
New Islands



06-17-2013, 12:48 PM
So, guys, Trynx has made some islands that will be going right off the coast of Alacritis. These islands will all be within' swimming distance, in eye sight when one is on the coasts, and some will have the tiniest sliver of land connecting them. Now, this is where you all come in, you get to design these islands and the places on them! So, feel free to go crazy! Packs will be able to be created here!

Name of Island:
Description: 4-5 sentences

10 gems per used island.

Sixx I


06-19-2013, 10:03 PM
Name of Island: black island
Description: ?black island is know for its difficulty to reach, its set rather close to the shore but the undercurrents require very strong swimmers to get to shore. If pulled under by under currents, victems may face sharp rocks and ?many varieties of dangerous sea life. Black Island gets its name from its constantly bad weather. The weather is so bad the sky is permenately black with storm clouds looming over the small island. The plant life on land is very exotic due to accsess moisture but so are the animal life. Many poisonous insects and snakes reside here but many can be used for healer's remidies along with the strange exotic plants.

Name of Island: emerald island
Description: ? Emeralf island dosnt have much plant life on it exept for small shrubs and grasses, makibg it very barren. There are afew large trees ?speraticaly spead out over the area. Emerald Island gets it's name from the sand that is stained green due to the amount of copper sulfate that is deposited in the sand.

Name of Island: ?Nephilum Island
Description: a freaky old ledgend surrounds this Island makeing it one of the creepiest places at night. The ledgend says that two wolves once ruled over this large Island. Both were brothers and identical at that. But aoon both brothers became greedy and wanted complete controll over the land. They both fought but neither could seem to win. Both walked away wounded and bloody. They just kept walking and babbling to themselves. Both eventualy became insane and kept saying "ill be alright... Everything will be okay. I'll make it through." soon both wolves ran out of land to walk on and they walked right into the ocean and drowned. Ledgend has it that at night any wolf who sticks around can still hear"it'll be alright." ?the Island is very large and take more than a day to travel from one edge to the other. The beach is full of white sugar sand and is littered with boulders. As one travels inland trees begin to overtake the geograohy into a tropical paradice. Its usualy hot and humid around these parts and many variations of wild pigs and dwarfed deer can be found here. Strange rare plants can be found only here. millions of years of isolation made each plant and animal unique.


06-19-2013, 10:44 PM
Mi Amor de los Lobos {My love of wolves [in Spanish!!] ♥}

Discovered long ago, by a group of Spanish Conquistadors, this island is littered with golden wolf statues and artifacts. It was abandoned long ago though, and hasn't seen humans since it's missing Spanish tenants. This island was also never discovered by any of the humans that lived in the old barn on Alacritis, since the journey is a treacherous swim though large waves and piles of sharp stones. A flimsy human boat would never survive. Although if you study the pathway to the island enough you will realize that all of the sharp stones that dot the sea are within jumping distance of each other. You might get a few scratches along the way, but the journey is worth it.

Mi Amor is a nice, tropical island to the East of Alacritis. If you ever journey their from the main island you will realize that it's a very easy island to navigate. If you take the journey by swimming or hopping from rock to rock you will reach a sandy beach first. The sand is usually cool, due to the shade of large mountains to the east, but on a hot day you'll want to keep your paws off of it. If you make your way to the Eastern side of the island you will find yourself drawing nearer to the tall, daunting mountain range. And if you sneak a quick peek at the top of the highest mountain you will spot El guardi?n del dormir, or the Guardian of Sleep. Shaped like a sleeping wolf, this huge brute is constantly keeping an eye on the island and the wolves on it. Legend says that he keeps away the nightmares, helps the nervous wolves fall asleep faster, and keeps everyone safe while they sleep. Even though that's only an ancient legend, I do believe the wolf of stone helps keep everyone minds at ease. When you reach the base of the guardian's tall home you will realize that even the strongest of wolves cannot reach him from this place on the eastern shore. The mountain below him is a sheer cliff, dotted with ragged stones and dead trees. If you do wish to visit El guardi?n del dormir, you must follow the mountain range to the northwestern side of the island. As you go the mountains will shrink in size and climbable ones will become visible. When you reach the northwest coast a well-worn pathway will take you up and into the mountains. But I'm warning you, even though the home of the snoozing wolf is a great vantage point, the journey is even more dangerous than the one through the sea.

