
Kaleidoscope Eyes

Valor I


8 Years

10-16-2016, 11:22 PM

It was still strange to the boy, being able to go outside the den, even now as he exited it. His ears would flatten and he'd glance around to make sure no one was going to yell at him. Of course he wasn't doing anything he wasn't supposed to, but crossing the invisible barrier still felt like a foreign concept. It was thrilling in a way and his eyes held nothing but wonder as he stared at the outside world. Everything was so fascinating and he wasn't quite sure what to focus on first. The world was so much larger than he initially realized and he wanted to explore it all.

It felt odd to be leaving the den alone, but he wanted to get out and seeing something new before his other siblings did it. There was a sort of playful competition that he felt. It was possibly not even something that existed, but in his mind it did. He wanted to at least try to be better than the rest of them. Even if he couldn't accomplish it, it was a nice goal in his mind already. With so many siblings he felt like there was a lot to prove.

He wasn't sure where he was going exactly. There was a chilly wind that ruffled his fur and he shuddered slightly. While it held promises of growing thicker, his fur was still rather sparse in the puppy-kind of way. He wasn't put off from his goal though. He was going to explore no matter the cost and he was going to be the first to discover something wonderful to make his parents proud.

In the end his feet brought him to something glittering and crystalline blue. Tiny waves pulsated as the wind rippled over top of the surface and he watched it curiously. Padding over to the lake (not that he knew the name of it) he paused at the edge. Bold curiosity got the better of him before he leaned down and yapped at it. When it didn't move away from him like he halfway expected it to he reached out with a paw and batted at it before withdrawing it with surprise. It was wet! Wet and cold! He reached out again with a soggy paw and it was the same as before. He growled now, which wasn't overly impressive, and yet it didn't seem phased in the slightest. What was this strange liquid-y substance?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]


10-16-2016, 11:32 PM

Fable Ancora

He had hardly been back to the den since they were allowed to leave it. There were so many things he wanted to hunt and collect, and he wanted to do it all in one day! He knew that it was silly to shove so much into the daylight hours, especially since the sun was going down faster than it had been before. But that didn't stop the determined boy. He had been stalking a bunny when he got closer to the lake. He wrinkled his nose at it, he already knew that it was a wet and cold thing, and not so nice. He had made the mistake of jumping after a frog, landing face first into the shiny wet stuff. As he made a move to go back towards his rabbit friend, he saw the white and black form of his brother. Right away Fable's ears perked on the top of his head, his gray and white tail wagging behind him. Oh look, Valor was at the wet cold thing! He snuck up closer, being as quiet as his big paws would allow. He could hear his brother growling, and he bet that he discovered that it was wet and cold too. Oh, they should explore it together! That would be fun! Giving up on being sneaky, he charged headlong for the green marked boy. Skidding to a halt, he actually stopped before his tripped over his too-big paws. HA! He was getting better at this!

Turning towards his litter mate, still behind him, he let out a loud puppy bark. Fable was many things, but subtle wasn't one of them. "Valor be carefuls! The big wet and cwold fing if gonna eats you!" he called, even though he was only a foot or so behind him. Quiet was another thing that Fable was not. The big pup loomed up behind Valor, bouncing behind his smaller brother. Would he fall into the big wet and cold thing? Or maybe they could hunt frogs! There were so many things that they could do!!


Valor I


8 Years

10-17-2016, 06:39 PM

Valor jumped at the sound of someone else. He'd been so focused on the strange sight before him that he hadn't heard Fable's approach as the larger boy skidded to a halt behind him. Despite Fable's less than subtle approach, Valor was rather sheepish about being crept up on so easily. So with a rather ungraceful squeak he stumbled into the lake. His surprise had gotten the better of him and it only took one wrong step for him to land in it.

He hadn't heard Fable's warning. His head dunked under for a split second before he came up sputtering and shivering. Lake grass covered the top of his head and an irritated look flashed across his face before he broke out in a laugh and looked up at his gray coated sibling with a grin. Despite the fact it was cold, wet, and foreign, he found it amusing nonetheless.

"Heya Fable!" He grinned, unable to hold any malice for him scaring him into the lake. "you can join me!" He said with a mischievous chuckle before he leaped up and and tried to grab Fable by his foot to try and drag him in.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]


11-19-2016, 02:41 AM

Fable Ancora

He watched his smaller brother fall into the lake with a squeak, making Fable leap back to stay away from the water hitting him. He blinked in surprise, watching with an increasing heartbeat as his brothers pale head broke the surface. He looked mad, but then he was laughing. The gray pup joined in, flopping down to his rump as his head tipped back in a gleeful laugh. There was stuff all over his head! He looked silly with that stuff just resting on his head. Valor looked even sillier wet too! His fur clung to his chubby puppy cheeks, making the boy raise a paw to point at his sibling. "You swould see youwself!" he barked, nearly falling on his side as the laughing fit took over his form. But he smartened up when Valor reached out and grabbed at his paw, squealing as his wet paws brushed across his. He told him to join him, but there was no way! Dancing backwards, he stuck the tip of his tongue out at the green marked pup. "Neva!" he woofed, turning and taking off in a run. If Valor wanted him to get all wet and cold, he was going to have to catch him!


Valor I


8 Years

12-02-2016, 07:31 PM

Fable laughed at him and he laughed with him. He really did wish he could see himself. What would Da' say when he saw him all dirty, wet, and cold?! He grinned at the thought and shook some water droplets off of his head. They laughed so hard that Fable nearly flopped over which only made Valor laugh even harder. His sibling was always falling down! He was almost nearly certain that he'd managed to pull Fable in the lake until Fable's body tore away from his own. Drat! He stuck his own tongue back out at his gray sibling. He was gonna catch him and make him all wet! he scrambled out of the lake the best he could, still dripping wet, and took off after Fable. The downside was Fable was bigger than him and he had some extra weight since he was wet. He was determined though! He tried his best to catch up and, once he thought he was in reach, he attempted to fling himself fully on his brother with all four paws leaving the ground.

"I'm gwonna get you!" He giggled.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]