed with every step. Husky, romanian tones filled the air as he went. "You won't find many fish in those pools unless they are trapped. They will be in the deeper water where it's still warm." It sounded strange, to be speaking in something other than his native tongue, but he did it all the same. He didn't have time to translate for a strange woman who probably did not speak romanian like himself. He stopped a fair distance away, though his body urged him forward. The icy water lapped at his legs as he stared in her direction, great pools of ash as haunting as ever.

"Speech" (Translation)



7 Years
06-19-2013, 03:20 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

The russet and black she-wolf continued to pad quietly along the tide pools, checking each one in turn as she passed. So far luck had been against her, revealing empty pools of salty ocean water and nothing to show for her efforts, but Tahlia was not discouraged. Sooner or later the weather would begin to change here and the temperatures would warm, opening up a wider area for the fish to swim and more places for them to linger where she might find them, and when that happened she had every intention of returning.

She was on the move again, stepping hesitantly within one of the pools as she attempted to get around to its other side and chilling her leg, when she caught the sound of splashing water grow louder and more pronounced. It was easily mistaken as a small rogue wave at first, but when it persisted the she-wolf turned one ear and then both toward the noise, stopping in her slow progression across the stony paths between the tide pools to draw her head toward the splashing. A wolf had not been what she was expecting. The beach had been empty, devoid of life save for the few birds that lingered high upon the sea breezes and whatever had been washed up and not picked through along the shoreline. How could she possibly have missed another wolf?

And particularly one like this! There was nothing at all about the wolf that spoke of subtlety. For a second, she could have almost believed that a shadow paced the shoreline with her, possessing the solid, substantial form of a mortal as he padded along in her direction, perhaps intent on joining her beside the tide pools. Tahlia hesitated, a sliver of uncertainty preventing her from smiling outright as she might have to any other normal looking individual. Such darkness... A creature of nightmare or merely an unlucky soul to look like one?

It was still difficult for her to make her assessment even as he spoke, his words meant to be helpful despite their gruff, unfamiliar dialect. He spoke so strangely, distorting his words but retaining enough of her own speech patterns for her to determine exactly what he offered her. Confined by the strict etiquette that she had grown up with and lived by for all these years, Tahlia managed to draw her expression into a small smile, a thank you for the assistance he offered.

Whatever her thoughts, she knew better than to reveal them, and so she hid it all behind her perfectly constructed mask of politeness while she answered him. "I thought as much, but I had hoped otherwise," she answered conversationally, golden eyes surveying the dark wolf curiously. "Do you hunt here?" she asked in an attempt at small talk, wondering whether his knowledge came from some past experience or if he was simply that familiar with these pools to know of the best times to fish. Remembering her manners, she smiled sheepishly before adding, "My apologies. I forget myself. My name is Tahlia Carlier."

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier

Dragomir I


06-19-2013, 05:18 PM

She didn't seem particularly intimidated by him, though he knew that she was probably feigning complete placidness. Not many could look upon the beast without a momentary shudder or flinch, not even Maija. Though she fully believed in his good nature, even she loathed him from time to time - or rather, his other half. So, she had indeed been hoping to find a trapped fish to eat. How original. Too bad the wintery chill often killed any fish that happened to be trapped in shallow water. Though, on occasion one could find themselves lucky and come across a whole school - though those instances were rare. The woman asked him if he hunted here, and he shook his head gruffly. "I do not care much for fish, their blood is not nearly as satisfying as that of a warm-blooded creature." This statement could not have been more true. Though he didn't care for fish, he did know a bit about catching them - and had done so a few times before when woodland creatures had been scarce. Just now thinking about the taste of blood made his stomach lurch and his gut rumble, but he ignored it. The prey before him was much more tantalizing than even flesh.

"Tahlia," he breathed. Dragomir wanted nothing more than to know if she felt as good as she sounded. Evil thoughts filled his head as he slipped forward another foot or so. He would not offer his name, not unless she specifically asked. He wasn't one to give out unnecessary information, and sleeping with this woman - as he so planned to do - would not make giving his name necessary. "Who was fool enough to let you wander by yourself, Tahlia?" Her name was said with such sensuality that it seemed to roll off of his tongue like a sweet wine. It mattered not that he was possessed by his nicer half - he still desired women. Maija was not around, and so this dame would have to do. His harem had all but dissolved - save for Maija - and it was high time he started rebuilding. Perhaps this girl would be the first of many conquests.