At the heart of the island there is a large, golden-coated temple, built by the long-gone Conquistadors. The huge monument is covered in wonderful, detailed, and very beautiful wolf statues. If you venture inside, through the large, grand doors, you will find yourself in a golden room. At the very back there's a shining throne, fit for the liking of a lovable pack alpha. There is more wonderful things in this temple, but the only other thing I will tell you about is the stairs leading into the darkness. Behind a cascade of what must once have been very lovely curtains lies a mysterious stairway. Nobody knows where it leads or what it leads to, for no wolf I know has ever had the guts to follow them and be swallowed by the darkness that shadows most of the stairway from view. That is all I will tell you about the temple.

Covering the island is a lush forest of tropical plants and trees. As you go south the forest gets thicker and turns into a very populated rain forest. The rain forest is filled with snakes, frogs, sloths, and many more tropical animals. There is even rumor of big cats prowling around at night. Also the island offers a wide array of fruits for the not so meat-crazed wolves.

From above the island resembles the shape of a lopsided heart. With the bottom point pointing towards the west and Alacritis. Near the point on the island where the two curves of the heart meet is where El guardi?n del dormir rests. And as I said before, the temple is at the very heart of this wolf heart. Those three landmarks will keep you knowing where you are, and I promise getting lost isn't a very easy thing to do. I sure hope you enjoy visiting Mi Amor de los Lobos, and have fun exploring!

{Whew typing that detailed beast took awhile, but I think I'm satisfied with my long description. Ha, so much for 4-5 sentences! What do you guys think???}


06-20-2013, 12:24 AM
(I have two idea's just incase the first doesn't work out, since my first idea is a cluster of three islands)

Island: Inu islands (inu means dog in japanese)

The Inu islands are a cluster of three islands just off the coast of Ala. Inu dubbing the largest of the three island that get smaller as you go shows signs of strange growth. The island is made up of thick jungle terrain, from the edges of the beaches towards the large mountain in the middle. The jungle is home to many birds and other creatures that would be prime prey for wolves of all types. Though there are plenty of secret caves and caverns scattered across Inu island, including that of a small cove near the mountain where inside lives a colony of bats.

Rekaru island the middle island east of Inu and only a jump away is filled with strange rejected creatures like that of the Galapagos. The medium sized island as a large ditch in it in which many wolves have fallen in and died. It has a few scattered tree's and the ditch is a large crate taking up most of the island. There are many lizards on the island along with a small grove near the beach on the far west end of the island.

Dove island is the smallest island and is a small forest in which is the white birds favorite place to roost. Dove's are everywhere on the island and it can be helpful as a main hunting ground. There is not stop to these supply of birds.

Island name: Aliias Island

A island connected to ala by a small sliver land, large in size with various mountain terrain and tall tree's covering everywhere. Located near the north, the tall peaks harbor many snowy forest animals. Common mountain goats make their homes in the tallest mountains. A large lake sits in the middle of the island. The various forests are of tall pine tree's, and temperature can change dramatically. On one end of the island are a cluster of abandoned broken down cabins, people long since left them for an unknown reason.

Knight Cloud

06-20-2013, 12:53 AM
Name:Outset Island:
A small island on the southwest coast of Alacritis' mainland that used to be inhabited by humans many years ago, thus the existence of the bridges and rope bridge. consists of two parts.
- The smaller island part mostly consists of a small beach part, and rises up into grassy slopes where lie some palm trees, bushes, and other plant life. On the southern part of the island, there is a long slope that goes around the island in a semi-circle fashion till it ends at the very top where lies a rope bridge that can be used to get to the other side of the top of the bigger island. The top of the smaller West side island consists of patchy grass areas, boulders, and small springs.
-Larger part of Outset Island: The Eastern side of Outset is where all the activity happens. This is where pack meetings are held, events, most dens, and anything else that happens in a pack. Prey is abundant in the forest that grows on the very top of the island. The only problem? They have to get to the forest via the rope bridge on the smaller island, since that is the only way to gain access. There is a bridge that connects the two islands, as well as a couple others that go out towards the water for a view of the mainland. There is also an existence of 3 rock formation jutting out near the main bridge where wolves can jump to for some alone time. Careful though, or you may end up falling into the water and having to swim back.

Here's what the island looks like: (Yes, it's Outset from Zelda lol)
Outset Island Top View


06-20-2013, 04:34 AM
Ibon Isle
Vivacious jade and olive meet faultlessly with sapphire waters, plentiful vegetation reach out over the sand-covered shores of the isle; bustling with activity as small birds flutter pleasurably within the canopies. Serenity is plentiful here, the melodious chimes of avarians the only audible disturbance. The island is well large enough to be inhabited by wolves, the fluctuating of tropical forest and grassy clearings inviting to most. Though one must learn to hunt their winged friends, as no other species thrive here; most mammals avoiding the short swim over reef from the main land.


