
Fire Bringer



4 Years
10-11-2016, 01:40 PM

She was so bored. Ugh. She complained inwardly. She was sprawled out on the ground staring at the clouds as they blew slowly past her in the sky. She had hoped that, in time, she'd find something to do but today had been a bust. Even with the amount of other kids her age she couldn't seem to find anyone to play with. She'd hoped to have some fun with Enlil, but he seemed to be a crybaby. He'd gotten upset over the butterfly she'd accidentally killed and after that... well she wasn't sure she wanted to find him to play with her again so soon.

She thought about finding Okami. She was the only one larger than herself, but something about her seemed off too, but she couldn't quite figure it out yet. She had no earthly idea where she or Charm were anyways so that was a no go. A sigh flitted past her mouth as she rolled over on her stomach and didn't bother to shake the dirt from her pelt. Being clean was overrated.

Having nothing better to do she padded around until she found herself at the edge of Ivalice territory. She knew they weren't allowed to go past it without an adult which bothered her immensely. She felt like she'd already explored everything top to bottom and overall she wasn't impressed. Did everything here have to be so dull?

Now outside Ivalice - that's where she wanted to be. She sat at the border and shifted on her paws anxiously. The thought of crossing the invisible barrier was tempting, but did she really want to face the wrath of her mother? It was a battle between the puppy curiosity and the more obedient side of her nature. Unsure of what to do she flattened her ears to her skull and contemplated the choices laid before her.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



2 Years
10-11-2016, 07:41 PM

This was the pack that she had scented her brother going into last season, and it was the only lead that she had. Sheepishly she stared at the invisible line that made up the borders, afraid to go any closer. She didn't want to be accused of trespassing, and she certainly did not want to meet the wrong type of wolf. If she got attacked... well she was just freshly one, pretty thin for a girl of her age. Hunting had been hard in the last season and Autumn brought no relief to that. She had to learn to hunt for herself, smaller prey was the only thing that the young girl could down for herself. Her lack of eating was not only evident through her size but in her lackluster coat. Her pretty gray and red coat was dull and thin, not good for the approaching winter. She needed to find her way back home soon or she would rot away to nothing.

Finally she gathered the courage to inspect the borders for her brother's scent, sniffing along the sharply scented markers. She was disappointed when she didn't pick up his scent right away, but it was to be expected. A sigh left her lips, and she lifted up her head to see if she could spot his fiery coat. Instead she saw a very large girl, taller than herself, sitting at the borders looking out. Hesitating, Ashe was unsure of what she wanted to do. But maybe she had seen Pheonix? He was pretty hard to miss... Sucking in a deep breath through her nose, she slowly made her way over to the other young woman. Ashelynn made sure not to cross the pack lines, respectful of them as she made her way to the brown marked girl. As she got closer, the red marked wolf cleared her throat as if to not startle her. "Hello, could I ask question?" she called, her broken English sounding overly loud to her ears. Dammit. She was all nervous and flustered, she had no idea how this girl would react to her being so close to her pack. She kept her head down and her ears back, the tip of her tail swaying between her legs in a submissive manner. She didn't want to cause any trouble, she just wanted to find her brother and go home to their family.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
10-17-2016, 07:41 PM

Honestly Afrit hadn't really been expecting company. As grand as a new face seemed, she'd mostly just expected for no one to come. She'd just stalk back on home dejectedly and try and find something else to fill her time with. They had yet to be assigned mentors, or at least she had yet to, and with a lack of things to actually be doing she found her life rather dull and listless. As fun as terrorizing the various bugs and small animals had been it wasn't the same as actually being able to play with a wolf. She didn't want a repeat of what happened with Enlil so she'd purposefully avoided the butterflies and she wasn't sure if she wanted to find any of the other pups or not. What if they were joy killers too?

Her hope came in the form of a very small wolf barely older than her. She blinked in surprise at the size difference despite the age gap. Very quickly her demeanor changed from surprised to a welcoming grin as she eyed the stranger. She was pretty thin and she was sure she wasn't a part of Ivalice judging by her smell. That and she was certain she would have recognized a coat like hers among the pack a while ago even though she'd spent a lot of time being sick.

She remained seated as the wolf approached and she missed the nervousness the other girl portrayed. Instead her brown rimmed ears flicked forward curiously as the girl asked if she could ask her a question. She looked around momentarily half expecting to see an adult behind her that the other girl was addressing, but she saw no one. So she looked back towards the girl and gave her a sly grin.

"You technically already asked one." She teased lightly, her tail waving. "But sure, I'll try to have an answer!" She wasn't sure how much help she'd be with answering questions, but she sure as hell would try.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]