"Speech" (Translation)



7 Years
06-19-2013, 06:27 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Ah, so he was one of those who preferred the animals who took to the land rather than those who were confined to water. She was not unfamiliar with the preference, knowing many who had never even tasted fish let alone developed a liking for them. She was a rarity, she had decided, among her kind, one of the few who enjoyed fish about as much as she did hare or deer. But that was perfectly fine with her; all the more for her to eat. "To each, his own," she replied with a nod of acceptance, having long ago relinquished any desire to make others share in the delicacies that she enjoyed. Sometimes there was no changing someone's opinion.

The dark colored male tested her name, the word murmured as if a breath, and with a languid stride he moved a little closer to her through the pools. He was intriguing to say the least. The fact he was cloaked so heavily in darkness made her naturally curious about his character, though at the same time made her wary. So did the fact he stood taller than she did, a brawny beast whose serious demeanor did not make his presence any more comforting to those exposed to it. Was it his intent to play the mysterious card so well? Did he enjoy appearing dark and foreboding and unsettling those in his path?

Perhaps just briefly her mask faltered, the mixture of curiosity and uncertainty visible within her golden eyes, but as the shadow addressed her yet again, it fell solidly back into place. There was something about his curiously inflected words that struck her, caught her attention, and it took her a brief moment to realize it was interest. Vanity caused her smile to change, to curve a little more noticeably, flattered that someone had finally taken notice of her. She took too much pride in her own appearance to ignore the slight she had been given all this time by going overlooked, and was perhaps a little too ready to accept the attention of this wolf for it.

"No one," she admitted, confidently looking his way with a gentle tilt of her chin. It was mostly for show as he did still unsettle her oddly, but she was reluctant to let him see it. "Though I seem to do fine on my own." His words reminded her of the mate she had once had, the dull, stupid creature who had gotten himself killed in a silly, preventable accident. He, too, had thought her a delicate thing, someone to be sheltered and protected, but he had failed to even protect himself. Truthfully, she missed the feeling, the sense of being precious to someone else, but in good time she hoped to find it again. And though she truly did enjoy the attention of this male, this was all for fun. She still preferred to find someone within her pack, someone who would always be there with her and who she wouldn't have to go searching to find. She was far too possessive and clingy to have things otherwise.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier

Dragomir I


06-23-2013, 05:39 PM

She seemed well put together, like a porcelain doll that had been primped for all of it's existence to look a certain way only to be dropped later by a careless creature. He intended to be that creature. He hated perfect things, loathed anything that was unflawed. He considered himself the ruiner of perfect things, and he liked it that way. Tahlia would be his most recent conquest. The shadow shifted, bringing himself into a sitting position - precariously perched atop a flat rock just inches above the icy water. He cared not that this motion brought his tail into the water, nor did he care that the water splashed up higher on his legs momentarily. Cold was something he was used to, and something he enjoyed.

Silence passed over them, though he didn't mind the chance to hungrily look over her frame without interruption. It was only then that he noticed she seemed to be conforming to his hungered glances. Was that a shift in her minx-like smile? Was that a subtle change in the curvature of her delicate bodice and the way she held herself? He refused to believe that it wasn't. A wry sort of grin sprawled across his lips as she confidently assured him that she had done her wandering of her own accord. "Nothing is as it seems, muiere." (woman) Romanian lyrics flowed much more naturally off of his tongue than those of english. "You seem to think that I am someone worth holding a conversation with. How wrong you are..." Point out her faults, that was step one in his plan - and perhaps the easiest step. His tail curled in the water as an odd tingling sensation shot up and down his spine. The tingling was followed by a burning warmth. Something odd was happening, though his stoic face didn't let on about it just yet.

"Speech" (Translation)



7 Years
06-23-2013, 08:56 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The shadow of a creature moved languidly into a seated position, reclining with a cold confidence that didn't particularly lend her any sort of comfort. Strange and unnatural as the words he had spoken in her tongue had rolled from his lips, his motions lacked any such hesitancy or abnormality, the curving of his legs very fluid and the tall look of him when seated very collected and self-assured. As much as a small, modest part of her shied from his stare, feeling and seeing the way his eyes roamed across her frame with a pointed, purposeful intent, the shiver that it nearly created was not altogether unpleasant. Tahlia took far too much pleasure in finally having someone notice her beauty, to openly admire it even if done so in a far too candid manner as this. She should have discouraged him, should have warned him about ogling her too forwardly, but decided instead to content herself with his stare for a moment longer, just to enjoy the attention.