06-20-2013, 07:40 AM
name; ardens gl?cies (or burning ice)

an inverted volcanic island, ringed with two types of terrain. the once monstrous volcano has since sunken in on itself, creating a natural bowl with which mother nature fills herself every spring and summer during the rains. first surrounding the steamy pot of safely drinkable rainwater lake is an arctic forest beginning its early stages of life - yearling spruces dark as charcoal against the contrasting ivory of the northern hemisphere. the ring is about three miles wide, the lake with a radius of two. the second, though more like a ringlet (it's only half of a mile wide), brings sprouting grasses and signs of life to a halt. ice slicks over ebony rocks, those near the burningly freezing sea smoothed over while those shielded from the unforgiving waves are more jutted, sharp, and dangerous. a frozen sea connects island and mainland by winter, though some are inclined to rough the bone-chilling waters during other seasons.



8 Years
06-20-2013, 11:53 AM
Name of Island: Silver Isle
Description: A midsized island set in the vague shape of a crescent moon, Silver Isle is named for it's shores of pale sand that appear silver under moonlight. The ecosystem as rich, prey animals fat and healthy due to the difficulty most wolves have in getting to the Island. Set a quarter mile from the southern shore, the outward curve of the crescent faces out to sea while the inside curve houses a protected cove. Flora is mostly tropical, with many sweet fruits that a wolf could find enjoyable. There is enough room on this island to support a small pack, perhaps ten to twenty wolves.



6 Years
06-20-2013, 11:45 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 10:51 AM by Alamea.)
Umbra island (Shadow island)- This island is made entirely of a long dead volcano, it?s last eruption covered the entire island in lava so no new vegetation has managed to take root there in years. Any remaining greenery is charred or blacked from smoke that doesn?t seem to want to wash away. The shore is littered with obsidian making navigation of the base of the island a battle. In contrast with the practically dead island, the immediate waters are very plentiful as many minerals can be found below the water?s surface; this makes the island perfect for fishing. But you know what they say, no volcano is truly dead.

Soleil brillaient island (Sun shine island)- To call this an island would be seem a stretch. One does not need to swim to the island as it is attached to the mainland by a sand bar. The island features a few palm trees in the center of the island. At low tide the entirety of the island is above ground, but with a high only the center of the island remains above surface. The island is mostly sand, though the center portion does seem to be solid earth.


06-22-2013, 10:26 PM
Name of Island:

Remorse Haven (or Sanctuary Which ever you like best ;3)


Remorse Haven is a small island that couldn't even fit a pack of wolves. The only way it is connected to the land of Alacritis is through a sand bar, very thin and quickly drops into deep water. The sand bar is completely covered by water, soaking paws to whoever decides to venture too the island. On the Island is only 3 palm trees set right in the middle. Everything else on the island is Sand. But surprisingly, the tide comes up more beautiful than any place on Alacritis. And the sun sets with more colors, making a great place for Lovers and those who seek to win someone's heart.


06-23-2013, 08:38 PM
Daagur Island

Vegetation has taken over a once-resort, ruins scattered about and trees growing out of the more lasting, and yet crumbling rapidly as time goes by, stone buildings located within the dense forest. Small trinkets from the former civilization can be found, but usually they are eccentric and unidentifiable. It is clear that the tides have taken over what was once a great island, and if one swims off shore enough one may come across sea-taken wreckage.

A wolf may find themselves easily caught in an intricate maze of branches and roots, or perhaps in large holes. If a wolf is not aware of this island, such wolf may find themselves trapped and in the hands of the forces that lurk on Daagur. The natives, however, loner or pack, often take advantage of this to hunt...or to deal with "tourists".


07-02-2013, 02:59 PM
Name of Island: Fire Island

Fire island is part of a cluster of three islands just a few miles away from Fontamo Bay, in swimming distance. Fire Island is the largest island of these three, but not the hottest. There is a large bountain in the middle, and little rocks that are difficult to get around. There is a mall forest with fruits and small animals. In fact, there are not enough to feed a large pack of wolves.

Well, that's what the other wolves think, but the wolves on this island know that there are hidden caves in the mountain. This hides much more prey than anyone would think it would. There is a so called bottomless pit, but the pack wolves have went down and found many caves. This makes for good homes.