He grinned when she responded, the expression perhaps accentuating the good looks of someone with a more natural coloration but deepening the sense of danger and mystery that the dark colored male exuded. His answer was no less comforting, causing her to question his meaning and perhaps his intent. Did he mean himself when he spoke of appearances? And in what manner to that? His words did stir her a little, the spark of uncertainty igniting further into a tiny flame of concern. Perhaps this wasn't the sort of attention she desired after all. Still, she tried her best not to let her insecurity show, lowering her head slightly to stare at the stone beneath her paws while she smiled with a tight humor.

Wrong? It wouldn't have been the first time, though she found it strange and even more unsettling for him to speak so of his own company. It was impossible to ignore the growing sense of foreboding she had had about the shadowed wolf, the sense that his darkness somehow reflected his inner being. Trouble. And to the core, she wondered with her gaze still cast downward, using her lowered expression to hopefully hide any outward worry that might have shown itself there. Feeling her mask settled in place again, she raised her head to regard the wolf with a curious yet rather guarded golden stare. "Perhaps it is time I take my leave then," Tahlia answered, issuing a confidence into her voice that she did not entirely feel. Alone and in the company of this larger male, who was slowly making it a point to turn himself into a villain, she knew she was at a disadvantage. With a gentle intake of breath, she rocked herself forward onto her paws to stand, hesitant as her golden eyes remained fixed on the unnamed stranger in anticipation that he might react to her readiness to depart.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier

Dragomir I


06-24-2013, 06:16 PM

It was by small miracle that he came across the only woman who didn't seem to mind his sensual glances. Any other dame would have scolded his wandering eye by now, but she seemed to revel in it - if only slightly. Was she not admired where she came from? Was this why she had strayed? It wasn't as if he particularly cared to know the answer to either of those questions, but he couldn't help but wonder. The tingling warmth in his spine continued to grow and fester, pausing his thoughts of her momentarily. He wanted to know what this sensation was, and why it was occurring. Tail continued to whip through the water slower than he would have liked - but continuous nonetheless. Eyes of darkness went back to roving over her, focusing then on regions that were just out of his line of sight. She looked great, but he felt the sudden urge to know how she smelled, how she tasted. Tongue lashed hungrily over his lips as he felt the warmth surging up his spine and localizing between his shoulder blades. A bad storm was on the horizon - the metaphorical sort that referred to his mood and perhaps the appearance of his alter ego.

He stood instantly, bones creaking and cracking audibly. Her vision was cast downward momentarily until she spoke about taking her leave. It would be then that Rotterdam crashed the party. Swiftly he advanced another yard, closing some of the distance between them. Water dripped off of his haunches as his tail swept through the air and his sadistic voice filled the silence. "Oh no no no no, that simply won't do!" He slithered even closer, hoping to bring the distance between them to an intimate level. Ears twisted back as he chided again. "You must stay here with me, precious. You will be the very first of my new collection." He twisted his head away for a split second, muttering under his breath. "Where is that damn Maija when she could actually be useful?" He spat out her name with displeasure before turning his haunting gaze back to Tahlia. Oh how amusing her reaction would be.

"Speech" (Translation)



7 Years
06-24-2013, 08:37 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Noisily the shadow rose in mimicry of her when she made a move to leave, and it only made her hesitate further. Was it a move to prevent her departure? Was it to follow her wherever she went when she left? Did he merely intent to leave as well since the company along the beach would no longer be present? With the way his words had gone so far, she was more inclined to believe either of the first. The benefit of the doubt she might have been inclined to give him was gone now, now that he had hinted that his company be less than pleasant for her, though his intent was not entirely lost. She had seen, even felt, his eyes scan over her, could tell by their dark attention that he at least saw something of interest about her. But she was not interested in any flings. She wanted so much more than that, and from what she could gather it was not likely to be found here.

The change in his personality was lost to her, having known him so little, but the forwardness that came over him was not. Minutely did her ears turn as he stalked forward, bringing himself much closer than he had been sitting just a moment before. Any pretense of friendliness vanished from her face, her smile smoothing into a discouraging line, as her golden eyes shifted about his face, attempting to read anything about him there that she could. He seemed, however, quite skilled at keeping his next intent under wraps, but any little clue would have been helpful a this close proximity. She didn't bother trying to distance herself from him when he stopped so near, sure that he would only follow, but did lean away from him, clearly attempting to indicate that the closeness was not wanted.

He made it clear that he wished her to stay, going on about some collection that he intended to add her to. Collection? If she was not attempting to keep herself as civil as she could considering the circumstances, Tahlia would have scoffed. The russet and black wolf knew her worth, knew what she had to offer to any potential suitor who took a fancy in her. She was much more than a small part to a whole. She was whole all by herself, not needing of someone to stand beside her to make her appear complete. She ignored his turn of his head and mumbled words under his breath, and instead answered over him. "I am worth far more than to become a mere piece to a set," she answered dryly, somewhat tensely, expressing her dislike and offense. "You are sadly mistaken if you think otherwise." Still with her golden eyes fixed upon him, Tahlia wondered what it might take to suddenly turn his attention, that had felt so harmless to begin with, away from her.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier

Dragomir I


06-27-2013, 08:28 PM

He was chuckling, though he wasn't certain if he was doing it out loud or if it was simply resounding in his mind. It didn't much matter to him, all that mattered was her. He could see her now, following after him like a good little girl, tending to his every whim and doing just as he asked. She would hunt with Maija, and - unlike his despicable companion - would fulfill certain carnal desires that Maija always seemed to narrowly avoid. The woman, much like the golden woman that plagued him night and day, chided that she was worth more than being a piece in a set. "Oh of course precious, you will be much more - you will be the first in my set." Every word rang out sinister in nature, with a haunting tone that lingered long after his jaws closed. Deep, ragged breaths were drawn in through flared nostrils as she told him he was mistaken. "First rule of being in my collection: I am never wrong."

He clicked his jaws shut testily, showing her he had no mercy for those who broke his rules. Of course, it all made sense in his mind, though she would likely only see it as a scare tactic and nothing more. His tail danced and coiled behind him like a serpent. "The real question is.." he paused, taking in those same deep, ragged breaths through agape jaws. "are you going to come willingly or am I going to have to take you by force?" His deep accent was more noticeable when Rotterdam was present, though his words were very much distinguishable if one paid enough attention.

Even now he was preparing himself for a battle. Most women he took into his harem did not come without a fight, and he had a feeling she would be the same. Twisting his body into a defensive position he laid his ears against his skull and furled his tail out for balance. His head lowered to a position parallel to his spine whilst his lips curled up into a silent snarl. This would be fun fight or no fight. He hoped for time's sake that there would be no fight, though beating this girl up would be exciting enough on its own.

"Speech" (Translation)



7 Years
07-01-2013, 08:54 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The longer she stayed in the large, dark wolf's presence the more she felt inclined to abandon her precious etiquette and propriety. It was becoming increasingly obvious he had no sense of it, slinking close and verbalizing a future that she had no intention of being a part of, a future determined solely by him. And who exactly does he think he is to speak so! It was only then that she realized she had no name to call him by, nothing but a mysterious description to identify him. An oppressive shadow of a wolf who thought so highly of his worth that he would declare strangers his. "There is a first for everything," she answered him challengingly, a low growl of warning beginning to build in her throat. A first even for her to completely lose her temper.

He clicked his jaws, eliciting a flinch from the on-edge wolf before she realized what she had done, and very minutely her growl rose in volume. Oh, he did think himself so invincible, did he? That she would succumb to his whims without a thought and follow him like some lost puppy, merely there to do his bidding and satisfy his needs? How much easier this would have been if she was anything like her sister! Brynn had been a beauty, but a brawny, strong beauty, the type that inspired stories of heroism not rescue. She wasn't afraid to scuffle with the boys, while Tahlia had sat those sessions out, preferring to protect her looks to learning defense. And as it crossed her mind then, the scars she might receive because she defended herself, she wondered if it would even be worth it. She was already tarnished goods once for having been married; could she live knowing her good looks, that she had tried so hard to preserve, were officially gone too?

Mimicking his movements, the full figured wolf lowered her head to better protect her throat, squaring her stance as came naturally though she still warred with herself about fighting. It was a dangerous endeavor, whether she worried about her looks or not, and the prospect of losing was not one that suited her. "Such confidence," she mocked, her tone goading as she attempted to distract and threaten him as best as she could think to. "Would you be so confident standing up alone against the might of the Seracia? They would never let you take me." Not exactly a lie - though she doubted they would allow one of their own to be kidnapped against their will - but without them knowing her current whereabouts, or even that she was in danger, the threat was practically empty. Tahlia only hoped that she might make it convincing enough to make him back off or at least think twice about singling her out as his target.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier

Dragomir I


07-02-2013, 12:51 PM

His body was hot, on fire, burning with a cocktail of pain, lust, desire, and rage. The rage had always been there, as had the pain, but the lust and desire was something she had brought out in him. Granted, it wasn't easy to arouse his lust and desire, but she had done it without even trying. This is why he wanted her so badly, and this is why he had to have her. And have her he would. His insides twisted and writhed, begging for her touch, her warmth. He wanted her here and now. Her growl resulted in a chuckle that dripped from his jaws like saliva. He smirked, did she really think herself threatening? Her little growl was nothing more than a pup could manage, a helpless pup. It was pitiful, really - but it would make taking her for his own all the more entertaining. If she put up a fight he could vanquish her with ease, and the joy of defeat would ring in his ears.

He watched with amusement as she twisted into a position not unlike his own, mirroring his stance and seemingly preparing for battle. So, she did intend to fight. How quaint. She went on talking about something called Seracia. He imagined it was her pack. So they would fight in her stead, would they? "Tell me darling, does this pack of yours know where you are at this very second? The most information they'd get is your corpse - and that's only if you misbehave. Darling, that's a horrible scare tactic. They couldn't hope of finding your kidnapper because quite frankly - you don't even know who the monster is." Ah yes, that was the genius of his plan. Even if she got away from him she wouldn't have a name to drop to her precious Seracia.

It would be then that his features began to twitch, not in a manner that was inherently obvious - but was certainly noticeable in these close quarters. He backed an inch or two, recoiling into his own mind as he felt his body cool and the fire within him distinguish. He gave a groan, followed by an incessant cry of anguish. Recoiling back another step his breathing became ragged and quick. A snarl ripped from his throat as the dominant ego took the reigns. Dragomir was back. He writhed, unable to remember what had just happened. Eyes of coal snapped open and he noted the woman in a defensive state of being. What had Rotterdam done? "Go." He choked out the word, sputtering on his ragged breaths. "Go now." Immediately he would pivot so his side was facing her, hoping she would have the good sense to run like hell.

"Speech" (Translation)



7 Years
07-02-2013, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2013, 02:29 PM by Tahlia.)
Walk | Talk | Think

Mentally, Tahlia cursed. Had her front been so feeble that he would see through it so clearly and so quickly? She thought she had done well in feigning protection from her pack, that they might be capable of defending her even at a distance, but he called her bluff and proceeded to point out the flaws in her plan that she had so haphazardly thrown together. And on each account he was right. The pack hadn't a clue where she was. It hadn't crossed her mind to warn them of where she was headed, danger having not been on her mind at the time. Nor did she know anything about her potential attacker either. No name, no place of residence. It was only by chance - horrible, unjust chance - that she had even ended up here with him. What luck I must have. One husband dies on me, and now this improper suitor wishes to demean my value.

A muscle in the wolf's face jumped, catching Tahlia's attention though at first she only mistook it for a reaction to his anticipation for a fight. Being unfamiliar with fighting as she was, she didn't know what was normal or what to expect, but as it continued, and as the reactions become more pronounced, more identifiably unstable, she took a hesitant step back and then another, confused as to what was happening. Was this his own sort of method for fighting? But eventually he seemed to come back around, and with a bit of struggling he spoke a warning, a command. Go? What was this? He had changed his mind? Confusion rattled her brain as she stared at him, her golden eyes full of indecision and puzzlement. With effort, he turned from her, ordering her once again to go.

This time there was no hesitation. She was in the presence of someone not mentally stable, someone who intended to do her harm, and she was being given a chance to escape. She needed to take it. The russet and black wolf took another retreating step and cautiously turned, keeping her eyes upon him until she finally took a step away and picked up her gait into a run, hurrying away from the danger and company she had kept there on the shoreline.

-Exit Tahlia unless stopped-

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier